LA: "the knowledge/means to facilitate the answers"

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This is so right on! I have never seen a family like this, when they are done speaking, you just say, "huh?" I have just read so many different interpretations on this board of what the guy said! How is that even possible. Mark Klass was totally right, in Kcs own words, draaaammma.....

I'm with you. It was a day to honor Caylee, but here we are AGAIN trying to decode yet another LA speech. His CMA address was to both of them, KC should have had the bracelet on but the guards found it. He kissed it twice, once for Caylee and again for KC. He loves his sister, and I think he believes in her innocence. I think the rest of the speech was for some person that knows something or is involved in Caylee's murder to come forward and spare the family the ugly details, and let KC go free. JMO
LA Words at the ceremony = jibberish!!
I dont even think he knew what he meant.
I believe that LA was speaking to someone other than KC. By his speech he made it clear he still will stand by his sister and would keep his promises to her to continue to find the truth. GA said in his suicide note that he did not trust some of KC's friends. So I feel the family feels that someone close to KC did this terrible thing. However I believe GA's background as a homicide detective makes it hard for him to not see the truth in the evidence, I just think its easier for them to think someone else did it and KC is covering for someone else out of fear or denial. I don't know, but I guess it is much easier for us to see the truth from the outside looking in without love to blind us.

If Caylee had the vocal abililty to tell CA about her day, then CA knew that her days were not spent with the Nanny. If she didn't yet have the vocal ability, then CA was lying. I think that CA should have left that little story out of her eulogy.

I believe that Caylee rarely spent her days with Zanny (meaning Casey rarely used that excuse) until after 6/15. When Caylee told Cindy about her day it was probably about being home with George and Casey while Cindy was at work.
LA Words at the ceremony = jibberish!!
I dont even think he knew what he meant.

I have to agree with this. Lee style of speaking has never made any sense to me. People think he speaks in code. I don't. I think he's just a poor speaker and has been all along. It would have surprised me if I had understood his speech.
Jedi speak?


I can't shake the feeling that he was directing his speech (to Casey, of course) but as one romantic person to another... do you know what I mean? I kept wondering if someone would bring it up on NG last night but no one did (just that he seemed to be sending a coded message to tot mom with the CMA thing) but to me he sounded like a wounded lover not a brother.... anyone?
I have watched and listened to this tape several times,cried through all of them and this is my take-I believe that LA's words were sincere and he is a man in TOTAL DESPAIR.When he said "if it is closure you're seeking,I sure hope you find it",I think he meant that enough is enough,grieve and find your peace but stop dragging my family through the mud. If you have true knowledge of something,let your conscience be your guide,and come forward with the truth,before you speak.He may well have been directing some of what he said to his sister,and this may well have been the only way he knew to get through to her,he well may have also been speaking to his Mother,for she too has been the topic of many rumors.But I also believe that his heart is broken for Caylee. I just saw despair---true despair,and he wants the gossip to stop.JMHO
I have watched and listened to this tape several times,cried through all of them and this is my take-I believe that LA's words were sincere and he is a man in TOTAL DESPAIR.When he said "if it is closure you're seeking,I sure hope you find it",I think he meant that enough is enough,grieve and find your peace but stop dragging my family through the mud. If you have true knowledge of something,let your conscience be your guide,and come forward with the truth,before you speak.He may well have been directing some of what he said to his sister,and this may well have been the only way he knew to get through to her,he well may have also been speaking to his Mother,for she too has been the topic of many rumors.But I also believe that his heart is broken for Caylee. I just saw despair---true despair,and he wants the gossip to stop.JMHO

What gossip does he want to stop? You mean like his own lawyer going national with news that he will inevitably be arrested?
I believe that LA was speaking to someone other than KC. By his speech he made it clear he still will stand by his sister and would keep his promises to her to continue to find the truth. GA said in his suicide note that he did not trust some of KC's friends. So I feel the family feels that someone close to KC did this terrible thing. However I believe GA's background as a homicide detective makes it hard for him to not see the truth in the evidence, I just think its easier for them to think someone else did it and KC is covering for someone else out of fear or denial. I don't know, but I guess it is much easier for us to see the truth from the outside looking in without love to blind us.

