Laura Babcock Murder Trial 10.26.17 - Day 4

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Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 43s43 seconds ago
Cronin is much more composed after breaking down in tears before the morning recess. Dungey presses him about his drug use and memory.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 42s42 seconds ago
"Not too much," Cronin laughs a bit when asked if #Smich often rapped for him. #Babcock

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 35s35 seconds ago
Cronin to Dungey: "You're trying to confuse me here because I was high. I was 14 at the time, I'm 22 now."

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews now
What is the culture around rap? Dungey asks. Well, there is Christian rap and Gangster rap. "But Mark is not a rapper," Cronin says

Oct 26 2017 11:25 AM
Shannon Martin

Dungey uses a similar line of questioning with Cronin that we saw yesterday when Desi Liberatore was in the witness box.

Duney hammers Cronin about his drug use and his memory of the encounter in Smich's mother's garage. While Dungey's technique at times can seem forceful, his voice loud, Cronin stands his ground.

"You're trying to confuse me here because I was high. I was 14 at the time, I'm 22 now."

Cronin is much more composed now after he broke down in tears before the morning recess.

The Crown had showed him a video of Smich rapping - something the jury has now seen several times. Cronin has never seen the video, but confirms it's the same rap he saw Smich perform in 2012.

"It's just alot to process," said Cronin as he held tissues to his eyes.
It should have never been closed. Maybe if the police did their jobs Tim Bosma would be alive today.

I assume thats why the kid is so emotional. Maybe if he'd gone to police immediately, two people might still be alive.
I think the Toronto Police need to be held accountable for thier lack of investigation. If I were Tim's widow I'd be sueing their butts after this came out.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 9s9 seconds ago
"GTV" what does that mean? Cronin thinks maybe a type of vodka? Dungey thought it was his vandalism tag. No.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 14s14 seconds ago
Cronin says he never got into trouble for graffiti, he didn't do a lot of (or any?) tagging of public places. Used a notebook. Never rapped

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 6s6 seconds ago
"You shake your head in a disgusting way, why?" It's just not me, says Cronin. He plays guitar.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 12s12 seconds ago
Was #Smich into the hip hop lifestyle? Cronin doesn't really think so. Didn't "stick his nose in other people's business."

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV now
Dungey now jumping from rap culture, to graffiti Cronin did when he was 13. Cronin says he never got in trouble for it, it was "for art."
i cannot believe what the Toronto did, they should feel ashamed. They get paid well enough and this is how they treat a report of suspicious disappearance of a young woman. They say that the public don't come forward but this young kid did report something . This is really damning for the police, if they had done their job maybe Tim Bosma would be alive still and his little girl would have a father.

I am not defending the Police, but remember this person came forward to police in May 2013, likely after TB disappeared, not during the initial investigation. The Police then reopened the case (which I do agree should have never been closed or tucked away - whatever wording should be used there), and we are now seeing the aftermath. We want justice for Laura now. We got it for TB, we need it for LB, and soon enough WM.
"[FONT=&quot] "But Mark is not a rapper," Cronin says"

Hahahahaha!! Stating what everyone knew. LOL[/FONT]
Has anyone been to the trial ? I am reading that the photo of the blue tarp is very disturbing it is believed to be the tarp where Laura s body was put in . IT is described as looking like a body is in the tarp.. I don't know much about the law and how anyone can beat this charge , but I guess DM is going to try to , but if you look at the way he behaved in first trial it is not surprising that with so much the Crown has , he will still try to maintain he is innocent. Why not just plead guilty and get it over with and accept what the punishment is. If he was willing to plead guilty maybe it could mean less years added to the 25 , I don't know. He is in for life so spare the family the grief and just plead guilty.
Oct 26 2017 11:31 AM
Shannon Martin

Dungey now asks Cronin about "rap culture" and to explain the different styles of rap. Cronin says it ranges from Christian to gangsta rap.

Cronin tells Dungey Mark Smich was not a rapper.

Dungey abandons that line of questioning and now is going after Cronin about graffiti he did. Cronin says he did it for art when he was 13 and he never got in trouble about it.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
Cronin had mischief problems when he was younger. "I did little mischievous things when I was younger." Like, a couple years ago.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews now
Judge asks lawyer and witness to stop speaking over each other. "Yes I flipped off police. They thought I was following them around..."
Oct 26 2017 11:36 AM
Shannon Martin

Dungey asks Cronin about his own "sordid past" and questions 19 incidents he was involved in.

