GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #5

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We had a power outage plus I was called out to a bad fire at a local camp that was hit by lighting and caught fire. It was totally engulfed by the time we got there but thankfully no one was hurt. We just got out power back on a lil while ago. So I have been out the loop since I posted earlier today.

As for MAS's "wedding". i figured it was some sham things like that. There is even a French Quarter quickie wedding venue where you walk in and get married. I always wondered how that worked because Louisiana law has the following requirements:

Either bride or groom or both must apply in person for the license at the courthouse.

You will need to bring a picture ID and a copy of your birth certificate to the Parish clerk’s office. The two other pieces of information you will need to have on hand is the bride and grooms parents’ names (including maiden and middle names) and their state of birth. You will also need to know both the bride and grooms SSN.

If either party is divorced, he/she must present a certified copy of the final divorce decree.

Each party must have proof of his/her social security number. Examples: Social Security Card, Drivers License with social security number on it, Military ID, W2.

There is a 72-hour waiting period between the time of issuance of the license and the ceremony.

At least 10 days after the wedding one party must bring in their white copy to be recorded and sealed.

So I'm not sure how the quickie wedding chapel works within those regulations. TAS was married before and would need his divorce decree and would have had to declare his full name which I am sure he would not do on paperwork in a court since he was on the run.

So MAS was foolish to think that her "marriage" was legal. But then we haven't seen much evidence that she was the brightest crayon in the box anyway. She was desperate to have a relationship, or so people who knew her have reported.

Maybe she thought this sham marriage would keep her from having to testify against him. Maybe she thought the murder would keep him with her since she had the goods on him. Who knows. No matter what, it wasn't very smart thinking or realistic.

Thank goodness someone else has custody and care of her children or this would also be another case where a clueless mom allowed her kids to be abused because she was so desperate for a man. We see too many of those cases.

I will be so glad when they are both finally charged and they found guilty and sentenced.
Dear folks,

I had attended Law School a few years ago, however I am not a practicing attorney. It has come to my attention that a man named “J” was hanging out in the French Quarter the night that Jaren went missing and that he was “creeping” the dancers out that evening. So, he must be a person of interest in this case. It is so important that “J” is interviewed by the police and that he does have a solid alibi on the night that Jaren went missing.

Why do I bring this up? It is important that if or when MAS and TS is charged for the murder, their defense attorneys can bring up this man “J ” as showing “reasonable doubt” and then there could be acquittal or a hung jury. MAS and TS will be able to walk free. You can’t bring them back for another trial, because of the 5th Amendment
Double Jeopardy Clause - guarantees that you cannot be tried or punished twice for the same crime.

Now if I was to look at the current evidence in this case as a Prosecuting Attorney, I would be looking at the circumstantial evidence regarding this case against MAS and TS so far …..

For Example:

Exhibit A – Jaren was last seen alive with MAS & TS in a video surveillance camera.
Exhibit B
– Jaren apparently knew these two people. (TS had worked next door from Jaren at one time.)
Exhibit C – MAS & TS had dyed their hair - his a reddish color, hers blue – then acting suspicious. Why?
Exhibit D – The fact that MAS immediately closed her Facebook Account had caused some suspicion.
Exhibit E – They were both pulled over by the Tangipahoa sheriff's deputies for a traffic violation and then questioned.
Exhibit F – TS presented the officer with false identification and then ran across a field and into woods beside the road, where officers apprehended him.
Exhibit G – When they were both arrested they were invoking their 5th amendment right not to answer questions (I’m sure that they were instructed by their attorneys.)
Exhibit H – Just recently MAS was shown on a ABC Crime Show (filmed months prior) saying, “What am I gonna do to get rid of the body? That would be the first thought. How do I fix it?

And of course, the list goes on and on……

Don’t think for a moment that their defense attorneys are not reading this forum, because I am sure they are. It’s important that we all stick to the facts, because we all want justice for Jaren.

Just my personal thoughts on this matter. Take care everybody!
Dear folks,

I had attended Law School a few years ago, however I am not a practicing attorney. It has come to my attention that a man named “J” was hanging out in the French Quarter the night that Jaren went missing and that he was “creeping” the dancers out that evening. So, he must be a person of interest in this case. It is so important that “J” is interviewed by the police and that he does have a solid alibi on the night that Jaren went missing.

