GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #3

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If there is another person involved, why aren't these two singing like birdies? If they're not fully responsible, why not point LE in the right direction? Are we thinking that there is someone out there that has that much control over these two? More control over MAS than the drug addiction? Even if they don't know the persons "real" name, they should be giving up info, like where they met up, the persons alias, description etc....

As I do see where ur coming from ....maybe out of fear...but I do agree with u about the drugs...when drugs have a hold of u then nothing else matters NOTHING!!!So I agree with you there!! Undoubtedly they probably acted alone but there always is a possibility of another person as well...I really am split right down the middle at this point in the investigation ...50/50 on wheather they acted alone or had another with them! I love hearing all the good points u and others have made..
Taking a break from this for a while.. We're just rehashing the same theories over and over again at this point. I'll pop back in when LE releases more info. Some of the theories are getting a little bit too outlandish. Happy sleuthing!
If still have to get my head round any motive. 1st I can only think that JL left with them for a pay day. 2nd why did they need another girl at all? Is there any suggestion that the pair were heavy into S&M bondage etc? Could it be that they lured JL out with the promise of going to MS for a big pay day and then when the got her to a location in MS tied her up etc ended up killing her (not planned) then had to dispose of a body?
Hi all. I have been following since the day Jaren's torso was found in BSL, but I'm not much of a posting type person. I have really enjoyed reading all of your comments. I too have become drawn to this case by Jaren's beautiful smile and spirit. Without knowing her at all, I get a sense she was a wonderful person. I am so sorry to her family and friends. You are all in my prayers.

This is OT, but I just have to say I am so disappointed in the media. :banghead: There has been so much false or contradictory information put out there. I take it personally because I was a journalism major from LSU.I understand they want to "get the story first," but facts need to be checked. Also in the beginning, every article mentioned Jaren's profession only. In the beginning I never heard about her as a mother, sister, friend to many. Being a reporter holds a heavy pen of least it should. You have the ability to influence many. It is sad that some seem only to care about the money involved (sex sells kinda things). Even more annoying is the spelling. The attached article says, "Lockhart's finance last saw her..." Really? That is probably the forth spelling error I have seen.

OK, off my soapbox. I just had to get that off my chest. I noticed in the obit, the date of death is Thursday June 7. JW if maybe evidence has suggested that date or if it is because that is the date her torso was found? TY again to all WS. This site has such respectful posts. I look forward to the day we all see justice for Jaren.

P.S. Sorry if this post appears weird. It is my first post and I am on the iPad.
The violent crimes appear to have involved female family members, though the court documents do not make clear how the victims are related to Speaks

Grannan said both Speaks and Sanchez have remained silent during questioning.

Grannan said Hancock County officials on Friday conducted tests using sonar equipment off the coast of Long Beach, Miss. They were looking for the hunting knife they believe was used to stab Lockhart in her chest and kill her.
The violent crimes appear to have involved female family members, though the court documents do not make clear how the victims are related to Speaks

Grannan said both Speaks and Sanchez have remained silent during questioning.

Grannan said Hancock County officials on Friday conducted tests using sonar equipment off the coast of Long Beach, Miss. They were looking for the hunting knife they believe was used to stab Lockhart in her chest and kill her.

Thanks for this news update!

(Sorry for my OCD...

But "fiance" is repeatedly spelled as "finance" in this article...:banghead:)
Thanks for this news update!

(Sorry for my OCD...

But "fiance" is repeatedly spelled as "finance" in this article...:banghead:)

I saw that too. You'd think that would at least try and make an effort to edit their stories correctly with everything that is going down with the Times Picayune. If they want to cut the paper down to 3 days per week and have their web site as their main source for news they better at least spell words correctly. Seriously what does that say about their reporting skills? Sorry this is off topic but being that I was born and bred in NOLA it really bothers me to lose such an integral part of our culture.
Hello all. Been lurking here and sitting on my hands. I have been fighting saying what I'm getting ready to say.

First thing I'd like to say is some of the comments that have been made in reference to exotic dancers, strippers, whatever you want to call them are way off base. As much as I didn't want to say this, I'm going to... I was a dancer for over 10 years. The majority of strippers do not blow all the money they make. They pay for college, they support their children, they help their families. Not saying that there are none that spend money on drugs, there certainly are. Drugs and alcohol are sometimes necessary to be able to do what they do. Anyway... the vast majority of strippers I have known (& that's a lot of them) did not blow their money. I wonder if the BF didn't have money to stay in the room because JL had all the money with her. It's a possibility.

The next thing is that some people have implied that dancing and hooking go hand in hand. Absolutely untrue! The clubs I am familiar with would fire any girl immediately if it was discovered she was prostituting. Dancers are not prostitutes. They are dancers. Again, I'm sure there are some clubs that look the other way when it happens, but I can assure you, that is not the norm. IMO, prostitution is a long way from dancing.

