Laura Babcock Murder Trial - *GUILTY*

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I know that Noudga had a judge alone trial, and there wasn't much in the way of coverage. How do these work? I assume no live tweeting and we just have to wait to find out the results after the judge decides? Help me out, I'm lost!
At this point, it really would seem difficult to find impartial jurors. And so … with a judge-alone trial, will we get to hear about it from the media as it goes along?
Well you’ll have to wait until the end of May to hear anything new. Millard is facing a judge alone trial now.

Millard, 32, who is already serving a life sentence with no chance of parole for another 45 years, will stand trial before Justice Maureen Forestell of Ontario Superior Court of Justice on May 31.

I hope she's as frank as Justice Code was. With no jury to worry about, this might be more interesting.
I figure he's lost his case twice now with a Jury so he might as well try for a trial by Judge only. LOL

I too believe that there is an abundance of evidence. He also decided he needed a lawyer for this one.

I figure he's lost his case twice now with a Jury so he might as well try for a trial by Judge only. LOL

I too believe that there is an abundance of evidence. He also decided he needed a lawyer for this one.

There is a lot of evidence that is what I have read.
But why would the crown agree to this, if a jury would be more impacted by his alleged crime? I suppose they feel their case is strong, and that a Judge alone will see it the way they see it?
what I read is that it would be hard to find jurors for the trial , due to the previous 2 trials.
If you arent supposed to post it why refer to it?

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I wanted to let people know that in next trial a lot more evidence about DM will be made known. I believe it will be about the hangar and what was going on , all the illegal things being done at the hangar, that is what I am guessing will be in the next trial.
I know that Noudga had a judge alone trial, and there wasn't much in the way of coverage. How do these work? I assume no live tweeting and we just have to wait to find out the results after the judge decides? Help me out, I'm lost!

The process is just like any criminal trial as far as I know, with the Crown and the defence presenting their openings, evidence and closings, but without a jury and without the judge's charge. I don't know whether historically, judge-only or jury trials have generated more appeals. I think reporters could still live-tweet the proceedings, other than bench discussions about the admissibility of evidence etc. (which we don't hear if it's a jury trial and the jury is not present.)
Well, well, well. So DM has a heart and doesn't want to put jurors through the trauma of sitting through his father's murder trial or maybe he wants to save the taxpayers a few buck. Just kidding. I'm sure those are the farthest concerns from his mind. Maybe he reflected on Miss Nougda's case and how she got off easy, a slap on the wrist, for choosing to go "trial by judge." ;) So WTH has Pillay been doing all these years (since 2013) that he needs a couple more months to prepare for WM's murder trial? Oh's all about the additional hours he can bill out for suggesting he needs to (re)familiarize himself with the case and evidence...oh bother. I hope DM is ok with Pillay taking more of his money, I mean MB's money, no that's WM's money, but actually CM's money. RIP CM. Your hard earned money is working hard and thanks to your grandson, he is keeping the Millard name alive (but not well) in the MSM.

I'm interested to find out if MS will be called as a witness in WM's trial. Will MS tell all or will he claim he knew nothing. Come on..MS knows all the gory details...but will he spill is the big question? Will he earn the nickname "Smich the Snitch?" Snitches don't fair well in prisons. Not sure MS would want to risk his good name in the pen where he has gained some good pals and admirers, those who were kind enough to vouch for him via letter to the judge during his sentencing. Hmm will be interesting to see what way MS rolls "if" he gets called to the stand. ALL MOO.
I know that Noudga had a judge alone trial, and there wasn't much in the way of coverage. How do these work? I assume no live tweeting and we just have to wait to find out the results after the judge decides? Help me out, I'm lost!

Noudga pleaded guilty to a lesser charge so we only heard about the highlights of her court appearance.

In an eight-page agreed statement of facts read aloud in court by Assistant Crown Attorney Brett Moodie, Noudga admitted she helped move, destroy and hide evidence relevant to the police investigation into Bosma’s murder, but without knowing of the murder.


DM is pleading innocent so I would expect that the reporters covering the trial will be live-tweeting as they did with the other jury trials.
I believe the crown has agreed to this as it will be very hard for DM to argue he did not get a fair trial. He has way too much of an uphill battle to win all of his pending appeals. Loser
Another news story from today...


First I heard that tidbit... DM's DNA on the gun beside WM

I read this in one of the CanLII documents (from MWJ's case).

There's a lot of interesting information about the three guns DM purchased from MWJ. The third one was a .380 Smith & Wesson “Bodyguard” handgun that he bought on September 22, 2012. Right after buying it, he sent a photo of it to CN. Makes me wonder if it was acquired for her.
I thought the DNA info came out during the Babcock trial. Pretty sure I'd seen it before.

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