LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #34

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I don't think that LE treating his home as a crime scene means that they found signs of a crime, necessarily-just that they were taking the precautions they would take in going to a crime scene, in case of the need to preserve evidence, chain of custody, etc...

I doubt Mickey ever made it that far, personally. And for her sake, I hope not, I hope it was over very quickly.
I REALLY hope it searched VERY well.

Maybe once more to be on the safe side.
Animal activity may have unearthed something, I don't want to type, that attracted the buzzards.. :(
I don't think that LE treating his home as a crime scene means that they found signs of a crime, necessarily-just that they were taking the precautions they would take in going to a crime scene, in case of the need to preserve evidence, chain of custody, etc...

I doubt Mickey ever made it that far, personally. And for her sake, I hope not, I hope it was over very quickly.

But... LE removed articles from the home for further testing. This makes me believe that there is SOME evidence of SOMETHING.

It seems our gut feelings are the exact opposite. I can't help but feel that as a RSO, BSL committed some disgusting acts in his home - to Mickey and quite possibly others.

Now, whether he has killed anyone in that house is beyond me and I won't even pretend to have a hunch.
Okay, as for the rumors of BSL being a suspect in the burning of trailer in Branch, LA with two women inside who were determined to be dead prior to the fire, I think it may be possible (unless there was an earlier similar incident), that people are thinking of this incident that happened in 2005 (while BSL was in prison):

August trial set for man accused of double-murder - Allegedly killed women, then burned their trailer down
Crowley Post-Signal, The (LA) - Wednesday, February 10, 2010
"An August trial is scheduled for a man accused of murdering two Acadia Parish women, then burning their house down to cover the homicides.
Daniel Prince, 33, of New Iberia but currently a guest of Angola, is charged with the Jan. 15, 2005 murders of Jackie Campbell and Angie Motte, both of Branch .
He was arrested by Acadia authorities in 2007 after allegedly bragging to fellow inmates about the murders and was indicted in October 2007."

I found this info by searching old newspapers via America's News Bank, which requires a subscription, unless you work at or are a student whose school/university subscribes to it, so my link won't work for most but here:

So I think it's safe to say BSL had no involvement in that fire with the two already deceased women inside in Branch unless the tiny town of Branch had a similar incident before he went to jail in 2000 or after he was released in 2008 (but that's all I can find in the newspaper archives).
Whoops! Seems this Cajun crew (myself included) can only differentiate between gators and crocs.

One should never EVER mistake a croc for a GATOR... that would just be Krazy talk.

Go Gators! :woohoo:
I don't think that LE treating his home as a crime scene means that they found signs of a crime, necessarily-just that they were taking the precautions they would take in going to a crime scene, in case of the need to preserve evidence, chain of custody, etc...

I doubt Mickey ever made it that far, personally. And for her sake, I hope not, I hope it was over very quickly.

I agree I do not think it happened there either, I believe the extensive searching is not because they view it as a crime scene but to possibly find any clues pertaining to where Mickey may be. Apparently he is not into computers, at least I have not heard of them being removed.
Carencro is not French for the black buzzard. Carencro, the city, used to be called St. Pierre. When they put in the railroad through the city, Carrion Crows became abundant. Carrion Crow morphed into Carencro. I did a paper on it when I was in elementary school.

Not convinced that there's no correlation. Carrion is a term for rotting flesh, and is regularly used when describing the diets of birds of vultures. Perhaps these vultures were referred to as "carrion crows" by locals who didn't know better?
I've found the "alligator" lesson best learned by repeated listenings to Jerry Reed's classic song, here at YouTube.
Yeah, but also, it was said that there were goats, cows, etc. in the fields.

Let's go back and quote that part of the article.

OK, I found it. So, it might not be an uncommon sight, the buzzards, that is, gathering for the carcass of an animal that had died in the fields:

Lavergne, who is being held without bail, lived quietly in a mobile home off a gravel road outside of Lawtell in a prairie area where some of his neighbors raise goats, cattle and horses.

It may be different there, and farm animals are left to decompose in fields, but DH knows his animals by sight and would know pretty fast if one was missing.
He would go and find it and move/bury it if possible.
In other words we would know why buzzards were circling.
MOO though.

SAN MARCOS, Texas (The Blaze/AP) — For more than five weeks, a woman’s body lay undisturbed in a secluded Texas field. Then a frenzied flock of vultures descended on the corpse and reduced it to a skeleton within hours.
I have been following along, but not posting too much. Like everyone here, I am glad they have a suspect in custody. At the same time, I am very sad because of the probable outcome for Mickey Shunick's family. I want to offer my condolences to them, but I just can't accept the finality of Mickey's death just yet. It's too soon for me. Until she is found, there will always be a tiny ember of hope that cannot be extinguished.