Lastly, I cannot get with the theory that there was a big wig somewhere waiting for a girl. I don't see anyone with money and power dealing with these two for any reason. If the man has money, why would he need a stripper pulled from a bar in NO? All he'd have to do is pick up a phone and call any number of companies that send girls to dance for you privately. If he wanted sex, call an escort service. That's far easier & cuts out the middle man. Seems like a no-brainer to me.
The other problem I have with it is that if MAS and TS had a legitimate private party for JL to go to, then why lie to the other girl(s)? Look at them... I would think inviting a girl to go do a private party for $700.00 would be more likely to be accepted than going to go have sex with those two! I think they were just trying to get someone, anyone, to leave with them. I don't know why... what they wanted from her, but they just wanted a girl. I don't think there was anyone else involved. I could be wrong, and if I am, I'm sure whoever that other person was is just as skeezy as they are. No big shot, IMO.

Anyway... there you go. I finally spoke. Aren't y'all glad?! :floorlaugh:

A high roller with intentions to murder would want a girl who was expendable and not likely to be missed, one who wouldn't lead back to him. Yes, he can afford the very best, but if he went through an escort service, they screen clients in order to protect their girls. He would have to give his information.
I'm not saying I believe this scenario, I don't.
I just wanted to put this out there.... I live in St.Tammany Parish, same place where TS is being held in jail and let me tell u...this is no jail any SO wants to spend time in! I've never been to jail nor am I a SO...but everyone who lives around here as well as local LE (my husband has a few friends who work for the police dept.) AND EVERYONE will tell u it is no place you want to spend time this is Especially true for SO!! I once heard a guy saying how in the holding cell guys were shoving shards of soap up his nose and some other things just messing with him...I didnt ask what he was in for but can only imagine if it were for a SO how horrible of a he had! I so hope TS is getting it delt to him day n and day out....I can assure u he is not having the time of his life those guys in there hate SO especially thoae offenses they hear about that involved minor children!!
I also want to say TS's mom is incredibly ignorant...and believe me her saying he can do no wrong is exactly why he has the rap sheet that follows him ten miles long....I personally love my boys to death but I will be the first to tell u they are not 100% innocent in everything they do in life!! LoL I only wish they were!! Unfortunately there are to many mothers that think like TS's mom and that's why I believe we hav me thays why these kids grow up thinking they can get away with murder!! But guess what TS mother ur boy, if he did this, wont get away with it in the eyes if the we all know he gets away with murder in the eyes of u lady........i really despise tgis type of behavior from mothers! Being a mother requires u to appropriately raise ur children and its ur job as a mom to admit ur cgildrens faults and teach them when they're wrong how to live the right way and to ONLY praise them for the good that they do.....sadly TS obviously has been praised for not only the good (if there is any in tgis monster) in his life....To bad so many people who wabt to haave kids who would raise tgem properly cant ....yet people like TS's mom keep procreating and being irresponsible parents!! I believe that the good in this world starts at home when ue are still in diapers and it never ends until ur final breath is taken....parents are supposed to teach their young right from wrong.......FOREVER!!
AND ONCE AGAIN IM SO SORRY FOR RAMBLING ON AND ALL MY GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IM ON MY CELL TYPING IS NOT THE EASIEST ON THIS KEYBOARD LOL...BUT I DO REALLY WISH SOME PARENYS WERE NOT SO IGNORANT.....sadly Jaren paid for the ignorance of others.....and dobt get me wrong not all is always to blame on a parent ...sonetimes we try and raise our kids as best we can and sometimes i believe rhere is nothing u can do to help a sick matter how u raise them .....that being said its not the case with TS mother!
Just a point on print media. I believe the parent company that owns several gulf coast and SE new papers has been making drastic staffing reductions. I am in Mobile and the paper here cut over 100 positions last week.
Great Post!! THANK YOU! It's one of those ones that I read and feel such relief because you get it. Thanks so much for those words. I am sure they will mean a lot to her family and friends and I will pass them along to her brother in law, though he may come and read them here himself.

I know many of her friends and family are overwhelmed and dealing with everything and cant read every post. I know I am having a hard time keeping up and I am home all day and free to spend most of my time online.

I think I will find some posts that really spoke to me and copy them and pass them along (if that is ok and permissible).

Thank you Swamp! You're the best

Investigators believe Speaks and Sanchez may have lured Lockhart with an offer of $700 or $800 for her to dance at a private party, said Glenn Grannan, lead investigator with the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office.

“We know that the suspects, particularly the female (Sanchez), tried to recruit a couple other girls before Jaren,” Grannan said. “We believe she (Lockhart) accepted after the others declined, and it went from there.”

Grannan said neither Sanchez nor Speaks has been cooperative with investigators. “She wanted to talk about the weather, but that was it. Same thing with him,” Grannan said.

