Laura Babcock Murder Trial 10.26.17 - Day 4

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Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 38s38 seconds ago
Cronin was kicked out of the home when he was younger. "I've changed a lot. I've worked hard to get my life together, go to U of T..."

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 13s13 seconds ago
Cronin says he sees that Dungey is trying to discredit him. "I'm back living with that same mother that kicked me out." He has changed

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 16s16 seconds ago
Dungey circles back to the incident in 2012 at Smich's mother's garage. "You all thought it was a bunch of bull*****?" Cronin agrees...

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 3s3 seconds ago
...but adds but adds he eventually changed his mind, "after we found out further truth behind it, and got more information about the story."

Oct 26 2017 11:52 AM
Shannon Martin

Dungey lists some more recent incidents about Cronin's past, fighting with his family, being kicked out.

Cronin doesn't cower.

"I worked very hard to get my life together. Yes ,I had problems when I was young. Yes, I was mischievous. I know you're trying to discredit my information. But I've worked very hard to get where I am today."

Dungey circles back to the incident in 2012 at Smich's mother's garage.

"You all thought it was a bunch of bull*****?" Cronin agrees but adds he eventually changed his mind, "after we found out further truth behind it, and got more information about the story."
What other thing can you sue someone for besides money?

Sharlene knows that money is important to DM. My guess is she wants to get him where it hurts him most. More of a you messed with me and my life so now I'm going to mess with yours. That would be my reasoning.
What other thing can you sue someone for besides money?

I guess the idea is to cripple him to prevent him from getting into any evil business in the future. There are people who run whole crime enterprises from prison and with money you can still cause a lot of trouble from behind bars.

And to some degree as long as DM has a load of money he will always have vigourous supporters.
Why did the witness suggest that these things happened "in the past" when some are pretty recent? Why not just say "yes, I've had many incidents with law enforcement but I remember what I heard and I reported it in May 2013. The video of that day is in evidence here". I did not use my information as a way to get out of any offense and none of the things you are pointing out here have anything to do with what I heard that day.


ETA: looks like that's pretty much just what he is doing.

"I worked very hard to get my life together. Yes ,I had problems when I was young. Yes, I was mischievous. I know you're trying to discredit my information. But I've worked very hard to get where I am today."
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
Cronin says #Smich was reading the words of his rap song off the "notes" app on the iPad in garage. Cronin was too far to read the words

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO 30s30 seconds ago
Lawyer for Smich questions Cronin's past drug history and police incidents. Cronin had run in w police, gave finger, not arrested.

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO 13s13 seconds ago
Cronin says they didn't believe Smich's confession about killing a girl, at the time,but came to believe there was truth to the story.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 14s14 seconds ago
Dungey has now wrapped his cross examination.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 7s7 seconds ago
Cronin doesn't talk to James Lewis anymore - the third friend with he and Liberatore in the garage that night. Heard same from Liberatore

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 8s8 seconds ago
Cronin is done. #Babcock
I guess the idea is to cripple him to prevent him from getting into any evil business in the future. There are people who run whole crime enterprises from prison and with money you can still cause a lot of trouble from behind bars.

And to some degree as long as DM has a load of money he will always have vigourous supporters.

But he doesn't have money. I seem to recall the assets being frozen due to the WM situation.
IMO, if SB didn't sue there would be a group of ppl saying, "Why didn't you sue?! He has money!" - and since she did due, there's a group saying, "Why is she suing?! He's out of money!". Darned if ya do, darned if ya don't ;)
IMO, if SB didn't sue there would be a group of ppl saying, "Why didn't you sue?! He has money!" - and since she did due, there's a group saying, "Why is she suing?! He's out of money!". Darned if ya do, darned if ya don't ;)

I say why not use every lawful avenue available to hold him to account for his crimes. I sure would.
I think I'll try to underline the witness names/occupations to make it easier for us to reference in the future.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 43s43 seconds ago
Crown, Ken Lockhart, has now called its next witness, Michael Powell. He's a director with US Border Control.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 51s51 seconds ago
Next witness is from border services. Says Laura #Babcock has not entered US since May 4, 2011, according to records

Oct 26 2017 12:06 PM
Shannon Martin

Smich's friend David Cronin has now wrapped his testimony.

Crown, Ken Lockhart, has now called its next witness, Michael Powell. He's a director with US Border Control.

Powell was contacted by Toronto Police to see if Laura Babcock ever crossed into the United States. The last time she visited the US was in May 2011. Since then, she's not travelled south through official borders.

This testimony - much like what we heard from the TD Bank employee - helps build the Crown's case about Babcock's alleged murder, at the hands of co-accused Dellen Millard and Mark Smich.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 23s23 seconds ago
It is possible someone could have illegally entered the US without being noticed, he agrees. #Millard has cross
IMO, if SB didn't sue there would be a group of ppl saying, "Why didn't you sue?! He has money!" - and since she did due, there's a group saying, "Why is she suing?! He's out of money!". Darned if ya do, darned if ya don't ;)

I think that it will be very tough for her to access his funds even if she does win the civil lawsuit. His POA (MB), has likely got it all locked up and untouchable. Although nothing will bring back TB, DM's actions changed their lives including SB having to raise a child on one income. Although, I doubt that it will ever happen It would be satisfying to see the Bosma Foundation or his daughter benefit from the Millard assets.

