LA - Mickey Shunick, 21, Lafayette 19 May 2012 - #30

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I have a couple of questions for Mods.

1. How are members/posters verified?

2. If we have a Mod question, how can we tell who's on?


I am asking because there are many "locals" contributing and doing a great job. Why don't some become "verified" as local? Just wondering.

I've been following for weeks, and I'm still confused about the trucks.
Something that could be so simple (ID of the truck/trucks and surveillance cams)
seams to be all twisted up............ I'm frustrated.

If anyone has conclusive facts re: DWT, please clarify.

Thanks. :please::waitasec::please:

You can find the answers to these questions in [ame=""]the post linked here.[/ame]


* Verified Posters, Insiders & Locals:

[ame=""]See this Link to the Verified Posters: Professionals and Insiders.[/ame]

We don’t verify every local who follows any case. You are welcome to post photos & maps of the area, post your knowledge about specific areas (e.g., directions, locations, weather conditions, etc..) so we can all have a better understanding. What you cannot do is post information relayed to you by another person (e.g., “I went on a volunteer search last week & another person I met told me “blah blah blah” <insert rumor of your choice> and she said she got it from a co-worker of Mickey’s sister. That is RUMOR and we do not participate in any rumor chasing events here.

Please know that Moderators are here to help. We realize it takes a bit to learn the WS policies. We've all been there ourselves. At the bottom of the Missing Forum homepage you will see a list of "Forum Leaders". Please feel free to contact the moderator of your choice with any questions you may have. We will be happy to help you learn the ropes around here!

Please realize that you can look at the bottom and see who's online on this thread however you will not always see a mod's name. WS is a big site and most of us multi-task and are responsible for many areas. Just send a PM to any mod at the bottom (bessie, myself, nursebeeme, ynotdivein & Salem are all very familiar with Mickey's case). Just give us time to respond because we may not be online or could be busy moderating another area. :)

what POI? you mean just the maddening white truck, right? i don't know of any POI

If you think back, a man who had a white truck was questioned and released. We talked about him for a while - but he was never named POI. The only other thing we can sleuth is the truck.
Oops. I see while I was posting my bike path question others were mentioning a search there. Guess I still wonder if that could be an ambush location.
has aci come up with anything? he probably can't share all, but has he at least said if he's got something solidish to work on or is he at a dead end with only a white truck too?

what's up with whiskey bay? i saw a post earlier about new searches, but i'm not sure if i'm reading it out of context or what. i see nothing in the news about it. as usual, i see nothing about mickey at all. i sure do wish local media would remind viewers every other night on the news.

bumpity bump
what recent controversy? was someone on here claiming to be someone they are not?

the silence here is creeping me out. i keep checking local news to see if i'm missing something.

also, no one hsas answered me about whiskey searches. are there new searches there?

They searched Wednesday.

Authorities were out again in the area where a missing UL-Lafayette student's bicycle was found, but it is unknown if they were there searching for her.
We really aren't hearing very much about the truck in our local media. The only pic media really shows is the truck about to turn left onto University. And they dont show it often, eithet! IF that is not the same truck as the one headed in thevsame direction as Mickey, the driver may really not know they are looking for him! Believe me, we have discussed this truck on Websleuths a billion times more than it is being mentioned by our stupid media. (remember, this is the same media that cannot seem to get ONE CLEAR DISCRIPTION OF THE TRUCK TAGGED TO ONE PHOTO.). (kgeaux is a lil frustrated with local media.)

Now, to address your other question: I have personally witnessed two searches done by the Cajun Dome, led by LE. In one search, LE put up crime scene tape in a field between Fraternity Row, Cajun Field and the Cajun Dome. The next day, I witnessed LE out in roughly the same area, but not exactly, with K9 dogs. That same day, I saw officers and dogs in the fields behind Blackham Coliseum.

I don't know if anything was found, LE says not, but that one area with the roped off area really continues to hold my attention.

Now, as for volunteer searches, I've seen some people going through a densely wooded area next to Vermilion Bayou. I think that was a volunter search for Mickey, but I never confirmed that.

Have the LE searches been in the last few days?
If TES is in New Orleans, it could be for any number of reasons...lots of missing persons don't make it on to WS, i.e. if they are not considered to be missing as a result of a crime, for example, they have searched for drowning victims, or people with health issues. It does not have to mean it is to do with Mickey...
I am a local as well, everytime I get in my car I look for Mickey and the WT. I feel as though my time has been effortless as I don't know what I am looking for. I hate the thought that (IMO) I am letting Mickey down. I am just spinning in circles. We have a picture of the truck, what we don't have is any concrete identifying information about it. I understand that some/most information has to be confidential but the concrete information about the truck i don't understand why the information can't or won't be released. I don't understand how releasing this information could hurt the case. IMO it would be more helpful than anything else as you would have thousands of eyes looking for THAT SPECIFIC WT and possibly bringing us closer to finding Mickey. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE HELP US BY PROVIDING CLARIFICATION AS TO WHAT TRUCK WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE LOOKING FOR.

