Landscaper says Terri Horman wanted him to kill her husband!

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I always thought insurance was a bit iffy regarding murder, or disappearances ? Would anyone wait for insurance to be paid , especially if it took years or it never came through?

The one offered the job has to worry about getting caught, about TH getting caught and giving him up, and about TH not paying him if she does get her hands on the insurance money.

What's he going to do if he doesn't get paid? Tell? No way!

I think it is more plausible that KH and TH have joint investments or a savings account, and that TH has access to that money and she was going to pay him in advance.
Payment could have been something other than money.

Ewww... just... eww.

I really hope not.

This is looking more and more like a twisted tunnel the further we get into it.

My initial reaction after a few days was that Terri had some sort of grand and twisted sociopathic scheme going on. I hope I wasn't right, but it's starting to look like I may be...

Where are you Kyron? Come home buddy!
The one offered the job has to worry about getting caught, about TH getting caught and giving him up, and about TH not paying him if she does get her hands on the insurance money.

What's he going to do if he doesn't get paid? Tell? No way!

I think it is more plausible that KH and TH have joint investments or a savings account, and that TH has access to that money.

Yes I think her source of money would have to come from something like investments or savings rather than from insurance.
I always thought insurance was a bit iffy regarding murder, or disappearances ? Would anyone wait for insurance to be paid , especially if it took years or it never came through?

Good point, and you never know how much money a woman is squirreling away. So she may have it saved up, ya never know. But I guess I am thinking if she had to hire someone to take care of KH, she probably did the same with Kyron. I guess if it is a child you want rid of, you get money not put money out.
Good point, and you never know how much money a woman is squirreling away. So she may have it saved up, ya never know. But I guess I am thinking if she had to hire someone to take care of KH, she probably did the same with Kyron. I guess if it is a child you want rid of, you get money not put money out.


What if she sold Kyron to get the money to have KH killed?

Just an idea... part of one of my theories.
IMO, LE found out about the landscaper's hit story asap. We never knew it.
That is why the RO and baby custody was ok'd by judge asap!!!!
News is alittle late, IMO.
I am reading a book called "Precious Victims" and I see now how LE
really play the game with the media.............very interesting to keep allot
secret from the perp!!!!
The one offered the job has to worry about getting caught, about TH getting caught and giving him up, and about TH not paying him if she does get her hands on the insurance money.

What's he going to do if he doesn't get paid? Tell? No way!

I think it is more plausible that KH and TH have joint investments or a savings account, and that TH has access to that money.

I just think if you are planning to do this, taking money out of a savings or IRA can be a huge red flag for LE. And not paying is not a good idea if the guy just killed your husband, you probably want to pay him and hope he doesn't blackmail you down the road.
Payment could have been something other than money.

You made me think that indeed maybe the payment was something other than money. Maybe she finally found someone who would do the hit and the payment was a child... Speculating of course, but when there is so very little known all kinds of possibilities come to mind. And I must say I'm not completely convinced the landscaper story is true or that TH is responsible for Kyron being missing.
Good point, and you never know how much money a woman is squirreling away. So she may have it saved up, ya never know. But I guess I am thinking if she had to hire someone to take care of KH, she probably did the same with Kyron. I guess if it is a child you want rid of, you get money not put money out.

Ya :(
I really hate thinking about where he is , where he could be. I just keep praying he is alive and being taken care of until he is found.
Where children are concerned it is just too hard to think about, I don't like to even think too much about it. Children are so innocent and deserve to live good lives, and no one should be allowed to deny them those rights.
As to motive...

What about the "least harm" proposition?

Hire someone to take Kyron, while keeping herself as distanced as possible from the actual event. PAYMENT comes much later, after Kyron is returned anonymously and unharmed, and the book deals come in.

Works perfectly until someone finds the link. And LE, especially federal LE, is REALLY good at finding links you think you've covered up.
I just don't get it. How do you fool so many people. When Kyron first went missing I looked at TH's Facebook and I immediately thought she couldn't be responsible. She just seemed so normal and had a lot of friends that seemed to really care about her. She seemed like a very good mom. Lot's of pictures of her baby and the other kids. No red flags at all. Even now she seems to have a lot of supporters. No one (other then the landscaper) has come out and said a bad thing about her. I know people say she's narcissistic or sociopathic put I saw none of that. <snip>

My mom has NPD and people *love* her. She scapegoated me my entire life and now I don't have contact with her, and she can sigh and talk about her poor troubled daughter, Haeve, who isn't speaking to her and get all kinds of sympathy. And granted, for other people, she can be a good person--shows interest in their interests, buys them things, etc. To most people, she's just a kooky and harmless old lady. She treats me like the devil incarnate (unless she thinks someone else is looking), when she thinks about me at all. Note that I am gainfully employed, reasonably intelligent, am kind to pets and children and have never been in trouble with the law. :) Most of her "friends" would be shocked to learn how she treats me.

