Lance Armstrong Doping Scandal

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I stopped watching the interview after half an hour because I still got the sense he wasn't telling the whole truth and there was really no remorse for what he's done, particularly the other people whose lives he turned upside down. It was just more of the same, a now admitted liar, continuing to not tell the whole truth. He's a cold man. I feel for those who had to run up against him. Another sense I got in the half hour I watched was that Oprah was not too warm and fuzzy about him. Anybody else sense that?

I agree - OW is not buying his carp.

I could only stomach a half hour of the interview. He isn't sorry for all of the injury he clearly inflicted on all of the people he harmed. He is only sorry he got caught.

I also don't believe he stopped doping in 2005, I thnk he doped until his final race. He should not be allowed to participate in any sport, ever.

JMO, IMO, :moo: , and all other disclaimers.
I doubt they would ask. He is vile inside and out, they're probably scared to death of him.

Didn't watch and I see I missed nothing from the reactions I've read this morning calling him a narcissist and a sociopath. Yep. That's pretty much it.

Just the few clips that I saw on Piers Morgan (CNN) last night convinced me that there's a reason why I've never liked the guy and the reason that I refused to watch him try to restore his image and reinvent his career.

Liar, liar
Bike pants on fire :furious:
I agree - OW is not buying his carp.


I think you're right ... she was giving him this sidelong look like she knows a creep when she sees one. Especially the part where she said something about being dualistic in general and used 'humanitarian' as the good personality trait - he tried to jump on that as if to emphasise that side of his personality and she gives him a look like 'you're not seriously going to try and use your foundation here to try and make yourself look good NOW are you'.

Anyway, I've never really taken much interest in Armstrong before, so I am certainly no expert on his life - makes you look at Livestrong all this however ... wouldn't it be interesting to go through the books and see who gets paid what.
I am also wondering if part of the reason he doesn't want to admit doping during his comeback is because it would be too much for his ego to handle that people would know that even with doping he could only manage 3rd, then 23rd during the Tour?

I think he believes 'everyone dopes' so therefore he is still the best and deserves to be known as the best ... because he had the best doctors helping him that is just part of a winning strategy. Lost sympathy, but glad he admitted it - although continued denial was fruitless .. huge PR exercise, but probably not far enough to recover, that's probably impossible.
The second half was/is on tonight, did anyone see it?

I watched the first half, and was shocked to hear there was gonna be more. why? He already admitted to doping, to running over all those who told the truth by filing frivilous lawsuits, by admitting his entire career was a lie (no I don't think he stopped doping).

I read many excuses from his fans this morning about all he's done for cancer support. But IMHO that money was obtained via fraud - it's tainted. Who can be happy about that. The families I'm sure - but still.

Now he wants a chance to compete again?

It's a slap in the face to thousands of people he personally hurt, who lost their career, or lost their bank account. He said he was sorry - let's just move on.

Nope - I'm not buying his 1/2 baked apology.



"You did not do a blood transfusion in 2009?" Winfrey asked.

"No, 2009 and 2010 absolutely not," Armstrong said.

Investigators familiar with the case disagree. They said today that Armstrong's blood values at the 2009 race showed clear blood manipulation consistent with two transfusions. Armstrong's red blood cell count suddenly went up at these points, even though the number of baby red blood cells did not.

Federal authorities looking to prosecute criminal cases will look back at the "last overt act" in which the crime was committed, they explained. If Armstrong doped in 2005 but not 2009, the statute of limitations may have expired on potential criminal activity.

Very well said, now how does his present wife stay with him, how could she still love him, but most importantly Respect a man like him!!

Also his children, how do you come to terms with that, a man that you thought was an icon, and is no longer in the truest sense is a Human Being.

Very sad not just for Americans, but for all humans!!!!
I read that the UK Sunday Times, whom he sued for about half a million pounds, has pretty much an air tight case against him now that he has admitted lying. I really have to wonder what he hoped to achieve by admitting that he's a liar and a cheater.
Very well said, now how does his present wife stay with him, how could she still love him, but most importantly Respect a man like him!!

