Landscaper says Terri Horman wanted him to kill her husband!

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Did they say alias or AKA? There is a big difference, almost everyone has an AKA if they use a shortened version of their name sometimes. I guess I have more than one AKA if you also count maiden name.

An alias implies something else, even if untrue. It implies, to me anyway, that you have a need for a different name for nefarious purposes.
I always thought AKA was the same as alias, just a shortened form of it.
I think any name you use besides your full given name is an aka.
Yeah it's tough to know exactly what Bunch means by the alias comment. Is it a name he commonly uses even though his real name is something else? I've seen other cases where people from Mexico (if Sanchez is) have gone by different names.

I think there are many reasons for latinos to use an alias. And also a matching SS #. The most obvious one IMO, is that a person is working in this country and does not have a legal right to be here. MOO

Lest anyone think I'm bashing latinos : not so. I've been married for a long time to a latino. Have some latino kiddos....

Where did the name "Rudy Sanchez" first come from? Who reported it/released it/shared it? Did media get a police report that had Rudy Sanchez name on it? Thanks.
The problem here is that the prosecutor and LE are using the divorce as a way to get information they can't get under the Constitution in a criminal case. We all have these rights under the law--guilty or innocent--to protect us from the full weight of the government's prosecutorial power, which no defense has the resources to match.

If TH is responsible for Kyron's disappearance or the MFH, it's up to the state to investigate and make the case in a court of law, not the court of public opinion--and not to collude with a private system to strip the legal protections from a suspect. The state is a huge and powerful entity; the individual is small and relatively powerless--and certainly has no chance against a state that is gaming the system as clearly seems to be happening here.

The posters who argue that this charade makes TH look guilty (not proven guilty--look guilty) are correct. And who put this in motion? Kaine, or Kaine in concert with LE? We can sympathize with
Kaine, given his suspicions about TH, but this business makes me wonder about the murder for hire plot, too. That could be so much smoke and mirrors, too.

I have always thought and still think TH is likely the responsible party, but it's hard not to wonder how much of what we "know" is based on fact and evidence, and how much on a cat and mouse game that supports a locked-in suspicion. For some people, LE and prosecutorial over-reaching can raise suspicion about THEIR case.

And even in terrible cases like this one, where everyome wants to find a child and convict the person who took him or her, it's not justice if the state gets a conviction whe. they don't have the evidence.
This " Rudy Sanchez " is an alias statement was leaked by Bunch for a reason.A very good reason IMO. It's very possible that it explains the presence of ICE in this case.... MOO

The problem here is that the prosecutor and LE are using the divorce as a way to get information they can't get under the Constitution in a criminal case. We all have these rights under the law--guilty or innocent--to protect us from the full weight of the government's prosecutorial power, which no defense has the resources to match.

If TH is responsible for Kyron's disappearance or the MFH, it's up to the state to investigate and make the case in a court of law, not the court of public opinion--and not to collude with a private system to strip the legal protections from a suspect. The state is a huge and powerful entity; the individual is small and relatively powerless--and certainly has no chance against a state that is gaming the system as clearly seems to be happening here.

The posters who argue that this charade makes TH look guilty (not proven guilty--look guilty) are correct. And who put this in motion? Kaine, or Kaine in concert with LE? We can sympathize with
Kaine, given his suspicions about TH, but this business makes me wonder about the murder for hire plot, too. That could be so much smoke and mirrors, too.

I have always thought and still think TH is likely the responsible party, but it's hard not to wonder how much of what we "know" is based on fact and evidence, and how much on a cat and mouse game that supports a locked-in suspicion. For some people, LE and prosecutorial over-reaching can raise suspicion about THEIR case.

And even in terrible cases like this one, where everyome wants to find a child and convict the person who took him or her, it's not justice if the state gets a conviction whe. they don't have the evidence.