Why do I bring this up? It is important that if or when MAS and TS is charged for the murder, their defense attorneys can bring up this man “J ” as showing “reasonable doubt” and then there could be acquittal or a hung jury. MAS and TS will be able to walk free. You can’t bring them back for another trial, because of the 5th Amendment
Double Jeopardy Clause - guarantees that you cannot be tried or punished twice for the same crime.

Now if I was to look at the current evidence in this case as a Prosecuting Attorney, I would be looking at the circumstantial evidence regarding this case against MAS and TS so far …..

For Example:

Exhibit A – Jaren was last seen alive with MAS & TS in a video surveillance camera.
Exhibit B
– Jaren apparently knew these two people. (TS had worked next door from Jaren at one time.)
Exhibit C – MAS & TS had dyed their hair - his a reddish color, hers blue – then acting suspicious. Why?
Exhibit D – The fact that MAS immediately closed her Facebook Account had caused some suspicion.
Exhibit E – They were both pulled over by the Tangipahoa sheriff's deputies for a traffic violation and then questioned.
Exhibit F – TS presented the officer with false identification and then ran across a field and into woods beside the road, where officers apprehended him.
Exhibit G – When they were both arrested they were invoking their 5th amendment right not to answer questions (I’m sure that they were instructed by their attorneys.)
Exhibit H – Just recently MAS was shown on a ABC Crime Show (filmed months prior) saying, “What am I gonna do to get rid of the body? That would be the first thought. How do I fix it?

And of course, the list goes on and on……

Don’t think for a moment that their defense attorneys are not reading this forum, because I am sure they are. It’s important that we all stick to the facts, because we all want justice for Jaren.

Just my personal thoughts on this matter. Take care everybody!

It's my opinion that they are reading every forum and comments at Facebook and under articles. I'll never forget one I encountered on a Topix forum once...they were so obvious I called them out immediately and after a few repartees between us they left for that moment. I'll never forget it because it was so obvious!

I've learned a lot here at WS since I've been here and that was one for sure! :angel:
I am i nthe process of watching the Final Witness episode about Z & A. MAS makes reference to how Z&A had a relationship she wanted. Could something as recent of last year triggered her to seek this all of a sudden. Maybe she was wrapped up with TS trying to recreate what Z&A had. What if doped up that dreadful night MAS and TS got wrapped up in the past and tried mimicking the events of what Addie had gone through only on poor Jaren. I'm just blabbering and am not exactly sure how to explain myself on here. I am just picking up on bits of information from the interview MAS conducted on FInal Witness. It just does not sit well with me.
Usually I just lurk around Jaren's thread and keep quiet bc I have nothing of value to add really. But man it is quiet in here, especially today..dropping off some loves for Jaren..

:heartbeat: :heartbeat: I hope you haunt the hell out of the FBI and LE til they bring you and yours justice! :rocker:

Now where's Woe, Ladybug(lub?), and gngersnp to get this thread going??:please: I know there's many many more regular posters but my short term memory only lets me remember 3 at a time :floorlaugh: the rest of you are included too! Swapmama?! Justthefacts! BabyCat....or maybe it was mommacat LOL!

In all seriousness though, I want to thank each and every one of you that has kept Jarens thread going! Sleuth On!! :peace:
Interesting comment on article suggests that MAS was out looking for another girl the day after JL's went missing. Anyone heard that?
Hmm...I don't see any comments under the SunHerald article now. Interesting if it's true. :waitasec:

Is this another coincidence??

Famous Painter of Dismembered People, "Leslie Rice" used as Alias by Lockhart Murder Suspect

It is not known whether this artist was the inspiration for Speaks' alias or whether the painter is known by Speaks at all.

WGNO Friday night emailed the images of the paintings to the head investigator in the Lockhart murder, Detective Steve Saucier of the Hancock County Sheriff's Office.,0,3483605.story

The sheriff said it is "undeniably intriguing", but TS stole the identity of someone he knew by that name back in NC.

Curiouser and curiouser.
Well it has been quiet with no new news of the case so it has quieted down here a bit and also we had the 4th of July and MANY of us had power outages ( me included). But just as there was a time in Mickey Shunick's case where there was no new news, there was indeed a lot going on with LE.

I think LE is quite busy reconstructing where and what MAS and TS were up to in the past few years. TS seems to have gotten around quite a bit and I am sure this isn't his only crime since his last conviction.

