LA LA - Belle Chasse, WhtMale 16-17, UP88342, hanged, suicide note, Feb'75

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As of several years ago, there were some still living members of the family that ran the funeral home where the body was kept for several months awaiting identification. There was speculation that with all the fanfare at the time, they might remember where he was buried even if records were lost. To my knowledge, the funeral home never responded to inquiries. Suggestions were made to the officer handling the Bayard Cousins case, but never acknowledged. Without access to the body, theories can ever be confirmed or disproved. I will always believe Belle Chasse John Doe to be Bayard Cousins.
I think he is more likely to be a missing person that isn’t on any database. I don’t think he is cousins for the simple fact cousins has a different height eye color and a cross scar on his finger. I also don’t think he is Charles Wallace due to Charles Wallace seeming to have blonde hair.
I think he is more likely to be a missing person that isn’t on any database. I don’t think he is cousins for the simple fact cousins has a different height eye color and a cross scar on his finger. I also don’t think he is Charles Wallace due to Charles Wallace seeming to have blonde hair.
man I'm not gonna lie, for a second I forgot that "Cousins" was a surname and I was really confused why you were saying cousins have different heights and eye colors.
man I'm not gonna lie, for a second I forgot that "Cousins" was a surname and I was really confused why you were saying cousins have different heights and eye colors.
Sorry for the confusion I meant Bayard Cousins.
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I was checking some disappearance profiles from Canada for this UID

PORTER, Anthony Philip

Photo of PORTER, Anthony Philip

Missing since: June 26, 1969
Year of birth: 1953
Age at disappearance: 16
Gender: Male
Bio group: White
Eye colour: Brown
HairBrown, Long
Height: 170cm / 5ft 7in
Weight: 57kg /126lb
Build: Medium
Complexion: Light/Fair

Anthony Philip Porter was last seen on June 26, 1969 while he was picking up groceries near his home in the city of Kimberley, British Columbia. He never returned. Anthony is developmentally delayed.

ETHIER, Hank Joseph

Photo of ETHIER, Hank Joseph

Missing since: June 24, 1972
Year of birth: 1955
Age at disappearance: 16
Gender: Male
Bio group: White
Eye colour: Brown
Height: 175cm / 5ft 9in Weight: 79kg / 174lb

On June 24, 1972, a group of seven people, including Hank Ethier, were fishing on the Burntwood River. Late in the day the group and their two boats went to shore for supper. One group, which included Hank, left the shore. They were however unable to get their boat started and as a result they began to drift backwards towards the rapids. This group called for help and the other boat went to their aid. Hank jumped from his boat and swam to the second one. Once they reached the disabled boat everyone was told to get in. Both boats encountered the rapids. It is assumed Hank drowned as a result of the mishap.
I don't see how a developmentally delayed teenager that went missing 6 years earlier, or a 16 year old that drowned 3 years earlier, are either reasonable prospects for Belle Chasse John Doe.
Most people here seem to think he’s either Bayard Cousins or Charles Wallace. I personally believe he isn’t either one of them.
Hi everybody,
I'm sorry I haven't made it through the whole thread yet (I know, how annoying of me!) so this might've been brought up but I just wanted to get it down.
Does anyone else find it a bit inconsistent that he leaves a note specifically for his parents, but then leaves another note telling LE not to look for his parents so they could believe he'd return someday. So if he doesn't want to be identified or have his parents notified, then why leave them a note?
I also find it strange that a young shoeless man carrying a sheet and a jar full of papers got to where he did without help.
Sorry if these points have been made and settled already.
Hi everybody,
I'm sorry I haven't made it through the whole thread yet (I know, how annoying of me!) so this might've been brought up but I just wanted to get it down.
Does anyone else find it a bit inconsistent that he leaves a note specifically for his parents, but then leaves another note telling LE not to look for his parents so they could believe he'd return someday. So if he doesn't want to be identified or have his parents notified, then why leave them a note?
I also find it strange that a young shoeless man carrying a sheet and a jar full of papers got to where he did without help.
Sorry if these points have been made and settled already.
He sounds, IMO, mentally ill. Not because he wished to be dead necessarily, but the writings and odd ramblings definitely points that way. if that is the case then it makes sense that inconsistency is part of this.
Hi everybody,
I'm sorry I haven't made it through the whole thread yet (I know, how annoying of me!) so this might've been brought up but I just wanted to get it down.
Does anyone else find it a bit inconsistent that he leaves a note specifically for his parents, but then leaves another note telling LE not to look for his parents so they could believe he'd return someday. So if he doesn't want to be identified or have his parents notified, then why leave them a note?
I also find it strange that a young shoeless man carrying a sheet and a jar full of papers got to where he did without help.
Sorry if these points have been made and settled already.
I think he might’ve written that note mostly to himself, just trying to justify his actions and guilt for leaving this world. For him, letting his parents never knowing the truth of his fate could be seen as a final act of mercy, in which they would always have hope that he’d return to them in the future. IMO.
I could definitely see a deep depression and melancholy, he even says this himself. But I believe there is something underlying this:
"ask thoroughly what I was and you will see that it is not tragic that I am gone"
This comment directed at LE suggests a great sense of shame and guilt over something to me, whether real or just perceived by this young man.
I think he really did expect LE to identify him, but didn't want his parents to know. And this area is so remote and specific that I have to believe he had some knowledge of the area previously.
Has anyone ever thought about Alan Wayne Soper? I haven't looked deeply and the fact that was wallet was found in California would tend to exclude him but I saw a strong resemblance, especially the description of his cleft chin. He apparently had blue eyes but I'm aware that Hazel, green and blue can be interpreted differently by different people. There's more to suggest he's not him but something about the sad face made me think:

