Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.01.17 - Day 8

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Marcovitch says he's been in the escorting business for more than 30 years.

He started when he was 19 in Montreal.

He says he got accepted into law school, but "the money was too good" in escorting.

Millard asks about payment. Marcovitch says clients pay about $200, and the woman makes $120.
by Shannon Martin 2:17 PM

Millard asks the witness if he knows anyone in the business in Montreal.

Marcovitch says he didn't. He was only in the business for one year there, when he was 19.

Millard asks if he ever worked with women from Montreal.

Marcovitch says an escort could come for a few days, do some work, and leave.

Justice Michael Code says Millard, "This is really marginal, Mr. Millard, does it matter to this case if women come from Montreal to work here?
by Shannon Martin 2:21 PM

Millard now asks if Babcock ever told Marcovitch about plans to go to Montreal.

He says no.

Millard now directs Marcovitch to his police statement.

He told police he saw texts from Babcock that said she needed a place to stay. In the statement, he also talked about texts where Babcock said she was "going to leave."

Marcovitch, "She was saying whatever she could to try and get help."
by Shannon Martin 2:24 PM

Marcovitch says he understood the text saying she was going to leave - meant she was going to leave the escorting service.

Millard asks again if Babcock mentioned going to Montreal?

Witness says no.
by Shannon Martin 2:26 PM
Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV now1 minute ago
He told police he saw texts from Babcock that said she needed a place to stay and another Babcock said she was "going to leave."

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews now18 seconds ago
Millard asking questions about a text message in which #Babcock says "I'm going to leave, can you help me." RM not sure what it was about

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV now3 seconds ago
Millard asks again if Babcock mentioned going to Montreal?

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV now1 minute ago
Marcovitch says he understood the text saying she was going to leave - meant she was going to leave the escorting service.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews 7s8 seconds ago
No more questions for #Millard. Dungey wants to know if Laura #Babcock was easy to manipulate. Marcovitch says she acted it, but was smart

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 8s8 seconds ago
Millard has no further questions.
Smich's lawyer Thomas Dungey up now.Dungey asks if Babcock was manipulative?

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews now26 seconds ago
Marcovitch thought Laura #Babcock was smarter and harder to manipulate than she led on.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV 33s33 seconds ago
Marcovitch says she "played or acted easier than she was." He doesn't clarify what he means by this.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews now1 minute ago
Laura #Babcock let Julia control her, Marcovitch told police. "I don't know if she let herself be easy to manipulate."

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV now12 seconds ago
Dungey directs Marcovitch to his police statement.
In it, Marcovitch said Babcock was "under complete control of Julia"

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV now2 minutes ago
Julia is the high school friend who got Babcock into escorting.
Millard has no further questions.

Smich's lawyer Thomas Dungey up now.

Dungey asks if Babcock was manipulative?

Marcovitch says she "played or acted easier than she was." He doesn't clarify what he means by this.
by Shannon Martin 2:28 PM

Dungey directs Marcovitch to his police statement.

In it, Marcovitch said Babcock was "under complete control of Julia" -- this is the high school friend who got Babcock into escorting.

Marcovitch says now "I don't know if Laura let her (Julia) control her."

Dungey is done.

And that means Marcovitch is also done in the witness box.
by Shannon Martin 2:30 PM

Justice Michael Code tells the jury we're done for the day but tomorrow will bring a "full slate of witnesses" including testimony on Babcock's phone records, and police officers who seized evidence.

"It'll be a full day."

And with that he dismisses the jury.

That's it for me, we'll be back tomorrow with the live blog at 10 a.m. ET
by Shannon Martin 2:32 PM
Tomorrow sounds like they will be getting to the more interesting stuff

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Was Babcock just a "thrill kill", like many believe about Bosma?

I have trouble accepting the idea that Millard killed her because she was pregnant with his child. She was on a ton of different drugs and narcotics and was getting involved in the sex trade. She was also malnourished and semi-homeless. Could she really sustain a pregnancy in such circumstances? Would she not seek an abortion?

