LA - ***ARREST*** Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette, 19 May 2012 #39

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Any thing is possible.

We know that BSL had an injury to his finger. Thinking out of the box and stating a theory that is plausable is what we do. Thus it is possible that they found a bit of finger whether that be the tip or a chunk which got caught on a bike. It is just as feasible as a tire track. It as well could be blood as we know K9's hit on blood even though it was downplayed. For all we know there are cameras at WB as I am quite certain that is something LE would not want criminals to know. If it had been stated that maybe it was his entire hand I think that goes beyond the information that we do know.

How do we know BSL had an injured finger? Where did this info come from. Either I missed it or I forgot it (which is also possible).

I am quite aware of what is done here. I am also aware that a box has 8 sides. I grew up reading stories that taught you something- with characters like Henny Penny and cocky Locky who believed the sky was falling, the moral of that story being to investigate and not just follow along with what someone else says.

There's a lot of wildlife in that area and I think in a weeks time IF there was a fingertip something would have eaten it-an animal, a gator or fish nibbling on it if it was stuck on the bike.

I don't believe LE would have a problem telling the public they had cameras down there. Why hide it?
But he's in jail. He's not preying on victims.

LE's silence is what caught him. Otherwise he would have been tipped.

Some silence on LE leaks might help more surely convict him.

Is there a specific purpose to posting on the Internet that XYZ was found at his house, when LE is already all over it?

I'm not a fan of "total transparency," as you have guessed. I think that "total transparency" is a default setting that saves people from having to engage the gray area of having to make judgment calls.

No offense meant... I'm just explaining my position.

The wrong leak at the wrong time... and BSL could have slipped the noose.

It was not a given that he was going to be caught.

Corporal Mouton very pointedly said, just after BSL's arrest, that social media helped LE, but also really hurt LE.

The hippies tried pure freedom, and it doesn't seem to have well stood the test of time.

RE: LE's silence is what caught him. Otherwise he would have been tipped.

Did he have unknown associates? Does BSL have other unknown Victims?

Guess, we can respectfully agree to disagree. Chicken Fried..
Two public tips is why BS Lavergne, was identified, although he was a Tier 3 RSO living 20 miles from the scene of the crime & driving a DWT?

Interviewed by two NOLO detectives on 05/19/2012 with a mugging ruse that any rookie LEO could see through. Met for his RSO quarterly interview only 9 days after the brutal abduction of Mickey Schunick, with multiple stab wounds, poison Ivy, etc...yet no red flags?

Without the public's awareness in this abduction investigation BSL, would still be actively preying on innocent victims, imo..
How do we know BSL had an injured finger? Where did this info come from. Either I missed it or I forgot it (which is also possible).

I am quite aware of what is done here. I am also aware that a box has 8 sides. I grew up reading stories that taught you something- with characters like Henny Penny and cocky Locky who believed the sky was falling, the moral of that story being to investigate and not just follow along with what someone else says.

There's a lot of wildlife in that area and I think in a weeks time IF there was a fingertip something would have eaten it-an animal, a gator or fish nibbling on it if it was stuck on the bike.

I don't believe LE would have a problem telling the public they had cameras down there. Why hide it?

I'm on my cell and not sure how to post links, so I apologize if this is not done properly.
How do we know BSL had an injured finger? Where did this info come from. Either I missed it or I forgot it (which is also possible).

I am quite aware of what is done here. I am also aware that a box has 8 sides. I grew up reading stories that taught you something- with characters like Henny Penny and cocky Locky who believed the sky was falling, the moral of that story being to investigate and not just follow along with what someone else says.

There's a lot of wildlife in that area and I think in a weeks time IF there was a fingertip something would have eaten it-an animal, a gator or fish nibbling on it if it was stuck on the bike.

I don't believe LE would have a problem telling the public they had cameras down there. Why hide it?

Lavergne’s lacerated finger, poison ivy treated at Opelousas General

Monday, July 16, 2012

On Sunday The Independent learned and later confirmed with sources close to the investigation that Lavergne also went to the emergency room of Opelousas General, which is nearer his home in the Swords area of St. Landry Parish. Our sources say doctors at the hospital performed surgery on his finger, and note that at the time Lavergne also was suffering from an extensive breakout of poison ivy.

Lavergne’s lacerated finger, poison ivy treated at Opelousas General

Monday, July 16, 2012

On Sunday The Independent learned and later confirmed with sources close to the investigation that Lavergne also went to the emergency room of Opelousas General, which is nearer his home in the Swords area of St. Landry Parish. Our sources say doctors at the hospital performed surgery on his finger, and note that at the time Lavergne also was suffering from an extensive breakout of poison ivy.

We know when she left her friend's house, he said she pulled out her mace and rode off. I'm thinking burns from mace, not poison ivy.
We know when she left her friend's house, he said she pulled out her mace and rode off. I'm thinking burns from mace, not poison ivy.

'Very possible, TXVET'.. like the way you're thinking...

