GUILTY LA - Jaren Lockhart, 22, New Orleans, 5 June 2012 - #6

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I honestly believe that MS was not the ring leader that night. I think TS dragged her into things slowly and got into her head as their relationship developed. She strikes me as a person who lacks her own identity and kind of absorbs the identities of her partners or close friends. I would like to see these two get the DP for what they've done, but I don't see that happening. My hope is that she gives him up. I hope she gives up the details and he goes down. If they have to work a deal to make it happen, then I think a deal should be made in efforts to keep him off the streets.

I would really like them put away (or done away with) for life, but if I had the choice between her doing a few years and him being locked up for the murder, as opposed to him possibly being paroled again as an RSO and doing a few years for desecration... I'd take the first option. She still gets a conviction, maybe less time.

Maybe things can't work out that way. Or maybe they won't. But a girl can hope right? Closure for the family. Justice (sorta) for Jaren. And hopeful lessons for everyone who was there that night.

I think if Jaren very often. Nearly every day. Her life was cut too short. Her daughter will only be able to remember her mom through disgusting headlines. I mean no disrespect when I talk about MS making a deal.

I agree with what you say and just so I am clear with what I was saying, I am hopeful everything you say plays out. But I think in order for it to play out that way, the murder charges have to be brought first. I think MAS will look at desecration charges as desperate on behalf of LE. The time associated with the desecration charges isn't enough of a hammer to hold over her head. I do believe, though, that if the grand jury indicts on desecration charges, murder charges will soon follow. Once you have THAT hammer of the death penalty or more significant terms of imprisonment, MAS will be more likely to talk. At that point, take the death penalty off the table or give her some lesser sentence in exchange for her testifying against TS and go after him full tilt.
I don't know, reedus. We know they left together. We know TS has a background of abuse against women. And we know MAS is a little [intentionally left blank] , but no criminal record. And we know they absconded. But is that enough? I'm doubtful, and think there must be more.

You're probably right and I'm sure LE has some info we don't have. Hopefully it will be enough. It will be interesting to see. Do you (or anyone) remember if LE ever disclosed if they were able to determine and approximate time of death. If I remember correctly, it was a Tuesday evening going into Wednesday morning when she was last seen on video. Also from looking back, I believe they began finding her remains on Thursday. What I don't recall is if LE ever said or if they are even able to determine an approximate time of death. Anyone know?
I have been watching these developments with interest. I hope that it leads to greater charges and that MAS finally talks and stops protecting TS. Odd that he is in NY and she uses NY as part of her online identity. Creepy actually. Well hopefully soon, her identity will include a nice new set of prison ID numbers.

I don't know where she is but it seems she will sink to the lowest level, wherever she is. She has little in life going for her , her past is pretty scary and her future ain't looking too bright either.

I am praying with all my might that we might finally have a glimmer of justice for Jaren which will crack the case open.
I don't know, reedus. We know they left together. We know TS has a background of abuse against women. And we know MAS is a little [intentionally left blank] , but no criminal record. And we know they absconded. But is that enough? I'm doubtful, and think there must be more.

I'm so glad to see SOME movement in the case. So frustrating, even for just a removed observer such as I.

I still wonder if a third party was involved in the murder, a third party with enough power to keep MAS and TS from talking? In that scenario, TS/MAS were tasked to provide entertainment for one or more VIP type people and something went awry during the festivities that resulted in Jaren's murder. TS/MAS then being ordered to dispose of the remains, which seems to tie in to this development where there is a link between them and her body, but not to the actual murder.

TS/MAS just seem too pathetic and goofy to have committed the actual murder, but as stupid as they seem, they don't look stupid enough to do it knowing they had been seen and/or videoed leaving the bar with her and would be prime suspects. Then the fact that neither turned on the other while initially being interrogated after their arrest yet they were trying to leave town together.

But who knows? I guess it seems more likely that it was just TS and MAS, but I guess if that were the case, I would have expected one or both to have spilled on the other. I can't imagine that these two miscreants would stay silent over love or loyalty. Seems more motivated by fear.

Sorry for the ramble. I just pray that any and all involved in her murder are punished.
You're probably right and I'm sure LE has some info we don't have. Hopefully it will be enough. It will be interesting to see. Do you (or anyone) remember if LE ever disclosed if they were able to determine and approximate time of death. If I remember correctly, it was a Tuesday evening going into Wednesday morning when she was last seen on video. Also from looking back, I believe they began finding her remains on Thursday. What I don't recall is if LE ever said or if they are even able to determine an approximate time of death. Anyone know?
Temptations cameras showed the three left the bar a few minutes after 2:00 A.M., from there they were captured on the Bourbon Street cameras until approximately 2:30 A.M. on Wednesday, June 6, 2012. I can't find the article that states the exact time when the torso was discovered by the workers on the beach in Bay St. Louis, but it was in the late afternoon on Thursday, June 7. So that is a pretty narrow window, say 36-40 hours. I don't recall that an estimated time of death was published.