I am so freakin sick of known sex offenders being on the loose and free to commit crimes again. They aren't rehabilitated and they dont get better, they just get better at hiding what they do, usually by killing the victims and I am sick of it. How many more times are we going to see sex offenders on the loose and re-offending?

This will keep happening until something is done to keep them locked up or away from innocent people. I wish we could put them all on an island (in shark infested water, of course) where they could offend on each other, kill each other, whatever, but not be free to harm another single person.
I was without power for a couple of hours today, too, SwampMama. It was just long enough to enjoy the quiet and stillness. In a way, I was a little sorry when it came back on.

The "stillness" surrounding Jaren's case right now is LE waiting to see what results the FBI lab will return. Let's keep our fingers crossed that somewhere in the submitted items a little bit of conclusive evidence will be discovered.
Just have to jump in here as I just watched Final Witness with MAS...and wow...
- the comments she made about the first thoughts Zack had were how to get rid of the body...she was rationalizing how a man dismembered and cooked her best friend! She wasn't angry about it - she was rationalizing it like it made sense! Normal people would not rationalize it; they'd be disgusted and mad over it! Normal people would also not romanticize their best friend's relationship with the man who killed her. Please, ask Nicole Brown Simpson's friends or Susan Powell's friends how they feel about their friends' killer/husbands. They surely don't think the couple was just dealt "a bad hand."
- she does seem to want Z & A's relationship; the show overall over-romanticizes the relationship (and I think, paints Zack in a way nicer light than they should have, as if his crime & what he did to her body weren't really in his control but were part of their star-crossed lovers' destiny), but MAS seems to over-romanticize the Z & A relationship more than any of the other friends featured on the show. She almost seems obsessed with recreating it, but of course, not with herself as the dead & dismembered woman but someone else.
- She also seems somewhat obsessed with Addie- maybe playing up the friendship for more than it was? And we find out Addie was bipolar and recently in news articles that MAS was treated for being bipolar. Did she know the symptoms from working with Addie and fake this to be more like Addie so she could have a romantic life/relationship/whatever like Addie? (Trust me, I do think she does indeed have some major mental issues, but this is just a thought). And then she has to recreate Addie's death with her star-crossed lover TS but MAS doesn't want to be the one to die so they go out and find Jaren? Or maybe Jaren dies accidentally or via the stab wound and she sees an opportunity for herself & MS to be like Addie & Zack by dismembering Jaren?

I don't know. It was haunting, though.
Just have to jump in here as I just watched Final Witness with MAS...and wow...
- the comments she made about the first thoughts Zack had were how to get rid of the body...she was rationalizing how a man dismembered and cooked her best friend! She wasn't angry about it - she was rationalizing it like it made sense! Normal people would not rationalize it; they'd be disgusted and mad over it! Normal people would also not romanticize their best friend's relationship with the man who killed her. Please, ask Nicole Brown Simpson's friends or Susan Powell's friends how they feel about their friends' killer/husbands. They surely don't think the couple was just dealt "a bad hand."
- she does seem to want Z & A's relationship; the show overall over-romanticizes the relationship (and I think, paints Zack in a way nicer light than they should have, as if his crime & what he did to her body weren't really in his control but were part of their star-crossed lovers' destiny), but MAS seems to over-romanticize the Z & A relationship more than any of the other friends featured on the show. She almost seems obsessed with recreating it, but of course, not with herself as the dead & dismembered woman but someone else.
- She also seems somewhat obsessed with Addie- maybe playing up the friendship for more than it was? And we find out Addie was bipolar and recently in news articles that MAS was treated for being bipolar. Did she know the symptoms from working with Addie and fake this to be more like Addie so she could have a romantic life/relationship/whatever like Addie? (Trust me, I do think she does indeed have some major mental issues, but this is just a thought). And then she has to recreate Addie's death with her star-crossed lover TS but MAS doesn't want to be the one to die so they go out and find Jaren? Or maybe Jaren dies accidentally or via the stab wound and she sees an opportunity for herself & MS to be like Addie & Zack by dismembering Jaren?

I don't know. It was haunting, though.

BBM, oh yes, I feel she has played up her friendship with Addie to gain attention. The fact that she romanticizes A and Z's relationship show just how desperate MAS was to have a relationship at any cost.