The odds are 99.999% that this is a homicide, but there are still other possibilities. They may be far-fetched I know, but not impossible. The suspect (BSL) may have connected with someone in TX who offered to give him money for kidnapping a female fitting a certain profile. Yes I know BSL is a sexual predator, but he may have been involved with other types of criminal activity, like human trafficking.

The LE agencies may have proof that Mickey is deceased, but they have not said that. They have pointed to strong indications that she is no longer alive: no contact from her, no use of her cell phone, no sightings of any kind, the destruction of her bike, plus all the other evidence they have. (I wish they could tell us if they have absolute proof of her death.)

Even so, Mickey still needs to be found. Until there is absolute proof of death, there is still the possibility of life, however unlikely. It feels kind of weird to say this, and I apologize if it upsets anyone, but Mickey could still be alive. If she was taken to human trafficking criminals, that could seem as horrible and hopeless as her being deceased, but it's not! She could still escape from traffickers someday.

In time most people will come to an acceptance of Mickey's passing from this world. Eventually I guess I will too, but not yet...please, not just yet.


I have been lurking for a couple weeks now and have become hooked. I am fascinated by everyone's thoughtful theories on what has transpired in this case. The above post resonated with me a lot. I cannot believe what an amazing person Charlie is. She is just incredible and has basically devoted her life to bringing her little sister home. For Charlie's sake and for all her effort, I too am holding out hope that Mickey is still with us (though I know the circumstantial evidence thus far is grim). I will be moving to NOLA in a few months; my husband got a job at Tulane. I hope that those posters I saw everywhere last month on an apartment hunt are gone, because that family deserves answers.

I have nothing sleuth-y to contribute, but I wanted to finally enter out from my lurking, quiet ways.
Hello and welcome to posting at WS, silsby.
In my sleuthing of the trailer fire with two already deceased victims in Branch (which turned out not to be connected to BSL- happened when he was in jail & someone else was charged), I did come up with these news stories:

- Body found in burned out truck in Vermillion Parish near Abbeville; cannot find any more info on who this body was & if an arrest was ever made....
ETA: yes, okay, found it....the perp was IDed and caught and so was victim.

- This incident- two bodies reported found, a burning car, and a missing girl in Evangeline Parish. Again, I cannot find the bodies as being IDed or the missing girl IDed or mentioned. -
ETA: The perp was IDed & and so were victims/missing woman. Perp was caught. NOT BSL. I am starting to get really surprised by how many murders & then subsequent fires seem to have happened in the area recently. I thought they'd be more isolated events.

If any of you all know the resolutions to these strange two events involving deceased persons & burning cars in Cajun Country since BSL's release, please post it!

Would like to know more about these incidents--cannot find where they have been resolved/solved. The burning of vehicles parts in particular makes really interested as far as BSL....
ETA: So none of these have anything to do with BSL. Sorry and sorry for taking up your time & brain cells, fellow sleuthers. Should have more fully searched, I guess. Although I guess it shows us how many idiots think they can cover up homicides with fires.
Not convinced that there's no correlation. Carrion is a term for rotting flesh, and is regularly used when describing the diets of birds of vultures. Perhaps these vultures were referred to as "carrion crows" by locals who didn't know better?

There are at least three theories of how Carencro, pronounced (Karen Crow) was named. The history of the name dates back to the Indian days. It was thought that a huge animal died in the vicinity of Beau Basin. A huge number of "Carrion Crows" (buzzards) took such a long time to devour the animal that this region became known as Carencro. Another theory states that it was named after an Indian tribe, the Karulcraw, who once lived in this region. The final theory states that the name was derived from the Spanish word "Carnero" meaning pile of bones, a word that when used in Cajun French became Carencro.
But... LE removed articles from the home for further testing. This makes me believe that there is SOME evidence of SOMETHING.

It seems our gut feelings are the exact opposite. I can't help but feel that as a RSO, BSL committed some disgusting acts in his home - to Mickey and quite possibly others.

Now, whether he has killed anyone in that house is beyond me and I won't even pretend to have a hunch.

LE often takes things out of a house to be tested...they may see something, i.e. a stain someplace that they want to check out, way of knowing until it is tested if it has any relevance or not.
But... LE removed articles from the home for further testing. This makes me believe that there is SOME evidence of SOMETHING.

It seems our gut feelings are the exact opposite. I can't help but feel that as a RSO, BSL committed some disgusting acts in his home - to Mickey and quite possibly others.

Now, whether he has killed anyone in that house is beyond me and I won't even pretend to have a hunch.

