Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.06.17 - Closing Arguments - Day 2

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Sorry, someone just pointed out that this is the total number of calls, not just calls and texts between DM and LB. She still used her phone a lot though! :)

Yes I caught that, thank you. Still surprised about the evidence of texts between LB and DM on those dates. I REALLY wish we could see the contents of the texts, I’m assuming the Crown may not even have that info.
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

Cameron now working to show the jury that Liberatore's memory and recall is still good, despite being in a "drug induced fog."

Cameron says Smich's rap is about "torching a woman and throwing her phone in a lake."

Cameron now playing audio of the testimony where Desi said Smich did "a breast stroke motion" when rapping the part about the cell phone. We're seeing the same thing in the video. "He remembered the motion Mark was making," Cameron says. She again calls him a reliable witness.

Cameron also says Cronin was not a drug addict at the time of the night in the garage, unlike Dungey suggested.

"He remembered for sure that Mark Smich said he killed a girl and burned her body," Cameron says.
Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

Crown is playing silent video of #Smich doing a breast stroke. Desi Liberatore's testimony about watching the song is playing under the video. "His memory is pretty good," Cameron says.

"He didn't just remember the lyrics, he remembered the motions." Dungey said Liberatore was unreliable. Crown submits he wasn't. Liberatore told you Mark said he killed someone and burned her body and threw her phone in the lake.

One "blunt" or "spliff" shared between five people... didn't affect David Cronin's memory, crown says. Cronin wasn't a drug addict. His "occurrences" with police are not relevant, Cameron says.

As soon as Cronin heard the media coverage in May of 2013, about #LauraBabcock's disappearance, he went to his vice principal. "He went to police as soon as he knew the story was true," Cameron says.

Cronin knew the rap lyrics. He cried when he saw it. "Those were tears of indication, everything he told you was true," Cameron says.
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

Cameron says Cronin "put two and two together" when he heard about Babcock going missing.

Cameron also pointing to how Cronin cried from the witness box when he saw the video of Smich rapping. "His recollection was correct, and he was telling you the truth," she says.

"Mr. Smich would not confess to murder unless he did it," Cameron says.

She's also bringing up that Smich "wanted to burn something with bones it it" -- as per a text that the jury saw previously.
"Remember, it is when all those things were happening, that Laura vanished. Her last footprint was in their presence," Cameron says -- also tells the jury to think about the "improbability of coincidence."
by Adam Carter 2:00 PM

7:03 p.m. on July 3 was Babcock's last "footprint," Cameron says. Then she shows the photo of the blue tarp. Mentions the barn smell check. The cremation search on the photo. Then the bones burning in the incinerator.
by Adam Carter 2:02 PM

Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

"Think about the improbability of coincidence." 7:03 pm July 3rd was the last time #LauraBabcock was heard from. 19 hours later, the tarp photo. Then the "barn smell check." The google search about cremating humans. And while the bones were burning, #Smich was writing his rap.

"That is no coincidence, that is murder. Laura didn't choose to disappear. That defies logic or common sense.... if Laura had travelled, she would have left a footprint."

She had only worked in the escort business for a month. The witnesses from the industry were trying to help her in some way. She never said she was going on a trip and never coming back.

Why did she leave her suitcase, the cash, her beloved dog behind if she was leaving? These are the very things you would take if you were going away.

Important point, here. Considering DM pointed out that she made "$200 an hour!!!"
Right ... for a very, very short period of time.
Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

Smich said he killed a girl. He wouldn't ask Marlena to leave if he was just going to play the rap. She was in the video. She'd seen it. The only reason he asked her to leave, it was a confession to murder, Cameron says.

Mark #Smich was in on all the plans, happily used her iPad and suitcase. Stood grinning for a photo as her bones burned," crown says.

July 4 at 10 oclock Millard says he rolled his first joint. Crown says he didn't roll marijuana. She's showing the tarp photo. "he rolled a body." (exactly - DM vapped)

Looking at where #millard's phone went July 4th. #LauraBabcock's phone kept getting messages until about 11 am. She did not cancel her phone. Her parents tried calling her just after. Didn't ping off any cell tower.

