LE wants to interview the parents separately

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Kevin Fox didn't stop cooperating and he confessed, which is why he landed in jail. His confession was coerced. So, what exactly are the similarities to this case? Lisa's father ended his LE interview and walked out. Lisa's mother told the media she got drunk to the point she may have blacked out and also told the media she was told she failed the poly. There are multiple LE agencies investigating Lisa's case and so far, no arrest. It's absurd to even compare JI to Kevin Fox at this point.


I was comparing Fox to DB. And, the point here is that LE railroaded the poor man, when there was no evidence that he did anything, AND that they completely ignored evidence of the real rapist/killer.

Oh, and Kevin was also told that he failed his Poly, and he was told that there was physical evidence against him that didn't exist, too.
Well, here goes: We do not know what Debbie told LE. It is entirely possible that the information was transmitted wrong to the police in the AA. We know that several other things were transmitted wrong from the police on the first night. (Including dispatcher saying that JI was the suspect in a car theft, when in fact he was the victim.) So, link number 1 is not proof of what Debbie said to LE.

Next: in the GMA interview, Debbie does NOT say that she last saw the baby at 10:30. All she says is that she checked on her between when she put her down, and when she went to bed. In fact, she said yeah, and then seemed to amend it. That could mean that she misunderstood the question at first, and was trying to be totally honest.

Last: JT didn't say a lot of things. Not denying something does not mean that he is admitting it. And the huffpo piece is an opinion piece. You can't use that as a primary source.

So, again - there is no proof that DB lied to the media. There is no proof she lied to LE. IF she lied to LE, that's important, and needs to be investigated. Normally, innocent people don't lie, and if she did, I would understand the suspicion, but in this case, we don't know. Everyone assumes it, but we don't know.

Thanks for the effort though. IF DB lied to LE, that would actually push me towards the edge of the fence. :)

BBM. I think this is clutching at straws. Don't you think that if LE transmitted wrong info in the AA, DB and JI would have been up the first thing and corrected it, instead of letting it stand and even saying "yeah" to it later? No, no, no, I never said 10.30, it's not true, I saw her last at 6:40.

Because you know, if you want your child found, it's kind of important when she was last seen. It makes a big difference in who can be the perp and which sightings people report. Suppose someone saw a man carrying a naked baby at 8 pm. No one would have reported it because Lisa was supposedly in her bed at the time.

JMO but I am pretty sure DB told LE 10:30. She must have heard 10:30 over and over again because we all did, but she took her sweet time correcting it so apparently she wanted it that way at one time.
When I was in high school my friends brother died from SIDS. She and another friend were watching him when he passed. Her step-mother had put him down for a nap before they left for dinner. The police questioned them over and over asking if they had harmed the baby in any way. My point being it's common that the policeto ask/suggest someone may have harmed the baby. My friend and her whole family were very upset that they would even suggest they would hurt the baby but at the same time they understood why they asked. They never restricted questioning because they knew they where innocent.
In the first media interviews after they "stopped cooperating", Jeremy describes when he asked to take a break. His description of that incident is from an interrogation, where he is told that Lisa failed a lie detector test and at that point he asked to take a break. The article that went with that made it pretty clear that Lisa had already been confronted with that, and was being questioned, and it was pretty clear they were separate interviews. They weren't together.

They also told MK about the separate questioning. JI said that LE also accused him of killing the baby.
"A clear and innocent conscience fears nothing."
Elizabeth I

Still not sure what to believe, but I know that those with nothing to hide are more forthcoming than what we have been seeing. However, I'm trying hard not to judge because I certainly would never wish what they are going through upon my worst enemies. :twocents:
I am trying to think back to any parents we know were innocent in what happened to their children and if they declined to talk to with LE when LE still wanted to talk to them...I am pretty sure Marc Klass never declined an interview, and I know Amber DuBois' stepdad, who was clearly a suspect in LE's eyes, continued to try to clear himself, regardless, even taking 8 LD tests. Did Elizabeth's parents stop cooperating or interviewing?

Just trying to see if there are examples when innoncent parents decided their rights were more important that continuing to work with LE in any possible way if it might lead to a break. Maybe there are and I just can't think of any?

That's a really good question. I'm trying to think of cases where LE turned on the parents, and then they were confirmed innocent. Did Jaycee Dugard's stepdad stop cooperating? I think so, but I could be wrong.

