LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #35

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bbm: What I have done is suggest that, with the evidence we have at this point, it may have been. The point is to find the truth of what happened.

As I stated, I trust LE. LE has evidence. They have enough evidence to charge BSL with first degree murder.
I personally will always believe that LE is interested in the truth.
I don't think I can discard the facts LE must have; our paid experts have determined as this as first degree murder. I cannot discard that, with ALL of the evidence they have, to try to seek some other "truth" with the very limited evidence I have access to...JMO
Even in the scenario in which the chain of events began as an accident rather than stalking-and-seizing: if Mickey did not die of her injuries and if she is indeed dead, it would seem most likely that he killed her, likely in circumstances that involved some degree of premeditation (even if only a few minutes or seconds). Even holding her captive if she required medical attention to save her life might qualify for first degree -- of that, I'm not certain, but I wouldn't be surprised.

On a different but related topic:
One thing that is worrying me, given BSL's injuries: What if Mickey fought hard enough to actually escape from him -- say, he had taken her to his house and she escaped from any bonds or other methods to contain her and attacked him, then fled, say into woods or fields, but was too injured to then make her way to safety, food, etc. This is one reason I am glad to hear there is searching going on in the area of his residence. Even for those who don't think it likely he would have "disposed" of her that close -- she could still be near there. :(
Yes IMO holding her captive and denying her medical attention would constitute a first degree murder charge IMO I think that's why I think if a death is a result of a kidnapping it is automatic first degree murder. Moo
I live in St Landry parish and about a year ago I lost my driving license. I went in to get a new one at the dmv. The lady asked my name, dob, address.typed it in the computer and up pops an image of my old license she typed in something told me to go to the end to take my picture. I paid them and walked out with my new license, she never asked me for any id etc.
Louisiana requires one primary and one secondary, or three secondary forms of ID to get a replacement driver's license.
I'm really unsure, I was going off what i've read here that LE can place him at WB. The fact that they also mentioned having GPS info. They did return to WB to search again days after they found the bike?? if so maybe the gps info is what sent them back to search again.

I do think they have some really good evidence on him or they would not have charged him with her murder.

IMO could be the wallet he "lost" or Mickey threw out at WB.....later reported the wallet stolen in n.o...IMO its possible it could have been the wallet.

Interesting how silent the people in BSL's life are. His mother and brother have issues statements sympathetic to the Shunicks, the pastor expressed how surprised they were to learn about BSL's connection to crime -- despite the fact that BSL participated in the church's 'prison outreach program' ( my term - I don't recall the actual verbage used in the article. We've heard from a hairdresser, a rental car agent (a one-time contact, presumably) , a car saleswoman (another one-time contact?), one high school friend who recalls BSL being bullied and a relative here (someguy). Oh, and the guy who wrote the letter of recommendation upon completing the RSO program. No co-workers coming ex-girlfriends, no checkout clerks at the grocery, no other acquaintances. Sad....and yet telling.

I think some people might not be allowed to speak to the media by LE. I have heard of others (via Cajun-net!) who had contact with him shortly after Mickey's disappearance and saw the scratches, etc that LE took statements from prior to his arrest and they were told to keep it under strict silence. Maybe now that he's been arrested those who gave statements are not sure if they are allowed to speak publicly.
Louisiana requires one primary and one secondary, or three secondary forms of ID to get a replacement driver's license.

This keeps coming up....

Maybe here in Louisiana there is the "law," and there is the way "things are done."

I am forgetful and have lost my license multiple times. I have never once been asked for any form of ID.despite what the law may say. I go in - they pull up my picture on the computer, take a new one, and walk out with a new one in 45 minutes or less.
IMO he could have been trying to sober up on the ride there if he wana drunk he could have been trying to buy time while he drove....secondly....I'm just trying to figure out how anyone can speculate that
1)she was able bodied enough to attack him with a blade or sound him in self defense

And at the same time believe ...
2)she wasn't able bodied enough to escape run away cause a scene or disturbance kick out windows scream or etc

IMO, cold blooded killer or monster as you may believe he is....he had every reason to hide if he did accidentally hit her.....and if she was able bodied enough to fight back she was able bodied enough to prolong the actual abduction for a while and give a lot of trouble getting her into the truck if she was being forced against her will IMO

Not trying to say I believe he definately had intentions of bringing her for medical attention......IM TRYING TO SAY IT IS POSSIBLE HE CONVINCED HER HE WAS TAKING HER (LIED)TO GET HER TO GET INTO THE TRUCK WHILE HE (OR EVEN THEY OR SHE) LOADED HER BIKE.....


