Laura Babcock Murder Trial 10.30.17 - Day 6

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didn't SL say he had the password for her voice mail, and he checked it?

I agree... it's a very, very unusual scene, period.

I am trying to remember whether I've heard the judge remind the jury that DM's suggestive, leading questioning is neither testimony nor evidence, but it's gotten a little blurred with all of the reminders and guidance that's come from the judge in this highly unusual situation.

Doesn't matter, DM should LEAK as much info as he wants. Being sloppy only gives the crown more info.
Quote Originally Posted by sillybilly View Post
There was a 21 min phone call on July 1 at 18:57 ... all others after that until July 3 were 4 mins or less, so short enough that they could have been LB leaving messages on voice mail. I don't know about others, but 4 mins is the max my voice mail will record.

Orr had a long call with LB she only says "July" but was early morning she recalls.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
Laura #Babcock's calls became more rare in 2012. In July, in the early morning hours, they had a long phone convo. Crown will go back
It seems that DM is playing this like he didn't give a **** about any woman anyway so why would he kill one to appease another. "I wasn't a good boyfriend, was I?" He is playing this to his advantage. I think there may be assistance with the witness Karoline on this.

What was the deal with the photo of him and a blond woman and a black cat? To show what a bad boyfriend was was again?
Enough with the narcissist DM’s bedroom life already....can’t wait for the crown’s massive forensic uppercut that will send him and Smich flying across the room
What was the deal with the photo of him and a blond woman and a black cat? To show what a bad boyfriend was was again?

Maybe he was trying to bring the ex-fiancee into the discussion. that's the first blonde linked to DM I think of.

The photo becomes and exhibit anyway so the ex-fiancee will be forever linked to the case now.
Maybe he was trying to bring the ex-fiancee into the discussion. that's the first blonde linked to DM I think of.

The photo becomes and exhibit anyway so the ex-fiancee will be forever linked to the case now.
She won't be pleased about that!

Why is he allowed to get so off topic and ask questions a "normal" lawyer would never get away with?
She won't be pleased about that!

Why is he allowed to get so off topic and ask questions a "normal" lawyer would never get away with?

To avoid a mistrial probably. Remember that cop that killed his girlfriend and contained her body in a plastic barrel in his basement? His behaviour in court was beyond the pale but they grit their teeth and bore it to make sure they wouldn't have to do it again.
Maybe he was trying to bring the ex-fiancee into the discussion. that's the first blonde linked to DM I think of.

The photo becomes and exhibit anyway so the ex-fiancee will be forever linked to the case now.

I'm sure she will *so* appreciate that!
We know that after her hotel stay had ended LB was at the end of her rope. She didn't have anywhere to go as she'd left her roommate and been kicked out of bar guy's pad. So she makes multiple calls to Millard. At this point CN already knows that DM & LB had been sleeping together, so she really didn't have any leverage there. Something was compelling enough that after 8 calls, Millard agreed to see her.

Just started reading so pardon me if this has already been mentioned but according to LH's tweet:

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 7h7 hours ago

Laura #Babcock had been planning to move in with Nate, after she checked out of the hotel, she told Orr.
Pondering the reference to cars in the hangar and recalled a reference to DM having a camero there. Then thinking of the unsolved murder of Audrey Gleave--a camero owner. Camero beside her body. Death Dec 27, 2010. Wondering if killer couldn't find key, got mad and finished her off.

Here is a quote from a news piece, "The woman says that a neighbour told her that she saw someone walking down Audrey's driveway wearing a backpack. What made it so odd is that they never get pedestrians in their area."

Sound familiar?
I remember people curious if there was a connection here....

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In retrospect...... could easily have been a 'setup', to make people think that she would be out of the country at just the right time? hmm
The only way people knew she was in "Poland" was from Instagram. It's probably BS like the rest of her crap. Moo

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Enough with the narcissist DM’s bedroom life already....can’t wait for the crown’s massive forensic uppercut that will send him and Smich flying across the room
Wouldn't DM already know this though based on disclosure?

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marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
Millard got a hair cut over the weekend. It's above the shoulder now. A small braid on one side falls a bit longer. Drawing soon.

Wonder if that drawing is going to look anything like the Padawan Braid from Star Wars.. Didn't DM refer to himself as that in some of the letters between himself and CN? Obi Wan.. lol what an idiot.. this guys too much.

"Precious!" :yuck: "For heaven sakes...Oh bother." Just referring back to DM's special way with words. :laugh: I find it interesting to read back on some of these older articles.

I couldn't find any reference to the letters and Obi Wan. But here's an article with reference to the letters and CN wiping away evidence. I only hope she takes the stand again and proves once again what an idiot she truly is. Had she been tried by a jury instead of getting a reduced sentence, she would be sitting in prison as we speak I bet. ALL MOO.

In exclusive jailhouse interviews with the Hamilton Spectator this week — a visit Millard described as “precious” — both men accused of murdering Ancaster man Tim Bosma said they’ve been advised not to speak.

For heaven’s sake, it’s right in front of everyone’s faces, and no one seems to be able to figure it all out!? This silence is very frustrating.

Oh bother, I’ve forgotten who I lent my February Rolling Stones [sic] magazine to.
Shannon Martin
Crown Jill Cameron is trying to clarify something Millard's questioning brought up - that Babcock was planning to move into a friend's place (a man called Nate, Orr only remembers his first name) after she planned to leave a hotel at the end of June.

Her former boyfriend and close friend Shawn Lerner was paying for Babcock to stay in a hotel, after she bounced around a few places. She'd disagreed with her parents about house rules. We also know she was staying with a high school friend who introduced her to escorting in the spring of 2012.

These may seem minor or confusing details at the moment, but it's all part of the case the Crown's building. We'll likely hear more about this later.

Laura had 3000 or more dollars in a shoe box but was desperate for a place to stay so SH put her up in a hotel, and after that, in desperation, she went to DM.
What am I missing here?
A few things...all are MOO

I feel like KS and CN know way more about what happened to LB then they are letting on. If they are besties sure as ***** they are talking. I feel like KS is a backstabber/user. She's "friends" with LB but condones nasty texts from CN and does she try to find out more info from LB to take back to her friend CN? These are all games.

I'm wondering if jailhouse letters/calls still make their way to DM

Also feel like AM and SS know a ton of crap. Wondering if that is why the MH falling out.

I felt terrible for MO. I feel like she really cared about LB. It was evident from her testimony.

Seriously all of these players are lucky they are walking free and the fact they are makes me sick.

Just random thoughts at this trial moves forward

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I feel like KS and CN know way more about what happened to LB then they are letting on. If they are besties sure as ***** they are talking. I feel like KS is a backstabber/user. She's "friends" with LB but condones nasty texts from CN and does she try to find out more info from LB to take back to her friend CN? These are all games.

I gather that the impression that you get by reading the tweets, and that you get from being in the courtroom or reading the wrap-up articles is very different.

From the tweets I felt like KS was sympathetic to DM but in the press they described KS as being disgusted with him. Perhaps because she used a bit of sarcasm her position didn't come out clearly in tweets.

I felt with her being best friends with CN she would have more to say against DM but she mostly had bad things to say about LB.

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