Wouldn't it be great if it was something as simple as "pet hair" from one of her beloved furry friends???
Not that I want her harmed... but I'd love it if one of her pets nailed it down for certain! ~ even with no body... he couldn't wiggle out of that one!:jail:
I agree I do not think it happened there either, I believe the extensive searching is not because they view it as a crime scene but to possibly find any clues pertaining to where Mickey may be. Apparently he is not into computers, at least I have not heard of them being removed.

I would be surprised if they did not take his computer, assuming he has one, or maybe he just has mobile devices. I believe it has been stated that he did have a Facebook page, so he must have had some internet activity.
When posts are removed there is usually a good reason for it. Sometimes they are being removed because there is a problem that needs to be solved and they are restored when questions are answered.Sometimes they are removed because they contain information that is not allowed or there is a TOS violation. If a mod did not write you it was probably because there was no time. Usually when that happenes the member simply drops us a note and we figure it out together-in private. We do not like to remove posts, we know a lot of effort goes into them and do what we can to get posts returned or modified.

In the future we ask that instead of derailing the thread by complaining about treatment, just shoot one of us a note. Every moderator here is more than happy to fix mistakes, explain problems and/or share information.

As a suggestion: when a post is moderated, typically a note is left by the mod/admin explaining why. When a post is removed, however, no explanation is given. Perhaps a mod/admin can remove the offending material and leave the note for all to see, explaining why? This might help members understand why, and might go a long ways towards preventing repeat instances of the same offense in the future.

I think the mods/admins here do a damn good job, overall, paying special attention to enforcing rules rather than swinging their mod badges in people's faces. I like the fact that mods and admins here participate in the thread, and they bear in mind the community aspect of their existence here just as much as they do their mod/admin status. I have frequented some websites where the over-modding and the badge waving is done (including a pretty popular Saints message board) and it's just stupid and counter-productive, and only winds up running off quality posters. Even following the Shunick case, one of the other boards I've read has moderation which became so scatter-shod and illogical, I've simply ceased participation there.

Food for thought. :)

Sorry for the sidebar and the rant. Let's find Mickey.
A poster earlier referred to Dr. Matt Ridley's theories regarding genetics and nature vs. nurture. I find his studies interesting and valid, but they are somewhat biased towards the study of genetics and the genome. At the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, in the field of psychology we have studied serveral differents doctors' theories that support both environmental and hereditary factors in one's life. In respect to Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection both genetics and the environment work together to produce life as we know it, as well as the variation between different individuals and families.

I find it interesting that BSL was adopted and has been through a rough environment that consists of bullying and disassociation to a certain extent. This lends to the nature vs. nurture conundrum and fuels the fiery debate on both sided IMO. I refuse to take one side over the other in this debate and remain neutral to all info. However, I find Dr. Ridley's theories interesting, but they are just that THEORIES. And as far as I'm concerned there aren't any Laws in the field of psychology, and scientists conduct experiments which support their research. Here is the link to some of Dr. Ridley's opinions.

Thank you so much for your kind response. I have read each of Mr. Ridley's books some several times, highly recommend each of them (especially Genome) and in general find him a fascinating writer. He was formerly the science writer for the New York Times and his writing is my favorite behind the Bible and Mark Twain. As far as IQ being hereditary, I think my friends at American Mensa have probably done that study several times over and tomorrow I will fire off an e-mail to them and see, as Family Feud would say......what the survey showed--whether Ridley's theory will stand up to the high IQ organization's documentation on whether IQ is hereditary from mom or dad. Those folks should be the authority on that....

In this particular case at hand, I feel that it is hereditary 85% and environment 15%, more or less.
Had most of this info last night but my post was deleted and reading the start of this forum it states that only ms timeline now! I was working alongside yours and mentioned you but incorporated everything about bsl. I have been left with a bitter taste in my mouth. A person who worked at the car dealership can post information where the police have clearly stated that they will not comment on what they know(for obvious reasons that this could jeopardize there case) yet that stays but information that everyone knows gets deleted go figure! I'm out I've had enough. Thanks all you were wonderful, and it has been great:)
I'm sorry, aussie! Do you still have the links where you got the information/answers to my questions?
Sorry - I realize the following error is very common but much like spelling is to others this is one of my pet peeves:

Vultures live in North America and Europe.

Buzzards DO NOT live in North America; their habitat is located in Africa, drier climates in Asia and warmer climates in Europe.

FootballMom, 'guess we all have our pet peeves, huh'.. 'I'm looking at a flock of turkey buzzards as we speak, have been attacked by a nesting buzzard in a shed while hunting:

The buzzard defends itself by regurgitating partially digested meat. This vomit has a foul smell and keeps most intruders from raiding its nest

[ame=",or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=98945543bdd98557"]buzzards in georgia - Google Search[/ame]

Photos of buzzards in georgia

The Buzzard State

Buzzards are scavengers and Georgia, considering them a necessary part of the ecology, at one time passed a strict law for their protection within the state.
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