Laura Babcock Murder Trial 10.27.17 - Day 5

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"I absolutely have no feelings of emotion for him,” she said. After spending “four months of my life in a tiny box,” after her arrest, she said, she fell out of love with him.

“Over time I started to feel a contempt towards him,” and “a bit of a loathing.

“He put me in a situation I didn’t belong in. And he cheated on me,” she said, her voice growing louder. “The fact he couldn’t tell me that to my face… I’ve been humiliated in public, scrutinized."

He seems to have killed a bunch of people, but that's not the problem, he cheated on her!
Is it possible she is studying in Poland to be a chiropractor, like her parents ? They do have the title of Dr. Her parents could hire her if she comes back to Canada. Not that I want to see this happen, but I wonder if it would be possible with her record ? IMO

I thought it was only Mom that was a Chiropractor? Wasn’t Dad an RMT?

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It depends on what they ask her. She would obviously be a Crown Witness and I am sure that once again she would be difficult. If she's one of the points on the triangle then I would think that putting her on the stand and confirming that she was dating DM at the same time he was sleeping with LB would then confirm the "love triangle".

But I think there's more to come on the CN front. There are going to be letters from prison that will talk about LB. I am sure of it. I think there's more evidence in that messy closet/room of hers that will come to light.

There are still publication bans in place and I think one of those Publication Bans could be a deal for her to testify at this trial.

We will see.


I agree with this. And a question if anyone has any it too late to charge CN with regard to possible involvement in this murder? Assuming no deals in place. Is she truly able to breathe freely yet?
Is it possible she is studying in Poland to be a chiropractor, like her parents ? They do have the title of Dr. Her parents could hire her if she comes back to Canada. Not that I want to see this happen, but I wonder if it would be possible with her record ? IMO

You still have to get a license to practice, from the professional chiropractic organization, and they require criminal screening. I think a conviction for destroying evidence is a serious concern for anyone wanting to be a professional of any kind, they're all regulated by self-governing organizations that expect their members to voluntarily uphold their code of ethics, not to mention be law abiding.
The charge she got is serious about obstructing justice. It can prevent travel and hinder employment plans. She served a few months I guess in jail. If it had been an accessory charge she would have done time in prison. I am happy to know Sharlene included her in her civil lawsuit, I did not know that , excellent, way to go Sharlene. It will be justice when a judgment is made and Sharlene can go after CN for the money, yay , any way to get more justice is a good thing. CN is sinister, Laura was troubled and looks like could be a nuisance but she was not sinister from all I read about her. CN is not a good person , that is without any question.
He seems to have killed a bunch of people, but that's not the problem, he cheated on her!
Wasn't he cheating on his fiancée with her? Had she
already taken the hypocritic oath?
Are you sure that is valid in Canada? If so, thanks for the clarification and I really hope it is true.

That is a good point Snooperduper, Rabbit probably did take care of it pay her off for not saying anything to the police. Good to know , that they can go after her and if it takes 30 years to pay it off , justice for Laura and Tim Bosma and father.

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