Praying for Mickey, please let her family and our community have her back.
oh yes, i was here for MANY of the truck discussions - the reason i had to take a break, well been busy too.

verrrry interesting about the tape set up around the dome and frat row. i went to UL for one semester in 2005, but am not familiar with the dome area. just the street that our lady of wisdom is on (embarrassed that i can't remember street - it's prob University or St. Mary) and girard park (would walk there). annnnyway, didn't bayou becky's video imply that the area you saw tape is a dark area that would have been "ideal" for snatching someone or was that souvenir gate?

how long ago did this taped search take place
I have a couple of questions for Mods.

1. How are members/posters verified?

2. If we have a Mod question, how can we tell who's on?


I am asking because there are many "locals" contributing and doing a great job. Why don't some become "verified" as local? Just wondering.

I've been following for weeks, and I'm still confused about the trucks.
Something that could be so simple (ID of the truck/trucks and surveillance cams)
seams to be all twisted up............ I'm frustrated.

If anyone has conclusive facts re: DWT, please clarify.

Thanks. :please::waitasec::please:

Basically if any information from a particular poster is to be given more weight based on the fact that they claim to have special knowledge in any one area, we need to confirm it for the posting membership.
Locals who are describing the area or are members of the gyms and that sort of thing do not need to be verified.
We only verify members who know the players and inside information.

If a member wants to post as a professional ( a lawyer, shrink, and so on) or as a local/knows the people involved then they must email us at the following email.
Please include:
The case
Your Websleuths name
Your phone number and a good time to call
Your real name.
In the subject line please put which case they are asking to be verified on.
All info will be kept strictly confidential
Thank you!
Please include:
The case
Your Websleuths name
Your phone number and a good time to call
Your real name.
In the subject line please put which case they are asking to be verified on.
All info will be kept strictly confidential

At the bottom of each thread it shows who the Mods are for that case. You can also page down to bottom of the page and it shows Forum Leaders, any of us can help you or put you in contact with someone who can. Hope this helps.

See, I have to ask which truck in question? The one facing University, about to turn left? Or the one headed in the same direction as Mickey on St Landry?

Ok I'll telll why I think it's the headed in Mickeys direction, but it will take a second. I've had every body style truck that Chevrolet has ever made all the way back to the 50's. Note I didn't say every year. Usually when something like that is designed, it stays the same for several years before changing as technology changes. Truck owners know their trucks and usually won't drive anything else. Like chickenfried could tell the roof line, back windshiels shape or tail light placement, I can see the lines and body contours of the trucks and other detail. IMO and beyond that I believe the truck making the turn is the previous line of trucks to the newer body style. Plus it doesn't set like a Z71 sets on the road, it appears to be lowered to me. Making me think it is the same as the other truck that was pictured that was not in front of Circle K. On top of that no Z71 sticker(granted it could be missing due to accident or purposely removed) plus I would add in that the wheels on the turning truck appear to be chrome. The Z71 18 inch alloys are dull in appearance on the one headed in Mickeys direction. Most of the alloys are, though there is one truck package that does have a shinier alloy. And *whew* I haven't typed that much since I was in college.

/I didn't proof read.
Hi all,
once more before sleepy time.

I have asked a few questions, alerted my own posts, and no repsonse.

A few posters have gone awol. :waitasec:

There was controversy yesterday, no answers as of yet.

I would like to hear from Admin.

That's where I'm at.

I have "alerted" 3 of my own posts, hoping for answers. Thanks.

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

MOD replied-did you see her post?
I am not seeing any "bashing".

One more thing.
Everyone here seems to be walking on eggshells.
We have still not received any answers from Admin re: recent controversy.

I have asked a few times now about being "verified".
I directed my query to Mods.
No answer so far.

Listen, I understand there may be legal issues involved.

WS, please..............
can you please respond?

Thanks. :waitasec:

Its best to pm a Mod if you have any questions so it doesn't disrupt the flow of the thread. You can also alert if you feel a post is against TOS.

You can find the answers to these questions in the post linked here.


* Verified Posters, Insiders & Locals:

See this Link to the Verified Posters: Professionals and Insiders.

We don’t verify every local who follows any case. You are welcome to post photos & maps of the area, post your knowledge about specific areas (e.g., directions, locations, weather conditions, etc..) so we can all have a better understanding. What you cannot do is post information relayed to you by another person (e.g., “I went on a volunteer search last week & another person I met told me “blah blah blah” <insert rumor of your choice> and she said she got it from a co-worker of Mickey’s sister. That is RUMOR and we do not participate in any rumor chasing events here.

Please know that Moderators are here to help. We realize it takes a bit to learn the WS policies. We've all been there ourselves. At the bottom of the Missing Forum homepage you will see a list of "Forum Leaders". Please feel free to contact the moderator of your choice with any questions you may have. We will be happy to help you learn the ropes around here!

Please realize that you can look at the bottom and see who's online on this thread however you will not always see a mod's name. WS is a big site and most of us multi-task and are responsible for many areas. Just send a PM to any mod at the bottom (bessie, myself, nursebeeme, ynotdivein & Salem are all very familiar with Mickey's case). Just give us time to respond because we may not be online or could be busy moderating another area. :)

Please realize that you can look at the bottom and see who's online on this thread however you will not always see a mod's name.

