LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #35

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This is my vision that I see that may have happened... I see Brandon at a stop sign or red light and notices s young hot chick alone on her bike, so he puts his window down and says something flirty and she doesn't respond so he says something nasty <modsnip> And I see her sticking the bird and and giving him a dirty rejection kind of look. So he gets pissed and follows her hits her from behind jumps out his truck and not sure what happened next...

We all are thinking that there was just a fight. Somehow I think that the delay in time is because Mickey was also using her brain because she probably could not move very well from the fall from the bike. I imagine that she would try to say something along the line of take me to the ER, I will tell them I just fell off my bike. So he is considering that. Then when she realizes he is not going to go for that, a big fight. I think that maybe there was some dialogue going on about what to do next which accounts for some of the time/events that happened the next day. I think she would use her brain and her physicality to get out of the situation. It could be that she hit her head from the fall and he did not want to have a breathylyzer done so he did not want to take her to the ER immediately and knew the ER would have cameras and maybe she could not walk. It could be that he did inflict all the knife wounds (how you stab yourself in the back with a knife is left to my imagination however). I can see a few scenarios (a very few) where he is a little less guilty of being horrible, but the truth is he is a monster and I think with some investigating we will find a murder/rape about every six months that he has been out. I have wracked my brain to remember which murder in Baton Rouge it was that they were looking for a white truck also---but he probably did not have a DWT that long. I will be glad when this monster is behind bars for forever -- the world will be a safer place. And families can start to heal.

If he kidnapped her at 3 a.m. and showed up the next day in New Orleans, when did he sleep? Where did he sleep? He did not sleep in his truck which was most likely filled with blood along with his clothes. He must have been up until 5 a.m., slept until 1 or so, disposed of her body on the way to new Orleans to the hospital. That is the only likely scenario for me.
I know people are trying to give BSL the benefit of the doubt, saying maybe he was going to get her medical help, but then things went wrong, but I dont feel that way... Not even 1 percent.

Why drive all the way to New Orleans, 16 hours later, if you want to get medical treatment for someone you hit at 2 a.m.....? None of that makes any sense. As we could see, this is not some passionate guy. He is already charged with 1st degree murder and still not speaking up to relieve the family.

This is extremely too much "wanting to cover my tracks" for someone that accidentally hit a girl, who was not even dead at the scene, and then go onto to later murder her.

He saw Mickey and the opportunity, swooped her up, and did whatever horrible things he did.

I don't see any remorse in him at all.
There is a man who genuinely feels he is innocent, and would probably do it all over again.
This is how a psychopath operates.

Just my opinion...
Psychopaths have two sides and operate differently than anyone else.
They can play the good all they want, but they are not good

Ed Kemper: "Part of me says I'd like to talk to her or take her on a date. The other part of me says I wonder what her head would look like on a stick"
We all are thinking that there was just a fight. Somehow I think that the delay in time is because Mickey was also using her brain because she probably could not move very well from the fall from the bike. I imagine that she would try to say something along the line of take me to the ER, I will tell them I just fell off my bike. So he is considering that. Then when she realizes he is not going to go for that, a big fight. I think that maybe there was some dialogue going on about what to do next which accounts for some of the time/events that happened the next day. I think she would use her brain and her physicality to get out of the situation. It could be that she hit her head from the fall and he did not want to have a breathylyzer done so he did not want to take her to the ER immediately and knew the ER would have cameras and maybe she could not walk. It could be that he did inflict all the knife wounds (how you stab yourself in the back with a knife is left to my imagination however). I can see a few scenarios (a very few) where he is a little less guilty of being horrible, but the truth is he is a monster and I think with some investigating we will find a murder/rape about every six months that he has been out. I have wracked my brain to remember which murder in Baton Rouge it was that they were looking for a white truck also---but he probably did not have a DWT that long. I will be glad when this monster is behind bars for forever -- the world will be a safer place. And families can start to heal.

Not sure about the every 6 months part of your post but I definitely believe Mickey was not his first victim since he left prison and she would not have been the last either, IMO.
I think what the other poster and I were getting at is more like: maybe there was an accident; at one point he may have considered taking Mickey to a hospital -- things went bad -- but the hospital concept may have lingered in his mind and influenced the "cover" he chose to try to implement ...

