Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.06.17 - Closing Arguments - Day 2

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The Crown is relying on the common sense of the jury.

Unfortunately for most accused, the collective common sense of a jury is usually what does them in.
By 2:53 a.m., she's at Last Minute Escorts at Mt. Pleasant and Eglington. She's there until 10:37 a.m., Cameron says.
by Adam Carter 2:16 PM

She then goes back and forth to the hotel and the escort office, Cameron says.
by Adam Carter 2:17 PM
Just after midnight on June 28, she arrives in the park near Jessica Trevors apartment. She stays there that night, Cameron says.
by Adam Carter 2:18 PM

June 30, at 2:13 a.m., Babcock answers a text from Millard. Millard texts back, and they start going back and forth.
by Adam Carter 2:19 PM
Early morning on June 30, Babcock calls Millard, Cameron says.
by Adam Carter 2:19 PM

She then goes to her parent's home that evening, Cameron says -- and Babcock is looking for a place to stay.
by Adam Carter 2:20 PM
I understand that concept, but frankly, if you've been convicted of murder there should be serious consequences, and among them IMO should be that you won't be protected by the law in future court cases. Protecting the rights of the accused over the rights of the victim just does not feel fair at all to me. I am more concerned with victims being able to trust the system to protect their rights more than the rights of a convicted murderer.

Few seem to have a problem with LB's past and reputation being used against her in this trial and that says to me that as a society when it comes to the law we have it all wrong!


It is very hard to watch this previous M1 convictions involving use of the incinerator information not be allowed into evidence, especially when unscrupulous lawyers use it to intentionally deceive the jury on certain facts as DM and TD have done in this trail. Inclusion of these convictions in this case would definitely be a huge boost to the crowns case and a big help in the convicting of these two dangerous and guilty (imo) murderers.

But, inclusion of prior murder convictions would certainly heavily prejudice jurys and would very likely be the cause of many wrongful convictions in otherwise weak cases. Now the thought of a convicted murderer ending up with an extra conviction or two that aren’t theirs doesn’t bother me very much to be honest.. But, the compromise would be that those wrongful convictions would then leave free and unsought the real perpetrator(s) who would be enmboldend and more experienced to continue to prey on other unsuspecting victims.

The system as it now stands is a compromise to be sure, but it does force law enforcement and the prosecution to prove each case on its merits alone. Unfortunately us humans and our systems are all very flawed
Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

On June 26, Shawn Lerner takes #LauraBabcock to dinner then back to her hotel. She talks and texts with several people. At 2:33 am June 27 she gets a call from Richard Markovich. Then goes to escort agency. We can see this in her phone records. She was there all night.

While she's at the agency, she talks and texts with other friends. Gets a text from her mom. Goes back to the hotel. Then back to the escort agency (as Markovich testified) she stayed there all day & night, until midnight. Then goes to park to sleep.

Instead Jessica Trevors invites her in for a place to sleep. #LauraBabcock is in contact with someone from her home many times. "It's not until June 30th that she texts #Millard back." They write back and forth (actual messages not available).

She left Jessica Trevors and went to her parents' home. #LauraBabcock was frantically calling around for a place to stay on the way. Mostly with #Millard. Why didn't Millard come get her? I submit they weren't ready for her. He doesn't have the gun. Doesn't have the incinerator
Cameron says it's around this time that Millard reached out to Matthew Ward Jackson about buying a gun.
by Adam Carter 2:20 PM

June 30 8:23 p.m., Babcock is still talking to Millard, Cameron says.
by Adam Carter 2:21 PM
On July 1, Babcock texts back and forth with Millard, and they have two phone calls -- one of which lasts over 22 minutes, Cameron says.
by Adam Carter 2:22 PM

They text more on July 2, Cameron says.
by Adam Carter 2:23 PM
Cameron says Babcock was at an address at Dufferin and Dundas around 3:28 a.m. on July 3, when Millard and Babcock are texting again.
by Adam Carter 2:24 PM

Cameron says until Babcock meets up with Millard on July 3, she "kept leaving her mark on this world," and was in regular contact with other people. "For five years, she hasn't reached out to a single one of them."
by Adam Carter 2:26 PM

Could someone take over the live blog posts? I've got to head out
Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

Millard doesn't extend an invitation. Cameron says, because they aren't ready. On June 30th she spoke to #Millard twice. Her mom calls. Later she calls her mom, also other friends. Sleeps at Blasiak's (the friend who shot the meowing video, shot 8pm July 1st).

