LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #27

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Not difficult at all. If I had the means Id run down every *advertiser censored* matching truck in Louisiana. Its not like theres much else to go on at this point.

And every lead I get, I inform LE. I then continue to investigate. If I eventually get a concrete case built then I bring it to EVERYONE

Wish I could help. Is there a way that those of us living in other south Louisiana parishes could get the info for our respective parishes?

I have a pen and pad in my car to write down license plates for any I see. I have yet to see one truck that matches the VOI. I bet I would see a few if I drove through Home Depot's parking lot on a given day! Still, there many not be as many as previously thought in the entire state.
I know that people are turning things every which way to try to help.

But the picture of the truck I just quoted is unacceptable, IMO, and should be removed from the site. Someone obviously hand-painted in some black pixels to show a driver, and altered the original photo in a substantial and unethical way, without putting any disclaimer on the photo itself to warn people that they are looking at fiction. It's one thing to "enhance" a photo, and quite another to paint things in that aren't there!!:maddening:

Below is MY crop of the original photo from the Find Mickey website. I am not sure if LE released a bigger image, but this us second-best, at least.

Notice the clear space where the "driver" is in the above forgery.

Not helpful folks.... not helpful.


That's what I'm saying. We need to look at the original photos LE released, not ones that have been altered, enhanced, changed in any way. As someone pointed out, the LE photos are small and poor quality. Yes, but like it or not they are the official photos, the real ones. If we are to see anything, we will see it there. If someone changes tones or hues or whatever and then suddenly people are seeing blue shirts, teal shirts, etc. it isn't helpful.
This is the one I referred to as the blur (on Uni). I didn't realize LPD has that as the same car as the hooptie. I'm not convinced but maybe they have more pics that convince them.

You must be looking at a very small pic. I can't see how the hooptie car could be a blur or mistaken for anything else. Unless it is something else that you refer to as the blur. There are no pics of the hooptie on St. Landry. What is a hooptie anyway?
The family does not seem to be speaking out against LE in any public I am not sure that others should be...JMO. Perhaps they are being kept appraised of the investigation, perhaps not. But they are not slamming LE. Anyway, JMO...

I'm guilty of this, but I'm more upset that aren't doing anything to convince the public that they are trying. I have no evidence that they aren't, other than them not talking to the 3 lafayette registered white truck owners. That is poor, and normally I would give them a pass if they would make a sincere attempt to make the public feel a little more at ease, for lack of a better word. Especially after the whole Jaren thing, they should address the public to say that they are still searching in some way for Mickey and or the person(s) who took her. But yes, you are correct that the family is not slamming them, so maybe they are really hard at work, but it still doesn't excuse their silence.

If my tone comes off nasty, I apologize. I'm not mad at your point, I'm just irritated with how far off Mickey seems at this point in the search. We've got nothing. I mean this angelic girl just vanished without a trace. It's so awful to think of what may have happened to her, all the while the police are just treating us like we have no business caring. All the while some Louisiana girl may be next.
Just doing a drive-by. I'm still working an angle, as is A.C.I, and have nothing to report tonight. But I will do so as soon as I can, and hope U can give new information for y'all to chew over.

I was disappointed to read of A.C.I's experience with the Shunicks' hired PI, Abdella.

I hope he was hot on the trail of something, and so couldn't talk.

I concur with A.C.I that he is too old for the job and the Shunicks should consider hiring someone else. A person I interviewed Tues. had information that may prove helpful, and when I asked whether Abdella had asked about this important topic when he came around to interview, the person said that he had not. He is not clued in to social media, and social media is driving this case, and may prove to be where it is cracked, before all is said and done.
A.C.I. Two questions:
What caught your attention re the POI w/ mental issues for you to have been prepared to follow him?

Do you know if L.E. got into the ULL database to see what students have that truck? My daughter left her trunk open one day and they called our house b/c they were concerned. So, I figured that they have the vehicle and personal info tied into the parking sticker; maybe they can search by vehicle model, etc. Thanks.

His description. A man like that being out at that particular place that time of night struck me as odd. What he was wearing. His demeanor. And he just struck me as odd. Made my spidey senses tingle.
Thanks. I think the door handles look completely different on both trucks. I'll have to keep looking. I don't remember there being any additional photos of white trucks released when they first said they were looking for 3 vehicles, so I assumed each pic was a different white truck, and then the car.

Two white car. I have never seen any link that stated the truck in front of Circle K is the same as the truck with the bed cover. Maybe the potential truck getting gas may have a bed cover. We can see inside the trunk of the truck in front of the Circle K...and it has dark handles and runner boards...whatever those things are. Bed cover truck does not.
Could possibly be the reflection of the window tint on light tan interior and the headrest. I simpley enlarged the isolated portion of the pic & the "blue" ends in a straight line instead of curving with the body as it would if it were someones shirt.

When I look at the photo, the driver looks like a male with the side(s) of his head clean shaven, but his hair on top of his scalp is long. It looks like a mohawk pulled back into a ponytail. His nose is large and even though his skin doesn't appear to be very dark, he's likely of Native American or Hispanic origin. Perhaps the hairstyle is tribal, or maybe he's a member of a gang or cartel. He has a very strong, powerful, bar bouncer type build.

We're all seeing different things, but the above is my interpretation.
Why is there a clear space anyway? Where is the driver in the original picture?