I'm sure that Babcock was an annoyance to Millard. We've heard that she went to him for drugs, sex, a place to stay, etc. As she became more unstable Millard probably got sick of dealing with her. She became more of a parasite than a sex toy or "side chick" for him. She may have even threatened to report his illicit activities to the cops if he didn't give her what she wanted.

In light of all that, there were so many ways that Millard could have dealt with her without going to the lengths that he did. For example, he could have just blocked her from his phone and never spoke to her again. Or, if he truly just wanted her dead, he could have staged her suicide by forcing her to overdose on one of the many drugs she was addicted to at the time.

Instead, Millard spent months plotting, acquiring around $20,000 of equipment (guns and incinerator), and getting Smich involved to help him carry out a vicious murder. Killing Babcock -- and Bosma -- was an extension of the thrill-seeking missions and empire-building that Millard and Smich pursued, and when it came to adventures of any kind, Millard never worried about the cost. It so happened that Babcock was a bit of a problem to Millard, and more importantly an easy target.

Murder offered a sick pleasure that Millard and Smich could experience together. Shooting somebody, burning their body, etc. The secrecy and exclusivity of it to just them also added to the thrill. (Sure, they might have told others about it, but nobody else was invited to be directly involved.) In my opinion, texts like "the BBQ is ready for meat" reveal a hunger that Millard and Smich had, which could only be satisfied when they partook in these evil acts. IMO, many of the texts leading up to Bosma's killing also reveal this hunger. It's like they were drooling with anticipation.
Millard has no further questions.

Smich's lawyer Thomas Dungey up now.

Dungey asks if Babcock was manipulative?

Marcovitch says she "played or acted easier than she was." He doesn't clarify what he means by this.
by Shannon Martin 2:28 PM

Dungey directs Marcovitch to his police statement.

In it, Marcovitch said Babcock was "under complete control of Julia" -- this is the high school friend who got Babcock into escorting.

Marcovitch says now "I don't know if Laura let her (Julia) control her."

Dungey is done.

And that means Marcovitch is also done in the witness box.
by Shannon Martin 2:30 PM

Justice Michael Code tells the jury we're done for the day but tomorrow will bring a "full slate of witnesses" including testimony on Babcock's phone records, and police officers who seized evidence.

"It'll be a full day."

And with that he dismisses the jury.

That's it for me, we'll be back tomorrow with the live blog at 10 a.m. ET
by Shannon Martin 2:32 PM


Now we'll get into the nitty gritty of this case. Here comes the hard evidence.
I honestly believe it is the scenario of so many killers - entitled rich kid who thinks they can get away with whatever they want. A total thrill kill.

LB was easy to get to him. No one would miss her (in their eyes). She's an escort, so they know police will just brush it aside. She was just an easy target imo.
But seriously how pathetic is the police? Girl disappears. 8 last calls made to same guy? They don't even have a conversation with him?? Couple months later show up to a house DM lives with his dad . The dad is dead. A rich man living with a spolied kid shot himself in the eye with an illegal firearm. Looks like suicide to me boys now let's go get some donuts.
I looked at your timeline, I think it's significant that the negotiations/purchase of the gun began in the week or two before the CN/LB text spat.

I don't believe DM bought the gun to kill Laura, I don't think he cared about her enough to kill her, until she betrayed him to CN. I think he may have bought it to kill his father, but then decided to kill someone else first. Or he may have had in mind lucrative Bosma-type murders, but needed to eliminate his father to be free to do that. I do believe he saw LB as an easy target for practise.

I believe he was also planning a Baja500 run that year and started planning the truck theft as well. He did not make the Baja race that year and instead went on vacation with CN towards the end of April 2012.

Interesting to note that DM always chose victims who were vulnerable.

Laura was struggling with mental illness and drug addiction and was essentially clinging onto whatever she could grab.

Wayne Millard - older and an alcoholic - easy prey I'm sure.

Tim Bosma - a nice guy. DM asked who he should steal the truck from the "nice guy", or the ***hole? Tim was a nice guy, unsuspecting and just wanted to sell his truck. He was taken unawares and had no ability to fight back.

