LE wants to interview the parents separately

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I've never had children so my family consists of my furry kidz. Quite a few years ago one of the dogs went missing. We discovered it about 30 minutes after I had last seen her. My boyfriend and I immediately started knocking on doors at the apartment complex where we lived and did get a lead. Then I went over to a building close by where she had apparently followed someone walking to work. But no one there had seen her there.

For the next two weeks I put up flyers around town, got a notice in the local newspaper and had it broadcast on the radio. It was winter and I kept envisioning her injured and laying in a ditch somewhere, hoping I would find her. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I was in a warm house, and I worried about her condition. I would get up at 4am and before work I'd drive around town and stuff flyers into mailboxes.

A few weeks later I did get a call from someone who had the dog. It turned out that she went to a nearby shopping center and jumped in the back of someones car. The family liked her and planned on keeping her until they became aware of my search efforts. If I hadn't been pro-active they would have simply kept her.i

My point is that I could hardly get any rest and was worried all the time. Finding her was all that was on my mind for those two weeks. I never just sat back figuring that someone else was going to do all the work.

I can't even imagine how frantic I'd be if it was my child who was missing. I'd be wracking my brain over and over trying to think of anyone who could have taken her. I'd be out pounding the streets, hoping I'd see a clue that LE missed. I wouldn't be calming sitting for an interview on GMA. I wouldn't just be talking- I'd be taking action. So I just don't get it ... What are the parents doing to help find baby Lisa?

I agree totally. I can recall my son going missing when he was around 7 one minute he was in the garden the next he wasnt I was frantic and was running up and down the street knocking on doors and searching everywhere. Much to my embarrasment and huge relief he was on his bed fast asleep but I wil never forget the fear and dread and sheer horror that feeling brought so how anyone can stay calm after 3 weeks I have no idea
really, that seems reasonable. Your child is missing, out there with some kidnapper and you don't like the attitude or questions or demeanor of the people who have the ability and experience to possibly find her so you take your ball and go home and have your lawyer create a web site disputing the evidence and giving interviews focused on you and your husband instead of the mssing child-that's what's important? Arguing about dogs, planting misinformation about cadavers smelling like baby poop and cut fingernails. How would innocent parents know whether Lisa was alive or not especially when the only parent allegedly present doesn't know if she ever saw Lisa after 6:40 at night and she wasn't reported missing until 4:00am and she also might have been "blacked out" but still insists there is no way the dog hit on decomp. And it's not like the lawyer talks about it being inconceivale to the parents that Lisa is gone. No, it's not based on their extremem emotional response to the kidnapping, it's just that the dogs are inept and/or the police are lying and anyway, decomp smells like lots of stuff, especially baby poop.

It's not like they're out searching or asking Texas Equusearch or some group to search and for help. They don't even say they'll meet with a certain person or not with certain people or with the FBI or anything. No, they won't meet with anyone unless and until all their conditions are met. Bargaining your cooperation while your child is being held captive. Sorry, does not compute. The only reason to act the way these people are is that you don't want the child found. That's the only reasonable conclusion I can draw at this point-nothing else makes a lick of sense.

I honestly do not get your observation about what the interview times 'average out' to be. It doesn't matter if it adds up to less than an hour a day, if the original interview continued for hour upon hour.....especially if the interview was hostile to begin with. These parents stuck in there for a very lengthy time, and when they had the nerve to ask for a break, LE reported that they "had quit cooperating." That just upped the hostility, in my mind, and I'll bet it didn't do much to make the parents believe the LE agents were truly trying to explore all the avenues.
When watching the interview with Peter Alexander, (HLN had him on as a guest last week or the week before) I remember him saying that he wanted to interview Debra and Jeremy separately, and the answer was a flat out no ! He said that Debra an Jeremy said they will not be interviewed separately period ! So I guess that goes for LE too. Parents who won't cooperate are bringing all this unneeded drama themselves of course now along with their "defense team" :banghead:

The parents are so worried a/b how they look in public, they are taking the focus off Lisa, not LE !

Just go back answer the questions and be done with it ! :pullhair:
They have been questioned separately. At great length.

I was just going back through the post's, do you have a link that I can read about this in specific ? The parents being questioned seperately, I have been looking everywhere for an article stating this. It would be much appreciated :)
I don't know about the droves, but if you want a shot of reality, google Kevin Fox. If you want to know how cops railroad people. If you want to know how a good dad was thrown into jail for 8 months as a CHILD RAPIST (and yes, he suffered what you would expect from that), then go look his case up.

He was proven 100% totally not guilty. No questions. So, go read how well-meaning cops and LE sometimes get an idea in their head and just roll with it. And look at the similarities to this case. Then maybe you will understand why some people want there to be EVIDENCE and not just speculation.

Kevin Fox didn't stop cooperating and he confessed, which is why he landed in jail. His confession was coerced. So, what exactly are the similarities to this case? Lisa's father ended his LE interview and walked out. Lisa's mother told the media she got drunk to the point she may have blacked out and also told the media she was told she failed the poly. There are multiple LE agencies investigating Lisa's case and so far, no arrest. It's absurd to even compare JI to Kevin Fox at this point.