Excellent post! Guilty or innocent, we must be guaranteed the rights of the United States Constitution. Without that, we are just any old country. moo mho
Excellent post! Guilty or innocent, we must be guaranteed the rights of the United States Constitution. Without that, we are just any old country. moo mho

I do not think it is unreasonable that someone who is suspected by police of contributing to kidnapping or murder of a child from his parents would be required to explain herself if she wants to have contact with any other child.

Barring that, she should expect her child will be protected from any possible harm by herself until the criminal matters can be sorted out. That is the best interest of her child under such circumstances.
I do not think it is unreasonable that someone who is suspected by police of contributing to kidnapping or murder of a child from his parents would be required to explain herself if she wants to have contact with any other child.

Barring that, she should expect her child will be protected from any possible harm by herself until the criminal matters can be sorted out. That is the best interest of her child under such circumstances.

Terri's son J has been living with her. I wonder if she was required to "explain herself" to anyone before he moved back in, and who that would be.

I wonder if J is being protected from any possible harm by her until the criminal matters can be sorted out.

And if not, are J's best interests being served?
Terri's son J has been living with her. I wonder if she was required to "explain herself" to anyone before he moved back in, and who that would be.

I wonder if J is being protected from any possible harm by her until the criminal matters can be sorted out.

And if not, are J's best interests being served?

Well said. I am concerned about J's welfare also, given Terri's behavior and personality. And the fact that police have told her husband that she is involved in the disappearance of her stepson and also tried to hire someone to murder said husband.
As I recall at least one, if not both of J's fathers (bio & adoptive) said it's not in Terri's nature to harm children and that she's great with kids. So, I'm guessing they still believe in her. Just a guess.
So then, the RO didn't include Terri's older son, only baby K and Kyron? I'm sorry, I wasn't able to find that document but I know it was discussed ad nauseum.
I wonder if Terri and son are living at her parents', or if she's got a place. And why does no media know about this until her atty. says it on the record?

Terri's son J has been living with her. I wonder if she was required to "explain herself" to anyone before he moved back in, and who that would be.

I wonder if J is being protected from any possible harm by her until the criminal matters can be sorted out.

And if not, are J's best interests being served?
Terri's son J has been living with her. I wonder if she was required to "explain herself" to anyone before he moved back in, and who that would be.

I wonder if J is being protected from any possible harm by her until the criminal matters can be sorted out.

And if not, are J's best interests being served?

1. Probably not.
2. Probably not.
3. Probably not.

Kaine has no authority over J and cannot subject him to a RO keeping him from his mother.
So then, the RO didn't include Terri's older son, only baby K and Kyron? I'm sorry, I wasn't able to find that document but I know it was discussed ad nauseum.
I wonder if Terri and son are living at her parents', or if she's got a place. And why does no media know about this until her atty. says it on the record?

They probably knew, but didn't report it, IMO. Terri's son living with her looks good for her. They don't get any mileage out of things like that.
And why not show that she will answer what she can...i.e. where the money is coming from for her attorney? Why create another mystery , more speculation. Why doesn't she cooperate in the SIMPLE THINGS?

Just to play devil's advocate... what if she got the $ for agreeing to do a Playboy photo shoot? What if it came from a boyfriend?

It's entirely possible that she is keeping quiet because the source of the funds might make her look bad/guilty - even if she isn't, and the source has nothing at all to do with Kyron and/or the supposed MFH plot.
Just to play devil's advocate... what if she got the $ for agreeing to do a Playboy photo shoot? What if it came from a boyfriend?

It's entirely possible that she is keeping quiet because the source of the funds might make her look bad/guilty - even if she isn't, and the source has nothing at all to do with Kyron and/or the supposed MFH plot.

Couldn't it simply be a pro bono case that Houze intends to cash in on later? Like for her tell all book?
I understand your answer and agree with it to a degree. But whether we like it or not, in these high profile cases, public perception can be equally deadly. While Terri may be protecting her rights ....her absolute silence and the legal demeanor of yesterday IMO do her no PR favors. We might wish that a perfect jury pool might someday be selected that is not already half-convinced of her guilt, but unfortunately, with today's media circus, is that really likely?

