LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette; 19 May 2012 - #23

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So I found more cameras that have yet to be checked by LE and they absolutely should have been. Bad police work? Doesnt appear so. From a source I spoke with today and the fact that certain cameras werent bothered to be checked, it appears LE does in fact no more about Mickeys exact route than they let on.

I was told to "expect some news in the next few days."

So don't fret people. There appears to be more to come in this case
Wish we had some idea of where they are seaching today. I just checked out the Whiskey Bridge camera, and no activity.

You might have missed this the other day when I posted, but you won't be able see where the cars are parked from those cams. Just FYI. Sure you can see some activity there sometimes, but that isn't where the search parties tend to park.
So I found more cameras that have yet to be checked by LE and they absolutely should have been. Bad police work? Doesnt appear so. From a source I spoke with today and the fact that certain cameras werent bothered to be checked, it appears LE does in fact no more about Mickeys exact route than they let on.

I was told to "expect some news in the next few days."

So don't fret people. There appears to be more to come in this case

Ahhhh, interesting. Maybe not poor police work, maybe they didn't need to even look at those cameras.
Wish we had some idea of where they are seaching today. I just checked out the Whiskey Bridge camera, and no activity.
Originally Posted by paris_paris<br />
Do we know where they're searching today? (With the dogs I mean).
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Not very specific, but:<br />
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Teams of 10 to 15 people are tackling the edges of Lafayette Parish, according to Brettly Wilson, a volunteer and close friend of Shunick.
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(from The Daily Advertiser)

If this info is correct, they aren't at WB.
Hello all! First time poster here. Have found myself with a lot of time on my hands lately and have read almost every post in regards to Mickey (and others) on this site. I have studied the surveillance photo's endlessly.

It is my opinion that it was a hit and run, most likely accidental and very likely not long after she passed the Circle K. And, it is not necessarily the car/truck drivers fault. Quite often bicyclists collide with a vehicle or ride into the vehicles path. Does anyone know if she was wearing headphones and listening to either music of some form?

I have seen pics of bicycle's that have been hit by a car. If the back rim is damaged then she was likely rear ended. If there is more damage then she may have collided with a vehicle and any combination of factors could take place. More often than not, the bicyclist ends up being hurtled onto or over the vehicle if hit from behind.

It seems improbable that she was stalked by anyone that knew her. It's a possibility that someone hit her bicycle with the intention of an abduction but most people abduct someone for sexual purposes and why would they want to severely injure someone first when they could just cut her off and grab her? If they hit her intentionally then they hit her hard to damage a rim.

There are two images of the white truck. One coming and one going. The backgrounds and other cars/people getting gas state a lot. The dark car is there the duration. The white car in only one pic and it appears damaged. There is also another vehicle behind the tree in the left turn lane that would have seen the white truck pass shortly after Mickey is seen and may have seen Mickey herself.

If the truck hit her there in front of the Circle K hard enough to bend a rim, it would have made some noise and would have taken some time to pick up her and the bicycle so this seems almost impossible. Also, the car/truck turning left would have seen some comotion going on i would think. It does appear something is under the truck in both pics...both in the front and back but I have no idea what.

Apologize for the long post...figured I would cover it all at once :)
There are places that I have lived where ppl walking are always offered rides. This is MY experience.

My partner and I just offered a young man a ride last week. He was struggling with a large number of shopping bags, and it seemed like the nice thing to do. We had absolutely no intention of kidnapping/robbing/murdering him, rather to ease the burden for someone who appeared to be having a difficult time.

John Waters, the film director, is currently writing a book about his recent hitch-hike across the United States:

Offering/accepting rides is something that happens, whether or not people approve of the practice.
Going back to an earlier point of conversation regarding search dogs, and wanted to clear up some confusion.

My DH is a volunteer with a SAR organization and our German Shepherd is a trained SAR dog. Dogs can be trained for different scents, ours is trained to follow the scent of a specific person (vs a cadaver trained dog or drug sniffing dog). Normally what is done is that an uncontaminated (handled with gloves) article from the victim is bagged in a ziploc and then put under the dog's nose so he can identify the scent. At that point the dog will follow the scent to an end point. There is a SAR dog on his team trained for water rescue and this dog has found victims in the water.

