Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.05.17 - Closing Arguments - Day 1

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Not sure how a client would contact LB if she had a new phone and not even her agency knew about it.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
31s31 seconds ago
"There's volumes and volumes of information big brother has been able to collect," but no evidence that he was with #LauraBabcock, he says she left him alone when he asked. "There is no motive."

Except for those phone calls and pings showing you were both in the same area from July 3rd around 6:30pm until her phone died in Mississauga, not Montreal.

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
1m1 minute ago
This is the part where Millard tries to anticipate the crown's case. The crown is going to ask you to believe Laura's dead because her phone isn't in operation after July 4th, and she hasn't contacted friends and family since then. #LauraBabcock
Did I miss the part where he explained why him having sleep problems was important or do I still have that to look forward to?
Correct and DM always goes first because indictments are always done alphabetically in order to not allow the Crown to choose the order of the defence to their advantage..

Do you have a link for that? I thought it was done by the order they were charged, not alphabetical. I've heard conflicting information and haven't fully understood where it stands for this trial.

Millard says to the jury that the Crown, in its closing, will say Babcock is dead, that she was murdered.

"I take the position there is no evidence of murder," he says.

by Shannon Martin 4:37 PM
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
1m1 minute ago
That's not evidence of her death, #Millard says, adjusting his dark-framed glasses. We heard from her father "he gave us a rosy picture of the home life, he denied there was a problem, thought Laura was being difficult." #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
1m1 minute ago
Clayton Babcock is glaring at Millard.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
1m1 minute ago
"Laura did have mental health issues, and she wasn't getting support from anyone, including her family. Consider that," #Millard tells jury.

marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO
1m1 minute ago
Millard: Laura's father essentially gave us a rosy picture of home life, he denied any problem, they changed the locks on her. Mental health is a real issue in society. Still a stigma. She wasn't getting any support for it.

Millard now takes aim at Babcock's mental health, and her family.

"We heard an agreed statement of fact that Laura had a lot of issues she was working on. We also heard from Laura's father, this rosy picture that everything was fine. That Laura was just being a little difficult."

"Of course, he changed the locks on her.... We heard Laura would've preferred to sleep in a park rather than go home."
by Shannon Martin 4:41 PM

millard now takes aim at babcock's mental health, and her family.

"we heard an agreed statement of fact that laura had a lot of issues she was working on. We also heard from laura's father, this rosy picture that everything was fine. That laura was just being a little difficult."

"of course, he changed the locks on her.... We heard laura would've preferred to sleep in a park rather than go home."
by shannon martin 4:41 pm

i hate dm.
Millard says Babcock was struggling with "real mental health issues" and wasn't getting support, even at home.

Laura's father, sitting in the front row, shook his head and mouthed "Wow."

by Shannon Martin 4:43 PM

Wow is right. :maddening:
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
2m2 minutes ago
Laura Babcock had problems in her friendships with other girls, Millard says, and lists the examples.

Only the mean girls DM. :notgood:
Millard says Babcock was struggling with "real mental health issues" and wasn't getting support, even at home.

Laura's father, sitting in the front row, shook his head and mouthed "Wow."

by Shannon Martin 4:43 PM

Wow is right. :maddening:

I hope the Jury saw that.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
2m2 minutes ago
Take in everything, #Millard tells the jury. #LauraBabcock's mental health problems, her recent work as an escort. "Is it unimaginable someone would choose not to contact home or friends, given those rocky relationships?"

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
1m1 minute ago
Laura Babcock was making more that $200/hour, "a staggering amount of money," Millard says, she was not without resources. "She learned different places she could make that money. Not just Toronto, Montreal as well."

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
48s49 seconds ago
No bank activity on Laura's accounts, but that was the case for months, Millard says, "she just never used banks." He asks jury to infer that the escort line of work is a cash business. #LauraBabcock
No that's as a different story. That case had a ton of real evidence. As long as the jury legitimately isn't aware of the TB case I think they aquit Dell.

We'll see if you still feel that way after the Crown's closing arguments.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
19s19 seconds ago
If people have seen people alive after July 4th, the jury can infer that she changed her phone number, Millard tells jury. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
If people had seen "Laura" alive, that should read

Only one person still believes that he MAY have seen her. And he had reason to want it to be her considering the charges against his son. I would have to believe that his son was a POI at some point.

I feel for this Jury. This is almost torturous listening to this garbage. Robert Burns was right. Nothing comes out his mouth but drivel.
Did I miss the part where he explained why him having sleep problems was important or do I still have that to look forward to?

I asked why his so-called sleep issues were introduced earlier as I didn't see the relevance. It's still never been explain yet - and DM raps up today.
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