July 1st Millard and Babcock share several text messages and phone conversations. She speaks to several other people too. Ends up at Prince Arthur, exchanges several messages and phone calls with #Millard.

July 2 at 11:24pm #LauraBabcock is at the Park Hyatt with Dr Khattak. She left quickly after gettting a phone call, he testified. Then she went to an address at Dufferin and Dundas. #Millard texts her three times. She gets back to him.

July 3 she talks and texts with #Millard all day, and he picks her up at Kipling Station, crown says.

She kept leaving her mark on this world until that meeting with Dellen #Millard. Communicating with people important to her. In five and a half years she hasn't reached out to anyone. "You can rest assured that Laura is deceased."
During the trial the Crown goes first so the Crown calls the witnesses first. The Crown did not call this one.
The defense lawyers have to go by what the Crown does.

I don't believe that to be true.
Defense can call their own witnesses.
Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

Laura was killed by #Millard and #Smich on July 3rd. Millard picks her up at 6:30 pm and takes her back to Maple Gate. Smich was there.

At 6:51 #Millard tells Smich he'll be back in 15 minutes & "don't be outside." Crown says Millard didn't want Marlena to see Laura. Or Laura to see Smich. "Because they were going to kill her."

Millard is on a mission later. They plan to meet up. "There's nothing in the evidence to suggest they don't" Cameron says. 8:21 pm they are back at Maple Gate. Millard and Smich do not use their phones from 7:33pm until 12:40am, when #Smich wants to play video games.

Millard is on a mission later. They plan to meet up. "There's nothing in the evidence to suggest they don't" Cameron says. 8:21 pm they are back at Maple Gate. Millard and Smich do not use their phones from 7:33pm until 12:40am, when #Smich wants to play video games.

We know Laura was killed at Maple Gate, and #Smich was part of the plan. Numerous pieces of evidence support this, Cameron says.
Oh wow, thank you. I kept referring to billandrews timeline for beginning of july communication. My apologies, I came into this trial late!

No problem at all! It is hard to keep track of all the details :)
Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

Smich clearly told his friends that they or he killed a girl. "Their evidence is reliable," Crown says. Their evidence doesn't stand alone. "Despite a drug induced fog," Desi Liberatore had great detail about seeing the "true" rap in Smich's garage.

Liberatore remembers great detail about the garage, the Honda with the pink rims. "He's clearly been in the garage." He knew the lyrics were written on an older model iPad in the Notes application. "We know all this is true."

Marlena Meneses was asked to leave the garage before the rap song was played. The witnesses remember the experience "pretty much" the same, with "normal" discrepancies. Liberatore remembered what the rap was about. He remembered #Smich's hand motions.
Oh wow, thank you. I kept referring to billandrews timeline for beginning of july communication. My apologies, I came into this trial late!

Sorry, someone just pointed out that this is the total number of calls, not just calls and texts between DM and LB. She still used her phone a lot though! :)
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

Cameron says that the jury can "rest assured that Laura is deceased." She says her footprints "end abruptly and completely."

Cameron says that Millard wrote Noudga a "fake story" about how Babcock died in a letter. "How did he know she was dead? Because they were there. Laura was killed by Mr. Millard and Mr. Smich at 5 Maple Gate court" on July 3, Cameron says, saying that Millard picked her up at Kipling Station that day around 6:30 p.m.

Cameron saying that Babcock is with Millard when he texts Smich "don't be out front," and he didn't want Meneses to see Babcock -- or, he didn't want Babcock to see Smich "because they were going to kill her."

Cameron says Millard and Smich don't use their phones at all from 7:33 p.m. until 12:40 p.m.
"I submit they don't text each other or anyone else, because they are together. They had a plan ... and that plan was to deal with Laura Babcock," Cameron says.

Cameron again says "we know that Laura was killed at Maple Gate."

Cameron says the two friends of Smich gave reliable and credible evidence about Smich saying "they killed a girl."
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