LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #26

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Something keeps sticking in my mind about a post in a thread long ago. Can't remember the name of the person (had a bunch of random letters as his name) and they no longer post on here. But they made several references to "clues" and said "writing is on the wall". May be just a person trying to stir things up but still can't get that out of my head and have been trying to figure out if it really meant anything...

I remember that, the post seemed odd. The posters name started with an L and I believe it was the first and second post by this person.
I agree with Laffy. I will also add I think people think it happens more often than it does because every procedural show basically hinges on that plot-line. Makes for good TV, but isn't necessarily common in real life.
So many things to consider there before I could take a guess at the answer. I think a necessary piece of that scenario would be ...when did the traumatizing event occur, at what stage of their development (from a psycho-sexual perspective)? At what stage of individuating their own identity and sexuality did this occur?

Much less likely in an adult.

They wouldve been an adult. And it would be about 10 years ago it happened. The person is currently a little unstable mentally (from my observations). So with it being less common in an adult, would very suspicious behavior in the midst of this current tragedy be expected? Also, this person has an affinity for knives, telephoto lenses, collecting childrens collectibles (dolls, dishes etc) and items belonging to their lost child.A "shrine" of sorts. Is this common? Can the suspicious behavior be explained by this current ordeal ringing close to home?
I have a question for anyone in the mental health industry. How often is it the case when someone suffers a tragedy (similar to this) with a violent and traumatic ending, and they are obviously "a little off" mentally, that they then become drawn (sexually or otherwise) to things reminiscent of said tragedy?

As it flashbacks,ptsd or acting out?
I have a question for anyone in the mental health industry. How often is it the case when someone suffers a tragedy (similar to this) with a violent and traumatic ending, and they are obviously "a little off" mentally, that they then become drawn (sexually or otherwise) to things reminiscent of said tragedy?

I'm not 100% sure what you're getting at but in my experience, I have seen a few times when say a spouse is killed or has died that the wife/husband starts acting out sexually with the deceased person's closest friend(s). I guess it's a way to try to stay in touch with the dead person. These people were not even "a little off". Tragedies sometimes do make people crave a sexual experiences. It is a way to make them feel they are still alive. It also gives them release from overpowering emotions. Again, I am not a mental health professional. I'm just sharing instances of events with people that I know personally.

They wouldve been an adult. And it would be about 10 years ago it happened. The person is currently a little unstable mentally (from my observations). So with it being less common in an adult, would very suspicious behavior in the midst of this current tragedy be expected? Also, this person has an affinity for knives, telephoto lenses, collecting childrens collectibles (dolls, dishes etc) and items belonging to their lost child.A "shrine" of sorts. Is this common? Can the suspicious behavior be explained by this current ordeal ringing close to home?

When my younger brother died, my mom would not allow anything of his to be moved. It was years before she was able to start letting go. She had all of his trophies set up as a sort of shrine. Hope this helps.
Not in mental health industry, but I've seen it..and well..statistics.

It's not often. It's usually by someone with prior diagnosed mental health, but there have been cases where it's a family member that becomes obsessed to the point of stalker-like when a case even has one minor detail in common with the tragedy.

Not always the case, look at John Walsh.

Age makes a huge difference.

Beyond that, there's no predicting how the human mind will react to anything. Some people crawl in a hole and never come out. Some people create their own crusade, some people go back to their lives.

The younger the observer, the more likely their future thought patterns will be permanently affected.

I haven't heard of very many family members of 9.11 victims becoming suicide pilots. My brother was SAR, on scene within 4 hours and on the pile for two weeks. He drinks more now, but he's not whacked.
I have a question for anyone in the mental health industry. How often is it the case when someone suffers a tragedy (similar to this) with a violent and traumatic ending, and they are obviously "a little off" mentally, that they then become drawn (sexually or otherwise) to things reminiscent of said tragedy?

I don't think we have any verified mental health providers on this thread, but you might try pm'ing one of the following WS verified:

angelainwi is verified as a Certified Trauma Counselor
LBshrink is a verified Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Shadowraiths is a verified forensic psychology specialist
PsychoMom is a verified mental health professional.
badhorsie is a registered nurse (mental health)
Rougelatete is a verified mental health professional

There are others if you look at the link on post 2 of every thread.
I'm not 100% sure what you're getting at but in my experience, I have seen a few times when say a spouse is killed or has died that the wife/husband starts acting out sexually with the deceased person's closest friend(s). I guess it's a way to try to stay in touch with the dead person. These people were not even "a little off". Tragedies sometimes do make people crave a sexual experiences. It is a way to make them feel they are still alive. It also gives them release from overpowering emotions. Again, I am not a mental health professional. I'm just sharing instances of events with people that I know personally.