"If you go swimming you can find the phone," Cameron says.
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

Cameron now turning to talk about the rush purchase of amattress that Millard made on July 4.

She's also talking about Millard's text where he said he"rolled his first spliff." Cameron says he was rolling a body, in ablue tarp. "This is what he rolled. He rolled a body."

Cameron says Millard left Maple Gate with Babcock's cellphone on July 4, in the morning. The last ping of the phone off a cell towerthat day at 11:10 a.m. "She did not cancel her phone," Cameron says.

"If you go swimming, you can find her phone," Cameron says, notingthat Millard's phone is pining along spots on Lakeshore.
Important point, here. Considering DM pointed out that she made "$200 an hour!!!"
Right ... for a very, very short period of time.

Also, if I remember correctly from the Escort guy. It was not only a short period of time but she also wasn’t consistently working there.
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

Cameron says that millard used his father's van, with a scooter ramp, to transport the body.

She's now pointing to the mattress Millard bought, with a rush order, around this time. "I submit to you that he needed to destroy evidence, and needed a new mattress," Cameron says.

"He hadn't slept in two days," Cameron says, adding that Millard would only get a new mattress if he had to at that point. "Something must have happened on the night of July 3 that destroyed the mattress."
Lisa Hepfner‏@HefCHCHNews

Millard was driving his dad's green van July 4th. We can see the corner of it in the picture with the tarp. Why not keep the convertible? Because he had to transport this. This is #LauraBabcock's body. What else would he wrap like that? Why would you wrap a rug, or garbage?

Laura Babcock was 5'11 and skinny. Just like what's wrapped in the tarp. #Millard's dad's van has a wheelchair ramp.

At 6:12 July 4 Millard heads out, after his busy day, to buy a new mattress. He was in a rush. Couldn't wait a week, Cameron says. They were destroying evidence, she says.

Millard had been up late July 3, but got up around 9, rolled a "spliff," drove around (with Babcock's phone) he hadn't slept in two days. Going back out and buying a mattress would be the last thing he'd want to do. Why does he need a new mattress so urgently July 4th?

We don't know how #LauraBabcock died, but something catastrophic rendered a mattress unusable on July fourth, crown says. Jury doesn't have to know exactly how she died. Court break.
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

"I submit something catastrophic happened that rendered the mattress unusable," Cameron says -- but the Crown doesn't know what.

"We don't need to know how Laura died to find them both guilty of first-degree murder."

We're now taking a 20 minute break. bbm
If you spend enough time on these boards you will come across posters whose sole purpose is to post opinions in order to bait members resulting in then getting attention. I find it is always best not to respond and they usually move along. If it becomes inflammatory the mods will take care of it.

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Gosh, I sure can be dense at times, lol. Thank you, JPC, Deacon and others who kindly pointed that out to me today. I finally “get it” and will heed all of your advice. [emoji854]

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Strong closing by the crown, so far, IMO. Great reminder for the jury that DM and MS can try to explain away the evidence piece by piece, but when you look at the big picture it is obvious they killed Laura. MOO
Strong closing by the crown, so far, IMO. Great reminder for the jury that DM and MS can try to explain away the evidence piece by piece, but when you look at the big picture it is obvious they killed Laura. MOO

YES! Precisely! :)

I'm glad to see the judge addressed the issue of the elephant that isn't in the room, namely CN.
The second point is about what inferences should be drawn from the Crown's decision not to call certain witnesses, like Christina Noudga. Code says it's very dangerous and rarely, if ever, proper to draw inferences from the fact that the Crown called or not called any witness. "There may be very good reasons for not calling particular witnesses," Code says.
by Adam Carter 1:55 PM

This is the quote, Mousy
The second point is about what inferences should be drawn from the Crown's decision not to call certain witnesses, like Christina Noudga. Code says it's very dangerous and rarely, if ever, proper to draw inferences from the fact that the Crown called or not called any witness. "There may be very good reasons for not calling particular witnesses," Code says.
by Adam Carter 1:55 PM

Here you go

ETA, ya’d beat me too it! Was trying to quote both posts but I can’t now.
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