GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #4

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Nah. Everything about this crime was ill-conceived and sloppy. Getting rid of evidence doesn't make them smart, just lucky at this point. There is something big, somewhere, just waiting to be discovered. Praying it shows it self soon!:please:

I'm not sure... If he was in a hotel room he could have stabbed her and immediately moved her into the tub. What little blood there was could have been hidden by stealing the sheets/blankets/comforter/towels etc - wouldn't be the first person to take that kind of stuff!

Remember she was only stabbed once. So there probably won't be any castoff...
"each swing of a weapon leaves a single identifiable castoff pattern, investigators can count the number of patterns present"....
"the first swing of a weapon may not leave a castoff pattern because there may not have been enough blood accumulated on the weapon yet"
IMO castoff evidence won't be at the scene.

He could have dismembered her in the tub and washed what blood there was down the drain. Once she was placed in a container, he then could clean himself up and dispose of his clothes and any bedding as well.
I'm not sure anyone would notice it was a crime scene... unless they had luminol! then yes!!! that bathroom will turn nuclear!

If he placed her in a cooler or similar container and placed it in the car there wouldn't be much for LE to find other than Jaren's hair/clothing fiber transfer etc...

I think they just dumped her off of a bridge somewhere...
Did we ever hear more about where they think she was placed in the water?
That's true. but I guess I just think of some places in America that crime is very low and just to me it seems as if these places are better educated and IDK maybe its full opinion on my part but these groups have wayyyyyy less crime if any in their areas...

I know its just wishful thinking of me to think maybe one day crime would stop all together....But I guess It's ok to dream!! :gavel:


I was checking out the little smilies and I ran across this one here :deadhorse: really??? LOL REALLY ??? hahahaha

I like this one :baby: cuz I've got a lil baby in my belly :)
Just making convo tho sorry ...I'm bored...IMA get off this computer now and come chat about things later!!

LATER YALL!!!:yourock::skip::slapfight::bigfight::yesss::ignore::denied::Banane59::Banane57::Banane48::cat::bicycle::Bennymonkey::rotfl::frown::cursing::bee::butthead:
bahahaha I just love these guys!!

See u later guys!!

There is still a good portion of middle America that is made up of wholesome, God-fearing folks. Where mom and dad actually stay together till death like grandma and grandpa did. Families go to church together and work hard to put a roof over their heads and food on the table, instead of expecting it to be handed to them. There are pockets like this to be found throughout our land! My family (and many of our friends all across America) lives a life of so-called "old-fashioned values" and we are happy! But drugs and murder are what make news, so people are led to believe that drugged out society and broken homes are "normal", and that if you are God-fearing you are in the dark ages. People used to know how to live, back when people knew God. People reject God today....and they don't know how to live.
I could be wrong obviously, but I just can't fathom stabbing someone in the chest and dismembering their body to cover up an overdose, especially when the person could reasonably argue that it was accidental and voluntarily taken.

I'm new to this so please forgive me if anything comes out wrong or this isn't set up correctly. First off, I am in NO way saying I know MAS personally. My father's sister-in-law is the grandmother of MAS's child(ren). She and her son live in Loranger. I remember hearing that she had to watch the kid(s) often because the mother was "crazy".

As for this post: I also don't believe that the stabbing and dismemberment was a thrill kill thing or because of a friend's overdose. I believe there's much, MUCH more to this. After hearing about the new surveillance footage that was taken in MS and wasn't released..... I believe there might have been another person involved. Also, I don't think the body parts were dumped in the same place. I think they scattered them about, using a boat perhaps? People, let me know what you think about that point.
I truly respect you and your opinion but as a foster mother for more years then I can count, I would ask that a blanket statement like this not be used. There are good and bad foster parent, just as there are good and bad parents. Children come to me from all walks of life, not just the low income druggies. I really am not trying to argue with you. I understand and again respect your right to an opinion but some of us are excellent foster mothers. All of my children from all the past years, still call me mama and come to my house for holidays and such. I have more grandchildren then I can count..LOL!!!! Please understand where this is coming from as I mean no offense to you dear lady.....

