Laura Babcock: Dellen Millard & Mark Smich charged w/ Murder in the First Degree #3

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I don’t think that there are any reporters there either. TBH, I don’t know many people in Toronto who are even aware of this case. I have 2 friends who are being called in for jury duty selection next week and neither had heard of Laura Babcock or Wayne Millard. They did remember Tim Bosma. I am looking to attend the trial on Monday should it start that day

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Wow. That is shocking to me. Why didn't he do that the first go round I wonder?

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I think it comes down to money. If there is one person in this world that Millard actually cares about, its his mother. He wants to make sure that she is taken care of so that she can continue to live the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Millard is likely very aware that even with top notch lawyers (expensive) he has little chance in beating this. I doubt that he would qualify for a public defender (not much good anyway) so he's chosen the "do it yourself" route. Millard is narcissistic and I feel he honestly believes he is the best man for the job. Lets be realistic here, win or lose he's still spending the rest of his life in jail.
The Tim Bosma murder was BIG NEWS in these parts. Hamilton/Ancaster has somewhat of a small town feel. A murder here is a big deal. Add to that, the Social Media coverage and the manner in which Tim disappeared all created a perfect storm of "notoriety" of this particular crime. It just seemed to have all the lurid and unbelievable components that drew people in to follow what was happening. Tim was just the same as you and I and it scared us. Tim's murder sold newspapers.

By contrast, no one really knew Laura was missing. She was from Toronto and people go missing all the time. Unfortunately, her circumstances at the time of her disappearance led everyone to believe that she wasn't in peril. She was living a risky lifestyle and no one thought twice about her being missing with the exception of family and a former boyfriend.

At the end of the day, Laura's disappearance wasn't considered "newsworthy" and therefore no one knew.

At this point it just seems that, with the exception of Laura's family, her former boyfriend and us here at WS, no one is interested. Laura is just one more Toronto statistic which is extremely sad. Covering her trial is a non event and the news folks have "better" stories to file. TBH it seems that people are more interested in DM as his own attorney vs. what happened to Laura.

We know what happened, or we have a pretty good idea. The drama for the news folks is not the trial but DM.

Would it really have helped?

Besides, this is a different DM, one that has been steeped in legal and jail culture for 4-1/2 years. I'm sure he's learned a lot vs. what he knew at the time of his arrest in May 2013. I don't think he would be able to do any sort of competent job defending himself when he was first arrested, but now is a different story.

The first trial was important. Now that he's in jail for life, what does the outcome of the next two trials matter?
The Tim Bosma murder was BIG NEWS in these parts. Hamilton/Ancaster has somewhat of a small town feel. A murder here is a big deal. Add to that, the Social Media coverage and the manner in which Tim disappeared all created a perfect storm of "notoriety" of this particular crime. It just seemed to have all the lurid and unbelievable components that drew people in to follow what was happening. Tim was just the same as you and I and it scared us. Tim's murder sold newspapers.

By contrast, no one really knew Laura was missing. She was from Toronto and people go missing all the time. Unfortunately, her circumstances at the time of her disappearance led everyone to believe that she wasn't in peril. She was living a risky lifestyle and no one thought twice about her being missing with the exception of family and a former boyfriend.

At the end of the day, Laura's disappearance wasn't considered "newsworthy" and therefore no one knew.

At this point it just seems that, with the exception of Laura's family, her former boyfriend and us here at WS, no one is interested. Laura is just one more Toronto statistic which is extremely sad. Covering her trial is a non event and the news folks have "better" stories to file. TBH it seems that people are more interested in DM as his own attorney vs. what happened to Laura.

We know what happened, or we have a pretty good idea. The drama for the news folks is not the trial but DM.


I disagree. Once this trial starts this will be front page news in Toronto. I think the feeling is that since this will be a fairly lengthly trial, there is no need to bore readers with jury selection coverage. Opening statements are what hooks readers.
The first trial was important. Now that he's in jail for life, what does the outcome of the next two trials matter?

