Laura Babcock Murder Trial - *GUILTY*

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DNA Solves
ABro has published Madeleine Burns’ letter in its entirety on her website. Thank you very much, Ann!

ETA: Although I am empathetic to MB as, after all, she is DM’s Mom, I am speechless as to the contents of her “character” letter.

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Wow -- either DM inherited his writing style from the Rabbit, or he is the real author of the letter. My money's on the latter.
ABro has published Madeleine Burns’ letter in its entirety on her website. Thank you very much, Ann!

ETA: Although I am empathetic to MB as, after all, she is DM’s Mom, I am speechless as to the contents of her “character” letter.

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Most Rabbit's have long ears... but some have long noses...

From MB's letter ... "He always liked to cook as a child, making homemade pasta"...

And from DM himself... "A chubby adolescent who resented his father for allowing him to eat pasta non-stop after his parents’ marriage ended"

She actually referenced the Lion King? Is she obsessed with children stories? Also, being kind to animals means nothing in the realm of the psycho killer. How many killers and deviant people have we researched on here that had pets or multiple pets? So what?
The letter is so strange. Very reminiscent of the obituary.

If MB wrote it, why is she constantly referring to "his parents", like she is not one of them.

There's an interesting mention of him being "set up" (always the victim) in school for stealing chemicals from the science lab. I wonder if that was his first documented display of delinquent behaviour.
The rift with Robert Burns stems from something between Wayne and RB, according to her letter. I guess she needed to explain why RB hates DM so much.
The letter is so strange. Very reminiscent of the obituary.

If MB wrote it, why is she constantly referring to "his parents", like she is not one of them.

There's an interesting mention of him being "set up" (always the victim) in school for stealing chemicals from the science lab. I wonder if that was his first official display of delinquent behaviour.

If he wasn't reprimanded for it, then why even mention this at all? He wasn't a good fit at the Toronto French School because he sucked at French IMO.
I sure do hope we get to hear more about the “curious letter” which Justice Code mentioned. IIRC it was introduced into evidence, so perhaps one of the newspapers will follow through on it and update the public? Fingers crossed.

Also hoping we might be privileged enough to eventually read Shawn Lerner’s victim impact statement at some point.

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MB's letter...if she wrote it she's delusional IMO. If not and she just signed her name to something DM wrote, she's as devious as her son. Or maybe they are both just devious and delusional and the apple didn't fall far from the tree? Just wow. :notgood:

She actually referenced the Lion King? Is she obsessed with children stories?

MB only describes DM from birth to age 20 in the letter, and calls him a "young man" in the opening paragraph when in fact he is 32.

It's as if she can't think of him as an adult.
ABro has published Madeleine Burns’ letter in its entirety on her website. Thank you very much, Ann!

ETA: Although I am slightly empathetic to MB as, after all, she is DM’s Mom, I am speechless as to the contents of her “character” letter.

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Wow. I'm empathetic also, but to a point, and when it is deserving. Her complete lack of remorse for her sons crimes, and the senseless death of innocent souls is appalling. He's protective of those who are marginalized, weaker, or lacking in some way? No, he murders them. I stopped reading after that.
I sure do hope we get to hear more about the “curious letter” which Justice Code mentioned. IIRC it was introduced into evidence, so perhaps one of the newspapers will follow through on it and update the public? Fingers crossed.

Also hoping we might be privileged enough to eventually read Shawn Lerner’s victim impact statement at some point.

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These are the two things I'm eagerly awaiting. I hope a journalist can pull off these tasks. SL respectfully deserves a platform, and I will stand by and support anything he has to say.

The curious letter, is well, curious. I simply want to know what it is, however insignificant.
Did anyone write letters of support for MS? Family members, friends?

What a remarkable document. She “hopes he is not marred by these tragic events that have led him to the inexplicable abandonment he must surely feel”? What in God’s name does he have her believing actually happened? I guess never stepping foot inside a court room allows one the comfort of staying nestled in deep, safe denial.

In some ways it seems like the letter is aimed not at the court, but at his cousins and her brother and anybody else who has “abandoned” him. The people that have dared to forget that he is heaven sent.

It’s almost painful to read her endlessly rattle off his childhood opportunities and accomplishments (i.e. her accomplishments) knowing that his actual needs almost certainly lay unseen and unmet. I suppose we’ve just seen a glimpse into how a murderer can be made.
IMHO Rabbit did not write that letter. It has all the earmarks of a DM con job.