Disclaimer: My mother is not homicidal, nor do we know for sure anyone involved in Kyron's case has NPD. JMO
Ewww... just... eww.

I really hope not.

This is looking more and more like a twisted tunnel the further we get into it.

My initial reaction after a few days was that Terri had some sort of grand and twisted sociopathic scheme going on. I hope I wasn't right, but it's starting to look like I may be...

Where are you Kyron? Come home buddy!

Thinking it's someone she knew and manipulated into helping her. Like a boyfriend or someone who thinks he is her boyfriend.
One thing that really did have me wondering about what type of person she was is the report re her second husband who is not the bio dad of her eldest son but did adopt him from a young age (2 or 3 I think). After they divorced and while she was with Kaine, and a bit further down the track, she took this guy to court to get child support from him and got awarded a backpay.......

I dont know , this does not seem right to me and seems very pushy on her part....I know a lot of you may disagree with me but him adopting her child was a very wonderful thing to do for her and meant he had faith in the marriage and if it ended because of her affairs and she was with another man I dont know........anyhow that is me.......I wouldnt try to get money out of him.....

If you adopt a child, you are taking on the responsibility of that child until he or she is no longer a child. I think it's more odd that the biological father signed away his kid, than someone adopted him.
Good point, and you never know how much money a woman is squirreling away.

The thick, bold, dividing line is right between people who will unlawfully kill another person, and people who will not. If you are in the former camp, the main issue is price.

We also don't know how much TH allegedly offered to pay the landscaper. A lot of money means different amounts to different people.
You made me think that indeed maybe the payment was something other than money. Maybe she finally found someone who would do the hit and the payment was a child... Speculating of course, but when there is so very little known all kinds of possibilities come to mind. And I must say I'm not completely convinced the landscaper story is true or that TH is responsible for Kyron being missing.

I didn't even think of that Jack. I agree, I am not convinced either, not till LE makes a statement.
My ramblings today....thinking about "mental disorders" family has one branch that included an alcoholic husband (mainly from living with his wife who was a pentecostal preacher wannabe) the wife clearly was off the deep end for years and would take me a week to tell you all she did, their two children who shockingly have not killed anyone yet (that we know of)....if anybody would have asked me this family would have been a prime example of child raising/family gone wrong....true both children now grown have been in and out of trouble, had shock therapy,etc. but have managed not to kill their own or anbody is really interesting to look at other families and think wow they seemed so normal when in this case my extended family we all have been braced for years thinking the worst would or could just never know which branch will fall off the tree and become a nightmare.....
If you adopt a child, you are taking on the responsibility of that child until he or she is no longer a child. I think it's more odd that the biological father signed away his kid, then someone adopted him.

Some men sign them away to get out of paying child support when the ex has remarried.
Payment could have been something other than money.

I don't think so. The HUGE risk for both TH and the hired killer is the death penalty or a life sentence.

They would have to absolutely trust one another, and have full confidence that they wouldn't get caught, to kill KH.

I have no problem with the full confidence issue, because lots of criminals who do get caught thought they would not.

But is there absolute trust among killers? I would not think so, not with the huge risk involved.
i read the rules of the forum. exactly how is quoting a media article and speculating on the motive of the individual a violation of the rules??
i'd like a detailed analysis of why that post was a violation of the rules.

you people need to respect freedom of speech. its the only reason this forum exists.


Greetings lighwaveryder,

I'm sure that JBean will address your concerns but as some added input. I own a number of websites where people can post their input. In fact, I own a house... The freedom of speech that others enjoy while they are standing (posting) in "my space" that "I pay for" is limited by my rules, as I am responsible to keep order in my space -- that is my right and it is also my responsibility.

For those who would like to express themselves without the boundary of others -- claiming "freedom of speech," I suggest their setting up their own webspace -- one for which they will take all responsibility; lawsuit, tidying text, etc. and so on. Once they open the doors for others, they can tend to the extra responsibilities... It isn't always easy, can take time...lots of it.

As for "you people need to respect freedom of speech. its the only reason this forum exists":

No, I don't think so, this forum exists because someone pays the bills to have it online. It exists because someone knows how to take responsibility for it, and that takes a lot of effort.
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