Lance Armstrong Doping Scandal

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Yeah so he's a cancer survivor but I've always kinda wondered if doping his body with steroids and whatnot had anything to do with him getting the cancer in the first place.
Bingo! That's what I think too, just like football player Lyle Alzedo who used steroids, then died of cancer. It diminishes him being a cancer survivor in my eyes, because this kind of cancer was entirely preventable, like smoking. If he had never used the drugs, he wouldn't have gotten the cancer...
On the first page of this thread, I made a couple of ill informed posts, basically saying that I thought the USADA was on a witch hunt. Not too long after that, I came to understand more about the USADA authority, and my opinion about them and the whole process started to change. As I said then, I didn't really care all that much for Lance and that has not changed.

Watching only a portion of the livestream tonight because I am also trying to watch a live Pac12net basketball game and the Oprah show doesn't air here again for a little bit, but... I am finding him to be very slippery in this tell all interview. I still don't like him, and I don't like him even more than before. At least now I have really solid reasons for not liking him and essentially not fully believing him in this interview. He isn't telling the whole truth, in my opinion.
Glad you saw the light! There's been *crickets* from some other posters who defended him on the previous page...
You know what we are saying is: I wonder if he moved any assets around before he decided to 'come clean' on Oprah. As in houses now in trusts, girlfriends / kids names .. shares bought in wifes / kids names ... you can't tell me the guy didn't visit his lawyers / financial advisors before all this and move as much off-shore and out of harms way to secure his future finances.

People will be coming after him for coin in a big way now ... all the people he sued can sue him straight back and collect, newspapers, magazines, individuals.

He might try and secure himself a position as some kind of advisor to USADA, but I can't see them accepting that .. I agree with the reporters who have labelled him a corporate psychopath. I also agree that he will try and be a part of a lucrative book deal.

I have a feeling he will come out of this with most assets intact, he wouldn't have done this interview if he thought he was genuinely leaving himself too vulnerable if you ask me.
And here they come ....

Lance Armstrong: US insurance firm ready to file $12m lawsuit

A Texan company plans to file a lawsuit next week to recoup $12m from disgraced cyclist Lance Armstrong.
SCA Promotions insured bonuses paid to Armstrong when he claimed his fourth, fifth and sixth Tour de France wins.
Lance Armstrong faces multi-million dollar legal challenges after confession

After the confession, the lawsuits. Lance Armstrong's extended appearance on the Oprah Winfrey network, in which the man stripped of seven Tour de France wins finally admitted to doping, has opened him up to several multi-million dollar legal challenges.

According to reports, the US government may join a "whistleblower" lawsuit launched by Armstrong's former colleague, Floyd Landis, on the grounds that Armstrong, while riding for the US Postal Service team, defrauded the American taxpayer. The Sunday Times is set to try to claw back nearly £1m in damages and costs that Armstrong was awarded after he sued it over allegations of doping. A Texas-based sports marketing firm is also suing Armstrong to get back millions of dollars in bonuses it paid out to the cyclist.

Meanwhile, the International Cycling Union is urging Armstrong to pay back his prize money, and even Australian government officials are reportedly mulling over going to the courts to get back hefty fees paid for appearances in the country from 2009 to 2011. Finally, and perhaps most seriously, Armstrong's confession has opened up the prospect that he might be prosecuted for perjury after previously testifying under oath that he had not taken drugs.

Armstrong's errors

Didn't cry properly

When high-profile guests appear on Oprah Winfrey's show, they are expected to weep copiously as they reveal all. Someone as competitive as Armstrong knows that second place counts for nothing: his choking up and near-tears just did not cut it. America wanted rivers of tears.

Didn't give a full confession

The only way to do a confession is to go all the way. Armstrong appeared to want to go only so far. He needed to name names and give full and frank details. But Armstrong seemed happy with generalities and still denies key allegations.

Didn't lose the 'attitude'

During the hours of interview, many commentators remarked on Armstrong's controlled and emotionless demeanour. Armstrong needed to show he was human and worthy of sympathy and – most importantly of all – genuine. His performance came across as just that: something fake for the camera.

