LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #39

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I've also been following this case and these threads for a while now, and I'd like to know which link you're talking about.

I think she's talking about Gary Lavergne the author of Bad Boy From Rosebud.
This is my first time posting on WS. I've only just become aware of this site after my lurking of this case has led me to it. I grew up in the same neighborhood where Mickey was heading home on her bicycle that night. It's a nice, safe family neighborhood where children are always playing outside. On a recent visit home, I drove by the Shunick residence. From the outside, you wouldn't be able to notice something so tragic was going on inside. I also drove past the gas station where she was last seen on video. I looked up at the camera and an eery feeling came over me. I've been to that gas station across the street so many times after a night out in Lafayette. I'm a few years older than Mickey and do not know her. I have been to Artmosphere (the bar she left that night on May 19), a few times to watch my friend's band play. It's a "hipster" bar, I would say. It looks like a house from the outside and very quaint on the inside. The inside has a small stage, small bar, local art on the walls, and everyone there seems to know each other, like a small family of friends. Mickey and her friends seem like genuine, caring people whose company I'd thoroughly enjoy. This case truly saddens me and I hope LE has enough evidence to convict BSL. We will soon (hopefully) find out. More importantly, I hope the Shunick family gets the closure they need.
This is my first time posting on WS. I've only just become aware of this site after my lurking of this case has led me to it. I grew up in the same neighborhood where Mickey was heading home on her bicycle that night. It's a nice, safe family neighborhood where children are always playing outside. On a recent visit home, I drove by the Shunick residence. From the outside, you wouldn't be able to notice something so tragic was going on inside. I also drove past the gas station where she was last seen on video. I looked up at the camera and an eery feeling came over me. I've been to that gas station across the street so many times after a night out in Lafayette. I'm a few years older than Mickey and do not know her. I have been to Artmosphere (the bar she left that night on May 19), a few times to watch my friend's band play. It's a "hipster" bar, I would say. It looks like a house from the outside and very quaint on the inside. The inside has a small stage, small bar, local art on the walls, and everyone there seems to know each other, like a small family of friends. Mickey and her friends seem like genuine, caring people whose company I'd thoroughly enjoy. This case truly saddens me and I hope LE has enough evidence to convict BSL. We will soon (hopefully) find out. More importantly, I hope the Shunick family gets the closure they need.

Welcome to Websleuths! Great first post I can't imagine how sad it must be to go by these places I hope Mickey is found and her family, friends and the community get the closure they need.
Justwannahelp, Am praying for MS's family, friends and search crews + petitioning St. Anthony who is the Patron of lost things. He never disappoints, try him !!

Yes indeed, St Anthony is being petitioned...... Thanks
Continued prayers for Mickey :angel: to come home real soon. :rose:
sorry bessie..I didnt post it though. But for now on I will ask in advance:banghead:
I've also been following this case and these threads for a while now, and I'd like to know which link you're talking about.


Welcome to Websleuths, Blissalexisx and Public Hysteria!!!

ETA: Whoops
-- PH, guess you're not brand-new -- but welcome, anyhow!
Thank you for the link to st. Anthony's shrine as i did not have it !!
He is powerful, so we will pray and wait and pray and wait and pray and wait some more ....... He will pull thru !
Just want to say "thanks" to Prof for the article linked (previous page, I think) about jurors and the internet. Interesting read and lots of food for thought there!
I keep praying that light will finally be shed on Mickey's location, so that her family and all her loved ones and friends can give her a beautiful memorial service and her final resting place. Please God, let it be soon, for her family's sake. They have suffered more than enough pain. Love & prayers to the Shunick family.
Your kind word are my thoughts..... Thank you for the awesome collage of Mickey. We all miss her.
Thank you for the link to st. Anthony's shrine as i did not have it !!
He is powerful, so we will pray and wait and pray and wait and pray and wait some more ....... He will pull thru !

Welcome to Websleuths! I am praying to him to. My late grandmother prayed to him all the time and he listened so hope he comes through.
I have a st. Anthony's medal that was blessed by Pope Pius back in the 1960s that belonged to my late Mom while she and Dad were living in Italy. My most prized possession because it meant a lot to Mom. Prayers to St. Anthony tonight.
"CF, I agree size doesn't matter"..But to censor others voice or opinion, does matter.. Silence is how 'BS" Lavergne was allowed to prey on innocent victims for years or decades, imo...

There are 100,000+ missing/murdered victims in the USA due to the antiquated strategy of silence...Transparency & awareness are necessary, not only to insure Judstice is served, but also for the public's safety..

Chicken Fried, ironically the FBI NCIC hasn't gotten around to post the statistics for 2011 and we are almost into the eighth month of 2012.. Guess, they have been too busy, huh?