He's only 30. In his mind perhaps he imagines getting out in his 50's and continuing his multi-millionaire playboy lifestyle.

It would be a bit easier to argue for parole if he only had one conviction rather than two. He also faces the threat of consecutive sentences and 50 years before he could get out.
I have my doubts as to whether or not any reporters are actually present in the courtroom for jury selection. Remember all the fanfare when the jurors were being chosen for TB's trial? Every time one was chosen, it was tweeted.. along with the gender, approx age, etc. It must be going a heckuva lot faster for them to have already chosen 9 out of 14 on the first day! In TB's case each prospective juror was asked a pre-formed list of questions, and based on their answers, they were given the yay or nay by each of the lawyers involved, who would also ask for an indication from their client. There doesn't have to be a reason for refusing any prospect, at least until each of the defense lawyers reaches 20, and the Crown reaches 40 refusals. I wonder how many potentials they have gone through so far, in order to get 9 chosen? If Pazzano was actually there, wouldn't she be telling us more? jmo

Pazzano is a dude. I don't think there's much to write at this point and if you want little details like the sexes of the jurors you have to subscribe to ABro's @TrialLive.

Things are about to go quiet for a week. I predict later today there will be an article saying the jury has been chosen and then nothing until Monday morning - some papers may print a backgrounder for the trial and announce it has begun.

The first interesting news to come out will be the Crown's theory of what happened - the opening statement to the jury. That should be online by Monday afternoon, I expect.

At that point we'll also be able to see who the various media outlets have assigned to cover the case. I'll make a Twitter list then of people to follow and post it here so just relax people :D
I think it comes down to money. If there is one person in this world that Millard actually cares about, its his mother. He wants to make sure that she is taken care of so that she can continue to live the lifestyle she is accustomed to. Millard is likely very aware that even with top notch lawyers (expensive) he has little chance in beating this. I doubt that he would qualify for a public defender (not much good anyway) so he's chosen the "do it yourself" route. Millard is narcissistic and I feel he honestly believes he is the best man for the job. Lets be realistic here, win or lose he's still spending the rest of his life in jail.

What about Millard's keen ability to pick up languages? If he were immersed in the law and courts for 4-1/2 years, do you think he would not be able to pick up anything?

I think he's actually a very clever guy who bumbled Millardair because he just didn't care about it. When he puts his mind to something though like learning Ukrainian to impress CN, or creating his own criminal network, he can really produce. I think he will do a decent job of defending himself.

The Bosma crime was incredibly stupid so it's odd to turn around and say DM is smart, but I think both DM and MS were addled by a lot of pot and didn't worry about the details. They confused their luck at going undetected (DM could afford a lot of privacy because of his wealth) with having their butts covered. They made the mistake of thinking that their crimes were covered as long as DM had control of all the evidence - but when LE got into his homes, business, was all there. Smart guy, too much partying is my thesis.
I have to agree! This is going to be interesting. Just finished ABro's book on Bosma's murder and am glad she is continuing her coverage of this related murder.
If he gets convicted of 3 separate murders would he not be considered a serial killer? He could be labeled a dangerous offender and that would definitely affect his chances for parole.
marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
Dellen Millard and Mark Smich murder trial update: Eleven jurors have been selected.. They need 14 to start trial next Monday.
12:40 PM - 17 Oct 2017
I am very focused on this trial. My family and friends as usual have no interest. So I am glad to have my "friends" here. My thoughts are with LB's loved ones and everyone else victimized.
If he gets convicted of 3 separate murders would he not be considered a serial killer? He could be labeled a dangerous offender and that would definitely affect his chances for parole.

Dangerous offender status cannot be applied to convictions for murder. It is meant to be a mechanism to keep people inside who would otherwise have a mandatory release date. There is no mandatory release date in a murder conviction, only parole eligibility. Murderers can be kept in jail for life by virtue of their conviction alone.
The Bosma crime was incredibly stupid so it's odd to turn around and say DM is smart, but I think both DM and MS were addled by a lot of pot and didn't worry about the details. They confused their luck at going undetected (DM could afford a lot of privacy because of his wealth) with having their butts covered. They made the mistake of thinking that their crimes were covered as long as DM had control of all the evidence - but when LE got into his homes, business, was all there. Smart guy, too much partying is my thesis.