Do you really think I have Mod's names committed to memory????????????


Post them in a different color, easy fix.

Listen, I'm just trying to help. There are many walls up here. Just MOO.

Not local so must ask is this close to city hall?

No. To get to that area, Mickey would have ridden all the way down St. Landry, and either headed directly to the bike trail behind Blackham Coliseum, or if she followed the route that the hospital security guard had noted on previous nights, she would have turned left onto St. Julien, taken Johnston to the Coliseum and either taken a spooky dark road alongside the Coliseum (one of the fields I saw being searched was down that road) OR she'd have passed the Coliseum and turned onto Cajun Dome Blvd (bigger, more lit road)

As you travel to the Coliseum, you come across Reinhardt-----this is Souviner Gate with a different name. IF you turned RIGHT on Reinhardt, you'd come to a little side street called Fraternity Row....the areas being searched were in a grassy field on the Fraternity Row side of Reinhardt, right before Fraternity Row.

Now, if Mickey had taken St Julien to Johnston to Cajun Dome Blvd, she would NOT have turned right on Reinhardt.....she would have turned left, crossed Bertrand and gotten onto Congress. HOWEVER, if Mickey took the dark spooky road behind the Coliseum, she would have passed that field by Fraternity Row.

SO, kgeaux thinks LE was going on the theory that Mickey took St. Landry and went directly toward the rear of the Coliseum, that they believed she did not turn onto St Julien.

They were probably searching every possible route she could possibly have taken, and these are just the ones I happened to see.
okay, I just wanna make sure I understand this correctly- the field between the Cajundome, Cajun Field, and frat row.... The Cajundome sits across Souvenier Gate from frat row. In between the frat row & Cajun Field there's a park-like area where the bike path goes that leads into the larger bike path oval loop/park across from the student rec center. So they had the small park-area where the bike path runs next to frat row (between frat row and Cajundome Blvd) taped off & were searching? The area by the Louisiana Accelerator Center's building (this a small, uber-quiet building that I never see any activity at when I run in the area- it sits facing frat row with the bike path/a small grassy area with Cajundome Blvd behind it)? I am posting a link to a UL map here for non-locals to see what I am talking about. You have to scroll down to the "university common" map rather than look at the main campus one:

If we can put areas that have been searched on a map then we might get some ideas as to what is happening.

A long shot but I don't believe at this point in time it can hurt as I would think they would be searching along the path they believe she took.
Its best to pm a Mod if you have any questions so it doesn't disrupt the flow of the thread. You can also alert if you feel a post is against TOS.


I'm not criticizing, just looking for clarity.

I posted 3 posts addressing Mods, I alerted 3 threads on advice of another member. I'm sorry. But. :(

Please realize that you can look at the bottom and see who's online on this thread however you will not always see a mod's name.

Do you really think I have Mod's names committed to memory????????????


Post them in a different color, easy fix.

Listen, I'm just trying to help. There are many walls up here. Just MOO.

The mods names are bolded~ just sayin...
Would love the link...Thanks!

LOL edited it to add the link but here it is as well:

I'd say the actual bike path itself would be safer than the area she'd have to travel to connect up with the bike path from the Saints Streets. The actual well-lit, well-paved new pike path mostly runs parallel & along side Cajundome Blvd which might have sme traffic as people head home from bars, etc) and runs pretty close in some parts to frat houses where frat brothers would surely be arriving home from bars or partying in the frat houses than the area. There are a couple of underground tunnels running under Cajundome Blvd to allow pedestrians to get from UL facilities on one side of the street to the other without having to cross the busy street, but there are concrete barriers that don't allow for cars/ trucks to get under there. So if she was attacked by someone who came out from the tunnel, that someone was on foot. Also, the bike path cannot really be accessed by car. So he or she would have had to take Mickey on foot if she was taken once she was on the bike path (and not after, of course).

I would think the most dangerous part of her trip would be from St Landry near the hospital to connecting up with the bike path near frat row/Souvenier Gate. That area is mostly all fields. From St.Landry and Dean St down to where she could get on the bike path or down to Johnston or up to Souvenier Gate by frat/sorority row, it's extremely desolate. All fields. Desolate in daytime, let alone night time. I'd think if she never made it to Johnston via Coliseum or W. Congress via Cajundome (whichever way she may have taken), whatever happened between Dean & St. Landry and getting to the bike path (or Johnston if she took Colieum to Johnston's bike lane). No one would hear anything. If she was bumped by a car, she might agree to get a ride- even just to Cajundome Blvd or Johnston or something if her bike was not rideable. She wouldn't want to walk on Coliseum at night (much slower than walking & she may have been injured). And if force was used, no one would see anything or hear anything. I really feel like unless we do indeed for sure have Mickey on camera on W. Congress or Johnston, she was taken between the old hospital on St Landry and making it to the bike path along Cajundome Blvd or Johnston St bike path. I think it happened on St Landry or Coliseum.

I hope this all makes sense.
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