I believe that if she is ever charged, Mr Houze is likely to move for a change of venue.

His position would be undermined if he or TMH did anything to attract publicity. It's hypocritical to argue your client cannot get a fair trial due to a tainted jury pool if you or the client helped with the tainting.

While that is not the only factor the judge would consider, I think judges are human and fully able to spot and despise hypocrisy.

So, while this silence may protect her rights, is it helping her if she ever gets to court and faces a jury? This is where I have doubts.

I have always thought she should make a public statement, not laying out her timeline, not speaking any specifics...just as the innocent Duke Lacrosse kids did....letting the public get to know her, making herself REAL.

If I had been in the place of those Duke lacrosse players, my goose would have been cooked. I do not present well when the spotlight is on me (versus on my area of expertise). I act nervous and look guilty as all get out. And terrified, which I am sure would make most people assume that I had a guilty conscience, rather than the truth that I'm just easily terrified by personal attention from strangers.

I think it's possible that TMH could be one of those people who is just not all that convincing when they try to convince anyone of anything. If that is so, then putting her out there in public is a lose-lose situation for her.

And again, those Duke lacrosse players knew absolutely that there was no way their DNA would be found in the rape kit. No, the results had not been shared but they knew in the only other way they could have known, by knowing they had done nothing that would place DNA on the accuser's body.

In this case, there is no DNA. If TMH is the perpetrator, there is unlikely to be any DNA evidence either to incriminate or to exonerate her.

Let's face it, the public knows she was with this child since birth...why not hold a press conference where she balances out the pain we see from Desiree and Kaine ...with evidence of her own pain? Why not speak of her love for Kyron and plea for help in bringing him home? This is a woman who went before the public in a string bikini, affecting poses. This is a woman who (as Chris Coleman described the activity) was taking pictures of her "private parts" and sending them in texts. She cannot be THAT shy or retiring!

If this ever goes so far as a trial and conviction, the DA would use any such appearances as further proof of how depraved TMH is.

I see very little chance that anything TMH could say in public would change public opinion in any positive way. At this point, I think she's in Kevin Fox's position: even if she is exonerated, a good many people will continue to believe she is guilty.

Why do something that won't help and may actually come back to bite her down the road?

And why not show that she will answer what she can...i.e. where the money is coming from for her attorney? Why create another mystery , more speculation. Why doesn't she cooperate in the SIMPLE THINGS?

Someone, I think it was 1Chump, said it best, I think: that her attorneys must fight any encroachment onto client/attorney privilege vigorously, lest they open the door to further encroachment.

Yesterday, everything her attorney said (or didn't say) added to the impression that Terri cannot speak because she has so much to hide. That may be an unfair impression, a wrong impression, or even an impression that only certain people believe. But that impression is BELIEVED in many places. Her great Attorney may be winning battles and losing the War because he's losing much of the public narrative.

Giving out any information that is not compelled by a judge is a slippery slope. If you give out some information, it makes it easier to infer exactly what information may be hidden.

Terri's avoidance of answers or statements about the simple things leave the impression that her involvement in this criminal matter is complex. She cannot say she loved Kyron because...well, maybe something may be in the hands of LE...that show Teri doing things no loving StepMom would do. She cannot say where the money came from...because it opens the door to other "activities."[/QUOTES]

Or because it opens the door to her losing her constitutional rights.

And again, I am completely convinced that no matter what she says or does not say at this point, it will be viewed negatively.

If Terri can't make simple leaves a public impression that there are complex reasons.

And, in regard to the Landscaper with the alias, this takes the whole tragedy beyond hinky to me...almost like some poor piece of fiction writing on the Book Store mark-down rack.

Without the chance to assess the LS's credibility, I really have no opinion on whether the MFH plot is true or not. Just the facts that have been released make me skeptical: he didn't come forward at the time, he didn't come forward at all, he was found as part of the investigation and the sting failed.

We don't know if he has past legal troubles, current legal problems, a motive to wish ill on TMH, mistook a joke for a serious proposition or any number of things relevant to the issue of credibility.
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