MAS was desperate to have a man who didn't leave so I feel she was more than happy to participate in killing Jaren so that she would have that bond with "her man". Maybe she thought being partners in crime would mean that he wouldnt/couldnt leave her because she had the goods on him.

She is just such a pathetic creature and probably quite jealous of the beautiful girls who made good money as dancers and had friends and boyfriends and male attention while she was reduced to basically panhandling as a not very successful street performer.

I believe she was jealous of Jaren, jealous of Addie, jealous of any woman who had male attention, looks or anything she wanted. She seems to be on Zach's side despite her claim that Addie was her friend so she probably wanted Zach as well. She was desperate enough and wanted any man at any price.
BBM, oh yes, I feel she has played up her friendship with Addie to gain attention. The fact that she romanticizes A and Z's relationship show just how desperate MAS was to have a relationship at any cost.

MAS was desperate to have a man who didn't leave so I feel she was more than happy to participate in killing Jaren so that she would have that bond with "her man". Maybe she thought being partners in crime would mean that he wouldnt/couldnt leave her because she had the goods on him.

She is just such a pathetic creature and probably quite jealous of the beautiful girls who made good money as dancers and had friends and boyfriends and male attention while she was reduced to basically panhandling as a not very successful street performer.

I believe she was jealous of Jaren, jealous of Addie, jealous of any woman who had male attention, looks or anything she wanted. She seems to be on Zach's side despite her claim that Addie was her friend so she probably wanted Zach as well. She was desperate enough and wanted any man at any price.


I had wondered the same thing, since she did not try and 'escape' from him, but was out on a dinner date when they were arrested. I think she believed it bonded them somehow. I don't think it even occurred to her that if they had left town, she was likely his next victim. I am sure it crossed his evil mind, many times.
Im sure the defense attorney will try any avenue that will help his client. Its his job. Im sure the state isnt going to go into court with no evidence. I feel like the murder charges havent been filed cause LE is being careful not to miss anything before the start the clock ticking. Anything ive shared on here has been shared on facebook before it got here. I have basically redistributed old info. I have confidence in the system. Believe it or not its all we have to use to achieve justice for jaren.
Maybe having a forum discussing unsolved murder cases isnt a good idea at all. Maybe media covrage isnt a goods idea either. Alotta theories and ideas are passed around on all types of communication avenues. People will talk about interesting topics hopefully we dont damage anything by disgussing sensitive subjects.
Oh defense attorneys will say anything to get their clients off. For example C Anthonys attorney accused her father of molesting her as a child with no proof. Maybe it helped maybe it didnt. Its basically a toss of the dice in court. You could have a juror thgat doesnt like strippers that thinks what happened is kool. Never know. So many thing come into play when its time to convict or not convict a suspect. Im sure that MS was held after posting her 1500 dollar bond will come back to haunt the state. We can only hope for justice on this side. In the end we all answer to a higher power. Maybe that will be the outcome. Someone mentioned a third party in mississippi the "high roller" the defense may throw that into the mix.
Keep this in mind TS isnt oj simpson with a dream team he will prob use a publixc defender and "u get what u pay for"
Nothing will bring my beautiful baby girl back. RIP Jaren we love you and miss you. I play your song every night as my closing song _Three Days Grace- Riot. You are not forgotten. Only the good die young.
Snipped from above Quote....

"AMITE--The Margaret Sanchez case may be the one that many in the Amite area judicial system wish would just go away--to another jurisdiction........

Because the pair was nabbed in Loranger, Tangipahoa has drawn unwanted attention and extra staff time."

Sounds like this town/county jail just wants to get rid of MAS purely for financial reasons! :banghead:

It is a sad state of affairs when some LE's/courts do not want to hold a POI in Jaren's horrific death, just because they have to spend extra MONEY!

MOO....Keep her sorry azz in jail :jail: until she talks!!

Dear God...Please bring Justice For Jaren!

I live in Tangipahoa Parish, and it is very, very corrupt, and most of the officials are - figuratively or literally - in bed with one another.
Jumping in early, I still have 2 threads before caught up. Just learned about this yesterday and have been reading the threads since then.

Excuse me if this all has been touched on so far and I'm way off but my brain is going a mile a minute here.

First of all hats off to Eileen730 who first mentioned Addie Hall's case.

Second of all someone posted a question if Addie met up with TS when she was 14 years old. That is a good possibility because she was in Durham county, NC (1992) and Surry County is right next to Durham. TS was a sexual predator and who knows. I do not know if this was dis-proven or proven so far since I'm behind two threads.