It's all nice to think this, and believe me, I want to. But then why murder in first degree?
I disagree. I believe the stressors in BSLs life played a large part in this happening.

There are eight paraphilias in the DSM-IV-TR (diagnostic & statistical manual of mental disorders. 4th edition, text revision) used here in the US by mental health professionals.

One is sexual sadism where a person achieves sexual gratification by inflicting cruelty, pain or emotional abuse on ohers. They may rape, torture, whip, cut,burn, beat, stab and humiliate.Cause may be biological, behavioral-(victim as a child of such behavior),Neuroendocrine disorders, or psychosocial stressors.

Risk factors include a concurrent mental disorder or personality disorder or dysfunctional family life and isolation/ emotional/sexual/ physical abuse.

I have been reading for days that people think that he may of been angry at his Gf family, his dad being sick for reason or "stressors" as to why he committed this crime. If we go back to 1999 what could be stressors for his crime then ? Bullying or being adopted. I don't believe for one second that this is why he committed any of these crimes. Alot of people go through sever bullying, are adopted, their other halves families don't like them and have sick parents who they are close to. No I don't believe these are stressors at all, otherwise a higher percent of the worlds population would be committing these crime of sexual abuse, kidnapping and murder. I think these are excuses. I believe he has a mental illness, I believe all people who murder for no reason do. I believe this was his hobby, driving around looking for a victim. It gave him the thrill of the chase, and control. We will never understand the satisfaction he got out of this or any other SK. Do you have something that's makes you really excite or you really enjoy that other people don't understand? We all do, and this is the beginning of how we start to understand people like bsl. Unfortunately with the talk going on here I feel that he will plead with some sort insanity. He knew what he was doing, I believe his done it before and would have done it again. He wasn't remorseful, he continued his day to day life. This is my opinion you don't have to agree, although I don't agree with your point I respect your opinion.
I don't even understand the conversation about this being an accident.
This guy enjoys overpowering and taking advantage of women, at the very least,
LE thinks he was trolling for a victim and may have video evidence to back it up.
He is charged with kidnapping and first degree murder.
If Brandon DOES have more than one victim, but only gets charged for Mickey, I'm gonna feel pretty bad. I think he does have more than one.
Not sure about the every 6 months part of your post but I definitely believe Mickey was not his first victim since he left prison and she would not have been the last either, IMO.

Yeah, but the other thing is, would he have dropped the bike off while Mickey was with him? He would have had to get out of the truck to toss it in water, leaving her a chance to escape, use her phone, leave a clue. I can't see him driving with her to Nola with the risk of getting picked up on cameras.

I think he went somewhere close by and left her, maybe not by his house but close and then made the trip east, dumped the bike and to the hospital.
:wave: Good morning everyone.
Not much time to post, but stay pretty much caught up reading here.
Many posters have some great theories and ideas!
Really impressive, :)

Venus, was it LE that stated his GPS put him at WB?
Or just 'us' wondering if it was what pinpointed his whereabouts?

I dreamed last night he was franticly searching for some trash that may have had his name on it kicked out at WB...
Wonder what it was exactly pointed to him being there??

I'm really unsure, I was going off what i've read here that LE can place him at WB. The fact that they also mentioned having GPS info. They did return to WB to search again days after they found the bike?? if so maybe the gps info is what sent them back to search again.

I do think they have some really good evidence on him or they would not have charged him with her murder.
You kind of want to say, "Maybe he wanted to kill someone, and see what it felt like" but then felt super remorseful after"
But the thing is, he's not.

This is one of the biggest reasons I feel she was not his first.
Serial killers dont feel bad, but people that snap and kill one person out of anger (not planned out) usually do feel pretty remorseful.

Not a psychopathic repeat murderer.
If Brandon DOES have more than one victim, but only gets charged for Mickey, I'm gonna feel pretty bad. I think he does have more than one.

So do I. And he has been a suspect before in a murder which I'm sorry isn't normal. I've never been a suspect, known someone who has or even hear of anyone I know knowing someone who has. We may never know the truth, but at least we know he will never walk the streets again to harm an innocent person.
Yeah, but the other thing is, would he have dropped the bike off while Mickey was with him? He would have had to get out of the truck to toss it in water, leaving her a chance to escape, use her phone, leave a clue. I can't see him driving with her to Nola with the risk of getting picked up on cameras.

