LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #38

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Well, Claire -- time to get a restraining order - he is gone for good.

I think he is a serial killer. He may toy with his victims for a while before he kills them. he may take pictures, collect their stuff for remembering once the act is done. However, in my opinion only - the bodies are not going to be far away from some place familiar to him. Maybe a favorite fishing place, etc. He placed Pace's body behind his house under some boards (not thinking). He did not cut it up or dump it in the water. He kept it on his property. I think he killed her, but left her body intact and buried it somewhere he could visit it again, within 10 miles of his house, maybe even 5 miles. Just in secluded woods, but somewhere he could visit it again. I think he has a sick desire to have her close to his home...or property that he owns..or something very familiar to him.
I believe that at the time Lisa Pate's body was found, Claire Higginbotham was living with another person (a man) on the same property, and it was owned by BSL's family. I also believe that Claire, the man, and BSL were involved in a car accident (I think BSL may have been driving) that injured Claire, causing her to need a wheelchair to this day. Please correct me if any of this is incorrect.
All kinds of information on serial killers in the Serial Killer Forum. You never know what info you may find in there:

Serial Killers - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Funny you should mention that, JBean. Since BSL fits the criteria of a serial killer suspect, I opened a thread in the Serial Killer forum where members who are interested can discuss possible cases involving BSL.

Serial Murder: The unlawful killing of two or more victims by the same offender(s), in separate events.

[ame=""]LA LA - Brandon Scott Lavergne, Acadia Parish, indicted July 2012 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Well, Claire -- time to get a restraining order - he is gone for good.

I think he is a serial killer. He may toy with his victims for a while before he kills them. he may take pictures, collect their stuff for remembering once the act is done. However, in my opinion only - the bodies are not going to be far away from some place familiar to him. Maybe a favorite fishing place, etc. He placed Pace's body behind his house under some boards (not thinking). He did not cut it up or dump it in the water. He kept it on his property. I think he killed her, but left her body intact and buried it somewhere he could visit it again, within 10 miles of his house, maybe even 5 miles. Just in secluded woods, but somewhere he could visit it again. I think he has a sick desire to have her close to his home...or property that he owns..or something very familiar to him.

aviatrix, I would agree with you except BS Lavergne, had ample time to destroy or relocate her remains.. and:

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot -
* Season 1, Episode 1, Aired Oct 06, 2000

Psychopathical sexual predators learn & make necessary corrections from the errors of their past, forensics tv shows such as CSI, and networking during his 8 years in prison..

Think that just may be why they call it the department of 'Corrections'..
I have a hypothesis. In dealing with other males who have been adopted, many have spent much time contemplating about their bio mother and what she looked like, what she sounded like, what she wore, etc. I worked one case in which I found the bio mother and the man (an attorney) only wanted to know her name. So for his 56th birthday I told her his biological mother's real name. That is as far as he wanted to go, but he was so grateful. Anyway -- I say all that because I have an inkling that BSL being adopted DOES figure in to his obsession and fascination with feminine things and with holding women hostage, etc. I think it even figures in to the fact that he stopped from the taking the girl's virginity when he violated her. When I first started sleuthing this case, I really thought the fact that he was rejected by his bio mother carried little weight. However-- now when I read that he was in possession of various women's items, their IDs, etc. -- I think he was using those things as a self-medication -- something to soothe that longing for his bio mother's presence. To many this will sound crazy and bizarre -- but -- I don't think so. In the book Genome, the author says that "good" girls will choose "bad" boys to have kids with so the kids will be physically very vibrant -- high testosterone negates high estrogen. Thus good girls choose bad boys and unconsciously. I think the opposite may apply here. I have a suspicion that BSL's adoption DID play a role (about 30%) in his mental illness. I think he needed things from women, especially women he viewed as "good" to make himself feel better about his plight in life. That being said, I think the women he victimizes will not be prostitutes, etc. but rather women whom society sees as "good". Lisa Pate. Mickey Schunick. There will be other victims, but they are not going to be drug addicts or hookers. Nor will the collection of things in his home. The stuff he keeps will be from women he perceives as "good". -- Okay, out of my head -- go!!!

I think that there is a very fine line between this kind of discussion, and outright discrimination against adoptees. I think we need to be careful to not paint all adoptees with the ' damaged children' brush. JMO

ETA: I know you work with adoptees and you base your findings on those whom you work with. But keep in mind that you are working with those that want to search for their bio family. I know many adoptees who are in open adoptions and do not have those obsessions that you are describing.
And I know many that do not want to search because they like thier lives they way they are.
Thanx JBean..
Guess, we will have to wait til the story unfolds and convictions are handed down before we can add

'BS' Lavergne,

to the Wall of Shame, thread huh?

Nope. See my post below (or above, as the case might be). He's a SK suspect, and LE thinks he could be responsible for more murders. We have other threads in the SK forum where members attempt to link victims to suspects, so it's the appropriate place for the thread. If he's acquitted in a couple of years, then I guess we'll have to move it. :nyah:
Hold the drums..sorry but there has been serial killers from virtually every US state that killed both genders. Think the question was a sk from Louisiana..

My apologies:sweep:

Lemme dig but so far it's either SK in Louisiana kill either all female or all male.
I believe that at the time Lisa Pate's body was found, Claire Higginbotham was living with another person (a man) on the same property, and it was owned by BSL's family. I also believe that Claire, the man, and BSL were involved in a car accident (I think BSL may have been driving) that injured Claire, causing her to need a wheelchair to this day. Please correct me if any of this is incorrect.

