LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #29

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Thank you!

Mickey's case is a big deal regardless of the size of the city, but things like this are especially sensative here because people in the community do not need to have even met a neighbor and they will drop everything to help out. everyone embraces times of trama as if it was thier family.

i travel a great deal for work and have spent time in places all over the country and very few communities come together like they do in south Louisiana. I volunteered to the foot searches on my days in town without even thinking about it because thats what you do, thats just how it is.

wherever she is, I hope she knows she is not forgotten.

one of my biggest fears is that like you hinted at, the media and especially LE will loose interest even though i guarantee not a single soul in lafayette has.

All of these cases turn into circular discussions when there is not one bit of new info coming out in weeks, in some other cases months, or frustrating. I wonder if the families are hounding LE, as I would be doing, or do they trust them to be working on the cases every day?

Mickey's case is a big deal for the size of the city...why isn't media asking more from LE?
Hey new to WS decided to join up after I came across MS on Facebook. I am from Melbourne, Australia and am totally go smacked at how many missing people there are in the USA, very sad! Aus has its missing people but we don't hear about it often. First of all I would like to send my support to the shunicks, LE, CIA and you wonderful generous people here. I am absolutely touched by your care, love and compassion for Mickey. Layafette sounds like a beautiful community despite the disappearance of Mickey. The last few days I have woken up and the first thing I do is go online to see if there is any new information or better yet Mickey has returned home safe and sound. This is such a tragedy, such a beautiful girl Mickey seems it has made me think of stupid things I myself do like Mickey a girl in her 20s walk home after a night drinking by myself stubbornly accepting lifts/company from male friends because it's only 5-10 mins and I have a habit of going running at night with head phones in something I have now stopped. Last night I had a dream about Mickey that she was singing that song " I'm coming home, I'm coming home tell the world I'm coming home" Probally my conscious wanting this but deep down I hope that I have magically become psychic overnight and it happens. I have told family and friends about mickeys case and we pray for you all of a safe return much love from Australia. Thank you for touching my heart and showing that there is still people who care in this fast past selfish world. If I ever travel to the USA I will make your beautiful town a visit:)

Thank you for such a kind post! If you have time, perhaps you can find a few areas with a lot of foot traffic to hang up Mickey's flyers/posters. It couldn't hurt, eh? Thanks again!
Last night I posted my best guess as to what happened. I'm curious what you guys think happened.... I would think that so many intelligent people, all on the same forum, one would have to be pretty close! If you were able to give one guess as to what happened, what would it be??

queenie, would you mind reposting your post from last night? I am sure I read it but I don't remember.
How long has Mickey lived in the house with her parents. Maybe it was someone in her own neighborhood that had his eye on her for a long time. I wonder if close to her neighborhood ...any males living alone? He could have been out that night walking a dog and took the opportunity to abduct her. If she knew the person she might have stopped to talk to him. Maybe she did get closer to her neighborhood on her bike? Any one close by would know about WB..right?

According to public record, the home was last sold in February 1990. Mickey was born in May 1990, so it looks as though she's lived there since birth.
IMOHO..... I think it was a crime of opportunity.. I also think to keep it as neat, clean and quick as it appears to be, there was more than one person. I lean towards two men, after a night out see her and decide, okay lets do this. Its someone who has been to that spot in WB before, because no one is going to just happen upon it in the middle of the night. if you have ever been there you will understand how dark it is, and trying to find your way around there is a task at night. if this is the case, one of these guys, if not both are worried the other will talk, they will want to keep an eye on each other... however you are finding more and more women aiding men in this type of situation.... I still think it's two men. One perp acting alone would of had to hit her pretty hard to injure her enough not to run, for her to be placed in a vehicle leaving nothing on the ground...

Here's the post :)
That sounds like Dora the Explorer turned bad-*advertiser censored*. Carrying a gun around in her singing map bag :)

ACI ... a map bag is a tiny bag that snaps on to the bike frame and holds a few important items and a map should you get lost. In this day and age of GPS the map is not a necessity, and it fell out of the bag while the bike was on the back of the car on the way to Colorado Springs years ago.

But yes, you were correct about the bad *advertiser censored* part.

I would love to! Also have exams at the moment just had one this morning lol. Also are these bracelets only in shops? If they are online can someone please post the link? Also something I forgot to mention earlier but someone was posting about trafficking and posted about well known people missing being trafficked! And it's common knowledge! Really? Does not one person have common decency to alert officials in their country not only for the victim but their families! This makes me really upset! Sorry I know it's OT but I needed to get it off my chest
In Georgia you can go to the GBI's website and type your search area and it will show you names, the charges and a picture. Do they have that in LA? Labikegirl could look thru pics in her area.

In my adulthood I have had men in cars next to me at a light or following me when I am walking. (men doing...can't say but you can guess). This has happened to me 5 times! 2 of the times it was the same man. I will never forget him, scared the s*** out of me. He got out of his suv in daylight at a stop light ablolutely naked. This was 15 years ago, I was young. I still want to go back in tiime and walk up to him and kick him. I totally could have done it, his hands were busy. But, I was shocked and young. Oh well, that is the reason I got my first dog and that changed my life, so that is good.