Ahh...I see.

I wasn't looking at it that way.
1. The search party used a paddle to push it onshore so it didn't continue downstream. They flagged it and called LE(procedure required by organizers)

2. LE retrieved it from the bank

3.i didn't ask how she knew. I've never owned mace, so idk if the can has words on it, then it slides into the cover?

4.the organizers called their search team back because the group leader wasn't doing as required.( searching the specific area you are assigned, taking proper care of all members in your group. And writing all details of your search)

If you don't follow directions they don't let you search. They have this organized the way they do for a reason. If people go on what they want to do it could end up in wasted man power and assets.

I think I would be very uncomfortable around that search leader!
I have a question for anyone in the mental health industry. How often is it the case when someone suffers a tragedy (similar to this) with a violent and traumatic ending, and they are obviously "a little off" mentally, that they then become drawn (sexually or otherwise) to things reminiscent of said tragedy?

A.C.I., if I understand your question and you omit 'sexually', I think that you may have described many, if not most of the posters on sleuthing, missing persons forums, and SAR teams.
The team leader that wouldn't keep records gives me the feeling that they are helping out just to be seen, or trying to impair the investigation in some way!
A.C.I., if I understand your question and you omit 'sexually', I think that you may have described many, if not most of the posters on sleuthing, missing persons forums, and SAR teams.

Well, that's a good point.
I don't know if anyone else posted about this, but yesterday I was told by 2 different people that there were a large number of LE at the old OLOL hospital yesterday. One told me at 1:15 pm there were about 15 vehicles there near the emergency room entrance with what looked like LPD, sherrifs, and haz-mat. Another person told me at 4 pm there were still a lot of LE there and they weren't searching the streets, they were right up next to the hospital. Maybe they were doing a more intensive search of the hospital for clues? Just thought I'd pass that along...Let's Find Mickey!!!!

Thank you for this, G. Rose.

Anyone - is the old OLOL hospital located near the Saint streets?

Wow. What kind of a-hole would give what's good for business higher priority than finding a missing're not even getting paid for your help and I wish you all the luck in the world and pray you think of something he doesn't so that you make the break in the case and make him look like a moron. :)

I think you should at least ask him because you can't read his mind. He may share his description and be happy to have help. He knows damned well he better produce some result. They not gonna pay him forever for producing no results. He may be happy to have the help. It doesn't hurt to ask.

I don't think that makes him an a-hole at all! This is his job, he's trying to do it. Just like LE aren't going to show all their cards, neither is the P.I.
I woke up so mad over this today. :banghead:

What in the world is wrong with people (other than the fact that they are totally DEPRAVED!) that they would not only cause harm to a young girl, but allow her family to suffer through the not knowing.

I pray that they not only rot in hell, but that during their time on earth they are completely and totally consumed with their crime that it ruins their lives completely.

I am all about forgiveness and don't like to sound so hateful...but I'm just so angry about this today.

Even if they have no conscience and feel no guilt that drives them crazy
....they'll slip up.....they'll brag.....or talk in their sleep without knowing o commit another crime and be linked back to this one and if there's two involved there's twice the chance!
A.C.I., if I understand your question and you omit 'sexually', I think that you may have described many, if not most of the posters on sleuthing, missing persons forums, and SAR teams.

Just trying to get an outside perspective on a currently unfolding idea. And the suspicious behavior I mentioned would entail driving around the circle K and the strip/jefferson street at 2:00am. Just driving blocks for about 20 minutes. Then taking a secluded road to a town about an hour away and driving out into the middle of nowhere. Empty fields for miles, before turning around and going home at 4:00am. Then lying about doing any of that. Also injured themself "searching" alone in backwoods areas, including whiskey bay the day before the bike was found. Combined with what I already asked, Ive been a little more than curious
I think I would be very uncomfortable around that search leader!

'Once a marine, always a marine'..
Guess, if they located possible significant evidence. He must have been doing something right.

I was on a missing person search in TN. Our team leader was from a vol fire dept in No AL. He emulated a drill sergeant all day, but a very likeable guy. He was just a little naive & lacked life experience.
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