I have read two quotes from George's note.
Where are you guys getting this?
Help, please.
Aren't prisoners allowed to make a phone call once a week or so to their family? I know that regular phone calls are not recorded like the videotaped visits are, and they do give them some privacy, or at least that's the way it is here.

At the jail I work at, there is a large sign by the phone stating all calls may be recorded. I think this is the usual proceedure. Also the phone is in an open area so inmates should not be expecting any type of privacy when they're on the phone.


I can't shake the feeling that he was directing his speech (to Casey, of course) but as one romantic person to another... do you know what I mean? I kept wondering if someone would bring it up on NG last night but no one did (just that he seemed to be sending a coded message to tot mom with the CMA thing) but to me he sounded like a wounded lover not a brother.... anyone?

I can agree with this, especially when he began kissing his wrist.

What gossip does he want to stop? You mean like his own lawyer going national with news that he will inevitably be arrested?

No, not like his lawyers statement,more like all of the statements that have been made,and not proven,ie affairs,paternity,trouble within the family,the clothing they wear,the moles on their faces,their teeth,whether or not someone is pregnant,the way they smile,more on this order og gossip.:innocent:
What if this was a message to her? What if they all were doing exactly what everyone thinks - Cindy stated she was hoping Casey was listening, they all expressed their love for her and they all expressed a desire for the truth to be told. And then, after all this, they did exactly what George tried to do in that last video visit with her, where it appeared he was trying to set up a secret meeting for her to confess. What if everything they said yesterday was their confliction, their love for both Caylee and Casey and a plea for her to "facilitate the answers." Would be pretty honest and understandable on their part, no? Is it not OK for them to say "we love you. help us know the truth?"
I do think they're sending messages to Casey, and I really don't understand why they feel the need to be so clandestine about what they're trying to get across to her. Why don't they just say, Casey we love you and we support you, and we will stand behind you one hundred percent, no matter what.

Legally speaking: are they not allowed to make a public statment to her?
What if this was a message to her? What if they all were doing exactly what everyone thinks - Cindy stated she was hoping Casey was listening, they all expressed their love for her and they all expressed a desire for the truth to be told. And then, after all this, they did exactly what George tried to do in that last video visit with her, where it appeared he was trying to set up a secret meeting for her to confess. What if everything they said yesterday was their confliction, their love for both Caylee and Casey and a plea for her to "facilitate the answers." Would be pretty honest and understandable on their part, no? Is it not OK for them to say "we love you. help us know the truth?"

That is exactly it, in a nutshell, no pun intended squirrel. It is natural for them to love her, she is their daughter, and sister. We don't get it, because we didn't raise her, or have a bond with her. I would not hate my sister if she did the same thing, I would hate what she did, but I would know there was something wrong with her inside. So I agree, they were pleading with her, and reminding her that they still loved her no matter what. If I left my child with someone and didn't report her being kidnapped for 31 days, my family would throw me under the bus, after they beat me to death. They are not doing this too her, why? Because they know there is some thing wrong with her deep inside. JMO
Conway also addressed a question many were left wondering after Tuesday's memorial: Who was her uncle Lee Anthony referring to when he repeatedly said "CMA?"
Who is "CMA?"
Lee Anthony was "talking to all of them," Conway said.
"He wanted his sister to know he loves her.",0,4518634.story

So he was talking to Casey too!

So now that it's been admitted, maybe LE can pick him up and find out what promise he made to Casey last summer.
So now that it's been admitted, maybe LE can pick him up and find out what promise he made to Casey last summer.

Exactly the same thought I had pirate! What is this promise he made?? To never tell LE what he knows or helped her with either before or after the fact.
Did she tell him the truth with she was out on bond?? Is Lee who DC was talking to when he was searching the woods because of what Casey told him?? So many questions I have now & I knew deep down he was speaking to Casey & not just Caylee.

The memorial should have only beeen about Caylee but of course that would be a miracle when the A's are involved. Many may disagree with me but our only hope for Caylee is that one of them will eventually tell the truth & I can only believe/hope it will be George. We know by the actions of Cindy & Lee it sure won't be them. We don't know what George said at the Grand Jury, now remember Cindy was not allowed to be there & it will never be released. The hope I have that when he gathers the strength that he will be a voice for Caylee. He is torn right now trying to save what's left of his family. I hope LE goes after Lee & endlessly to get him in to an interview real soon now that we know he was speaking to Casey about "The Promise"!

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