Yes, I have life 360, it's an ap that tells me where all the whacko-s are that are RSO's. I have pics and info on the SO they committed. Always great to know.

OMG, there are some sick F's in this world.

Originally Posted by quueenie
IMOHO..... I think it was a crime of opportunity.. I also think to keep it as neat, clean and quick as it appears to be, there was more than one person. I lean towards two men, after a night out see her and decide, okay lets do this. Its someone who has been to that spot in WB before, because no one is going to just happen upon it in the middle of the night. if you have ever been there you will understand how dark it is, and trying to find your way around there is a task at night. if this is the case, one of these guys, if not both are worried the other will talk, they will want to keep an eye on each other... however you are finding more and more women aiding men in this type of situation.... I still think it's two men. One perp acting alone would of had to hit her pretty hard to injure her enough not to run, for her to be placed in a vehicle leaving nothing on the ground...===========================================

I think that is a very valid theory. I go back and forth between it being as you described, an impulsive crime of opportunity, and a stalker, or creepy acquaintance, who 'kindly' offered her a ride home.

But I do believe it was at least two perps, because they left nothing behind and were apparently quick and silent. :mad:
i can 100% verify that the police in Lafayette are currupt. i was 1 of 5 witnesses to a similar event back in 1998 where an unarmed man who had no prior contact with an officer was beat down and arrested, i guess because the officer was bored???

i was the only 1 of the witnesses who said they would testify, long story short, the victim was "persuaded" to drop the charges and i had to move out of state for about a year for the harrassment to stop. (although i still kept one of my houses in the saint streets :) )

no wonder i am a digital forensics and recon expert now, let them try that again, lol!

point is, if you are a victim of a crime in Lafayette just handle it yourself, the police will only make it worse.

in regard to Mickey's case, i have been in this neighborhood for almost 20 years and we never had ANY major crime, the petty stuff we did have we handled in house and it never happened again.

starting in about 2009 or 2010 the Lafayette City Police Dept. starting "butting in" and now things just are not the same. Ten years ago this would have NEVER happened and if it was attempted I would actually feel sorry for the perp.

In i think it was 2001 or 2002 about a block away some people started selling crack out of the house. they were given 1 warning. then when it didnt stop, a group of neighbors walked in and literally moved them out.

In i think it was 2008 a man was seen peeping or trying to break into a young girls house. when he woke up in the hospital, he found that his employer was also informed of what happened and he had no job.

sorry for this little rant. but it is all true and i wish things were back to the way they used to be when kids could run free in the streets and play and young ladies could ride thier bikes when ever they wished and always feel safe.

wow, the coon-*advertiser censored* militia. ;) works for me. Can I join? LOL.

Texas gives tons of details about registered sex offenders.

Of course that list is important and people should be wary of those on the list. But, the most dangerous sexual predators are those who have not yet been caught. While registered sex offenders know they are being watched and that their DNA is in the system, the ones who haven't yet been caught have anonymity, and that is VERY dangerous.

Let's not forget those that are here illegally and not required to notify anyone of their prior offense.

I once pulled over on I10 when a cute guy rolled down his window and asked if he could meet me. I was sixteen and driving from Lafayette to New Orleans for the weekend.....I was all alone. And it was night-time!

It is a miracle we all survived, isn't it?

Yes, it is. We had fun. Fun Mickey deserves to have, and should have had for the rest of her ride home.

Girl you dont know the half of it. I got stories lots of em. It's one of the reasons I am wonder woman. LOL.

I would love to! Also have exams at the moment just had one this morning lol. Also are these bracelets only in shops? If they are online can someone please post the link? Also something I forgot to mention earlier but someone was posting about trafficking and posted about well known people missing being trafficked! And it's common knowledge! Really? Does not one person have common decency to alert officials in their country not only for the victim but their families! This makes me really upset! Sorry I know it's OT but I needed to get it off my chest

what bracelets are you talking about? just wondering?
Last night I posted my best guess as to what happened. I'm curious what you guys think happened.... I would think that so many intelligent people, all on the same forum, one would have to be pretty close! If you were able to give one guess as to what happened, what would it be??

I think Mickey was in the wrong place at the wrong time. At first I thought there'd been an accident, but now I think it was a crime of opportunity. I don't think the perp has done this before.

I also think the perp can't keep his mouth shut and will be caught.
I've seen two Silverados on Saint Landry St on Google Maps. One in the lot where I mistook the back of a car for a person in white T (above the Olds 98), and one a few doors down in the front lot of a building that houses law offices. They seem to handle DUI/DWI cases there. The law offices are at 224 Saint Landry. White truck right out in front to the left of the sign. The lot above the Olds pic is showing up as 257 Landry, address aproximate. They both look a lot like DWTiq. I'm not sure if you can see it, but I'm hoping it shows as a 3d scrollable picture in my posts. Google maps pictures are usually a few months out of date. When I look at my own neighborhood, I see vehicles I know from my block. It's like another snapshot in time. This truck could be very extremely local prior to May 19th.
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