Interesting though the parts about his uncle and cousins. I hope, one of these days, we find out what actually happened there. To bring that up in this "reference" letter of sorts is strange IMO.

What a remarkable document. She “hopes he is not marred by these tragic events that have led him to the inexplicable abandonment he must surely feel”? What in God’s name does he have her believing actually happened? I guess never stepping foot inside a court room allows one the comfort of staying nestled in deep, safe denial.

In some ways it seems like the letter is aimed not at the court, but at his cousins and her brother and anybody else who has “abandoned” him. The people that have dared to forget that he is heaven sent.

It’s almost painful to read her endlessly rattle off his childhood opportunities and accomplishments (i.e. her accomplishments) knowing that his actual needs almost certainly lay unseen and unmet. I suppose we’ve just seen a glimpse into how a murderer can be made.
Couldn't have said any of this better myself.
IMHO Rabbit did not write that letter. It has all the earmarks of a DM con job.

Interesting though the parts about his uncle and cousins. I hope, one of these days, we find out what actually happened there. To bring that up in this "reference" letter of sorts is strange IMO.


I agree. The capitalization of words mid-sentence. Referencing mundane and irrelevant details that have nothing to do with defending his character. It seems that DM wanted to put more info about him out there in the public eye and he wrote this, sent it via email and got his mother to sign it. What does going to live in Paris have to do with anything? Questioning whether it was an honest invitation to go there (France) is a "tell" that DM wrote this. He stayed to take care of his dad instead. OK and take advantage of him and allow partying, concerts, spending his money and travelling all over the place anyway.

And this letter is not the "curious" letter. Wow.
ABro has published Madeleine Burns’ letter in its entirety on her website. Thank you very much, Ann!

ETA: Although I am slightly empathetic to MB as, after all, she is DM’s Mom, I am speechless as to the contents of her “character” letter.

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A couple of Observations on the letter.

The letter echoes many points that were posted in the weird J's. Journal
While he may have played the giving Messiah in his mother's eyes, we all got a glimpse of the unfiltered DM in his many texts. In which he called his mom the *advertiser censored**-Rabbit when he needed her money and she questioned him.

From everything I read, Ted Bundy was a charming, good looking, and intelligent guy to those that knew him.

MB's letter...if she wrote it she's delusional IMO. If not and she just signed her name to something DM wrote, she's as devious as her son. Or maybe they are both just devious and delusional and the apple didn't fall far from the tree? Just wow. :notgood:


My guess is that he wrote it and gave direction and she signed it. It is in the same detached tone and style as the WM obituary and as the cross examination style. From the limited times that we have seen his writing to CN, his cousin and the jailhouse groupie he seems to be boastful and has a juvenile sense of self importance. He lacks the ability to understand that ‘Skiing alone at 5 years of age’ would never be a determining factor when deciding sentencing for a second 1st degree murder charge. He doesn’t seem to grasp the difference between having a skill and owning possessions versus having strong character or redeeming qualities. Old ‘Walt Disney’ lives through song and movie references and not real life examples. He uses made up terms like reading ‘globally’ by age 2 and not realizing that the rest of the world sees through the BS. It is like he assumes that the judge and public would say ‘hmmm, he is more intelligent than the average person. There is no way that he would murder someone. It would be a waste to society to have such a high level of intelligence behind bars. He needs to be out on the streets doing great things’. He is delusional and so is his mother.

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IMHO Rabbit did not write that letter. It has all the earmarks of a DM con job.

Interesting though the parts about his uncle and cousins. I hope, one of these days, we find out what actually happened there. To bring that up in this "reference" letter of sorts is strange IMO.


Could the letter have omitted that DM was the source of the WM/RB feud? If I recall, DM spent some years with the RB family, and the falling out occurred when he was around 17. MOO
Could the letter have omitted that DM was the source of the WM/RB feud? If I recall, DM spent some years with the RB family, and the falling out occurred when he was around 17. MOO

Bringing up the feud is totally DM. He got his chance to get back at his uncle via this letter. The Burns family has nothing to do with this and the fact they are brought up is telling. Madeleine Burns could have mentioned the reason(s) WHY he went to live with his uncle and did not. Why not? This is DM.

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