LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #34

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Just an aside about RSL's brand preference for vehicles, he did not seem to have one, as he has been confirmed to own a Ford, Dodge, and Chev/GMC for sure, fwiw.
I haven't seen where there is "proof" he set his truck on fire. I see where "they think" he set his truck on fire.
The prosecutor presents enough information for the grand jury to indict and that's it. Neither the defendent nor his attorney have to be in court.Grand jury proceedings are not always held in a courtroom and no judge is present. Most of the time, the only persons who attend the grand jury hearing are the grand jurors, the District Attorney and the witnesses, who testify one at a time.

You also have to show your license when applying for mortgages, loans of almost any type, often when writing a check, or even using a credit card.

jujube, yes and in many states a drivers license is required to get a fishing license, etc.

Just a hunch based on BSL's obvious past conniving & calculating behavior. It is probable that he had two drivers licenses. One legal for traffic stops/authorities & another with the Sex Offender Status redacted for financial transactions, etc.
A simple lost license request to DMV would accomplish this ruse.
OT here...but a question that I have often thought about.

Why do hunters think it is not okay to kill a human, but it is ok to kill an innocent deer, or rabbit, etc? As the more intelligent species, should the human not have more empathy for the less intelligent species?

I can understand this attitude if someone is vegan. If, however, the person eats any kind of meat, fish, wears leather, etc. then it's disingenuous.
Hunting and fishing for food are no problem for me. In some areas, there are sanctioned hunts to keep down an animal population in order for herds to thrive.
I tend to disagree with this thought process. As someone who USE to carry a 380 and a 25 for back-up, no longer do and have not for years.

I believe there is more of a chance that someone gets hurt versus the protection that may never be needed. Just look at some of the threads here.

"Gun left on piano in holster" etc.

I agree w you.
Shes an adult now and was raised by a cop ( step parent ) but I totally get what you are saying, as I said it to her for years!!
We shouldnt have to think like this but we DO have to think like this.
Breaks my heart mace didnt keep Mickey from disappearing. I have always agreed to carrying mace.

Please let today be THE DAY Mickey comes home.
Until he is found guilty in a court of law the only conviction that I know of that we have is him pleading guilty to the oral sexual battery charge in order to not be tried for ??breaking & entering?? (don't recall now what it was). Am I missing some convictions somewhere? Thanks!

I think he was convicted of another one when he was in the service.
I agree w you.
Shes an adult now and was raised by a cop ( step parent ) but I totally get what you are saying, as I said it to her for years!!
We shouldnt have to think like this but we DO have to think like this.
Breaks my heart mace didnt keep Mickey from disappearing. I have always agreed to carrying mace.

Please let today be THE DAY Mickey comes home.

This is the only thing I believe has a strong chance of happening. When taking your gun along with cell phone and lipstick etc, it can become awfully casual and careless, especially if said gun is in purse.
I haven't seen where there is "proof" he set his truck on fire. I see where "they think" he set his truck on fire.

Yes they have proof his truck was burned. Do you think he may have had help with burning the truck? He even could have possibly made them think it was an insurance fraud. Imo
Yes they have proof his truck was burned. Do you think he may have had help with burning the truck? He even could have possibly made them think it was an insurance fraud. Imo

I think that the poster is trying to say we have no proof it was BSL who actually burned his own truck, we only know that it was burned.

I have TMJ and braces have never been recommended for me. The only options I have ever been given were a splint worn at night or surgery.

my friend had TMJ and had surgery to correct it. she had to have her jaw wired shut for 2 weeks and then had to wear braces for a month afterwards. but it was the full mouth braces, not just on the back teeth as we are thinking with BSL
Excellent advice nutkin. If you are not confident with handling and using your firearm, it becomes just another weapon that can be used against you.

In addition... first, be very sure that you WILL use your firearm, without hesitation, if you are in fear for your life or well being. That level of confidence will save your life. Second, when you pull the triger - make it count. Third, be sure you secure your firearm at all times, especially if kids are around.

