LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #33

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Is this WB bridge the closest route to a dark location near a swamp? You would think that all the adrenaline would have built up and he would have driven to the first place he thought he could attack her without being noticed.
Its close and widespread local knowledge that it is remote, dark area with little people traffic
no. i could be wrong. i thought it was at his house, but maybe the report said hers?? that would be reallllly dumb if he left it at hers. pretty dumb that he didn't throw it away or set that on fire since he's such a pyro.

It says:
Also, during the search of the victims residence, a wash cloth with a sticky substance was found in the bathroom. The substance is suspected of possibly being semen. This cloth will be sent to Acadian Crime Lab for testing and possible comparison to samples from the suspect.

Her house. Weird that he made her rinse out her mouth and gargle and all, but left it there. Maybe he meant to take it but forgot it.
The 1st crime we know he committed seems so out there, basically not a rush job, stalked, planned etc and that makes me think that wasnt truly his 1st time doing a crime of this nature
Tried to copy and paste from the report but it shows up like this: Also, during tlo r!.fth ofrhc vicrims rcaid$€.. r w$h ctorh wirh s,ricky $b!t!nc. w.3 foid ir rne
bathrcom Tfic $bsunc! i3 !d{'ercd of po3sibtyb cing 3.nic.r. Thi! ctorh vjl bc s.nt (o th! Acrdh CrioE
Ltb tor resting and ,b!ibl. conp&ison ro $mptes tom thc srpc.r.

It says:
Also, during the search of the victims residence, a wash cloth with a sticky substance was found in the bathroom. The substance is suspected of possibly being semen. This cloth will be sent to Acadian Crime Lab for testing and possible comparison to samples from the suspect.
OK lindsayw you did it! You made me laugh:lol:
Thanks I needed that!!
Question about ONSTAR and GPS... if it was activated wouldn't the device assist in locating a stolen vehicle? It seems to me like after reporting it stolen it would be located rather quickly???
The last vehicle I bought was in 2003 and it didn't have ONSTAR, so I really don't know!

Reporting the truck being "stolen" phoning a friend to take him from his location in TX to where ever he had to report and heading out to the rig the next day, I could see BL doing that... then just catching a ride home with someone from the area when he returned two weeks later.

No paper trail...

Makes more sense than returning to LA THEN trying to rent a car or get a ride BACK?
Maybe he didn't report in TX? I am confused! :waitasec:

I know I read in a link somewhere that LE recovered the GPS device from the burned truck. I thought this to mean the little GPS device a lot of newer cars have that track speed, mileage, maybe routes of travel. These days those little devices are almost like the black box on an airplane!
I know I read in a link somewhere that LE recovered the GPS device from the burned truck. I thought this to mean the little GPS device a lot of newer cars have that track speed, mileage, maybe routes of travel. These days those little devices are almost like the black box on an airplane!

Depending on the nature of the fire and the amount of heat, I would think the portable GPS would basically melt to nothing. The built in GPS unit are located behind the dash models(the GPS brain) the antenna is on rood usually. This is why I presumed it was the built in type vs portable
From reading on one of these threads a couple of weeks and 10-20 threads ago, this was not a person Abdella had in his sights.

Guess I missed that, I did notice ACI said BSL was not one of the suspects he mentioned last month, but was on his list of RSO to look into.
I just never got over the stolen pressure washer, woodcutting tool, and insides of the yukon at the hardware store that was set on fire. Maybe he tried to clean his truck but then decided to ditch it.

I don't think so because I believe this fire happened after he burned his truck in Texas.
I'm impressed with the Sex Offender classification on the Driver License. I've never heard of that before. If what we are hearing is true (the person at the car dealership called LE), this has turned out to be valuable.

Hi everyone, I'm just now able to get back on here, and am trying (albeit unsuccessfully, I'm afraid!) to catch up on posts.

I heard the press conference today, and it was about what I expected.

My friend at the car dealership told police that this "strange person" who came in had said his white Chevy Silverado truck had been stolen. He also gave her a copy of his DL on which he had tried (either by whiting-out or other similar means) to hide the fact that he was an RSO. She told me today that she was also alarmed by the fact (and she also told this to police) that he had "injuries" (she said they looked like scratches and/or cuts) to his arms and hands. She also had the presence of mind to photocopy his DL before he left the dealership (abruptly, she said) so that she could give police all the information on it. A detective called her yesterday and said that they had been building a case against this guy (who turned out to be BL), and that the day after receiving her tip, they began tailing him. As I mentioned yesterday, her initial call to police was around 4 weeks ago, maybe plus or minus a few days.

I got the impression from the press conference that BL had visited other dealerships after going to this one. I really don't feel that it would be right for me to tell which dealership my friend works for, in order to protect her privacy.