The pair continue to be the primary suspects in Lockhart’s death, but are not the only suspects, Grannan said.

With them only wanting to talk about the weather, I'm thinking that this may be instructions. May be supporting the idea that there is a third party.

Seriously????? They agreed in advance that if they were questioned they would talk about the weather?!?!?!? While a girl's body lies in pieces they want to talk about the chance of rain?!?!?!? It's a good thing I'm not an interrogator because I would want to rip their throats out. (After they confessed, of course.) Ok, trying to calm down now.

MAS set this in motion for whatever reason and as of yet seems guilty!

*Could it have been a threat to her family? Or even to her and she was "treating her boyfriend by delivering another woman so that she herself would remain alive?

OK! so lets say she did dye their hair! I have dyed hair for many friends... and what happens? YOU MAKE A FREAKIN MESS!!! (at least I do...) So lets assume she only had stilletos and removed her shoes. Jaren got hair dye on her hands and feet! it takes time for this to wear off your skin... maybe even other body parts not yet located. COULD that be the reason they have not been found? Because the color on her skin would point directly to MAS and TS? It would have been better for them just to "recolor their hair but???
* my thoughts in red... just brain storming here!


Interesting thoughts, Gngr-Snp!

Possible dye on Jaren's missing hands....

MAS's attempt to call dad to protect her children....
If still have to get my head round any motive. 1st I can only think that JL left with them for a pay day. 2nd why did they need another girl at all? Is there any suggestion that the pair were heavy into S&M bondage etc? Could it be that they lured JL out with the promise of going to MS for a big pay day and then when the got her to a location in MS tied her up etc ended up killing her (not planned) then had to dispose of a body?

I think bondage was how they subdued her. Everyone who knew Jaren said she was a fighter. Solve that problem by turning it into a sex game.
Just a point on print media. I believe the parent company that owns several gulf coast and SE new papers has been making drastic staffing reductions. I am in Mobile and the paper here cut over 100 positions last week.

Half(84)off the news room staff was let go last week. Reporting is sure to suffer.
Hi all. I have been following since the day Jaren's torso was found in BSL, but I'm not much of a posting type person. I have really enjoyed reading all of your comments. I too have become drawn to this case by Jaren's beautiful smile and spirit. Without knowing her at all, I get a sense she was a wonderful person. I am so sorry to her family and friends. You are all in my prayers.

This is OT, but I just have to say I am so disappointed in the media. :banghead: There has been so much false or contradictory information put out there. I take it personally because I was a journalism major from LSU.I understand they want to "get the story first," but facts need to be checked. Also in the beginning, every article mentioned Jaren's profession only. In the beginning I never heard about her as a mother, sister, friend to many. Being a reporter holds a heavy pen of least it should. You have the ability to influence many. It is sad that some seem only to care about the money involved (sex sells kinda things). Even more annoying is the spelling. The attached article says, "Lockhart's finance last saw her..." Really? That is probably the forth spelling error I have seen.

OK, off my soapbox. I just had to get that off my chest. I noticed in the obit, the date of death is Thursday June 7. JW if maybe evidence has suggested that date or if it is because that is the date her torso was found? TY again to all WS. This site has such respectful posts. I look forward to the day we all see justice for Jaren.

P.S. Sorry if this post appears weird. It is my first post and I am on the iPad.

:welcome4: :seeya:
If there is another person involved, why aren't these two singing like birdies? If they're not fully responsible, why not point LE in the right direction? Are we thinking that there is someone out there that has that much control over these two? More control over MAS than the drug addiction? Even if they don't know the persons "real" name, they should be giving up info, like where they met up, the persons alias, description etc....

They might not want to give up info on the possible third party because the possible third party may have connections INSIDE jail, too. Connections that could make it VERY uncomfortable for these POIs.

Just a point on print media. I believe the parent company that owns several gulf coast and SE new papers has been making drastic staffing reductions. I am in Mobile and the paper here cut over 100 positions last week.

Sadly, this is true in New Orleans, too. Advance Publications is trying to take down the T-P, reducing it to 3 days/wk. I just got a handful of "wanted" posters depicting Ricky Mathews, the incoming T-P publisher, from a lady who's passing them out on Magazine St.
(I see they destroyed the al dot com website last week just like they ruined nola dot com. What a mess!).

Somewhat OT, but it's a good point and relevant to several current cases.
Ah yes, welcome to the confusion from the media reports. The articles have to be sleuthed also. I wonder if while reporters are trying to obey copyright laws they inadvertently alter key details. This may be "one" of the reasons we see this and the reporting issue is apparent in all cases that I have followed.

Things can get confused at times also, if there are multiple LE agencies involved talking to the media.

I know, I have to be careful about what I take as fact vs. rumour.
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