Now MAS I think is a manipulator and a very Jealous person. I think she had some type of involvement in Addie's death whether that was seeing Zack after Addie kicked him out and MAS egged him on or even helped him. Don't know but I don't think she was just an innocent friend of Addie's either. I watched the TV show she was on before I read one word of this case here. I can tell you just from watching that show something was right. It was too clean, a murder, notes left around, and him committing suicide, it was too clean, to set up for my liking while watching the show. First I thought was, was there ever any hand writing analyses done on the suicide and journal entries?

MAS didn't know TS at the time, this is why I'm leaning towards MAS is the ring leader (so to speak) in Jaren's murder. I think she somehow got Zack and then TS to do her dirty work, the leg work the heavy lifting. They are all guilty but MOO she is the RING LEADER!

Her crying and poor me, is a front! That is how she gets what she wants. MOO

OK back to reading...and OH My My

Blessings to Jaren's family and Jaren is with the Lord.
Some peeps were exploring the possibility that MAS is the same woman who acted along with Charles Atwood's killing spree.
That person only spent five years in jail. Check that, I may have the facts wrong as I went over the case quickly.
MAS has two sons though, six and eight. She has a work history in the quarter.
Did she disappear for a long time or has she remained visible over the years?

I've been focusing on the possibilty that there is a connection between Addie/TS and haven't given the other angle much thought.
TS has a criminal record where MAS did not prior to June 2012. Therefore, how could she have spent time in prison (rhetorical ?).
I'm answering my own thoughts.

A MAJOR reason the idea that ZB wasn't Addie's killer, is because he left a note saying he killed her, her remains were all over their apartment and he was on video while he worked up the nerve to jump off the roof of the hotel. There's no evidence that MAS was there or anywhere with him along the way. Two of ZB's friends say they went out to clubs with him, he bartended a party for one of them, just days before he jumped. During this wh ole time he knew Addie's body was back in her/their apartment. That guy had some kind of break from reality that is beyond comprehension imo.

Maybe he suffered from an undiagnosed psychotic condition and the combo of him and Addie pushed him over the edge.
Still, it's difficult for a sane person to contemplate what he did to Addie and end up feeling any compassion for him.
It's really beyond one's comprehension imo.


According to Ethan Brown's book Shake the Devil Off, written about the murder of Addie Hall, Addie's own inner demons and troubled past fueled the flames of Zack's madness because she would lash out at him as well.
Jumping in early, I still have 2 threads before caught up. Just learned about this yesterday and have been reading the threads since then.

Excuse me if this all has been touched on so far and I'm way off but my brain is going a mile a minute here.

First of all hats off to Eileen730 who first mentioned Addie Hall's case.

Second of all someone posted a question if Addie met up with TS when she was 14 years old. That is a good possibility because she was in Durham county, NC (1992) and Surry County is right next to Durham. TS was a sexual predator and who knows. I do not know if this was dis-proven or proven so far since I'm behind two threads.

Now MAS I think is a manipulator and a very Jealous person. I think she had some type of involvement in Addie's death whether that was seeing Zack after Addie kicked him out and MAS egged him on or even helped him. Don't know but I don't think she was just an innocent friend of Addie's either. I watched the TV show she was on before I read one word of this case here. I can tell you just from watching that show something was right. It was too clean, a murder, notes left around, and him committing suicide, it was too clean, to set up for my liking while watching the show. First I thought was, was there ever any hand writing analyses done on the suicide and journal entries?

MAS didn't know TS at the time, this is why I'm leaning towards MAS is the ring leader (so to speak) in Jaren's murder. I think she somehow got Zack and then TS to do her dirty work, the leg work the heavy lifting. They are all guilty but MOO she is the RING LEADER!

Her crying and poor me, is a front! That is how she gets what she wants. MOO

OK back to reading...and OH My My

Blessings to Jaren's family and Jaren is with the Lord.

Thank You!!!! I have begun to feel more and more that way especially after her interview in that show and another thing that bothered me was her asking the friends they stayed with if they'd heard about Jaren. I think it was one of the first things she said. If you were feeling remorse and guilt that's the last thing I'd think you'd talk about.

But Lera, I am really leaning that way very quickly. So glad I'm not alone! MAS is beginning to look a little bit like a sociopath to me...
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