Prayers answers will come soon on MS's whereabouts. Thanks all WSs for your ideas, maps, and work on uncovering details.

thanks guys for all your advice. i already have a handgun but only keep it in the house, but i am very comfortable with that one and have practiced with that one lots. i would need to have a smaller one to carry. so i would need to practice with the new one i get. and i plan to take an advanced carry course after the initial course as well that further trains you on close combat, how to take it out of your holster faster, etc. so i plan to take all your advice to heart!!

and i am very aware of the dangers of carrying as well. i've always had a stun gun but i'm wary to how strong they really are. and when you need to use it is not a good time to find out if it's not strong or not!! and there's really not a good way to test it!
OT here...but a question that I have often thought about.

Why do hunters think it is not okay to kill a human, but it is ok to kill an innocent deer, or rabbit, etc? As the more intelligent species, should the human not have more empathy for the less intelligent species?
Because God gave man dominion over other species. Not dominion over other people. That's all man kills deer, rabbit etc to EAT. Though I will point out that rabbit is not kosher. Nor is deer. But I don't know because something about a split hoof but doesn't chew a cud......pig not kosher yadda yadda. Though shall not murder (other humans) but it is okay to kill certain things to eat. A lot of things people eat are labelled unclean or an abomination to God.....comparing hunting and murder?
Anyway, I guess if the animals could figure out a way to speak write and campaign they could elect officials and pass laws and press charges for murder just like we do. But they can't so we eat them.
thanks guys for all your advice. i already have a handgun but only keep it in the house, but i am very comfortable with that one and have practiced with that one lots. i would need to have a smaller one to carry. so i would need to practice with the new one i get. and i plan to take an advanced carry course after the initial course as well that further trains you on close combat, how to take it out of your holster faster, etc. so i plan to take all your advice to heart!!

I took the course. Only thing I have to say is be prepared to wait a while to get your permit in. Apparently there is only ONE person who is in charge of issuing permits in Louisiana. So after you complete your course, you get a certificate stating so, you have to send that in with an application and fee, and do the waiting game.
Hi everyone, not sure if this is related to Mickey. But a friend of mine that attends a small cosmetology school in Lafayette told me about a black acura that had been sitting there for two weeks with a Texas plate. It made me wonder if there was more than one rental car rented to Lavergne, or if he had someone he knew from Texas use a vehicle of their own. Wouldn't be very smart to leave it there. Like I said, may be no relation, but I wanted to note it
Hi everyone, not sure if this is related to Mickey. But a friend of mine that attends a small cosmetology school in Lafayette told me about a black acura that had been sitting there for two weeks with a Texas plate. It made me wonder if there was more than one rental car rented to Lavergne, or if he had someone he knew from Texas use a vehicle of their own. Wouldn't be very smart to leave it there. Like I said, may be no relation, but I wanted to note it

Just wanted to welcome you to Websleuths!
OT here...but a question that I have often thought about.

Why do hunters think it is not okay to kill a human, but it is ok to kill an innocent deer, or rabbit, etc? As the more intelligent species, should the human not have more empathy for the less intelligent species?

Not at the cost of starving to death. JMO.
Hey everyone! I'm relatively new to this website. I've been following the Mickey Shunick case since the beginning but just found this site by googling BSL the day he was arrested.

I must say I am thoroughly impressed with the level of wit and "out of the box" thinking that most of y'all possess. And want to thank you all for such dedication to finding answers for this poor family. I've never heard of the Shunicks before this, but have a niece that goes to ULL (and was in college at LSU during DTL) and could only hope that if something like this ever happened to myself or anyone in my family that I would have people like y'all sleuthing behind the scenes and keeping the case alive and fresh.

I was wondering though, if this type of forum has ever had any kind of negative repercussions during trials. I know many of y'all have talked about the change of venue thing, but I'm wondering if any of this could affect the actual case at all?

Also, is there any chance that if this case does go to trial it will be televised? I was pretty addicted to the Casey Anthony trial. Not sure if we have the laws here in LA that allow THAT public of a trial.

Thanks again and it's good to know that there are so many people out there like y'all kicking *advertiser censored** and takin names!! :)))
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