I know people are trying to give BSL the benefit of the doubt, saying maybe he was going to get her medical help, but then things went wrong, but I dont feel that way... Not even 1 percent.

Why drive all the way to New Orleans, 16 hours later, if you want to get medical treatment for someone you hit at 2 a.m.....? None of that makes any sense. As we could see, this is not some passionate guy. He is already charged with 1st degree murder and still not speaking up to relieve the family.

This is extremely too much "wanting to cover my tracks" for someone that accidentally hit a girl, who was not even dead at the scene, and then go onto to later murder her.

He saw Mickey and the opportunity, swooped her up, and did whatever horrible things he did.

I don't see any remorse in him at all.
There is a man who genuinely feels he is innocent, and would probably do it all over again.
This is how a psychopath operates.

Just my opinion...
Psychopaths have two sides and operate differently than anyone else.
They can play the good all they want, but they are not good

Ed Kemper: "Part of me says I'd like to talk to her or take her on a date. The other part of me says I wonder what her head would look like on a stick"
IMO could be the wallet he "lost" or Mickey threw out at WB.....later reported the wallet stolen in n.o...IMO its possible it could have been the wallet.


But that does not really place him at WB...just his wallet. It has been said that LE said they can place HIM there.
I think some people might not be allowed to speak to the media by LE. I have heard of others (via Cajun-net!) who had contact with him shortly after Mickey's disappearance and saw the scratches, etc that LE took statements from prior to his arrest and they were told to keep it under strict silence. Maybe now that he's been arrested those who gave statements are not sure if they are allowed to speak publicly.

I don't think the police can forbid anyone talking. They can prefer it, hope for it, etc...but not forbid it. JMO
You heard about his "mugging" at a NOLA gas station on May 19, and his subsequent questioning by NOPD and Jefferson Parish cops?

Yeah...great story, kid. Well-concocted. Bra-freaking-vo and stuff.

I'd be ashamed of having my *advertiser censored* kicked by a college girl, too, ya know?
Hello all,
I am new to the site and still finding my way around. I have read a lot of stuff in the forums, but certainly have not made it thru all the info.

A few things I was wondering.
Wasn't it reported that BSL's finger was cut pretty badly when he went to the hospital. I saw mention of him changing the siding below his trailer. This would be a very easy way to cut your finger. I wonder if he accessed the area under his trailer that night and that is how his finger was cut. I know there were other wounds but just wanted to put it out there.

Also, I saw that he reported being attacked by someone in a Saints jersey wearing the number 24. I am not real familiar with the Saints but I don't believe there has been a stand out player in the last few years that wore that number. Although not impossible but highly unlikely to have a jersey out there of some no name player.

Was the bike located where it could have been tossed over the edge of the bridge or was it placed under the bridge? I thought maybe the bike damage could have been from being thrown over the edge.

Anyways, that was just a few thoughts I had and hope to help in anyway I can. If my thoughts have already been discussed, I apologize.
Sorry why do people think he was drunk? Is it fact that he was out drinking? Because if there isn't I would say he wasn't drunk. He knew what he was doing, he was hunting looking for prey. Something that we will eventually find out he did quiet often. He had to be a step ahead to achieve this, being drunk would not help him. Hunting/stalking at 2am, I think he relied on the thought that his victims would be intoxicated and not in the normal head state. JMO.
This keeps coming up....

Maybe here in Louisiana there is the "law," and there is the way "things are done."

I am forgetful and have lost my license multiple times. I have never once been asked for any form of ID.despite what the law may say. I go in - they pull up my picture on the computer, take a new one, and walk out with a new one in 45 minutes or less.