NCIC Missing Person and Unidentified Person Statistics for 2010
Pursuant to Public Law 101-647, 104 Statute 4967, Crime Control Act of 1990Requirements

But he's in jail. He's not preying on victims.

LE's silence is what caught him. Otherwise he would have been tipped.

Some silence on LE leaks might help more surely convict him.

Is there a specific purpose to posting on the Internet that XYZ was found at his house, when LE is already all over it?

I'm not a fan of "total transparency," as you have guessed. I think that "total transparency" is a default setting that saves people from having to engage the gray area of having to make judgment calls.

No offense meant... I'm just explaining my position.

The wrong leak at the wrong time... and BSL could have slipped the noose.

It was not a given that he was going to be caught.

Corporal Mouton very pointedly said, just after BSL's arrest, that social media helped LE, but also really hurt LE.

The hippies tried pure freedom, and it doesn't seem to have well stood the test of time.
"The grand jury source, concerned about being linked to revelation of secret testimony, would not discuss what the jurors considered regarding how Lavergne got back to Swords after allegedly taking his truck to Texas and burning it or what they evidently considered a credible link between Lavergne and Whiskey Bay."

"Investigators have publicly said they have such a link but declined to reveal what it is."

Read more: - Grand Jury hears truck burning Whiskey Bay details of state s case against Lavergne

Hmm... so it's a "WHAT" not a "WHO"!
It is also an "it". Meaning 1 thing???

I just had a thought!
What if "it" was a credible "tip"?
Not an "eye" witness per se' but
umm say a FINGER "tip"?

Yes... it is becoming a "little" more clear!

Rumor has it BSL was up in Pineville at the Central
State Hospital. When it was discussed I brought up the fact that Red River treatment center for Addictions is also there and we had no proof he was at the psych unit. I am thinking Lisa and BSL may have been in rehab treatment somewhere together. Lisa's family has publicly stated she had a drug problem and had been to rehab twice. We still don't know where BSL was or what he was doing between his junior year and when he joined the service.Now that we know his uncle was a policeman, I wonder if BSL
was involved in many juvenile crimes that were sealed and maybe his uncle or a judge got him to go for treatment as an alternative to punishment.

Do we know if BSL ever went hunting? Someone mentioned p3-95. Parish Rd 3-95 has numerous gravel parking areas on the west side of the lower road where one can park and cross over the levee to the east side which is wooded. There are also roads that go from the lower levee road up to the levee road and over into wooded areas on the west bank of the Atchafalaya. You can get onto the levee road from Butte LaRose by taking a road that runs down by the visitors center off of I-10.It is a gravel road until about 3/4ths of the way to Krotz Springs where the lower road becomes paved and you can't drive up on the levee.There are areas of bayou that are visible between the levee and the Atchafalaya. If BSL ever spent any time down there I am sure he knew this.

I've been thinking about BSL and the info we were told by Someguy... that he didn't drink.

Here Mickey is coming from a Lafayette bar, and Lisa Pate worked at a Lafayette bar.

Maybe BSL used to drink.

He had an eight-year period of enforced sobriety at the Iron-Bar Hotel.

Maybe he came out not drinking and just decided not to resume.

Meaning.... I'm wondering if he met Lisa Pate at Poets? It was a HOT nightclub - packed dance floor - drinks flowing. Maybe he was drinking back then. Would be a good question for Someguy if he drops back in. A lot of guys BSL's age meet waitresses at night but come in for lunch during the day so that they can actually talk to them without all the noise. I would sing Karaoke at night but then sometimes drop in for lunch to shoot the bull with CS and her coworkers at the place CS worked.

ETA: I'm pondering in which setting a 20-y.o. BSL could meet a 35-y.o. Lisa Pate, a pretty woman.
It's plausible BSL bought a small motorcycle and put it in the back of the truck and then drove it to Spring after burning the truck where he picked up a car rental and later went back and picked up the bike.

Do we have any type of documentation stating BSL's fingertip was cut off or is this also rumor? Thanks!

As for a credible link between Lavergne and WB, that may just be tire tracks. Precise grammar is not always used here. We are usually too busy eatin crawfish,boudin, cracklins and gator to worry about grammar!
Ya ain't eaten 'till ya had a boudin ball stuffed with pepperjack cheese!Yum!

"The grand jury source, concerned about being linked to revelation of secret testimony, would not discuss what the jurors considered regarding how Lavergne got back to Swords after allegedly taking his truck to Texas and burning it or what they evidently considered a credible link between Lavergne and Whiskey Bay."

"Investigators have publicly said they have such a link but declined to reveal what it is."

Read more: - Grand Jury hears truck burning Whiskey Bay details of state s case against Lavergne

Hmm... so it's a "WHAT" not a "WHO"!
It is also an "it". Meaning 1 thing???