I think he went somewhere close by and left her, maybe not by his house but close and then made the trip east, dumped the bike and to the hospital.

If he still had her alive and with him at that point, he could have tasered her or he could have had her tied up and immobilized in some way.
I agree he never had her with him when he went to New Orleans. Either he had killed her or had her stashed somewhere.
Yes!! I have thought the same thing. And what if IMO this isnt his first (and I hate to say it) kidnapping/murder as many of you have been sleuthing about? Does anyone know where the first home BL and family lived? What town, street ect.
It's all nice to think this, and believe me, I want to. But then why murder in first degree?

Even in the scenario in which the chain of events began as an accident rather than stalking-and-seizing: if Mickey did not die of her injuries and if she is indeed dead, it would seem most likely that he killed her, likely in circumstances that involved some degree of premeditation (even if only a few minutes or seconds). Even holding her captive if she required medical attention to save her life might qualify for first degree -- of that, I'm not certain, but I wouldn't be surprised.

On a different but related topic:
One thing that is worrying me, given BSL's injuries: What if Mickey fought hard enough to actually escape from him -- say, he had taken her to his house and she escaped from any bonds or other methods to contain her and attacked him, then fled, say into woods or fields, but was too injured to then make her way to safety, food, etc. This is one reason I am glad to hear there is searching going on in the area of his residence. Even for those who don't think it likely he would have "disposed" of her that close -- she could still be near there. :(
Just clarifying: I don't believe anyone in recent posts has suggested Mickey was with BSL when he went to NOLA!

The discussion started about whether, at some point in the events, in a scenario in which they began with an accident, it might have crossed BSL's mind that taking her to a hospital was an option.
I have very little confidence in PO's and the way they 'monitor' their RSO's. Look at the way they blew it when they went and checked Jaycee Dugard's captor. She was right there in a tent in the yard and they never went outside and looked. Even when neighbors called in reports of young girls being outside in tents, none of them ever went outback and checked.

I'm feeling the same way. If he had to go to the St Landry parish courthouse to report in on his RSO status I seriously doubt they went outside to inspect his truck. Probably just filled out paperwork and let him leave never even noticing his wounds. I've been in there many times in the past to pay property taxes and things of that nature.

I have two close family members that work there so i'll try to find out their procedure for RSO reporting in.
Well IMO....if she was capable of fighting back or wounding him but didn't put up a huge fight when she was abducted could be because she was tricked into believing he was trying to help....and IMO its possible he could have been but trying to keep out o trouble he may have been driving her to an out of town hospital......or trying to buy himself time to sober up if he were drunk......and IMO when she figured out she wasn't going to be home as soon as possible or at the nearest hospital she could have IMO tripped out......who wouldn't?*IMO it was at some point later in the trip that she decided she needed to get away/ fight back etc......IMO not at the time when she was "abducted".....IMO......I feel it is possible she could have gotten in willingly because imo an able bodied bodied enough to gash the cah cah out of him was IMO able bodied enough to put up quite a fight not to be forced into the escape from the truck if forced in kicking windows out while he loaded bike and etc......scream......or prolong the abduction for quite a while making it not such a quick IMO leads me to the speculation that she may have gotten in willingly and IMO that is only possible if she were under the impression he was trying to help. IMO .....convincing her he was trying to help get her home or to a hospital could IMO convince her to willingly go with him.....explaining why nothing was left behind and how he had time to gather bike and everything and also IMO explains why she may have retaliated later on in the trip than the actual abduction.....all my opinion.Also....le never said how they placed bsl at whiskey bay....all my speculation....but does anyone think its possible that maybe Mickey could have thrown his wallet in an effort to leave behind clues or to try to get him to look for his wallet and leave her alone to make her it possible that HIS WALLET....(later reported as stolen in n.o.) is what le used to place him at whiskey bay....all speculation but IMO makes good sense!
bbm: Actually, yes, that did cross my mind. I'm not giving that possibility a lot of weight, but -- just the fact that he chose to weave at least one (and maybe two, but the second is rumor) hospital/s into his "cover" made me wonder if at some point he was thinking about hospitals in connection with "what to do with the girl" (this is if the accident scenario applies, of course).
Even in the scenario in which the chain of events began as an accident rather than stalking-and-seizing: if Mickey did not die of her injuries and if she is indeed dead, it would seem most likely that he killed her, likely in circumstances that involved some degree of premeditation (even if only a few minutes or seconds). Even holding her captive if she required medical attention to save her life might qualify for first degree -- of that, I'm not certain, but I wouldn't be surprised.