When a recruit attends Army basic training, they are placed in a room with CS gas/tear gas. Most recruits are very angry when they are eventually allowed to leave the room.
Imo, mace only make predators such as BSL, angry & more violent and gives the victim a false sense of security..
I wonder where this "poison ivy" outbreak was located. Just hands? Face and forearms? I hope the medical records note this. And I agree, I doubt mace had much effect on BSL other than an annoyance. Who knows...he might have built up an immunity to the stuff...
I am not from the area so all the locations get a bit confusing. I tried to read some of the articles but I am more confused. Can someone clarify which hospitals he went to on May 19th and what was allegedly treated at each one?
Only Ochsner has been confirmed to have occured on May 19th, IIRC.
"According to an incident report from the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office, Brandon Lavergne showed up at Ochsner Hospital on the night of May 19, with multiple stab wounds on his chest, back, neck and hand."

I am not from the area so all the locations get a bit confusing. I tried to read some of the articles but I am more confused. Can someone clarify which hospitals he went to on May 19th and what was allegedly treated at each one?
Just had to throw in an OT. On my way to work this morning I was behind a "hooptie". I didn't know what that was until I started reading here. It had 2 American flags attached to the roof. I said to myself (yes, I talk to myself), "Chicken Fried came to Pennsylvania".

But I just want to thank again all the locals who have given me and all the other "non-locals" all the information on your culture, the Cajen-net, your customs, your food (although I'm not a fish person, but some of it sounds yummy), your heritage. You have been our eyes and ears on the ground through all of this, explaining the areas, the "coulies", and so many other things I was totally unaware of. I am very impressed how you all have come together as a community and hope this all leads to bringing Mickey home. (Instead of "you all", I should have said "yuns", colloquial to my area!) Thank you again!
We know when she left her friend's house, he said she pulled out her mace and rode off. I'm thinking burns from mace, not poison ivy.
That might explain how she was temporarily able to get the knife from him, or to deflect it well enough to stab him with it several times. Although I think it's very possible he had the poison ivy rash from contacting it wherever he took her. Maybe the mace made his skin more sensitive and caused the poison ivy rash to break out more quickly.
He is in jail and not preying on victims that is correct.

He is in jail because a courageous lady testified against him after reporting what he did to her. If this lady had not of come forward no one can state when he would of appeared on LE radar. He proved that through the use of different jurisdictions to avoid being detected. Look at the number of jurisdictions he used just in the disposal of evidence related to MS.

He would not be a tier 3 RSO if not for this lady.

LE silence did not catch him. A tip from the public did and that has been repeatedly stated by LE themselves, specifically the June 14th tip. It was a critical piece of the puzzle in this case. This is fact. LE stated it themselves. We are not privey to what that tip was but there are many that have theories as to what was.

LE must keep some information close to the vest but if you look at the various cases, and there are many that have been followed on this board alone, it is usually when LE enlists the aid of the public that it tends to be the most successful. That does not mean to state that they must give out every single piece of evidence they have, but the more involved the public is, the greater chance for an arrest.

Social media does have its pro's and con's, and LE must evolve as technology evolves as things happen in "Real Time". This means that cases, especially when a child goes missing, can move very rapidly which once again requires the assistance of the public in helping to get the word out not only in a county, state, country, but even around the world. Shows like America's Most Wanted has proved it time and again. I am tired of watching cases like the Etan Patz case, which is 33 years old, remain unsolved. (Although they may now have the right person).

There is also the importance of transparency. This is how the public finds out about the incidents where LE goes beyond its mandate. Oversteps boundaries, et al. It only takes a few bad apples to overstep those boundaries. It is not just LE either. I often cite the Duke Lacrosse case where a DA went unchecked. DA's have a great deal of power as was seen in that case. There were no checks and balances in place which allowed a DA to use his platform for his own gain. That to me is unacceptable.

This is a new era in which technology can play an important and vital role. LE's around the world must adapt. Period. That does not mean to say they must divulge every single detail with respect to a case. It was technology that got the word out with respect to MS not LE. It was the technology her family and friends utilized which informed the public not LE. In fact LE never even did a press conference with respect to her missing which is virtually unheard of. They finally gave one once TES came in to search.

The system does not work the way it should and never will unless changes are made.

I need to phrase my statement more carefully.

What I meant by "LE's silence caught him" was that their silence about telling things to the public after getting the tip caught him.

We both saw people here clamoring for LE's head because they were being quiet. They demanded to be fed and banged their forks and knives on the table.

That LE silence, that so upset some posters here, IS what caught him.

Would it have caught him to broadcast on the TV beforehand that LE was looking hard at Brandon Scott Lavergne?

Just like now.... people are insisting that all the details be released and published here - jury pool be damned.

Their silence now can help protect against unnecessary tainting.

That's what I meant. Obviously, I know it is a fact that a woman called in a tip that resulted in his arrest.
Any thing is possible.

