LE wants to interview the parents separately

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The topic of this thread is: LE wants to interview the parents separately.
Well I guess they're stuck at an impasse. Meanwhile, IMHO only, that baby is growing a little older each day and changing a little bit to make her more and more unrecognizable from her photos. Tick tock tick tock

There really is no impasse.. Just bring the parents in, haul their butts in and interrogate them.. Their lawyer can be there if they wish. This is NOT up to those parents and personally I think its time LE took the bull by the horns and said as much. This is up to LE.. I think we need more FBI presence. DB and JI have NO RIGHT what so ever to ask for different police.. None.. So when they dont like what new ones have to say they can ask for new ones again and again.. Yeah ok..
..how sad..

..this dear old man is even out doing more than the parents.


Ferguson, Mo. - Police are looking for Cleo Jones, 73, who believed he must search for missing 11-month-old Lisa Irwin because he was confused, according to his family.

KMOV reports that Jones was convinced Baby Lisa is his granddaughter, despite his daughter reassuring him that he is not the child's grandfather and has no relation to the missing Kansas City girl.

“It has been Wednesday since he has had his medication,” his niece Karen Spencer told the local news outlet. “He has Alzheimer's, he is diabetic and he also has high blood pressure. So, time is definitely of the essence.”

Jones was last seen leaving his home at about 10:30 p.m. Wednesday night and hasn't been heard from since.

I've been at the ER with my youngest since about 11 so I'll own up to being an emotional basketcase but this just makes me want to cry (more). This little old grandfather is out looking for a child that he has never met while her deluded parents sit at home and plan how to spin their bad publicity.

If this man comes to harm while one or both of those parents sit there knowing where she is but lying through their teeth about it they should be held responsible for whatever happens to him. Ok - I don't have a legal leg to stand on but a girl can dream.
When watching the interview with Peter Alexander, (HLN had him on as a guest last week or the week before) I remember him saying that he wanted to interview Debra and Jeremy separately, and the answer was a flat out no ! He said that Debra an Jeremy said they will not be interviewed separately period ! So I guess that goes for LE too. Parents who won't cooperate are bringing all this unneeded drama themselves of course now along with their "defense team" :banghead:

The parents are so worried a/b how they look in public, they are taking the focus off Lisa, not LE !

Just go back answer the questions and be done with it ! :pullhair:

From 10-20-2011-

Young said the terms are clear and on the table.

“We’re talking about sitting down with our detectives separately … to learn the things that only the adults, only the parents of this child, might know,” Young said.

Read more: http://www.kansas.com/2011/10/20/2071505/lawyers-for-lisa-irwins-parents.html#ixzz1bq3ATBxM
Respectfully snipped

Any innocent person should be able to uphold their innocence even in the face of these interrogation tactics. Repeat their story over and over again, the truth never changes.

And why wouldn't LE do this? Why waste valuable time and resources for days or weeks when it's possible you can get the truth out of who is statistically the most likely suspect(s). If the story starts to crack and/or the person does, then you either get a confession or another line of investigation other that stranger abduction.

IMO these parents cracked. They didn't confess but they didn't like the heat so they stopped co-operating, even with an attorney. Unless it's on their terms and they don't have to talk with the original officers. So they are being investigated, along with a parallel investigation of stranger abduction. All tips, sitings etc are being pursued. As well as searches of the home and the parents.


I watched the "Disappeared" episode about Patricia Viola last night. They (LE) interrogated her DH for hours upon hours to, "chink his armor" (their words, not mine). Mr. Viola was cleared and has been a champion about missing people ever since...to and including his still-missing wife.

Link here: [ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2573"]http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2573[/ame]
Respectfully snipped.

I'm afraid many innocent people are not able to do that though. That's why false confessions happen, and according to the Innocence Project, false confessions are responsible for around 25% of wrongful convictions.

Mm hm. I hate to keep ratting out Texas, but the yogurt shop murders in Austin are SUCH an example of that. Four beautiful girls murdered and the shop they were working in burned, and 4 young men arrested and convicted on typical interrogation practices.

ALL have since been overturned, and the monster who actually did this is out somewhere. Meanwhile, these men lost huge chunks of their lives due to cops separating this group of men out and saying "ya know, your friend said you did it. If you at least admit to being there, you can probably have a good defense".

They are all innocent. The killer(s) of these girls is out there. Had LE not been so narrow minded in forcing some kind of confession out of all these young men, maybe the killer would have been caught.
Well, as I understand it, describing the behavior of a search dog is not admissable in court.

I could be wrong, but I thought that was kind of like a lie detector test. A useful tool in an investigation, not admissable because it's wrong often enough.

So I'm truly interested - sincerely - in what evidence you believe LE has that supports a charge of murder for the parents. TIA

FWIW, the dog handlers testified about the behavior of their dogs at the Caylee trial, so IMO it is admissible at least in some states and some circumstances.
JeannaT: "He confessed because they wouldn't let him sleep until he did.

I'm not sure that calling someone "absurd" within the rules of this forum, MyBelle."

I didn't call anyone any name, I clearly said the comparison to Kevin Fox's case is absurd because nobody in this case has confessed or been deprived of sleep.