I'm thankful for the ones out there who are truly in it to be a help and a blessing to hurting children, but there are also so many who are in it for themselves...that's a fact.
I'm new to this so please forgive me if anything comes out wrong or this isn't set up correctly. First off, I am in NO way saying I know MAS personally. My father's sister-in-law is the grandmother of MAS's child(ren). She and her son live in Loranger. I remember hearing that she had to watch the kid(s) often because the mother was "crazy".

As for this post: I also don't believe that the stabbing and dismemberment was a thrill kill thing or because of a friend's overdose. I believe there's much, MUCH more to this. After hearing about the new surveillance footage that was taken in MS and wasn't released..... I believe there might have been another person involved. Also, I don't think the body parts were dumped in the same place. I think they scattered them about, using a boat perhaps? People, let me know what you think about that point.

Welcome Tindersticks!:woot:
There is still a good portion of middle America that is made up of wholesome, God-fearing folks. Where mom and dad actually stay together till death like grandma and grandpa did. Families go to church together and work hard to put a roof over their heads and food on the table, instead of expecting it to be handed to them. There are pockets like this to be found throughout our land! My family (and many of our friends all across America) lives a life of so-called "old-fashioned values" and we are happy! But drugs and murder are what make news, so people are led to believe that drugged out society and broken homes are "normal", and that if you are God-fearing you are in the dark ages. People used to know how to live, back when people knew God. People reject God today....and they don't know how to live.

I think thats idyllic thinking, to a degree. Not to get into an argument, but much good is done by people with no use for god and much evil by god fearing folks. Times change and for each new generation, they recall fondly a perfect time in the past when things were better than now. But it wasnt better than now, they just ignore how bad it was then. Drugs and murder have been around since the nations founding. Problems appear multiplied by the huge leap in population and the means and methods of doing horrible things and finding out about them.
Crime is all over. Not just in NOLA and not only because of Katrina. We are living in wicked times. Parents aren't parenting, they're too busy getting high and leaving kids to fend for themselves. There's no food in the house because any money keeps mom or dad supplied with drugs. Mom and dad aren't together. Mom has a different boyfriend every week, and some of them molest her children. Sometimes the mom knows it and turns a blind eye or she just refuses to believe it. Mom can't be bothered with the kid and neither can dad. Even toddlers are seen wandering the streets alone - LE knocks on the door and mom said it was dad's weekend to have the kid, dad says it's mom's weekend. Neither one cares, as long as they can get high. Social services intervenes, takes the kids from parents and puts them into foster care where the foster parents are only in it for the money, or to abuse them sexually or otherwise.

If I didn't have the Lord in my life I'd be very depressed about it all.
Just wanted to say I agree with you, to an extent. One in four (or more) Americans is high on "legal" drugs as well, and any parent on daily Xanax is not 100% there, either. TV is taking the place of parenting, and if a child acts out, they are often drugged as well, sending mixed messages about drugs to a child. IMHO.
Okay. So, it's Tuesday afternoon now. Are police actively searching targeted locations or are they grasping at straws? I hope they have something. Otherwise, we may be waiting 2-3 weeks on lab work that might or might not reveal anything of substance. It seems like we need a break in this case.
I'm new to this so please forgive me if anything comes out wrong or this isn't set up correctly. First off, I am in NO way saying I know MAS personally. My father's sister-in-law is the grandmother of MAS's child(ren). She and her son live in Loranger. I remember hearing that she had to watch the kid(s) often because the mother was "crazy".

As for this post: I also don't believe that the stabbing and dismemberment was a thrill kill thing or because of a friend's overdose. I believe there's much, MUCH more to this. After hearing about the new surveillance footage that was taken in MS and wasn't released..... I believe there might have been another person involved. Also, I don't think the body parts were dumped in the same place. I think they scattered them about, using a boat perhaps? People, let me know what you think about that point.

:welcome: Tindersticks

Thanks for your post and opinions.

How long has the grandmother/father had the children living with her?

I didnt know they had video of them in MS. I know they were looking for it but did not know it had been confirmed.

Do you have a link?:smile:

Also, for anyone who might know.
How long have MAS and TS known each other?
I believe in an early article a neighbor said he had been living there with her for a couple months. I just wonder how far back their relationship actually goes. TIA

If MAS left the jail to go to Rosenblum it was an outpatient treatment. Rosenblum is not a hospital. If she were to be admitted, it would be/have been North Oak's. Below is a list of what is treated at Rosenblum and the link to this info...