Probably sitting with his back against the seat, not with his face up in the windshield. IF this guy was creeping around looking for trouble, he might not have wanted to be seen. He probably would have sat up straight back, and maybe had one of those covers on his license plate.
I am sorry that this has happened to you. I will be the first to admit, I sometimes get annoyed when I am "stuck" behind someone on a bike (do you prefer the term biker, cyclist, or...?) usually b/c I am late and in a hurry everywhere I go! And I think when some (most?) people are crusing along and end up behind someone on a bicycle they are like "Oh great!" especially if you cannot pass. I used to think, "Why are they in the street? Get on the sidewalk. Why would anyone want to ride their bike in the street, and hold up traffic, and risk getting run over?"

I didn't "get it" b/c I have never ridden a bike as an adult, or in the street, only when I was a child in my yard. But in the past couple years I have often pushed my son in a jogging stroller to a nearby park, grocery store, etc. and I do avoid the roads that have no shoulder but obviously I have to cross them sometimes, and people always stare. I imagine they are thinking "Did her car break down? What's wrong with her? Is she poor and doesn't own a car? What is she doing pushing a child in a stroller? Why is she in my way? Get out of my way!" etc. I have had people stop and roll down their window asking if I needed help, a ride somewhere, a cell phone to call for help. I tell them no, I live in the area and we're just taking a walk, that's all. Some people don't understand walking for fresh air or fitness I guess. So I have become sympathetic to those riding bikes, or walking and pushing strollers. When I get behind someone I try to remember not to roll my eyes, and that they are no less important, and share the road. Of course my hubby has forbidden us to do so now, even though we've only ever gone out during the daytime. He is scared some maniac will come and snatch us up. :banghead:

I am a cyclist, and a passionate racer. At 13, my Dad gave me my first road bike and I began to train for the Tour, not knowing that women do not ride in the Tour De France. Yes, we do indeed deserve to share the road in a peaceful manner, no matter the hour, or time of day, if it's dark or light. If we are speeding along respectfully, or dragging *advertiser censored* slowly out in the middle of the lane.

If nothing else, I would hope that anyone that reads this remembers Mickey every time they get behind one of us-- for the rest of your life.

Stay respectful, give us the peace we deserve, and let us return safe to the place we need to be, someone loves us and waits for our safe return.

** this is not to say you were not, I am just saying someone probably was not for her...

3 in lafayette with those qualifications. All the others could be registered in any neighboring town or they moved or any number of possibilities

Great job ACI. Also have you checked GMCs? They also have the Z71 model and look identical. Here is one Also TP described the truck as being a GMC.

Also has anyone checked the cameras around the court houses during the hour before her disappearance? If this guy was cruising for women (which he probably was) one of the bondsman or jail or courthouse cams would spot him prior to that time.
When I look at the photo, the driver looks like a male with the side(s) of his head clean shaven, but his hair on top of his scalp is long. It looks like a mohawk pulled back into a ponytail. His nose is large and even though his skin doesn't appear to be very dark, he's likely of Native American or Hispanic origin. Perhaps the hairstyle is tribal, or maybe he's a member of a gang or cartel. He has a very strong, powerful, bar bouncer type build.

We're all seeing different things, but the above is my interpretation.

You're looking at a fake photo. You got "punked," I think the photo should come down, and I just reported it to the moderators.
I think it is more likely that she may have fallen and the truck was going so fast it didn't stop in time.

But I do see what you're saying has been argued that it is physically impossible for her to be under the truck in the same spot in which she was seen last on the cam pic. If he did hit her then back up, it would account for them both being in what is a seemingly impossible position on the road and not further down the road (having been pushed or drug). He could have backed up (or she, whoever).

I have to figure out how to cut and paste links on my iPad. I have a saved article that states that she passed at 1:47 and the truck passed at 1:48. That could be just seconds before the truck was behind her. Does not mean that it was a full minute apart. You can tell by the people at the gas station that it was close in proximity.
Honestly, I think we ARE looking at the driver. He's wearing a white T-shirt - looks like to me.
I see what you're saying. It looks like he could be hanging out the window calling to someone in the gas station,
You must be looking at a very small pic. I can't see how the hooptie car could be a blur or mistaken for anything else. Unless it is something else that you refer to as the blur. There are no pics of the hooptie on St. Landry. What is a hooptie anyway?

The Olds 98 ("Hooptie") was seen on both St. Landry and University.

The blurry picture actually contained the clue - the position of the rear marker light - that sealed the ID.

Yes, it's the same car, IMO. I checked it carefully, and also LE has said it's the same car. There's some motion-distortion that makes it look a bit different.
You must be looking at a very small pic. I can't see how the hooptie car could be a blur or mistaken for anything else. Unless it is something else that you refer to as the blur. There are no pics of the hooptie on St. Landry. What is a hooptie anyway?

HaHa! Just use the car on University as your guide to describe a Hooptie.
I doubt Abdella is sleeping on the job. He's probably spending his time in his office logged onto a website called Websleuths dot com waiting on updates from posters A.C.I and chicken fried.
That's what I'm saying. We need to look at the original photos LE released, not ones that have been altered, enhanced, changed in any way. As someone pointed out, the LE photos are small and poor quality. Yes, but like it or not they are the official photos, the real ones. If we are to see anything, we will see it there. If someone changes tones or hues or whatever and then suddenly people are seeing blue shirts, teal shirts, etc. it isn't helpful.

Did anyone EVER get an answer out of slowlybutshelly why she keeps calling the car, parked on Versaille across from Mickey, blue?

She's been asked directly several times and I've never seen the answer.

I think I can answer the question for myself, based upon observations, but I'd still like to hear her answer.
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