I believe Coralrose Fullwood's family stopped cooperating.

Really good question. We should all search our brains and come up with cases where confirmed innocent people stopped/or didn't stop cooperating after LE clearly had them in the crosshairs.
IMO it hurt LE to say that they weren't cooperating immediately after an 11 hour sit down. I'm old fashioned like that though.

And to some extent that flavors my opinion the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th time they say it.

Either go through the lawyers and do whatever you need to do to talk to them, or name them POI's and bring them in. Yes they may lawyer up, but it's the tried and true process that our country established... and I like our country.

They didn't say it until two days later. When they couldn't get the parents to come back in after their "break". By then Lisa had been missing 3 days and the parents had been refusing to speak with LE for the last two of them. In fact, other than one other time with the lawyer present, they haven't spoken to them since. Answered a few questions regarding tips over the phone but haven't sat down and answered "tough" questions, that's for sure.

The parent's should be begging LE for help, not the other way around. And their hired "PI" isn't looking either, he's on a CYA media tour. :waitasec:

BBM. I think this is clutching at straws. Don't you think that if LE transmitted wrong info in the AA, DB and JI would have been up the first thing and corrected it, instead of letting it stand and even saying "yeah" to it later? No, no, no, I never said 10.30, it's not true, I saw her last at 6:40.

Because you know, if you want your child found, it's kind of important when she was last seen. It makes a big difference in who can be the perp and which sightings people report. Suppose someone saw a man carrying a naked baby at 8 pm. No one would have reported it because Lisa was supposedly in her bed at the time.

JMO but I am pretty sure DB told LE 10:30.

It's not clutching at straws at all. It's called evidence versus speculation. You can;t just assume that something happened when you don't have all the information.
I am trying to think back to any parents we know were innocent in what happened to their children and if they declined to talk to with LE when LE still wanted to talk to them...I am pretty sure Marc Klass never declined an interview, and I know Amber DuBois' stepdad, who was clearly a suspect in LE's eyes, continued to try to clear himself, regardless, even taking 8 LD tests. Did Elizabeth's parents stop cooperating or interviewing?

Just trying to see if there are examples when innoncent parents decided their rights were more important that continuing to work with LE in any possible way if it might lead to a break. Maybe there are and I just can't think of any?

There might be a few sitting in prison right now.

OTOH, Casey never stopped talking to LE, did she?
I am trying to think back to any parents we know were innocent in what happened to their children and if they declined to talk to with LE when LE still wanted to talk to them...I am pretty sure Marc Klass never declined an interview, and I know Amber DuBois' stepdad, who was clearly a suspect in LE's eyes, continued to try to clear himself, regardless, even taking 8 LD tests. Did Elizabeth's parents stop cooperating or interviewing?

Just trying to see if there are examples when innoncent parents decided their rights were more important that continuing to work with LE in any possible way if it might lead to a break. Maybe there are and I just can't think of any?

Noreen Gosch claims to have thrown coffee cups at two FBI agents and ordered them out of her house. She also refused to give a DNA sample to the local police.
They didn't say it until two days later. When they couldn't get the parents to come back in after their "break". By then Lisa had been missing 3 days and the parents had been refusing to speak with LE for the last two of them. In fact, other than one other time with the lawyer present, they haven't spoken to them since. Answered a few questions regarding tips over the phone but haven't sat down and answered "tough" questions, that's for sure.

The parent's should be begging LE for help, not the other way around. And their hired "PI" isn't looking either, he's on a CYA media tour. :waitasec:


Are you sure? On the 8th is when Jeremy asked for a break, and I believe it was early on the 9th when LE said they weren't cooperating. If I remember correctly, Jeremy was quite surprised that after asking for a break LE went to the microphone very quickly and announced they weren't cooperating.
Abusive??? Are you kidding? These men and women have been desperately searching for this baby for over 3 weeks now. If that 's how the parents feel,as if they are being "abused" let them tell the police that (wish they could walk right off the case" and let them go out and find their dtr!!!:furious:

Bon, ty, :yesss:
Wish it were that simple, but it isn't. "Evidence" can be manipulated, it can be lost, it can be planted, it can be fabricated, it can be misinterpreted by so-called experts. It is just simply not true that the innocent have nothing to worry about.
Maybe the truth never changes, but if no one is listening to your truth or believing you, it really doesn't matter, does it?