I think if you were an RSO they would ask for more documentation...

I doubt it would be that easy for him, but ya never know!~jmo

I think he left his wallet at home.:moo:
I suppose I should clarify: I don't actually believe in the accident theory I posted earlier. It was just a thought that crossed my sleep deprived brain and I thought of a very unlikely scenario that could have played out. I tend to believe LE when they say he was on the prowl that night and Mickey was his unfortunate victim. I don't think he ever had any intention of getting her medical attention.
But that does not really place him at WB...just his wallet. It has been said that LE said they can place HIM there.

I see only three scenarios to place HIM at WB:

1. Blood/DNA evidence or fingerprints - HIS blood/DNA evidence or fingerprints.

2. His cell-phone pings.

3. LE is being sloppy with the language (as many folk are here in south Louisana), and are really meaning to say that they can place the TRUCK there.

Re: #1 - It rained pretty hard a few days after the disappearance - I'd think that blood drops would be pretty hard to find. That said, the area directly under the bridge may have stayed dry. The storm, IIRC, was quick - didn't linger overlong.
But that does not really place him at WB...just his wallet. It has been said that LE said they can place HIM there.
Awwe lawwwwwwrd....
So unless they actually caught HIM there anyone could say "but that doesn't really place him there" just his wallet? How about DNA? Doesn't prove he was there just his DNA??

IMO finding someone's wallet with their lisense in it is enough for le to say that they place "HIM" THERE........OR WHEREVER HIS WALLET IS.......

Le could place him at whiskey bay with just his wallet......but of course that's only my opinion. Lol
I think some people might not be allowed to speak to the media by LE. I have heard of others (via Cajun-net!) who had contact with him shortly after Mickey's disappearance and saw the scratches, etc that LE took statements from prior to his arrest and they were told to keep it under strict silence. Maybe now that he's been arrested those who gave statements are not sure if they are allowed to speak publicly.

I don't think LE can forbid speaking to the media (without a court order), but certainly they can strongly request/suggest not doing so.
I see only three scenarios to place HIM at WB:

1. Blood/DNA evidence or fingerprints - HIS blood/DNA evidence or fingerprints.

2. His cell-phone pings.

3. LE is being sloppy with the language (as many folk are here in south Louisana), and are really meaning to say that they can place the TRUCK there.

Re: #1 - It rained pretty hard a few days after the disappearance - I'd think that blood drops would be pretty hard to find. That said, the area directly under the bridge may have stayed dry. The storm, IIRC, was quick - didn't linger overlong.

If they were able to salvage the GPS from his burned truck, that could be another way they're able to place him at WB at the time they believe the bike was dumped.
I see only three scenarios to place HIM at WB:

1. Blood/DNA evidence or fingerprints - HIS blood/DNA evidence or fingerprints.

2. His cell-phone pings.

3. LE is being sloppy with the language (as many folk are here in south Louisana), and are really meaning to say that they can place the TRUCK there.

Re: #1 - It rained pretty hard a few days after the disappearance - I'd think that blood drops would be pretty hard to find. That said, the area directly under the bridge may have stayed dry. The storm, IIRC, was quick - didn't linger overlong.

I hope LE is not so sloppy as to equate his truck being there to him being there.

It's possible his DNA and/or blood could have survived, at least a small amount. We've heard of cases where DNA has been obtained in the most unlikely conditions.

If they have his truck there, but have some evidence that he was driving his truck his that night from some other video, for instance, that would probably be sufficient. Maybe he was captured on tape using an ATM or in a convenience store shortly before or after, for example. And then his truck is spotted at WB.

This keeps coming up....

Maybe here in Louisiana there is the "law," and there is the way "things are done."

I am forgetful and have lost my license multiple times. I have never once been asked for any form of ID.despite what the law may say. I go in - they pull up my picture on the computer, take a new one, and walk out with a new one in 45 minutes or less.

But remember chicken -- (and I know you probably do but are just addressing how the procedure may work in a "normal" situation, since that's what "keeps coming up") -- the procedure is more complicated for RSOs.
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