Played the victim

Armstrong seemed to break another cardinal rule of such confessions in having too much self-pity. At one point, he felt that he "deserved" a chance of a comeback. He had failed to understand that in the world of TV confessions that is not up to you any more.
Armstrong strongly denied during the second part of his interview with Oprah Winfrey on Friday that anyone in his camp had offered the anti-doping agency a donation. By Michael O’keeffe / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Published: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 4:20 PM

Updated: Saturday, January 19, 2013, 4:20 PM

Terry Madden remembers that day in 2004 quite well: Travis Tygart, then U.S. Anti-Doping Agency’s general counsel and now its chief executive officer, rushed into his office and told Madden that one of Lance Armstrong’s closest associates had just called to offer a sizable “donation”to the Colorado Springs-based agency.
“Travis received a telephone call from one of Lance’s closest representatives, who offered to make a contribution to USADA,”Madden told the Daily News on Saturday.
“Travis’ office was a five-second walk from my office and after the phone call he immediately reported it to me. Within 30 seconds I told him to call the representative back and decline the offer. We can’t accept donations from people we are currently testing or will be testing in the future.”
'Cycle of Lies': Paramount studios signs movie deal on Lance Armstrong's epic rise and fall from cancer to confessional

Tell me he's not getting a drink out of this!! Can see it now - Armstrong writes a tell all book and sells the rights to a major motion picture and collects another $XMillion from his gaping fans.

He's right in one very sick way - if he'd come 6th cleanly nobody would be talking about him and he wouldn't be worth a cent in the marketplace ... having won and been disgraced is a win in comparison which he will always be able to capitalise on. Notoriety / fame ... what is the difference it's still a story with a buyer.
This is funny ...

Manly Library in Sydney has gone so far as to re-categorise all books in its collection featuring cycling's greatest ever drugs cheat.
"All non-fiction Lance Armstrong titles, including Lance Armstrong: Images of a Champion, The Lance Armstrong Performance Program and Lance Armstrong: World's Greatest Champion, will soon be moved to the fiction section,'' a sign informs customers.

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Too funny!

"Australian library puts Armstrong books on the fiction shelf after doping confession"

"Lance Armstong's inspiring, best-selling books had a special place in the hearts of readers around the world."

"Now, one library has a new special place for his books -- the fiction section.
'All non-fiction Lance Armstrong titles, including Lance Armstrong: Images Of A Champion, The Lance Armstrong Performance Program and Lance Armstrong: World's Greatest Champion, will soon be moved to the fiction section,' says a sign in Sydney's Manly library."

"Wendy Ford, Manly Librarian Wendy Ford told the Herald Sun the sign was put up 'as a bit of a joke' by a university student who works weekends at the library."
"'This person just works a few hours on the weekend and he didn't have any authority to make a statement on behalf of the library,' she said."

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Do you want a Lance DVD? They're on sale

Karl Baxter bought 10,000 DVDs for £1 each thinking he could make money
He has had to cut asking price from £3 to 30p in bid to get rid of them
Film is entitled The Science of Lance Armstrong and was made by the Discovery Channel in 2006

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I stopped donating to Livestrong when I found out they were giving money to Planned Parenthood. My family had supported Livestrong and Susan G. Komen when my mom was ill with cancer (she died in 2010) and stopped supporting both when we found out they were both donating money to Planned Parenthood. That will teach me to be a lot more careful about who I donate to and whose shirts and wristbands I wear.
Sheryl Crow on Lance Armstrong's Doping Confession: "Honesty Is Always the Best Bet"

Rebecca Macatee, eonline
Seconds ago

Sheryl Crow, who dated the disgraced cyclist from 2003 to 2006, seems to have empathy for her ex-fiancé. She told Entertainment Tonight that it's "got to be really hard to walk around knowing that you're not telling the truth about something."
Interesting that Lance's ex-wife Kristin, ex-girlfriend Sheryl Crow, and current live-in girlfriend Anna Hansen all resemble Lance's mother.

Mom, Kristin, Sheryl

How Lance Armstrong told team-mate his cancer was a 'card to play' if he became doping suspect because he BLAMED cycling bosses for spread of disease

Lance Armstrong blames cycling’s governing body for the spread of the cancer that nearly killed him and told a team-mate that it was his ‘card to play’ if he ever faced any ‘doping problem.’

The startling allegation is made in former U.S Postal Service team-mate Jonathan Vaughters’s sworn affidavit to the United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA).

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Interesting that Lance's ex-wife Kristin, ex-girlfriend Sheryl Crow, and current live-in girlfriend Anna Hansen all resemble Lance's mother.

Mom, Kristin, Sheryl


How Lance Armstrong told team-mate his cancer was a 'card to play' if he became doping suspect because he BLAMED cycling bosses for spread of disease

Lance Armstrong blames cycling’s governing body for the spread of the cancer that nearly killed him and told a team-mate that it was his ‘card to play’ if he ever faced any ‘doping problem.’

The startling allegation is made in former U.S Postal Service team-mate Jonathan Vaughters’s sworn affidavit to the United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA).

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According to Vaughters, 39, Armstrong told him that tests carried out by the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) should have detected a high level of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) but failed to do so.

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Did he switch the samples and give them somebody else's sample?
Donjeta, I wouldn't put anything past Lance at this point. People are even questioning the severity of his cancer, saying that it could have been exaggerated for effect. With Lance any lie/hype is possible.

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