An article that mentions the house where Lisa Pate was found states the name of the man who rented the house, and he only had lived in that house for a month. Mid August to mid September.

We know that Lisa went missing in June.

How does the accident rumor match up with what we know from MSM?

I have heard a few different versions of this accident rumor.

It is confusing, as Lisa was found September 21, and that would mean that CH would have moved in to this house in mid August after the accident?
If she was afraid of BSL, why would she move into a house owned by a BSL relative after an accident where BSL was driving ?

Sorry, but I am just confused by this.
If someone finds an LA SK that kills both or varies they prey...please pass this info on. I'd like to read about that person...very interesting....
It's a creepy smirk...or the sign of relief that he got busted!! They say that happens to criminals. Hell, he could have been getting off to this (if you know what I mean) because this was a "high" for him!

I often wonder, with mugshots, how the person taking the picture was conducting his/her business. (Or is it automated -- but even if so, betting there is some human input.) Is it always all-business -- "Turn right; turn left", etc. Or, sometimes, is someone unable to resist saying something along the lines of "Smile pretty for the camera, Brandon"? I just bet some of the expressions we see in mugshots are a response to something at the moment.

I see some kind of emotion peeking through in this particular shot, but I still don't see a smirk.
I keep seeing people saying "NOLO". What is NOLO?

I have never heard or seen this before. I know and say "NOLA", for New Orleans, Louisiana. Is that what you mean? Or am I missing something?

It's killing me that I keep seeing nolo instead of Nola, but I figure whoever has typed that just isn't familiar with the city...
Derrick Todd lee was believed to have killed a man and a woman while they were in a graveyard making out in a car and he attacked them w an axe.
I often wonder, with mugshots, how the person taking the picture was conducting his/her business. (Or is it automated -- but even if so, betting there is some human input.) Is it always all-business -- "Turn right; turn left", etc. Or, sometimes, is someone unable to resist saying something along the lines of "Smile pretty for the camera, Brandon"? I just bet some of the expressions we see in mugshots are a response to something at the moment.

I see some kind of emotion peeking through in this particular shot, but I still don't see a smirk.

I even try to see a smirk, but I still don't either.
An article that mentions the house where Lisa Pate was found states the name of the man who rented the house, and he only had lived in that house for a month. Mid August to mid September.

We know that Lisa went missing in June.

How does the accident rumor match up with what we know from MSM?

I have heard a few different versions of this accident rumor.

It is confusing, as Lisa was found September 21, and that would mean that CH would have moved in to this house in mid August after the accident?
If she was afraid of BSL, why would she move into a house owned by a BSL relative after an accident where BSL was driving ?

Sorry, but I am just confused by this.

My understanding is...
CH and "a man" lived in the house together (I thought) CH BSL and "a man"
were in a wreck "a man" died, CH wheelchair bound, BSL had some injuries.

I thought their property bordered BSL's? (not sure)
***didn't CH say BSL followed her and moved in next door or across the street or something? IMO that had to be prior to 2000

ANYWAY! CH didn't move back and "a man" was deceased, so the home was re-rented in August 1999???

I also (thought) BSL blamed "a man" who was deceased for killing Ms. Pate???
With no solid link BSL was just suspected until the search warrant was done?

BSL was only 20 can't imagine he "owned" land
I'm sure he bullied her and picked on her but STUFF GOT REAL the night of
the accident when she was paralyzed and the man she lived with was killed.
All MOO!!!
Heard some unsettling news today via a friend (albeit hearsay) that an attorney said that there is not enough evidence to win a conviction re: the MS case, that's why the LP case was pursued. God, I certainly hope that this attorney is just not "in the know" about the particulars and he is wrong. This man needs to be off the streets before he harms yet another innocent beautiful woman and all the individuals impacted by this.

Excuse me if this has already been addressed, as I am trying to catch up. But as a local watching this unfold, I believe that le does have enough evidence to win a conviction in MS case. They have played this one close to the vest, and continue to do so. I dont think they would've brought it to a grand jury if they didn't. LE is not stupid, they know that pursuing a murder charge without a body is extremely difficult to do. And the reason they also put LP in there is because they believe he did it, and he needs to be punished for EVERY crime he committed, not just MS. JMO.:fence:
From some of the research I have done, I believe that the woman Claire that was on the news today, MAY be the woman who was in the car accident with BL years ago at the LP disappearance.

I thought rumor was they were all friends in the car? Or was it just the guys who were friends?
An article that mentions the house where Lisa Pate was found states the name of the man who rented the house, and he only had lived in that house for a month. Mid August to mid September.

We know that Lisa went missing in June.

How does the accident rumor match up with what we know from MSM?

I have heard a few different versions of this accident rumor.

It is confusing, as Lisa was found September 21, and that would mean that CH would have moved in to this house in mid August after the accident?
If she was afraid of BSL, why would she move into a house owned by a BSL relative after an accident where BSL was driving ?

Sorry, but I am just confused by this.

I've gotten tangled up in all the rumors on this part, too, Prof.

I tend to think WS verified local Laffy Taffy knows what he/she is talking about on this -- but that poster (probably wisely, I feel) is limiting what he/she reveals here.

I think we are going to have to just sit tight and wait until more comes out "officially" on these details.
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