Rosenblum Mental Health Center provides basic psychiatric outpatient services, which include Psychosocial, Psychological and Psychiatric Evaluations Individual and Group Counseling; Crisis Management; and Medication Management.

On this site one paragraph does say inpatient, this does not refer to the one in Hammond. I've had/have children that receive care from the children's center and I've been there. The jail would use North Oaks.

LE, either had her evaluated or they are dealing with her drug issues. I bet its one of those two. She had a visit with the folks at Rosenblum on an out patient basis if she went at all.

Link to the the facility....,Hammond,+LA&cid=0,0,10247667172310204
I should also add that Rosenblum would admit her to North Oaks so any accurate report would state "North Oaks" not Rosenblum if she were hospitalized.
Just a thought re: MAS as jealous stabber
I read/heard somewhere that it is very hard to stab someone in the chest and kill them. That it requires a good bit of strength to get through or around the ribs and or sternum into the spaces between the ribs to hit anything vital. The same would apply to the back where there are lots of ribs as well. After thinking on this IMO speaks would have to be the one with the knife. MAS doesn't look strong enough to give anyone a papercut, much less a lethal blow to the chest. Also, one of the true crime books I read stated that the best way to stab someone through the heart is by going in through the abdomen at an angle upward under the ribs into the chest cavity. Any medical people here have an opinion on how true this is?

Great point. Back when bayonets were used, ie. WW1 and prior, it was always advised to go for the abdomen rather than trying for the heart. It is not hard to get lodged/jammed between ribs. With so many vital organs in the abdomen, you can kill someone just as fast and don't have to worry about not being able to pull the blade back out.

TS's criminal record began in the 1990's. Here I begin with his 2003 charges of Indecent Liberty w/child.

May 3, 2003, he took Indecent Liberty with a child and his conviction(6/5/03) resulted in these charges -
4 months incarceration, June 5 to September 1, 2003, followed by probation.

It's tricky trying to follow the history because the next thing related to his RSO charges is his failure to register on March 24, 2005.
inbetween Sept. 2003 and March 2005, there are charges of larceny(3/23/04) and cheating services(4/17/04).
Was that TS's way of registering as an RSO in 2004?

As far as I can tell, since his 2004 crimes were not addressed until June 2006, he may have fled NC in the spring of 2004.
His failure to register offense is dated March 24, 2005.
He was not convicted for any of these crimes (2004 and 2005) until June 21, 2006.

I believe it was in June of 2006 that he was located in California*(need proof).
*At this link it says he was located in San Diego in February of 2006. (trustworthy? not sure.).
Therefore, from what I can tell,
TS was on the loose and unaccounted for most of 2004, all of 2005 and the first half of 2006.

He was convicted on June 21, 2006 for larceny - prison until Feb. 16, 2008.
On the same date, he was convicted for cheating services - prison until January 27, 2009.
These sentences included his failure to register charge of March 2005. ???
TS was incarcerated as of June 21, 2006 until January 27, 2009.

Upon TS's release on January 27, 2009, he failed to register again on April 3, 2009.
Back up and consider him unaccounted for from late January 2009 until January 2010.
Where was TS located in 2010?
He was convicted of the Residence Violation charges on January 28, 2010.
His sentence was 36 Months Special Probation (split). I believe he took off immediately.

Again, he was apprehended somewhere along the line - where this time?
How can we explain the mugshot taken of him on February 7, 2011?
Is it possible he escaped (out of the building?) at that time?

Therefore, for 11 mos. of January 2010 and most of February 2011 authorities do not know TL's whereabouts.

From what people in New Orleans have said, TS was around that city in 2012. Neighbors of MAS have casually mentioned
different timeframes from a couple of months up to about six months. That said, we don't know how often he left the area
for a week, a long weekend, whatever. WAIT, come to think of it, one woman, CS, told a reporter that TS worked as a
bouncer at one place for two years. Also, I've seen another place, something bar, mentioned. What is the truth?

Where was Terry speaks living during the times he failed to register and what was he doing with his time?
Wow! Can't believe I've caught up in real time, lol. I've only posted here once very early on but have been following (quite a ways behind most of the time) and have read every post in every thread.