Also his children, how do you come to terms with that, a man that you thought was an icon, and is no longer in the truest sense is a Human Being.

Very sad not just for Americans, but for all humans!!!!

Lance is not married. He's been living with his girl friend, Anna Hansen, for several years. They've had 2 children together.
I watched most of Lance's interview. The opening minutes were great, although Oprah has been criticized for not following up on her questions. However, all in all, it didn't matter because she gave Lance a comfortable rope to hang himself with. Of course, Lance admitted to what he was busted on (duh!), but I think he continued to lie and hedge on other issues. Lance didn't come across in a sincere manner at all.

Oh, his attempt at a fat joke failed miserably. Fat jokes don't fly with Oprah! Silly dude should have known that.
Mike Greenberg and Colin Cowherd react to Oprah Winfrey's interview with Lance Armstrong. It's not the cheating, it's the lives that Lance Armstrong didn't care about that is the biggest issue.

They ask why people are shocked that a cold, calculated powerhungry jerk came off as a not so nice person in his interview and they have a point.

It was a typical Lance Event, although it was about as far from the bike as it gets. It was about spectacle, managed production and trying to craft another chapter in a punctured epic that has lost its helium and sunk to earth.
Among my emails Wednesday morning, out of the blue, was one from Lance Armstrong.

Riles, I'm sorry.

All I can say for now but also the most heartfelt thing too. Two very important words.


And my first thought was ... "Two words? That's it?"

Two words? For 14 years of defending a man? And in the end, being made to look like a chump?
^^ Rick "Riles" Reilly was one of Armstrong's most ardent supporters in the press, even after USADA released their report. He's eating crow now, but at least he's sounding off about Lance's deceit. Can't say the same for Sally Jenkins, the Washington Post sports writer who co-authored It's Not About the Bike and Every Second Counts with Lance. She's probably holding out so she can co-write Armstrong's next big book.

Excellent report, I spent 1 hour reading all of it, and my take on it is this:
So there it is, the two-day interview ends. Armstrong admits to having doped, lied and threatened his peers. He continues to deny other charges that he tried to influence officials. The big question that is yet to be seen is whether Armstrong meets with Wada to testify under oath. That action could potentially lighten his lifetime ban. But officials would need him to give more information on others in the sport, specifically the UCI officials, team backers and other riders who may have helped him cheat to win.

He lies, lies, and lies, he only told what he said, for( 1) reason only: He wants to be able to compete, he is all about me, myself and I!!!
He will never tell everything, because he is being well paid by the people that do not want all this to come to come to light. He has brought so much shame to Cancer, people that actually fight to stay alive, and go through terrible treatments, Chemo, Radiation, and yes he was able to bring mega bucks to his foundation, but he has made a MOCKERY of that disease., he has used it to his advantage!!

Column: Armstrong and Te'o, and lies and liars

Not only was he - and seemingly still is - a bald faced liar, but also a cold fish who thought nothing of crushing his victims, then dancing on the remains.

No one wants to hug Armstrong, that's for sure. Not even Oprah, though she did appear concerned when he told her he lost $75 million on one day when all his sponsors bailed when the truth they surely already knew became public fodder.

No one lied like Armstrong, though. Lied for years every time he opened his mouth, never hesitating to unleash his fury on anyone who dared question the lies. He trashed reputations and ruined so many lives he has trouble remembering them all, while amassing a fortune built on his lies along the way.
I highly doubt he doped. He never failed one test. He's only admitting to get them of his back. Alot of people have confessed to something they didn't do. Even confessed to murder they didn't commit.
Uh, why falsely confess to this???:waitasec: He lost all 7 Tour De France titles and his Olympic Bronze medal and has a Lifetime ban from professional cycling.:banghead::banghead::banghead: There wasn't any LE keeping him under interrogation for hours in a little room to confess.
He never failed, because he found ways to beat the system with the drug testing. There are masking drugs and other techniques. Even his colleagues admit it...

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