RSBM. Yes DM and MS were partying, but I would suggest DM's downfall in the end was his arrogance.
marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
Dellen Millard and Mark Smich murder trial update: Eleven jurors have been selected.. They need 14 to start trial next Monday.
12:40 PM - 17 Oct 2017

I'm still trying to get Adam Carter from CBC assigned to the trial by contacting the editor. Snooper (and/or others) are you able to confirm we have only seen articles/tweets from The Sun, CHCH and City News since jury selection began? Are you signed up for ABro's subscription feed? How is that?

Also, how are you finding the tweets? Under what hashtag? I'm a Twitter dummy and not a registered member. These are the results I get under "Babcock trial" but can't see the responses to tweets inquiring about media coverage. trial&src=typd&lang=en

In my opinion, live tweets are better than 1x or 2x a day articles. Duh! From what I can find, the most recent article on the CBC website referencing the trial is from February 8

Are you signed up for ABro's subscription feed? How is that?

Also, how are you finding the tweets? Under what hashtag? I'm a Twitter dummy and not a registered member.

I've recently subscribed to her @TrialLive account, the tweets are all private, unless you are a subscriber. I'm very impressed with her coverage thus far. She's posting frequently (when in court) and very quick to respond to her Patrons questions. For the cost associated, it's worth it to me!
I've recently subscribed to her @TrialLive account, the tweets are all private, unless you are a subscriber. I'm very impressed with her coverage thus far. She's posting frequently (when in court) and very quick to respond to her Patrons questions. For the cost associated, it's worth it to me!

Thanks. I was wondering because her previous trial coverage by Twitter was Q&A based, if I'm not mistaken, and she wasn't really live tweeting.

BTW, on Twitter, she just responded this in reply to an inquiry about covering the trial.
Ann Brocklehurst‏ @AnnB03 1h1 hour ago
The first week. After that I'm not sure
I disagree. Once this trial starts this will be front page news in Toronto. I think the feeling is that since this will be a fairly lengthly trial, there is no need to bore readers with jury selection coverage. Opening statements are what hooks readers.

I hope that I am proved wrong about this but I don't think that it will be nearly as newsworthy. This is no slight against her family and friends but the lack of momentum on their part to find her, report her missing etc did not help her cause. I can't imagine what it is like to be in her parents shoes but LE and MSM are not likely to follow up on a missing person report when the parents etc don't give them a reason to. Sadly, if they saw her prior charges, the taint of being a rumoured sex worker and the crisis that her life was in, it is easy to come up with a million excuses as to why she wasn't coming home. It is obvious that she came from a loving and supportive home, that she may have been suffering from mental illness and her parents likely naively hoped for the best but the lack of inertia to find her is the exact opposite of the Bosma Army.

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The feel of whatever coverage this story gets will be very different.

The Bosma story was always accompanied by photos of him looking very happy with his beautiful wife and their baby. Also photos of an expensive truck that many people own or covet, but never to the extent of killing someone for it. And Bosma had no relationship with his killers. So it was very simple, black and white, good guy, bad guys, anyone selling that truck could have been the victim.

I think this case will be so much different, a troubled victim <modsnip> who knew and contacted the accused, no clear motive. I think from the point of view of news editors, this isn't front page stuff, I think many people would rather not know the details.
I've recently subscribed to her @TrialLive account, the tweets are all private, unless you are a subscriber. I'm very impressed with her coverage thus far. She's posting frequently (when in court) and very quick to respond to her Patrons questions. For the cost associated, it's worth it to me!

Has ABro been classified as an approved member of the press in order to be able to live tweet? It is my understanding that cell phones and electronic devices are not allowed in the courtroom unless used by an affiliated member of the press? I think she had that designation for the TB trial didn't she? And I assume if she's been live tweeting during jury selection that she can continue through the trial?
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