On a different but related topic:
One thing that is worrying me, given BSL's injuries: What if Mickey fought hard enough to actually escape from him -- say, he had taken her to his house and she escaped from any bonds or other methods to contain her and attacked him, then fled, say into woods or fields, but was too injured to then make her way to safety, food, etc. This is one reason I am glad to hear there is searching going on in the area of his residence. Even for those who don't think it likely he would have "disposed" of her that close -- she could still be near there. :(

Even if it started out as an accident once he did not take her for medical attention or wherever she wanted to go it became a kidnapping. By the mere fact she has not been seen since would be reason for first degree murder. Let alone what evidence they do have.

I am 30% accident, 69% intentional and 1% it wasn't him at all :)
Hi y'all. This is my first post here. I've been reading and reading for days, it seems, and appreciate all of the sleuthing. This is a very complex case, and I'm sure LE is doing everything they can to ensure the integrity of it. I have a few ponderings to share with the forum, things I haven't seen addressed yet.

~ in order to get a replacement DL or ID, you have to have some other form of ID to prove who you are. I got the impression from some of the posts that you simply walk into the DMV, and they give you a new one. You can certainly get one easily enough, but with proper ID.
~I'm very curious as to how he was paying for all of this. He would have needed to stop MANY times for fuel, bathroom breaks, food, drinks etc in his many travels. Being a possibly bloody mess - from lacerations - and dirty from sweating and possibly being in the woods, it seems that people would have noticed that.
~I know it was stated that he said he was questioned for 2 hours by NO PD - that seems excessive. I'm certain that those two PD's are overwhelmed with calls, many of them puzzling - I listen to NOLA scanner app sometimes when I can't sleep at night. Strange happenings. I think they tend to get jaded and a story like his was just another in a long list that they would like to wish away. I hope they learned that blowing off someone like him could allow him to continue to roam the streets and possibly hurt someone else. I assume it would be SOP to report to the PO's supervisor on all calls, but an uncooperative one was reported after the PO left the hospital. It should have raised red flags and made them check more, IMO.
~I've read he had a bed cover on his truck. Don't have a link to verify that as fact, but if he did, the handling of a bike and or a person would have been much more difficult. They don't raise up very high and even with a tailgate down, everything is done horizontally vs. throwing something in the back of an open pickup bed.
~when buying a vehicle, even a used one, in this case a newer model Z71, it would cost a lot of money. If he financed it, it would take hours if not days for a loan to be approved. If he paid cash for the full amount, it would have to be verified if over $10,000.
~Again no link, but I read that the burned truck in TX didn't have a license plate on it. The new one would have come with a temporary tag. Truck tags are transferable at the DMV, but he wouldn't have technically had it as his truck was reported "stolen".

This is all speculation on my part, and only my opinion. Thanks. :)

I live in St Landry parish and about a year ago I lost my driving license. I went in to get a new one at the dmv. The lady asked my name, dob, address.typed it in the computer and up pops an image of my old license she typed in something told me to go to the end to take my picture. I paid them and walked out with my new license, she never asked me for any id etc.
It's all nice to think this, and believe me, I want to. But then why murder in first degree?

Because it goes hand in hand with kidnapping. If they'd find her alive they could not charge him with first degree murder! So until they find her alive that is what they are charging him with.

I someone hits a pedestrian or bike.....and they die as a result o the accident.....they are not charged with first degree murder unless they leave the scene or are under the influence or whatever. She could have possibly died as a result of the accident...highly unlikely but still possible......and in that case him kidnapping her instead of bringing her straight to the nearest hospital turns it into first degree murder.

In other words her death is not a result of a vehicle is the result of kidnapping. That's it in a nutshell.

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