Laura Babcock: Dellen Millard & Mark Smich charged w/ Murder in the First Degree #3

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I thought that it was determined that the board had been ruled out as evidence or was that just for the Bosma trial?

I think it was ruled out as evidence for the Bosma trial.
Yes you may. Court is always open to the public. But nothing can be repeated out side of the courtroom. They don't want the jury to hear.

I am planning on going next week. Does anyone know how early you have to be there? I may not be able to go until the afternoon some days.

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Ann Brocklehurst‏ @AnnB03 3h3 hours ago
As a rule of thumb, during a trial, media is only allowed to report on what the jury sees and hears. Or we risk being in contempt of court

So I guess that answers my question. ABro appears to be lumping herself in with other media in her tweets so it appears that she will be able to live tweet from the courtroom during this trial.

I think it goes without saying, but just in case, publication bans also apply to the public.
A publication ban is a court order which prohibits the public or media from disseminating certain details of an otherwise public judicial proceeding.
The judge will make use of warnings in most situations that may lead to a person being charged with contempt. It is relatively rare that a person is charged for contempt without first receiving at least one warning from the judge.

Interesting article on media conduct:
I am planning on going next week. Does anyone know how early you have to be there? I may not be able to go until the afternoon some days. ...

For the TB trial, you didn't have to be there at a certain time, and people came in and out of the courtroom at will at diff times (altho you may be stared at a bit, by some of the spectators if you enter while court is in session)..

The courtroom doors only became locked at the TB trial, when the judge gave his long charge to the jury at the end of the evidence being given (and during lunch, etc when nobody is supposed to be in there)... so you are ok to attend in the afternoon... but keep in mind that they take breaks and lunches (longish ones, IIRC).. (it would be great to hear from a reporter what time lunch is generally taken in this trial once it gets going, altho it may not always be the same anyway, depending on who's on the witness stand, and how long they'll be there for, etc). If you aimed for say 1pm, you may be disappointed to find that they're at lunch til 2pm or something.. just fair warning.. parking is expensive.. might be best to just try for 2, just a guess.. moo..

If anyone here attends, can you please give us timelines for when court commences, when breaks and lunches happened, how long they were, etc., on that particular day? tia!

An old article from SC in regard to when the judge would be locking the doors at the TB trial - even then, you could still attend in the afternoon, you just couldn't enter while court was in session and would have to wait until a break of some kind.

Each legal team will then present its closing address to the jury, beginning with Millard's, followed by Smich's counsel, then Leitch for the Crown.
Next is the second stage of the pre-charge conference. Mistakes made in the judge's charge can lay groundwork for an appeal, so great care must be taken. In this case the charge will be long, perhaps two days. Courtroom doors are locked, nobody is allowed in or out except at breaks.
I think it comes down to money. If there is one person in this world that Millard actually cares about, its his mother. He wants to make sure that she is taken care of so that she can continue to live the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Millard is likely very aware that even with top notch lawyers (expensive) he has little chance in beating this. I doubt that he would qualify for a public defender (not much good anyway) so he's chosen the "do it yourself" route. Millard is narcissistic and I feel he honestly believes he is the best man for the job. Lets be realistic here, win or lose he's still spending the rest of his life in jail.

Where did the information come from that stated that he cares for his mother?

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Where did the information come from that stated that he cares for his mother?

I think this is a good question. I’ve never forgotten the bullying and emotional extortion evident when he told his mother not to bother showing up for lunch if she didn’t have the money he had been demanding for his condo closing. There is no reason to believe he was any less callous and manipulative with her than he was with anyone else.
For the TB trial, you didn't have to be there at a certain time, and people came in and out of the courtroom at will at diff times (altho you may be stared at a bit, by some of the spectators if you enter while court is in session)..

The courtroom doors only became locked at the TB trial, when the judge gave his long charge to the jury at the end of the evidence being given (and during lunch, etc when nobody is supposed to be in there)... so you are ok to attend in the afternoon... but keep in mind that they take breaks and lunches (longish ones, IIRC).. (it would be great to hear from a reporter what time lunch is generally taken in this trial once it gets going, altho it may not always be the same anyway, depending on who's on the witness stand, and how long they'll be there for, etc). If you aimed for say 1pm, you may be disappointed to find that they're at lunch til 2pm or something.. just fair warning.. parking is expensive.. might be best to just try for 2, just a guess.. moo..

If anyone here attends, can you please give us timelines for when court commences, when breaks and lunches happened, how long they were, etc., on that particular day? tia!

An old article from SC in regard to when the judge would be locking the doors at the TB trial - even then, you could still attend in the afternoon, you just couldn't enter while court was in session and would have to wait until a break of some kind.

I'm rather proud of courtroom decorum in Canada. You mustn't hang your coat over the seats. It's not live streamed and turned into some kind of courtroom reality show. No one is taking pictures. You don't applaud at the reading of the verdict. Lawyers wear their regalia, and wear it properly. I was in court when a lawyer was reprimanded by the judge for removing his shoe to smooth a kink in his sock. It's all so polite and proper. Stand when spoken to or when speaking, otherwise sit down. Address the judge according to the court in which you are sitting.

It suits my obsession with order.
Speaking of decorum, I wonder if DM will be able to keep himself in check. I assume that he has been warned about his antics but he also seems to see himself as above the law and does not abide by social cues and norms.

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I wonder if Smich will show up to court wearing shoes with the word "pacific" written on them?
What significance would the word "pacific" have.?

He wore it on his shoes on the first day or trial. There was much debate at that time of the relevance, and potential "secret message" to either a person or group of people.
At the first trial ? I did not hear that. I am sure it could have some meaning. if he is convicted of M1 for Laura s death he will probably never get out of prison.
I have followed this case religiously since May 7, 2013. I went to Hamilton 6 times during the Bosma trial. I’m predicting that MS’s iPad is the same one SL gave to LB and that either DM got LB pregnant or he and MS just killed LB for ‘sport’ just like Tim Bosma. Am I off the mark?
I think she was killed because DM got annoyed with her, her behavior could be erratic , some said. She got him pissed off and decided to get rid of her. I did not know she met the same fate as Tim Bosma. The crown is saying she was killed at DM s fathers home and then taken to the farm and put in the incinerator. IN first trial some evidence that they found blood on the floor in the barn. I think that might be where they were able to get some DNA from.

Under copyright law, any members who are signing up for a paid subscription to ABro's @TrialLive or her Patreon account (or any other subscription service) are NOT legally allowed to bring any information they obtain through those accounts over to Websleuths.

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Question for Sillybilly.....

If one was to attend court, so long as the information is not covered by a publication ban, are we permitted to post what we hear in court here? I understand that what the Jury can't hear can't be posted either.

Don't want to break any rules.

National Post

@AD_Humphreys will you be covering Babcock murder trial?

Adrian Humphreys‏ @AD_Humphreys
Yes, at least some of it.
That is my understanding I attended the one day of first trial and they only were in legal arguments and I could no tdiscuss anything.
Ugh. I predict that the whole first day will be legal arguments based on something DM will do.
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