LA LA - Belle Chasse, WhtMale 16-17, UP88342, hanged, suicide note, Feb'75 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Something in my mind just clicked when you bith mentioned the shoes. It might be wild speculation but :

Charles Wallace's mother asked to see BCJD's feet because there was something identifiable about them. So, if it is possible that Mrs Wallace either made a mistake or misindentified him on purpose (which I do think possible) then we might assume that Charles Wallace may have had to wear specially made shoes for whatever his foot problem was. If these shoes were specially made then they could probably identify him - it therefore stands to reason that he would get rid of his shoes.

I still find it totally weird that he would write a long note of explanation to his parents, and then leave a note asking for his parents not to be notified. That has never made sense to me at all; like why bother with the long letter to mum and dad, protected in a glass jar, if you don't want them to ever read it?

Firstly to our boy: Apologies for being late this year.

Secondly, thank you all for keeping this case alive.

Thirdly, much if not all that is currently posted on thread 2 has been mentioned, examined and investigated with conclusions drawn for many on Thread 1.

I would strongly advise reading Thread 1 thoroughly and understanding it before bringing up the same subject again on Thread 2 unless it advances the ball.

The suicide note has been dissected in mintuae and everyone has their own opinion on it being a subjective writing.

I myself think he wrote the part to his parents for forgiveness, the part to police to hopefully spare them work, and the part with philosophy, self-examination and self-awareness as an explanation to himself. He tried to understand himself, but when he looked, he wasn't there. He could not feel, he was withdrawn, he had trouble socializing... Imo he had made up his mind that he was a psychopath, although he mentions melancholy, which does not fit in with a psychopath, they are devoid of both happiness and sadness.

While we may speculate at his reasons for taking his life, I'm fairly certain that melancholy did play a part in it.

Lastly, although the county and the sheriff have no records, I located his records for the funeral home through the LDS church genealogy website (Mothe Funeral Home) they had several pages of records pertaining to BCJD all of which I posted on Thread 1, including one handwritten page with the names of people who came to see him to possibly identify him.

Also posted was the email to and response from Mr Mothe Jr, who assured me Woodlawn cemetery did not have damage from Katrina or any other hurricane, apparently the problem was with those buried above ground or in sea level ground turned to mud.

The section BCDJ is buried in, is known to Mr Mothe and he can give a precise location of the remains to the family or to law enforcement. Let me repeat that : HE CAN GIVE A PRECISE LOCATION TO THE FAMILY OR TO LAW ENFORCEMENT.

We found him! I see Mrs Tony no longer posts. The next step is for someone in the USA to contact the Belle Chasse Parish police, get them to open a new case, gather evidence from this thread and newspapers etc. and get a warrant to exhume the remains pending a familial DNA match through possible siblings.

My name was Baudelaire. My boy, I hope we can give you back your name before next year. ♥️
The article mentions that Charlie's mum was not decisive, she said it resembled him but just didn't look like him, but his feet were just like Charlie's.
Thank you so much for this! I had thought she said the feet weren't like Charlie's! Oh wow, well to find out she thought the feet WERE just like Charlie's! Oh I am pretty convinced it was him then! The scar is a major identifying factor I would think, but really the feet thing...whatever it was I bet he got rid of his shoes because of it.
I think his mum spent some time deciding because in reality she was saying her goodbye's. I believe that, out of respect for his final wishes, she chose to leave him unidentified. It seems like a nice gesture from a loving parent if you look at it that way. She probably told the family that this was the case and they respected his wishes.

So now I would to learn everything I can about Charles Wallace and what he was doing right up until 14th February 1975 and why he may have ended up here.
Also noting from the article, Charlie disappeared in February and he was angry that his father wouldn't let him come home from the Memphis halfway house yet, saying he thought it was too soon.
It also states he had tried to take his life more than once before, and he was intelligent, scoring 119 out of 120 on the naval exam.

I also noticed that his parents had been in New Orleans 20 years before, and Charlie was 19. Maybe the area held a special memory for the Wallace's?.
Amazing detective work! Do we know if they lived there then, and was Charlie with them? If so then he had previous knowledge of this area and therefore...although not someone local, we can say he was someone with local knowledge whcih all fits very nicely.
Thirdly, much if not all that is currently posted on thread 2 has been mentioned, examined and investigated with conclusions drawn for many on Thread 1.

I would strongly advise reading Thread 1 thoroughly and understanding it before bringing up the same subject again on Thread 2 unless it advances the ball.

The suicide note has been dissected in mintuae and everyone has their own opinion on it being a subjective writing.
Thank you for all the work you put in early and in the first thread. But with all due respect, this young man has still not been identified. Most of us have indeed read Thread 1 in it's entirety and what you call speculating, I would call tossing around ideas. Whether these ideas have been covered or not is neither here nor there, as long as it is keeping this thread active and maybe someone else will come on with something new to offer.
I'm going to reach out to othram to see if there is ANYTHING they can do in regards to this case. They are the best of the's a long shot, but worth a try. We can't be 100 % sure there is nothing left to test (?)
I think thats a fantastic idea. Unless we can get this guy exhumed there's no way to move forward as I see it.

In another case I worked I managed to get a body exhumed by involving the missing person's side as well. It was beneficial to both sides to find the missing guy and for the medical examiners office to clear one of their John Doe cases. Might that work here by involving CWs side?
I guess money is the issue...maybe crowdfunding or the press could get involved?