But I do believe her tip was very valuable in bringing the case to where it is today.

With LE looking at this guy intensively for at least 4 weeks, I'm of the opinion that they must have some really solid concrete evidence that they are not ready to disclose to the public, for believing that Mickey was murdered. I feel horrible even writing that, but I just don't think that LE, after building a case against BL for at least four weeks, would "jump the gun", or prematurely, or whatever, arrest him for 1st degree murder, unless they were nearly 100% sure that they could prove it, or knew almost beyond a doubt that they would be 100% able to prove it when the time came to formally do so.

Again that's just my take on things.
I think when a predator is on the hunt, his "instincts" take over and he forgets all about things like cameras, GPS, cell pings, etc...until he is in the clean-up phase and by then, he can only get rid of so much. So far, he has only managed to keep Mickey hidden...everything else he tried to dispose of has been found and linked back to him.

He may have pulled off someplace soon after abducting her, and attacked and killed her, and then decided that WB was the best place to leave both her and the bike...I really can't see going there just to leave the bike. I doubt she was ever at his house. I think he probably did take that other route back to his house (the one the new poster mentioned, 17 miles of dark road from WB) and by then, had disposed of Mickie and the bike. All before dawn on the 19th. I do not believe he would have driven to TX with her body in his vehicle or left her on his land.

Mickie is most likely in the water, IMO. He may have weighed down her body. I am really counting on LE to be able to prove that he assaulted her in his vehicle so as to prove that she never left it alive.

From reading on one of these threads a couple of weeks and 10-20 threads ago, this was not a person Abdella had in his sights.

I've been thinking A LOT about Adbella's comments and at the time, I thought it was strange for a PI to be commenting to the media on an active investigation - think about it. Think about how many cases we follow and how many times can you recall a PI saying you know, I think we're close and provide specific information about 2 unrelated people fingering the same person. Was that a FBI/police tactic - to have the media carry that information at a certain point in the investigation to suit a purpose behind the scenes?
It says:
Also, during the search of the victims residence, a wash cloth with a sticky substance was found in the bathroom. The substance is suspected of possibly being semen. This cloth will be sent to Acadian Crime Lab for testing and possible comparison to samples from the suspect.

Her house. Weird that he made her rinse out her mouth and gargle and all, but left it there. Maybe he meant to take it but forgot it.

thankyou for clarifying. i wrote it wrong and will change my post. sorry for any confusion. either way, he was probably stressing out about that cloth after he left
A shared database would be far too massive and cumbersome. The best way is to simply educate them of the importance....but they already know that. They just don't practice it. And that I think comes from the amount of work LE does. With everything they go through on a daily basis, and the volume of crimes they investigate as well as the paperwork required Im sure the last thing on their minds is communicating with other LE about potential connections. But it's of the utmost importance as we've seen. Otherwise they wouldve been on to this guy several weeks earlier. And if not for a tip from a citizen may have never been onto him at all. Hopefully they learned something from this

I don't get it. Couldn't they use or build on the NCIC? It seems to me that with the Internet and technology we already have - like apps that show you folks who want to have sex near your GPS location that we could do something that would benefit humanity.

And I really do agree with you, they really need to learn from this.
My friend at the car dealership told police that this "strange person" who came in had said his white Chevy Silverado truck had been stolen. He also gave her a copy of his DL on which he had tried (either by whiting-out or other similar means) to hide the fact that he was an RSO. She told me today that she was also alarmed by the fact (and she also told this to police) that he had "injuries" (she said they looked like scratches and/or cuts) to his arms and hands. She also had the presence of mind to photocopy his DL before he left the dealership (abruptly, she said) so that she could give police all the information on it. A detective called her yesterday and said that they had been building a case against this guy (who turned out to be BL), and that the day after receiving her tip, they began tailing him. As I mentioned yesterday, her initial call to police was around 4 weeks ago, maybe plus or minus a few days.
That's just crazy but what a great head your friend has on her shoulders! Was she specifically thinking of Mickey's disappearance with this guy or did he just alarm her in a general sense?
Is this WB bridge the closest route to a dark location near a swamp? You would think that all the adrenaline would have built up and he would have driven to the first place he thought he could attack her without being noticed.

I-10 @ Ramah

The 135 exit.

Which i Believe is the next available exit from I10
after leaving the WB area.
Though I am not 100 percent certain about that.

And he could have gotten back on and headed west afterwards.


Luckily, they are never as smart as they think they are.

yeah.... what you said Katydid!

So when is the actual arraignment?

since today was just an "initial court appearance" to assign him a public defender (of which he said he needed one for a "case like this:")
yeah.... what you said Katydid!

So when is the actual arraignment?

since today was just an "initial court appearance" to assign him a public defender (of which he said he needed one for a "case like this:")

Probably not for a few months
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