We know that BSL had an injury to his finger. Thinking out of the box and stating a theory that is plausable is what we do. Thus it is possible that they found a bit of finger whether that be the tip or a chunk which got caught on a bike. It is just as feasible as a tire track. It as well could be blood as we know K9's hit on blood even though it was downplayed. For all we know there are cameras at WB as I am quite certain that is something LE would not want criminals to know. If it had been stated that maybe it was his entire hand I think that goes beyond the information that we do know.

I'd lay down a $100-bill that there are no cameras at the bike-dump spot. Maybe at the boating ramp... possibly.

I looked hard for cameras and found none. I found no power source of any kind and no power lines coming down off the bridge. I saw no solar panels to independently power any cameras. The mother of one of DTL's victims pleaded with LE to put cameras there and she says they promised, but never did it... which sounds exactly like Louisiana for ya.

I'd be very surprised if he had stab wounds everywhere else, but the one on his hand was from cutting it on the bike. Not impossible, no, but not real likely that he cut himself while handling a bike, badly enough to need surgery. Seems to me if his blood was there it likely dripped from another wound.
RE: LE's silence is what caught him. Otherwise he would have been tipped.

Did he have unknown associates? Does BSL have other unknown Victims?

Guess, we can respectfully agree to disagree. Chicken Fried..
Two public tips is why BS Lavergne, was identified, although he was a Tier 3 RSO living 20 miles from the scene of the crime & driving a DWT?

Interviewed by two NOLO detectives on 05/19/2012 with a mugging ruse that any rookie LEO could see through. Met for his RSO quarterly interview only 9 days after the brutal abduction of Mickey Schunick, with multiple stab wounds, poison Ivy, etc...yet no red flags?

Without the public's awareness in this abduction investigation BSL, would still be actively preying on innocent victims, imo..

See above - I'm not referring to LE's silence before the tips came in.... I'm referring to the fact that they kept up a tight silence from June 14 to July 5 while people were saying "off with their heads."

And I'm extending that to saying that LE silence after the arrest and before the trial may also not be a bad thing. It's not LE's job to feed the social-media beast.
Regarding tire tracks alone being what placed him at Whiskey Bay:

Extremely unlikely. It was reported by LE that he did a very good arson job - burned the heck out of his truck. To me, this would mean that his tires burned. Tires are pretty flammable, and once started, very hard to extinguish.

Between the time he allegedly visited WB and the time bike was found, other vehicles undoubtedly crossed his tracks, and there was a hard rain.

IF they got good tracks, they would only be able to match them to a type of vehicle - not BSL's specific wear and tread pattern, because the matching set would have been burned up in the fire.

This would provide substantiating evidence, yes, but not primary evidence that he was there. There are a lot of DWTs on the road, and it could have been any of them that made the tracks.
That might explain how she was temporarily able to get the knife from him, or to deflect it well enough to stab him with it several times. Although I think it's very possible he had the poison ivy rash from contacting it wherever he took her. Maybe the mace made his skin more sensitive and caused the poison ivy rash to break out more quickly.

My sister and I were discussing how MS could have been the one to stab BSL just last night. As much as I don't believe his story about a mugging, I just couldn't see how MS could have done it, especially if her box cutter was in her bag (if she even had one).

My sister, who used a bike as her only form of transportation in college, used to ride that exact bike route all the time especially late at night because it is the safest way to avoid drunk drivers at 2 am. She said that there are really just a couple places around there that aren't right in someone's front yard and if BSL followed MS long enough for her to get into the less populated areas that she would have known she was being followed. Having her explain what a cyclists thinks when they are traveling down those roads really made it makes sense to me. She thinks Mickey would have known something was "off" and had a chance to arm herself a much as possible for a conflict. Just some thoughts my sister and I were tossing around last night.
'Very possible, TXVET'.. like the way you're thinking...

When a recruit attends Army basic training, they are placed in a room with CS gas/tear gas. Most recruits are very angry when they are eventually allowed to leave the room.
Imo, mace only make predators such as BSL, angry & more violent and gives the victim a false sense of security..

would mace leave a rash though? i thought it would just make your eyes burn and swell. but it doesn't actually leave an awful rash like poison ivy.

it would be helpful to know when he went to Op General because they don't talk about his rash at Ochsner, so i wonder if that could help out timewise with his whereabouts?
Regarding tire tracks alone being what placed him at Whiskey Bay:

Extremely unlikely. It was reported by LE that he did a very good arson job - burned the heck out of his truck. To me, this would mean that his tires burned. Tires are pretty flammable, and once started, very hard to extinguish.

Between the time he allegedly visited WB and the time bike was found, other vehicles undoubtedly crossed his tracks, and there was a hard rain.

IF they got good tracks, they would only be able to match them to a type of vehicle - not BSL's specific wear and tread pattern, because the matching set would have been burned up in the fire.

This would provide substantiating evidence, yes, but not primary evidence that he was there. There are a lot of DWTs on the road, and it could have been any of them that made the tracks.

I'm sorry if I missed it, but has LE said when BSL was placed at WB? I've always wondered if it was on the 19th or some other day and never saw anything in the media that said exactly when.
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