The thing is, if Mrs Wallace did choose to let him rest in peace as he wished, the Wallace's might not wish to get involved?

I think thats a fantastic idea. Unless we can get this guy exhumed there's no way to move forward as I see it.

In another case I worked I managed to get a body exhumed by involving the missing person's side as well. It was beneficial to both sides to find the missing guy and for the medical examiners office to clear one of their John Doe cases. Might that work here by involving CWs side?
I guess money is the issue...maybe crowdfunding or the press could get involved?

The thing is, if Mrs Wallace did choose to let him rest in peace as he wished, the Wallace's might not wish to get involved?

I would definitely donate to crowdfunding this one.
I wish Mrs Tony still posted, she was a local. It was Mrs Tony who first picked up on his choice of tree. I think we agreed there's no such thing as coincidence.

Bayard's mother was some kind of biologist specializing in trees. She would definitely have known what a Persimone tree is. It just lends a little weight to Bayard's case.

Having said that, we have not officially excluded anyone. Before we run to the police and othram, let's dot our i's etc: You said you worked a case before with both missing and deceased sides working together. I would not have thought of that in a million years, it is an excellent idea.

Can you please get the ball rolling since you have experience in this?

We really need to exclude anyone that doesn't fit. The police can get a warrant but if we throw twenty names in the hat, forget it. I think a judge will sign off on one, possibly two, but not likely a third except if three is literally the last three people alive we can get DNA from.
I wish Mrs Tony still posted, she was a local. It was Mrs Tony who first picked up on his choice of tree. I think we agreed there's no such thing as coincidence.

Bayard's mother was some kind of biologist specializing in trees. She would definitely have known what a Persimone tree is. It just lends a little weight to Bayard's case.

Having said that, we have not officially excluded anyone. Before we run to the police and othram, let's dot our i's etc: You said you worked a case before with both missing and deceased sides working together. I would not have thought of that in a million years, it is an excellent idea.

Can you please get the ball rolling since you have experience in this?

We really need to exclude anyone that doesn't fit. The police can get a warrant but if we throw twenty names in the hat, forget it. I think a judge will sign off on one, possibly two, but not likely a third except if three is literally the last three people alive we can get DNA from.
Are we sure they know the exact location where he was buried in the cemetery. It’s possible they don’t have that information any more even if they know the cemetery he was buried in. If not then I don’t see how this case will be able to be solved as all records were supposedly lost in Katrina.
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So when I was searching the internet for Bayard Cousins, I came across obituaries for WHOM I BELIEVE is his mother and father. Both obits mention Bayard and Virginia Beach. I don't want to post them in case I'm incorrect. But, it sounds like they traveled and had a military background. We know Bayard left a note for his parents stating he would return...could this be in connection as to why the suicide note stated let them think I'm missing (?)
Having said that, we have not officially excluded anyone. Before we run to the police and othram, let's dot our i's etc: You said you worked a case before with both missing and deceased sides working together. I would not have thought of that in a million years, it is an excellent idea.
That's true, but the situation was slightly different. I was already in contact with the lead Investigator of the missing person who had shared everything and told me to go for it. After finding a John Doe that fit I emailed the senior medical examiner, she agreed it was a potential match and had the body exhumed. We're still waiting on the results of the DNA testing. As the medical examiner put it, even if it's not the missing person, we may be able to get someone their name back.
However, with BCJD I have no idea who the Investigator is (is there one even?) And there's no medical examiner in this case, it was just the local coroner.

And from the missing person point of view, should we make this suggestion to the Investigator of Charles Wallace or Bayard Cousins or both?

I believe if we can get the DNA and have I entered into Codis, that would be a start. But I believe this might take the specialist skills of someone like Othram.

Oh thought...FACES Lab had some involvement in this case early on, confirming the age. Should they also be contacted with the possibility of getting DNA?
That's true, but the situation was slightly different. I was already in contact with the lead Investigator of the missing person who had shared everything and told me to go for it. After finding a John Doe that fit I emailed the senior medical examiner, she agreed it was a potential match and had the body exhumed. We're still waiting on the results of the DNA testing. As the medical examiner put it, even if it's not the missing person, we may be able to get someone their name back.
However, with BCJD I have no idea who the Investigator is (is there one even?) And there's no medical examiner in this case, it was just the local coroner.

And from the missing person point of view, should we make this suggestion to the Investigator of Charles Wallace or Bayard Cousins or both?

I believe if we can get the DNA and have I entered into Codis, that would be a start. But I believe this might take the specialist skills of someone like Othram.

Oh thought...FACES Lab had some involvement in this case early on, confirming the age. Should they also be contacted with the possibility of getting DNA?
Can we contact the doe network to see if they have any other info about the case and too see if they could possibly help with this case.
OK so the 3 leading possibilities I believe for our young man over the years that have cropped up time and again are Charles Wallace, Bayard Cousins and Perry Corlew.
I have looked into Charles Wallace and I think the biological profile is a match. I'm skeptical about Perry Corlew. But I admit that I don't know much about the Bayard Cousins. Is there any chance that someone with better knowledge than me break down what is known about Bayard Cousins? And maybe even write down the pros and cons of each one being BCJD and maybe we can focus on one?

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