I just had a thought!
What if "it" was a credible "tip"?
Not an "eye" witness per se' but
umm say a FINGER "tip"?

Yes... it is becoming a "little" more clear!

It's plausible BSL bought a small motorcycle and put it in the back of the truck and then drove it to Spring after burning the truck where he picked up a car rental and later went back and picked up the bike.

Do we have any type of documentation stating BSL's fingertip was cut off or is this also rumor? Thanks!

As for a credible link between Lavergne and WB, that may just be tire tracks. Precise grammar is not always used here. We are usually too busy eatin crawfish,boudin, cracklins and gator to worry about grammar!
Ya ain't eaten 'till ya had a boudin ball stuffed with pepperjack cheese!Yum!

STOP! You are making me hungry!

Yes. I am basing my "hypothesis" on rumor...
AGAIN we have a "WHAT" not a "WHO".
AND an "IT".

"What" else could "it" be?:twocents:
But he's in jail. He's not preying on victims.

LE's silence is what caught him. Otherwise he would have been tipped.

Some silence on LE leaks might help more surely convict him.

Is there a specific purpose to posting on the Internet that XYZ was found at his house, when LE is already all over it?

I'm not a fan of "total transparency," as you have guessed. I think that "total transparency" is a default setting that saves people from having to engage the gray area of having to make judgment calls.

No offense meant... I'm just explaining my position.

The wrong leak at the wrong time... and BSL could have slipped the noose.

It was not a given that he was going to be caught.

Corporal Mouton very pointedly said, just after BSL's arrest, that social media helped LE, but also really hurt LE.

The hippies tried pure freedom, and it doesn't seem to have well stood the test of time.

He is in jail and not preying on victims that is correct.

He is in jail because a courageous lady testified against him after reporting what he did to her. If this lady had not of come forward no one can state when he would of appeared on LE radar. He proved that through the use of different jurisdictions to avoid being detected. Look at the number of jurisdictions he used just in the disposal of evidence related to MS.

He would not be a tier 3 RSO if not for this lady.

LE silence did not catch him. A tip from the public did and that has been repeatedly stated by LE themselves, specifically the June 14th tip. It was a critical piece of the puzzle in this case. This is fact. LE stated it themselves. We are not privey to what that tip was but there are many that have theories as to what was.

LE must keep some information close to the vest but if you look at the various cases, and there are many that have been followed on this board alone, it is usually when LE enlists the aid of the public that it tends to be the most successful. That does not mean to state that they must give out every single piece of evidence they have, but the more involved the public is, the greater chance for an arrest.

Social media does have its pro's and con's, and LE must evolve as technology evolves as things happen in "Real Time". This means that cases, especially when a child goes missing, can move very rapidly which once again requires the assistance of the public in helping to get the word out not only in a county, state, country, but even around the world. Shows like America's Most Wanted has proved it time and again. I am tired of watching cases like the Etan Patz case, which is 33 years old, remain unsolved. (Although they may now have the right person).

There is also the importance of transparency. This is how the public finds out about the incidents where LE goes beyond its mandate. Oversteps boundaries, et al. It only takes a few bad apples to overstep those boundaries. It is not just LE either. I often cite the Duke Lacrosse case where a DA went unchecked. DA's have a great deal of power as was seen in that case. There were no checks and balances in place which allowed a DA to use his platform for his own gain. That to me is unacceptable.

This is a new era in which technology can play an important and vital role. LE's around the world must adapt. Period. That does not mean to say they must divulge every single detail with respect to a case. It was technology that got the word out with respect to MS not LE. It was the technology her family and friends utilized which informed the public not LE. In fact LE never even did a press conference with respect to her missing which is virtually unheard of. They finally gave one once TES came in to search.

The system does not work the way it should and never will unless changes are made.
It's plausible BSL bought a small motorcycle and put it in the back of the truck and then drove it to Spring after burning the truck where he picked up a car rental and later went back and picked up the bike.

Do we have any type of documentation stating BSL's fingertip was cut off or is this also rumor? Thanks!

As for a credible link between Lavergne and WB, that may just be tire tracks. Precise grammar is not always used here. We are usually too busy eatin crawfish,boudin, cracklins and gator to worry about grammar!
Ya ain't eaten 'till ya had a boudin ball stuffed with pepperjack cheese!Yum!

Any thing is possible.

We know that BSL had an injury to his finger. Thinking out of the box and stating a theory that is plausable is what we do. Thus it is possible that they found a bit of finger whether that be the tip or a chunk which got caught on a bike. It is just as feasible as a tire track. It as well could be blood as we know K9's hit on blood even though it was downplayed. For all we know there are cameras at WB as I am quite certain that is something LE would not want criminals to know. If it had been stated that maybe it was his entire hand I think that goes beyond the information that we do know.
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