What you describe is true when a crime is committed but we still do not know what crime has been committed in this case nor do we know if Lisa is still alive or where to find her.

In missing persons cases, truth and honesty from the get-go help guide the investigation. People who lawyer up are protecting themselves first and that move is going to focus suspicion upon themselves.

Respectfully snipped.

I'm afraid many innocent people are not able to do that though. That's why false confessions happen, and according to the Innocence Project, false confessions are responsible for around 25% of wrongful convictions.

With the exception of Kevin Fox, how many of them were parents who wrongly confessed to killing their children? Statistically, parents just don't do this...even when they are guilty sometimes. Parents just want LE to move on from them and put the full focus on the missing child. Sometimes they do move on, and sometimes they just can't.

Originally Posted by marge_rita
It often seems to me that a few are more concernerd with the 'poor parents' than the child who is missing and desperately needs to be found. Baby Lisa deserves justice.


You expressed exactly how I feel, thank you!

You're welcome. ;)
In the first media interviews after they "stopped cooperating", Jeremy describes when he asked to take a break. His description of that incident is from an interrogation, where he is told that Lisa failed a lie detector test and at that point he asked to take a break. The article that went with that made it pretty clear that Lisa had already been confronted with that, and was being questioned, and it was pretty clear they were separate interviews. They weren't together.

Thank you, I will go browse around for it....
Well, here goes: We do not know what Debbie told LE. It is entirely possible that the information was transmitted wrong to the police in the AA. We know that several other things were transmitted wrong from the police on the first night. (Including dispatcher saying that JI was the suspect in a car theft, when in fact he was the victim.) So, link number 1 is not proof of what Debbie said to LE.

Next: in the GMA interview, Debbie does NOT say that she last saw the baby at 10:30. All she says is that she checked on her between when she put her down, and when she went to bed. In fact, she said yeah, and then seemed to amend it. That could mean that she misunderstood the question at first, and was trying to be totally honest.

Last: JT didn't say a lot of things. Not denying something does not mean that he is admitting it. And the huffpo piece is an opinion piece. You can't use that as a primary source.

So, again - there is no proof that DB lied to the media. There is no proof she lied to LE. IF she lied to LE, that's important, and needs to be investigated. Normally, innocent people don't lie, and if she did, I would understand the suspicion, but in this case, we don't know. Everyone assumes it, but we don't know.

Thanks for the effort though. IF DB lied to LE, that would actually push me towards the edge of the fence. :)

LE got the amber alert info from the parents. If the police reported inaccurately, why wait until over a week later to change it (in the same interview where you're announcing you're drunk)?

If it was not what the parents reported to police, why didn't Debbi answer, "no, I actually saw her last at 6:40 pm" or something like that when specifically asked by the GMA reporter on 10/6? Pretty important point. I don't think she was amending her answer, rather expanding on it in the interview. Why confirm it with the affirmative "yeah" if it was wrong?.

I'm not assuming the 10:30 pm account, it's been reported as fact at the links that I've provided and I've never seen it disputed except for in your posts, not even by Debbi, not in all of the interviews she's since given. I'm okay to agree to disagree as to whether there is solid evidence that Debbi claimed 10:30 pm initially and then changed the time to 6:40 pm. We just see it differently. :peace:
Ranch, they have been questioned separately, extensively, with no attorney present and they didn't ask for one.

I think it's time now for LE to stop acting like they haven't, and admit what it is they want - to make another attempt to trick them into changing their stories.
Respectfully, it seems to me that if they are in fact innocent of any wrongdoing and are actually interested in LE finding their baby, they would instead be jumping at the chance to exonerate themselves completely, so that 100% of LE's focus could be devoted exclusively where it should be... IF that were the case. (Which, IMO, it sadly does not appear to be.)
When I was in high school my friends brother died from SIDS. She and another friend were watching him when he passed. Her step-mother had put him down for a nap before they left for dinner. The police questioned them over and over asking if they had harmed the baby in any way. My point being it's common that the policeto ask/suggest someone may have harmed the baby. My friend and her whole family were very upset that they would even suggest they would hurt the baby but at the same time they understood why they asked. They never restricted questioning because they knew they where innocent.

Questioning is great. I think no one objects to that.

Did LE ever shout in their faces that they're lying murderers?

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