I want to say hello and welcome to all the locals that have joined this forum and how grateful I am to hear their perspective.

As most everyone else, I'm on the fence about TS and MAS doing this themselves vs. a third party being involved. I definitely think either way is possible but I sure am leaning to those two being the only perps.

I just pray whoever did this to Jaren will be convicted and live in their own hell for the rest of their days.

My heart breaks to even try to imagine what Jaren thought and felt before she lost her life. Prayers and strength to all those that loved her!!!
:welcome: Tindersticks

Thanks for your post and opinions.

How long has the grandmother/father had the children living with her?

I didnt know they had video of them in MS. I know they were looking for it but did not know it had been confirmed.

Do you have a link?:smile:

Also, for anyone who might know.
How long have MAS and TS known each other?
I believe in an early article a neighbor said he had been living there with her for a couple months. I just wonder how far back their relationship actually goes. TIA

"About six months ago, Speaks moved into the house. Neighbors said Speaks worked as a bouncer and kept to himself, never even waving hello."
OK guys there something here IMO that is the obvious that IMO would lend credence one way or another to exactly when this came to be about murder.. at what point did they decide Jaren could not be let go?.

Jarens phone.. at what point was her phone disposed of.. battery removed.. to not show the exact path of which they took in those early morning hours?

Moo is that if Jaren's phone shows a path taken from their leaving the club and beyond.. IMO that very likely isnindicative that these two had no plans of murder(which is what I believe.. that they had no intention of murdering Jaren when they left with her from the club) ..therefore IMO there should be a traceable path that was taken by them.. if they were of no ill intent IMO there is no reason whatsoever that Jaren's phone would not be able to be tracked in its movements that early morning.. even if Jaren had her phone turned off(which sorry but of all the people i know they would have their phone if even on silent) .. as we all know her phone should be able to show a fairly precise track of where they went in those early morning hours(extremely precise tracking if Jaren has any newer model phone as most people her age have) ..

IMO this is a very key factor ..a key factor that imo would pinpoint at what point these two wwere of the frame ofmind thatJaren could not be tracked due to the fact that the tracking wouls lead to more evidence against them once they knew that Jaren was not going to be able to be let go.. if its how i believe it to be there should atleast bbe a clear track of their movements for atleast some period of time after their leaving theclub.. IMO i believe their intent when they left the club was NOT TO MURDER JAREN.. therefore there would be no reason to be concerned about Jarens phone and what it could later trace back their steps of that morning..with no intent for murder there should be a clear picture of the time of day that things had already taken a ddrastic change for the worse in Jaren's phone suddenly dropping off the face of the earth.. while definitely not an exact time but IMO at the point Jaren's phone signal was suddenly no more it either indicates they'd decided she could not be let go at that time therefor destroying a signal that could track Jaren.. or it could have been after the fact and Jaren already deceased when they realize her phone had to be disposed of.. with the latter being tthe case u would think that they'd be able to track their movements at the very least to the area in which her phone was in..

Idk ..but IMO it is definitely a piece of the puzzle that IMO holds great value if even for nothing more than indicating their frame of mind and at what point they knew Jaren's phone trail had to be stopped..what time was thatand how soon after their leaving the FQ did Jaren's phone lose all tracking abilities..something i know we'll not be privy to but something IMO that holds very specific and indicative information..jmo.

*forgive crappy typos plz*

TS's criminal record began in the 1990's. Here I begin with his 2003 charges of Indecent Liberty w/child.

May 3, 2003, he took Indecent Liberty with a child and his conviction(6/5/03) resulted in these charges -
4 months incarceration, June 5 to September 1, 2003, followed by probation.

It's tricky trying to follow the history because the next thing related to his RSO charges is his failure to register on March 24, 2005.
inbetween Sept. 2003 and March 2005, there are charges of larceny(3/23/04) and cheating services(4/17/04).
Was that TS's way of registering as an RSO in 2004?

As far as I can tell, since his 2004 crimes were not addressed until June 2006, he may have fled NC in the spring of 2004.
His failure to register offense is dated March 24, 2005.
He was not convicted for any of these crimes (2004 and 2005) until June 21, 2006.
I believe it was in June of 2006 that he was located in California*(need proof).
Therefore, from what I can tell,
TS was on the loose and unaccounted for most of 2004, all of 2005 and the first half of 2006.

