Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.06.17 - Closing Arguments - Day 2

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Lisa Hepfner
"Because of these little tit tats back and forth, the love triangle, is why this murder happened, why #LauraBabcock is missing? Is that for real? I'm not here to demean Mr Millard, he did a sufficiently good job of doing that himself," Dungey says

Oh My, just about ROFL

Sorry behind but LOL !!

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Lisa Hepfner@HefCHCHNews

Jury is back for Jill Camerons final submissions. #LauraBabcock. Jury doesn't have to find both accused guilty of first degree murder, she says. Those who help may be as guilty as those who intend to murder.

If one person physically killed her, the other person can be equally guilty of murder, like in an arranged hitman murder. Same for a driver or a lookout.

"A person cannot decide to help or encourage a killer then say I didn't do the killing. That is not a defence," Cameron says. "People play different roles. Doesn't mean only one person is guilty." Unnecessary for the jury to decide who did the killing.

The jury doesn't have to decide who does what. If one was the killer and the other encouraged, the jury must convict them both of murder. "You may never be able to decide who did what exactly." We may never know. But were they in this together?

"So long as they planned to murder #LauraBabcock and one helped the other, they are equally guilty in the eyes of our law," Cameron says.

Mark #Smich was aware of the conflict with #LauraBabcock. He and #Millard "were like brothers. They loved each other."

Millard mentions "the Laura situation" to #Smich, who does not ask for clarification. "No point in going," until incinerator is ready. On July 3, #Smich does not ask why he should not be outside when #Millard is returning to Maple Gate with.

Smich is clearly involved in the incineration. He's part of the plan from start to finish, crown says. Motive is not an essential element of first degree murder. Crown does not have to prove motive.

"The motive for Mr. Millard is plain and obvious. The motive for #Smich may seem less evident, but is it?" No evidence he had a personal grudge against #LauraBabcock, but he and #Millard were like brothers, and #Smich was dependent on Millard.

"They expressed their brotherly love for each other," Cameron says. #Smich participated in the murder of #LauraBabcock to help #Millard

Noudga was so upset by #LauraBabcock she sent her a mean text on Laura's birthday, & when Laura said she'd slept with Millard recently Noudga got meaner "have you taken your meds crazy *****?" Clearly upset.
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

"It is not true that Mr. Smich had no motive to kill Laura," Cameron says. She says Smich did it to help out Millard.

Cameron also says Babcock appeared to be telling the truth about sleeping with Millard in February of 2012.

The Crown now turning to April, that's when the feud between Noudga and Babcock "heated up," Cameron says. On April 16, the two had over 60 contacts by phone.
What text was this about the “Laura situation”?

Lisa Hepfner: Millard mentions "the Laura situation" to #Smich, who does not ask for clarification. "No point in going," until incinerator is ready. On July 3, #Smich does not ask why he should not be outside when #Millard is returning to Maple Gate with #LauraBabcock
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

Cameron says the motive "crystallizes" with the "herpes" conversation between Millard and Noudga. Here's that testimony: CBC News

In a text message to his girlfriend, Dellen Millard compared Laura Babcock, the Toronto woman he is accused of killing in 2012, to "herpes" that he was going to get "rid of."

(There is a photo included here but I don’t know how to add it. Sorry! ETA image address :) ) bbm
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

"She vanishes two months later," Cameron says

"I will remove her from our lives," Cameron says, quoting Millard's texts to Noudga. "Two months later she's gone."

Cameron says there's lots of evidence that Millard cared about Noudga, even though Millard said otherwise in his closing statements.
You actually have control by using your Settings and others should cease quoting, no? Peace
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

Cameron says there's also evidence that Millard was secretively keeping tabs on where Babcock was. Then in May, Millard starts texting about building a homemade incinerator.