That's because JI stopped the interrogation after 11 hours, (Kevin Fox confessed after 14), and then the parents lawyered up. Kevin Fox's experience is entirely relevant as a cautionary tale to those who think lawyering up, and refusing to be interrogated ad infinitum by the police, are signs of guilt.
That was my speculation too, but we don't know what the conditions are that LE wants to impose in order to call it "unrestricted". My guess is like yours, that they're asking the Irwins to lay down their constitutional right to have counsel present, but I don't know that.

Unrestricted means they can ask anything they want it does not mean waiving your right to counsel. The ONLY way their lawyers will not or can not be there is if DB and JI say so. And they wont say so. that is all unrestricted means.
I am trying to think back to any parents we know were innocent in what happened to their children and if they declined to talk to with LE when LE still wanted to talk to them...I am pretty sure Marc Klass never declined an interview, and I know Amber DuBois' stepdad, who was clearly a suspect in LE's eyes, continued to try to clear himself, regardless, even taking 8 LD tests. Did Elizabeth's parents stop cooperating or interviewing?

Just trying to see if there are examples when innoncent parents decided their rights were more important that continuing to work with LE in any possible way if it might lead to a break. Maybe there are and I just can't think of any?
Respectfully snipped

Any innocent person should be able to uphold their innocence even in the face of these interrogation tactics. Repeat their story over and over again, the truth never changes.

And why wouldn't LE do this? Why waste valuable time and resources for days or weeks when it's possible you can get the truth out of who is statistically the most likely suspect(s). If the story starts to crack and/or the person does, then you either get a confession or another line of investigation other that stranger abduction.

IMO these parents cracked. They didn't confess but they didn't like the heat so they stopped co-operating, even with an attorney. Unless it's on their terms and they don't have to talk with the original officers. So they are being investigated, along with a parallel investigation of stranger abduction. All tips, sitings etc are being pursued. As well as searches of the home and the parents.


Wish it were that simple, but it isn't. "Evidence" can be manipulated, it can be lost, it can be planted, it can be fabricated, it can be misinterpreted by so-called experts. It is just simply not true that the innocent have nothing to worry about.
Maybe the truth never changes, but if no one is listening to your truth or believing you, it really doesn't matter, does it?
Unrestricted means they can ask anything they want it does not mean waiving your right to counsel. The ONLY way their lawyers will not or can not be there is if DB and JI say so. And they wont say so. that is all unrestricted means.

No one here knows what they mean, including both of us. Your guess is as good as any.
Whatever else innocent parents can do to find the child whose disappearance they in no way caused or know about, NOTHING would be as effective as open communication with LE.

So if I'm in the horrible situation of losing what makes my life worth living while at the same time being accused of being responsible? The only option I have is to cooperate, tell everything I know and clear my name so the investigation can move forward. Because by not doing so, I'm a distraction. Period.
That John and Patsy Ramsey refused to be separated for interviews with LE was a major issue in the disappearance/death of their beautiful daughter, Jon-Benet. I wasn't a member here during the case but participated in discussions on another popular (at the time) website where the topic of parents not wanting to be interviewed individually was hashed and rehashed. I had feelings on both sides of the discussion and never really made a decision about whether they were right or wrong in their decision. jmo
There really is no impasse.. Just bring the parents in, haul their butts in and interrogate them.. Their lawyer can be there if they wish. This is NOT up to those parents and personally I think its time LE took the bull by the horns and said as much. This is up to LE.. I think we need more FBI presence. DB and JI have NO RIGHT what so ever to ask for different police.. None.. So when they dont like what new ones have to say they can ask for new ones again and again.. Yeah ok..

i always love your posts,straight to the point! :woohoo:

but yeah i totally agree,i think where i live its a case of they take u in for questioning and can keep you for 24hours and if nothings came to light by then off you go. not 100% sure on this though
after all they have rights, too bad about a missing child but let's focus National media. Priorities after all.

and still a baby is missing but thank God her parent have attys to help them avoid cooperation

bbm :clap:
In the first media interviews after they "stopped cooperating", Jeremy describes when he asked to take a break. His description of that incident is from an interrogation, where he is told that Lisa failed a lie detector test and at that point he asked to take a break. The article that went with that made it pretty clear that Lisa had already been confronted with that, and was being questioned, and it was pretty clear they were separate interviews. They weren't together.

I think you mean, DB, not Lisa. If JI stopped an interview after being told DB failed her poly and JI never resumed the interview, his actions smack of consciousness of guilt.

There really is no impasse.. Just bring the parents in, haul their butts in and interrogate them.. Their lawyer can be there if they wish. This is NOT up to those parents and personally I think its time LE took the bull by the horns and said as much. This is up to LE.. I think we need more FBI presence. DB and JI have NO RIGHT what so ever to ask for different police.. None.. So when they dont like what new ones have to say they can ask for new ones again and again.. Yeah ok..

I have some questions about the part of your post that I bolded. Do you believe that DB and JI should be arrested and interrogated at this point? Is there enough evidence to charge them with a crime or just hold them for interrogation purposes? If they are arrested and brought in for interrogations, what will their lawyer although them to say?

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