He was convicted on June 21, 2006 for larceny - prison until Feb. 16, 2008.
On the same date, he was convicted for cheating services - prison until January 27, 2009.
These sentences included his failure to register charge of March 2005. ???
TS was incarcerated as of June 21, 2006 until January 27, 2009.

Upon TS's release on January 27, 2009, he failed to register again on April 3, 2009.
Back up and consider him unaccounted for from late January 2009 until January 2010.
Where was TS located in 2010?
He was convicted of the Residence Violation charges on January 28, 2010.
His sentence was 36 Months Special Probation (split). I believe he took off immediately.

Again, he was aprehended somewhere along the line - where this time?
How can we explain the mugshot taken of him on February 7, 2011?
Is it possible he escaped (out of the building?) at that time?

Therefore, for 11 mos. of January 2010 and most of February 2011 authorities do not know TL's whereabouts.

Where was Terry speaks living during the times he failed to register and what was he doing with his time?

I wonder how many other RSO's can't be accounted for in that area!!! :eek:

TS's criminal record began in the 1990's. Here I begin with his 2003 charges of Indecent Liberty w/child.

May 3, 2003, he took Indecent Liberty with a child and his conviction(6/5/03) resulted in these charges -
4 months incarceration, June 5 to September 1, 2003, followed by probation.

It's tricky trying to follow the history because the next thing related to his RSO charges is his failure to register on March 24, 2005.
inbetween Sept. 2003 and March 2005, there are charges of larceny(3/23/04) and cheating services(4/17/04).
Was that TS's way of registering as an RSO in 2004?

As far as I can tell, since his 2004 crimes were not addressed until June 2006, he may have fled NC in the spring of 2004.
His failure to register offense is dated March 24, 2005.
He was not convicted for any of these crimes (2004 and 2005) until June 21, 2006.
I believe it was in June of 2006 that he was located in California*(need proof).
Therefore, from what I can tell,
TS was on the loose and unaccounted for most of 2004, all of 2005 and the first half of 2006.

He was convicted on June 21, 2006 for larceny - prison until Feb. 16, 2008.
On the same date, he was convicted for cheating services - prison until January 27, 2009.
These sentences included his failure to register charge of March 2005. ???
TS was incarcerated as of June 21, 2006 until January 27, 2009.

Upon TS's release on January 27, 2009, he failed to register again on April 3, 2009.
Back up and consider him unaccounted for from late January 2009 until January 2010.
Where was TS located in 2010?
He was convicted of the Residence Violation charges on January 28, 2010.
His sentence was 36 Months Special Probation (split). I believe he took off immediately.

Again, he was aprehended somewhere along the line - where this time?
How can we explain the mugshot taken of him on February 7, 2011?
Is it possible he escaped (out of the building?) at that time?

Therefore, for 11 mos. of January 2010 and most of February 2011 authorities do not know TL's whereabouts.

Where was Terry speaks living during the times he failed to register and what was he doing with his time?

MSNBC reports that Speaks was located in San Diego in February 2006. I'd only previously seen that info in a blog post.

Also here:

Not sure why reports Speaks was returned from California in 2009.

He was "missing" from 2005 - 2006 and located in San Diego.

He was reportedly in Pennsylvania in 2009, but that detail's been gobbled up and now shows up linked to the 2011 "absconder" tag. So I have no idea if he was in Pennsylvania in 2009 or 2011.

His Jan 2010 conviction was for

~~Sorry if I'm repeating. I'm having trouble scrolling up~~

So if the residence violation was noted in April 2009, he could have been anywhere in the country until his conviction on that count in January 2010.

And then he wasn't labeled an absconder until late 2011? Is that right?

What I want to know is -
When was he working on Bourbon Street for two years?​
This is the site that Terry Christopher Speaks (or whoever), I'm afraid, is able to spot and pick out victims (regarding the serial killer theory).

I was able to look up a dozen beautiful young women, figure out their locations and get a link to their information within minutes - and I'm not even technology savvy. Don't even have fb. This is shocking to see what these young beautiful girls are innocently advertising (their beautiful selves) here.
(an example of the others who aren't the beautiful girls) - yuck and shudder.
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