A person is always dropping skin cells, even if they are being carried or not on foot. Scent is easier to follow when not on concrete because it has more to "stick to", and despite popular belief, does not immediately wash away in a rainstorm or because the victim is in a body of water.

I hope this helps clear up some confusion and misunderstanding. Do not lose hope because it has rained a couple times! Here's hoping there is good news soon for Mickey.
What is sad is that it usually comes down to someone wanting sex!

Yeah, like the "patterson guy" in the similar white truck, trying to pick up a similar girl with a bicylcle.

Sorry....had to throw that in. I realize I am stuck on that guy for some reason.
Hello all! First time poster here. Have found myself with a lot of time on my hands lately and have read almost every post in regards to Mickey (and others) on this site. I have studied the surveillance photo's endlessly.

It is my opinion that it was a hit and run, most likely accidental and very likely not long after she passed the Circle K. And, it is not necessarily the car/truck drivers fault. Quite often bicyclists collide with a vehicle or ride into the vehicles path. Does anyone know if she was wearing headphones and listening to either music of some form?

I have seen pics of bicycle's that have been hit by a car. If the back rim is damaged then she was likely rear ended. If there is more damage then she may have collided with a vehicle and any combination of factors could take place. More often than not, the bicyclist ends up being hurtled onto or over the vehicle if hit from behind.

It seems improbable that she was stalked by anyone that knew her. It's a possibility that someone hit her bicycle with the intention of an abduction but most people abduct someone for sexual purposes and why would they want to severely injure someone first when they could just cut her off and grab her? If they hit her intentionally then they hit her hard to damage a rim.

There are two images of the white truck. One coming and one going. The backgrounds and other cars/people getting gas state a lot. The dark car is there the duration. The white car in only one pic and it appears damaged. There is also another vehicle behind the tree in the left turn lane that would have seen the white truck pass shortly after Mickey is seen and may have seen Mickey herself.

If the truck hit her there in front of the Circle K hard enough to bend a rim, it would have made some noise and would have taken some time to pick up her and the bicycle so this seems almost impossible. Also, the car/truck turning left would have seen some comotion going on i would think. It does appear something is under the truck in both pics...both in the front and back but I have no idea what.

Apologize for the long post...figured I would cover it all at once :)

So I found more cameras that have yet to be checked by LE and they absolutely should have been. Bad police work? Doesnt appear so. From a source I spoke with today and the fact that certain cameras werent bothered to be checked, it appears LE does in fact no more about Mickeys exact route than they let on.

I was told to "expect some news in the next few days."

So don't fret people. There appears to be more to come in this case


I guess it's quite hard for us to "see" that the police knows anything. I keep feeling skeptical. And then there is the P.I. that says really vague things that almost sound like rambles. He seems nice though and a source of hope for the family. I really hope it's true that they are on to something. And sure wish for the best outcome. That would blow my mind in the best way.
This makes COMPLETE sense...thanks A.C.I! I we REALLY believe that the State Crime Lab has not finished with the bike? That bike tells the story...
So I found more cameras that have yet to be checked by LE and they absolutely should have been. Bad police work? Doesnt appear so. From a source I spoke with today and the fact that certain cameras werent bothered to be checked, it appears LE does in fact no more about Mickeys exact route than they let on.

I was told to "expect some news in the next few days."

So don't fret people. There appears to be more to come in this case

I wonder if some news means a tiny new detail that leaves the mystery as large as it is now, or a significant development.

Praying for Mickey's family and the many people that are affected and for justice.
I wouldn't necessarily think so. If LPD feels like sharing, then yes. But I don't think they are under any obligation to tell the PI details of an ongoing investigation.

No, lol, they aren't under any obligation to do so, but more likely they would let him know. I may be wrong. I'll let you know if that happens, that I was wrong. I don't mind saying it.
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