What a baffling case.

There is a chance he could have driven to the area and ditched his vehicle. Lots of swamps in the area.
@bessie said earlier in the thread that there was a naval base in the area, so he could have been familiar with the area that way.

"At the time of discovery, the deceased's fingerprints had been distributed to police across the country" by any chance, do you know which agencies the fingerprints were sent to?

Earlier in the thread one of the newspaper articles mentioned they were sent to the FBI. Would they keep them on file? Would they have been entered into somewhere for potential future use?
I've thought to myself how would his parents know ?
There was, apparently, no identifying information in the man's clothing. Times were so different then and without an ID or even something with a name, address or phone number on his person or surroundings I don't understand how he thought they police would find unknown parents.
I don't see how a developmentally delayed teenager that went missing 6 years earlier, or a 16 year old that drowned 3 years earlier, are either reasonable prospects for Belle Chasse John Doe.

Agreed. I don't see Anthony being able to wrote such a detailed note, neither resemble the sketch IMO, and the doe killed himself, which doesn't really gel with being swept away by water.
Speaking of the note, I think I made a tiny discovery which is only mildly interesting, and not worth the effort it took to track down!

Basically, I suspect either BCJD or the news reporting made a (factual) mistake in the suicide note.

Many of the articles contain aphrase like this: “…cites the writings of Emile Durkheim, a philosopher and psychologist. The young man said Durkheim called suicide "an inner direction of homicidal feelings against someone else."

So - I got hung up on this awhile for no good reason. I tracked down Durkheim’s book On Suicide (1897) and read it. Hmm, nowhere does he say anything like the above quote attributed to him. In fact, because Durkheim is known as the father of sociology, not psychology, his insight and ideas about suicide came at it from the view that suicide is a result of social/societal stressors, not an individual’s psychological state.

So, who DID say something like ‘suicide is a homicidal impulse directed at oneself”?

Turns out to be Karl Menninger, in his paper “Psychoanalytic aspects of suicide” (1933), expanded upon in his 1938 book Man Against Himself; eg:

…it is not diffIcult to discover in the act of suicide the existence of various elements. First of all, it is a murder. In the German language, it is, literally , the murder of the self (Selbstmord).

…suicide is also a murder by the self. It is a death in which are combined in one person the murderer and the murdered.

Discovering Menninger had been the source, rather than Durkheim, led me to wonder whether BCJD had been a patient at the Menninger Clinic, based in Topeka, Kansas, until the 1980s (it then moved to Houston). Their records are available at the Kansas Historical Society. (Which also seems to indicate they have patient records, but of course the average WSer likely won’t be able to access those.)

So that’s the mildly interesting thing! I totally get that it doesn’t move the needle on this case at all. :)

As an aside, both Durkheim and Menninger’s books are more than mildly interesting (especially Menninger’s)! They have very different approaches and perspectives in their theories of suicide, so it was informative to read both.
If you are interested, the complete story is in the March 27, 1975 Post-Crescent, Appleton-Neenah-Menosha, Wisconsin.

If anyone knows anything about this young man, I'd love to hear it.
Am I missing something? This young man was tragically located in Louisiana, but a Wisconsin newspaper covered the story?
Am I missing something? This young man was tragically located in Louisiana, but a Wisconsin newspaper covered the story?
Online sources are limited. (Maybe that's the only place the OP found an article) Stated it was found while researching something else.
The original post is dated 2005. Now, the Wisconsin paper is no longer available without a subscription.
I would not have been surprised if back in 2005, articles from Louisiana were also readily available. Newspapers got smart and nowadays, archives cost $$$
Am I missing something? This young man was tragically located in Louisiana, but a Wisconsin newspaper covered the story?

It was an Associated Press story, meaning it was sent out all over the country. (So there’s no particular significance in that this Wisconsin paper carried it.)

Attached is a clipping of the story from the Appleton Post-Crescent.


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