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I say why not use every lawful avenue available to hold him to account for his crimes. I sure would.

Exactly. She likely won't see a dime thanks to the efforts of lawyers (a la Goldmans and Browns) and if she does it will likely go into the foundation, but she needs to make a point. Not just to DM and MS but also to others who helped out and were never held accountable.

And DM does have access to the funds that are in his name via his Power of Attorney MB. He just chooses to pretend he doesn't.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 1m1 minute ago
Lockhart testifies that Babcock crossed the border in May 2011, but hasn't been south through official crossings since.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 54s54 seconds ago
"I'd like you to help me out understand your job," #Millard asks about "air, land and sea." Witness covers all three

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 32s32 seconds ago
This testimony - much like what we heard from the TD Bank employee - helps build the Crown's case about Babcock's alleged murder.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 11s11 seconds ago
"Canadian US, that's a big border isn't it?" #Millard asks. 4000 miles. Witness describing topographies and population differences

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 11s11 seconds ago
The Crown finished with Powell in less than five minutes. Dellen Millard is now cross examining Powell.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 14s14 seconds ago
Millard says it's possible to cross into the US from Canada through forest or water. Powell says there is security that can detect that.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 18s18 seconds ago
"If somebody wanted to take a boat... there's a whole lot of places they can cross" witness says tech monitors that. Can't discuss security
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
There are so many places, boaters may not even know they've crossed the border, #Millard says. It happens, witness agrees.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 16s16 seconds ago
#Millard wants to know other ways ppl can cross illegally. Witness refuses to answer. Laughter in court

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 16s16 seconds ago
Millard asks Powell to list the number of ways people can cross the border illegally. Powell he won't do that - security reasons.

Oh DM, what are you getting at here? Did you really think he was going to list that for you? :laughing:

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 21s21 seconds ago
"A lot of air space is not controlled air space right?" #Millard asks. "I can't answer that, classified."
Regarding the civil suit filed by TB's family, suing DM and the other parties - this was filed long before the trial started for TB's murder. It helps see that every means is used to hold those responsible accountable. Another court, the Supreme Court, finding guilt, another level of accountability.
Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 14s14 seconds ago
Millard says it's possible to cross into the US from Canada through forest or water. Powell says there is security that can detect that.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 18s18 seconds ago
"If somebody wanted to take a boat... there's a whole lot of places they can cross" witness says tech monitors that. Can't discuss security

DM is probably either really curious about this because he himself considered crossing illegally to run drugs and guns, or he has inside information of people who do cross illegally while gun and drug running. :rolleyes:

I am waiting for Millard to ask 'can you smuggle drugs across in a trailer with secret compartments.? What about a false pregnancy belly?' Oh ya that was from his old life.

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Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 15s15 seconds ago
"Thank you sir, you've been very frank and helpful," #Millard finishes with border official.

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO 8s8 seconds ago
Next witness is boarder patrol who says missing woman Laura Babcock made no lawful entry into the US.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews now
If we don't see them there's no statistics on them, witness says of illegal entrants into US. Dungey up for Smich asking same q's now

Oct 26 2017 12:19 PM
Shannon Martin

Dellen Millard cross examines Powell, asking him to list the number of ways people can cross into the US illegally.

Powell won't get into that, for security reasons.

Now Thomas Dungey is up, asking about people being smuggled into the States. Powell concedes it happens.

Dungey presses about illegal crossings.

"No, there's technology. The entire northern border is patrolled with technology or personnel," Powell says.
I am waiting for Millard to ask 'can you smuggle drugs across in a trailer with secret compartments.? What about a false pregnancy belly?' Oh ya that was from his old life.

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He's just messing with this guy, laughing in his own head at what he knows is the truth. He's probably pretty proud of all the stuff he did get away with at the border. It appears he thought he'd get away with driving a stolen truck over as well.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 1m1 minute ago
It's such a big problem you have senators who want to build a wall! Dungey says. "That's politics," Powell says.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 1m1 minute ago
Dungey tries a similar line of questioning - trying to build a theory, perhaps, that Babcock crossed into the US illegally.

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO 1m1 minute ago
Border patrol, next witness says missing woman Laura Babcock made no lawful entry into the USA.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 48s48 seconds ago
There is a big difference between Canada and Mexico borders with US, Powell (border witness) says. He is done

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 1m1 minute ago
Powell concedes it does happen, but says, "there's technology. The entire northern border is patrolled with technology or personnel."

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 46s46 seconds ago
Powell is finished on the stand. Judge Michael Code is now calling for lunch recess.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 50s50 seconds ago
All witnesses for the week are done, judge says. Week 2 witnesses start this afternoon. #Babcock trial still ahead of schedule

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 12s12 seconds ago
Crown files agreed statement of fact that Laura #Babcock never tried to change her name.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews now
Replying to @HefCHCHNews

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 15s15 seconds ago
Lunch until 2:15. #Babcock

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 8s8 seconds ago
We'll be back at 2:15 p.m.

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO 1m1 minute ago
Judge: The case is moving smartly ahead of schedule.
Agreed fact: No person called Laura Babcock applied to change their name.
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