In DM's world he thought that killing Laura and Tim would make him look tough and "be the man".

In my world, I would call someone like this a COWARD. Someone who preys on the vulnerable is nothing but a loser and a coward.

Was Babcock just a "thrill kill", like many believe about Bosma?

I have trouble accepting the idea that Millard killed her because she was pregnant with his child. She was on a ton of different drugs and narcotics and was getting involved in the sex trade. She was also malnourished and semi-homeless. Could she really sustain a pregnancy in such circumstances? Would she not seek an abortion?

I'm sure that Babcock was an annoyance to Millard. We've heard that she went to him for drugs, sex, a place to stay, etc. As she became more unstable Millard probably got sick of dealing with her. She became more of a parasite than a sex toy or "side chick" for him. She may have even threatened to report his illicit activities to the cops if he didn't give her what she wanted.

In light of all that, there were so many ways that Millard could have dealt with her without going to the lengths that he did. For example, he could have just blocked her from his phone and never spoke to her again. Or, if he truly just wanted her dead, he could have staged her suicide by forcing her to overdose on one of the many drugs she was addicted to at the time.

Instead, Millard spent months plotting, acquiring around $20,000 of equipment (guns and incinerator), and getting Smich involved to help him carry out a vicious murder. Killing Babcock -- and Bosma -- was an extension of the thrill-seeking missions and empire-building that Millard and Smich pursued, and when it came to adventures of any kind, Millard never worried about the cost. It so happened that Babcock was a bit of a problem to Millard, and more importantly an easy target.

Murder offered a sick pleasure that Millard and Smich could experience together. Shooting somebody, burning their body, etc. The secrecy and exclusivity of it to just them also added to the thrill. (Sure, they might have told others about it, but nobody else was invited to be directly involved.) In my opinion, texts like "the BBQ is ready for meat" reveal a hunger that Millard and Smich had, which could only be satisfied when they partook in these evil acts. IMO, many of the texts leading up to Bosma's killing also reveal this hunger. It's like they were drooling with anticipation.

Not buying the "thrill kill" aspect. With TB & WM there were definitely things to be gained, a motive if you will. I do believe that LB was asking Millard for things, whether it be drugs, a place to stay or sex. Sure Millard could have ignored her, but if she started leveraging her knowledge of his illegal activities, he'd be forced to deal with her.

And if it were just for the thrill of it, why not wait for the incinerator to be in place? Nope, something was urgent, she had to go now and they'd deal with the disposal later.
But seriously how pathetic is the police? Girl disappears. 8 last calls made to same guy? They don't even have a conversation with him?? Couple months later show up to a house DM lives with his dad . The dad is dead. A rich man living with a spolied kid shot himself in the eye with an illegal firearm. Looks like suicide to me boys now let's go get some donuts.

Cops had many opportunities to nab Millard. Remember the GPS in the stolen Bobcat? Led them right to his door. But these are the same guys that interviewed Paul Bernardo multiple times and letting him slide.
Interesting to note that DM always chose victims who were vulnerable.

Laura was struggling with mental illness and drug addiction and was essentially clinging onto whatever she could grab.

Wayne Millard - older and an alcoholic - easy prey I'm sure.

Tim Bosma - a nice guy. DM asked who he should steal the truck from the "nice guy", or the ***hole? Tim was a nice guy, unsuspecting and just wanted to sell his truck. He was taken unawares and had no ability to fight back.

In DM's world he thought that killing Laura and Tim would make him look tough and "be the man".

In my world, I would call someone like this a COWARD. Someone who preys on the vulnerable is nothing but a loser and a coward.


Not going to really blame him for that. Criminals will always prey on those weaker than themselves. They didn't steal Igor's truck because he was intimidating. Cowardice or common sense? I'll say the latter.
I think his lawyering skills are something else-besides a waste of time...from yesterday when he asks the witness if it is himself with the helicopter and the suitcase, witness not sure, he took of glasses and asks now? Then says forget it it's not about him anyway it's about the suitcase.:facepalm::scared:
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