"They were planning on killing Laura as early as April of 2012. This is why they needed an incinerator -- to dispose of her body," Cameron says.
Lisa Hepfner@HefCHCHNews

Text messages seem to show that #Millard and #LauraBabcock did have sex between January 18 & her birthday in February. The feud heated up in April when Millard was in Nevada "at first alone." Laura had clearly irked Christina. they had 60+ texts between each other.

After the texting between Babcock and Noudga come the messages between Noudga and Millard, calling #LauraBabcock a virus, "like herpes." Then tells Noudga, "first I'm going to hurt her, then I'll make her leave." She vanishes two months later.

Millard tells Noudga "removal of the parasite should alleviate the problem." Two months later she is gone. Christina Noudga says she feels loved and warm on the inside when Millard talks about hurting #LauraBabcock.

"I love you Dell." I love you too Christina. Clearly evidence that Millard cared about Noudga. "They talked about Laura with such distain, then they expressed their love for each other." Apr 26 Noudga joined Millard in Vegas for her birthday.

Crown submits that #LauraBabcock "returned the favour" and called Noudga on her birthday, while she was in Nevada with Millard. Babcock and Noudga exchanges messages, which were likely shown to Millard, who soon asked Michalski to keep tabs on Babcock.

Middle of May #Millard asks Shane Schlatman to build an incinerator. So far no talk about pet incineration. He's been away for a month. Laura caused this issue with Christina, which caused an issue with him, and five days after he's home he wants an incinerator.

"Planning and deliberation." Millard and Smich needed an incinerator because they were planning to kill #LauraBabcock, crown says.

May 16, 17 and 18 contact between Millard and #LauraBabcock. May 24 Millard asks Shane if the incinerator is ready. He plans to test it Friday night. Asks #Smich to find out if incinerator is ready.
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

Cameron is now going through texts we've seen between Millard and Smich and the incinerator. "There was no point in testing the incinerator with garbage, because that's not what it was for ... it was for burning a human being," she says.

Cameron also pointing out that Millard forwarded a photo of the homemade incinerator to Smich, in a text. "They're not planning to burn garbage," she says again.

The Crown says that all this back and forth about the incinerators shows planning, on the part of Millard and Smich.
Thinking Dell had multiple reasons to want Laura gone, really. Because they had been friends so long, I am sure she knew some criminal stuff, some stuff Dad would of been upset about, info on other women he was sleeping with, etc. etc. I for one am not worried about Motive here, and I think the Jury will know there is no concrete motive when it comes to DM.
Lisa Hepfner@HefCHCHNews

"Well there's no point in going til it's ready, and we gotta bring something with bones in it," #Smich tells #Millard. No point testing the incinerator with garbage, because that's not what it was for. Who was Millard keeping tabs on? Who did he want to get rid of?

May 28, Schlatman sends a picture of the homemade incinerator. #Millard forwards the picture to #Smich. Smich wonders if Millard has any bones. "They're not planning to burn garbage."

When they're discussing the incinerator, it's clear #Smich knows what it's for, Cameron says. They were together "anxiously awaiting" the arrival of the incinerator. No evidence that the incinerator was used for anything other than the contents of that tarp.
Thinking Dell had multiple reasons to want Laura gone, really. Because they had been friends so long, I am sure she knew some criminal stuff, some stuff Dad would of been upset about, info on other women he was sleeping with, etc. etc. I for one am not worried about Motive here, and I think the Jury will know there is no concrete motive when it comes to DM.

I think money may have been part of it too.
LB had $4,000 in a shoebox then leaves $1,000 in an envelope at there parents' place, leaving her with $3,000. July 4 DM texts CN

"I just got in, haven't slept in 2 days. Got lots a loot though!"
Adam Carter's blog (CBC)

Now we're up to June 18 in text messages, when Millard was talking about the Eliminator.

Cameron now saying Millard and Babcock had many contact in May and June of 2013 -- something Millard says wasn't true. The texts between the two were deleted and unrecoverable, she says.

bbm I hope this date gets corrected on Adam's blog!
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