Link to MAP posted by Mahmoo

Link to Timeline and Media thread. Post 31 by askfornina has many links and transcripts of video interviews.

Jaren Lockhart - Timeline and Media Links - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Temptations cameras showed the three left the bar a few minutes after 2:00 A.M., from there they were captured on the Bourbon Street cameras until approximately 2:30 A.M. on Wednesday, June 6, 2012. I can't find the article that states the exact time when the torso was discovered by the workers on the beach in Bay St. Louis, but it was in the late afternoon on Thursday, June 7. So that is a pretty narrow window, say 36-40 hours. I don't recall that an estimated time of death was published.

Link to MAP posted by Mahmoo

Link to Timeline and Media thread. Post 31 by askfornina has many links and transcripts of video interviews.

Jaren Lockhart - Timeline and Media Links - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Thanks. I had gone back there to get the days she was last seen but wasn't sure if an approximate time of death had ever been discussed. I agree. Pretty small window and I was wondering how much smaller that window might be. Even without telling us when it was, I'd be curious to know if they could determine approximately the time of death, or approximately how long she had been in the water.
Temptations cameras showed the three left the bar a few minutes after 2:00 A.M., from there they were captured on the Bourbon Street cameras until approximately 2:30 A.M. on Wednesday, June 6, 2012. I can't find the article that states the exact time when the torso was discovered by the workers on the beach in Bay St. Louis, but it was in the late afternoon on Thursday, June 7. So that is a pretty narrow window, say 36-40 hours. I don't recall that an estimated time of death was published.

Link to MAP posted by Mahmoo

Link to Timeline and Media thread. Post 31 by askfornina has many links and transcripts of video interviews.

Jaren Lockhart - Timeline and Media Links - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Thursday evening just before 6pm, a torso was found on the beach in Bay St. Louis.


Of course, her torso could have been there longer. That was the time it was discovered.
Please let tomorrow be the start of some justice for Jaren!
Bumping for Jaren! This is the case that brought me to WS. I danced with Jaren when I toured once (we look similar) and talked about side jobs among other things. I was not close to her so I bring nothing to the table in this case. I hope everyone that's following has watched "final witness" to hear Margo speak. Her answer as to why Addie Hall was dismembered is said rather factually and that's why I always felt she had something to do with this. I think she got the idea from Addie's death.

I'm hoping there's enough there to hold them responsible and without a shadow of a doubt.
Frustrating but I keep hoping that new developments are what is holding things up.
Perhaps the FBI is about to return test results which will implicate the duo in a greater crime. Or, a new lead has come in, and they're working furiously to run it down and seal it up. I know...more wishful thinking.

That's okay, HCSO, take all time you need to get it done right. We'll be right here waiting. Impatiently, but we're here. :waiting:

ETA: Great minds..., SwampMama. :)
Perhaps the FBI is about to return test results which will implicate the duo in a greater crime. Or, a new lead has come in, and they're working furiously to run it down and seal it up. I know...more wishful thinking.

That's okay, HCSO, take all time you need to get it done right. We'll be right here waiting. Impatiently, but we're here. :waiting:

ETA: Great minds..., SwampMama. :)

It could also be something as simple as scheduling conflicts. DA could have been called to court. Another case that needed the immediate attention of the detective. Family member passed away. Anything. Like you said, just get it done right.
It is also possible that the FBI was focusing full manpower on the sudden Boston Bombing and that pulled focus off of Jaren's case temporarily. But I am still patiently here, not going anywhere. i will be here as long as it takes to get justice for Jaren and those who loved her.
Good to have something happen in this case, albeit small beans. Of note: I was downtown at FQ fest and on decatur street when I saw a statue street performer and I would swear it was MAS. Her face, in spite of the pancake makeup, closely resembled her. Has she ever done this kind of work?
Good to have something happen in this case, albeit small beans. Of note: I was downtown at FQ fest and on decatur street when I saw a statue street performer and I would swear it was MAS. Her face, in spite of the pancake makeup, closely resembled her. Has she ever done this kind of work?

Welcome back my friend! You have been missed around here! It could have been MAS. However, she has been traveling to exotic locations like Las Vegas.
Good to have something happen in this case, albeit small beans. Of note: I was downtown at FQ fest and on decatur street when I saw a statue street performer and I would swear it was MAS. Her face, in spite of the pancake makeup, closely resembled her. Has she ever done this kind of work?

I'm hopeful that the small beans will lead to larger beans.
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