Cronin says "those happened when I was younger, I'm not going to lie."

Dungey again tries to discredit Cronin as a witness, but Cronin remains calm and concedes he got into some mischief.

"I'm 22 now," Cronin says, adding he hasn't gotten into trouble since he was 19. He studied pre law.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 38s38 seconds ago
Cronin says he was never anti-police. Police report says he made a "gun" hand gesture, Dungey says. Cronin doesn't remember that.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 16s16 seconds ago
Dungey working hard to discredit Cronin as a witness, "let's talk about your sordid past."
DM might as well plead guilty to both murderers. No wonder he is representing himself , another lawyer at this trial would have cost another million + , so he did not want to throw that money away. PLEAD GUILTY DM and MS.
i cannot believe what the Toronto did, they should feel ashamed. They get paid well enough and this is how they treat a report of suspicious disappearance of a young woman. They say that the public don't come forward but this young kid did report something . This is really damning for the police, if they had done their job maybe Tim Bosma would be alive still and his little girl would have a father.

Lets not be so harsh. It was not suspicious, she was an adult and she left on her own accord. Police simply don't have the resources to go chasing after every person that doesn't check in with their parents. Seems like that by the time this kid went to authorities, they either were already on the case or immediately acted on his information.
I feel badly for this Cronin kid. What he did at 13 should have no bearing. He did the right thing, talking to the vice principal and then to the police! This kid has straightened himself out. I am happy he is standing his ground with Dungey!
Yes Sharlene should sue the Toronto police, they messed up big time. I hope she also takes all of DM money in her lawsuit.
I am reading that the photo of the blue tarp is very disturbing it is believed to be the tarp where Laura s body was put in . IT is described as looking like a body is in the tarp..

If the tarp with her body was lying on that board taken from the barn, I certainly hope they have taken the DNA from it and had a match with Laura's DNA from another source. That would certainly put Laura in the barn and hopefully be enough to convict these 2 *******s but I'm hoping there is also a lot more evidence since DM and MS are not the sharpest pencils in the pack.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 27s27 seconds ago
Dungey's trademark thunderous voice is coming out as he asks about Cronin's incidents with police. Not twitter-friendly language.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 27s27 seconds ago
Cronin remains calm, those incidents happened when he was younger. He's 22 now, studied pre-law, hasn't gotten intro trouble as an adult.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 4s4 seconds ago
Dungey is going through all the police reports. Cronin doesn't remember many of the incidents, where is yelling at people, police from car.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 47s47 seconds ago
How old were you July 9, 2017? Same age as now, 22. "It said so in the report," Cronin says. Many incidents reported to police recent.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 38s38 seconds ago
Dungey technique may be working, as Cronin is becoming a little curt and agitated.
Yes Sharlene should sue the Toronto police, they messed up big time. I hope she also takes all of DM money in her lawsuit.

Not sure how much money he has. Yes he was the heir to WM's fortune, but he's also charged with his murder which I think would nullify the will if proven true.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 2m2 minutes ago
In 2016, police report says Cronin gave police "uncomfortably long stare" on the road, then cut them off and slammed on the brakes.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 1m1 minute ago
Dungey now lists more recent incidents, from 2016 - mostly for aggressive behaviour, but Cronin says he can't recall them.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
Cronin doesn't remember this. "It obviously happened. I'm not denying that at all." Dungey asks re theft of GPS is 2015. "That was a friend"

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 47s47 seconds ago
Another theft, with Liberatore, in 2014. "I made mistakes when I was younger. I've since changed things. I'm not going to deny that."

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 38s38 seconds ago
Cronin doesn't remember what he and Liberatore were stealing. "Sports cards, I think?" #Babcock
Not sure how much money he has. Yes he was the heir to WM's fortune, but he's also charged with his murder which I think would nullify the will if proven true.

I don't think Sharlene is sueing him for the money. I think she has other reasons for doing so.
i cannot believe what the Toronto did, they should feel ashamed. They get paid well enough and this is how they treat a report of suspicious disappearance of a young woman. They say that the public don't come forward but this young kid did report something . This is really damning for the police, if they had done their job maybe Tim Bosma would be alive still and his little girl would have a father.

This "young kid" came forward in May 2013 (which is when DM/MS were on LE radar for TB)......I totally agree the investigation into LB dissapearance was bungled and not taken seriously and had the police fully investigated these 2 may have been off the streets before TB ever encountered them, but they did not have the statement from Cronin at the time....LB went missing in July 2012. Unless I'm missing something here? MOO
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