DROVES of innocent people??? :innocent:

Yes, droves. It seems like about every couple months, there is yet another person railroaded and finally released - sometimes - off death row.

Actually, it's horribly embarrassing and I'm embarrassed for my state. The latest aggregious case is in my own county - Williamson County. Michael Morton was in prison 25 years for murdering his wife. In an act of bad faith, the prosecutor hid evidence (a guy I actually voted for) and then when it came to light that he had not had the bloody bandana dna tested, he dug in his heels and refused to test it until there was a court order. Sure enough, it was comingled blood of the true murderer and the woman, not Michael Morton. Horrific. Just a few months prior there was another man, a black man, I forget his name, was imprisoned for the majority of his life for rape. innocent. The true perp confessed about a decade ago but they refused to run a dna test.

We all have our different perspectives here. My perspective is, I almost always believe LE's hunch. But when it appears to me they are wrongly persuing someone, I'm cautious and aware.

I'm still sick that I voted for that damn DA that was responsible for Michael Morton spending the majority of his life in prison, and I hope the further investigation lands that man in prison.

Google innocence project. It's an education.
When watching the interview with Peter Alexander, (HLN had him on as a guest last week or the week before) I remember him saying that he wanted to interview Debra and Jeremy separately, and the answer was a flat out no ! He said that Debra an Jeremy said they will not be interviewed separately period ! So I guess that goes for LE too. Parents who won't cooperate are bringing all this unneeded drama themselves of course now along with their "defense team" :banghead:

The parents are so worried a/b how they look in public, they are taking the focus off Lisa, not LE !

Just go back answer the questions and be done with it ! :pullhair:

I do remember watching a tv interview where they were interviewed separately, but I can't remember which network. Maybe someone else remembers?
LE uses a technique in interrogations to see if they can force a confession. It is commonly called "lying." They can, and do, tell innocent people that they have PROOF of that person's guilt....during separate interrogations, like they want to repeat with these parents, they will lie to one by telling them the other has confessed, and be telling the same lie to the other one.

It's totally agreed that it is "not without a reason." The reason is to increase pressure and encourage a confession.....and this reason remains even if the person(s) being interrogated happen to be completely innocent.

Respectfully snipped

Any innocent person should be able to uphold their innocence even in the face of these interrogation tactics. Repeat their story over and over again, the truth never changes.

And why wouldn't LE do this? Why waste valuable time and resources for days or weeks when it's possible you can get the truth out of who is statistically the most likely suspect(s). If the story starts to crack and/or the person does, then you either get a confession or another line of investigation other that stranger abduction.

IMO these parents cracked. They didn't confess but they didn't like the heat so they stopped co-operating, even with an attorney. Unless it's on their terms and they don't have to talk with the original officers. So they are being investigated, along with a parallel investigation of stranger abduction. All tips, sitings etc are being pursued. As well as searches of the home and the parents.

I was just going back through the post's, do you have a link that I can read about this in specific ? The parents being questioned seperately, I have been looking everywhere for an article stating this. It would be much appreciated :)

In the first media interviews after they "stopped cooperating", Jeremy describes when he asked to take a break. His description of that incident is from an interrogation, where he is told that Lisa failed a lie detector test and at that point he asked to take a break. The article that went with that made it pretty clear that Lisa had already been confronted with that, and was being questioned, and it was pretty clear they were separate interviews. They weren't together.
But what if you realized they were so busy yelling in your face that they weren't looking for your child? Wouldn't you want to take away that distraction?

I'm not saying this is the case- I just keep hearing that they should let LE question them ad nauseum... and I don't know enough behind the scenes details.

But I do maintain that if LE has ANYTHING on them, it shouldn't be an option for DB and JI. If they have NOTHING on them then they need to get to exploring some new options.

There have been ongoing searches for Lisa well documented in the media so please don't suggest LE has not expended resources and time searching for her.

There really is only one explanation for why the parents stopped cooperating with LE: they were responsible and are more worried about their own selves than they are about Lisa.

But what if you realized they were so busy yelling in your face that they weren't looking for your child? Wouldn't you want to take away that distraction?

I'm not saying this is the case- I just keep hearing that they should let LE question them ad nauseum... and I don't know enough behind the scenes details.

But I do maintain that if LE has ANYTHING on them, it shouldn't be an option for DB and JI. If they have NOTHING on them then they need to get to exploring some new options.

Exactly my point, though. I'm not them, I wasn't there and I don't know how they handled her, so saying what any of us should do is pointless. Maybe they were being overly aggressive and yelling at her, maybe they weren't. Yet, there are still people here who insist that she should subject herself to this type of questioning every day, because her child is missing.
I just meant that yelling and accusing me of lying would not intimidate me, I'm pretty tough. They may not be that tough.
During the first hour of questioning her, so that would have been around noon.

And they certainly didn't find evidence that there was NOT an intruder, because they certainly put on the dog to find one.

Personally, I don't think they had any idea at that point in the interrogation what had happened. I think they (cruelly) decided to lead with trying to break her in case she was the culprit. I don't think they had anything - at all - to back that up, just ruling it out.

She HAS been honest, and open to the media, and I think she would have said "they found ______ that they thought I did" if that's the way it went.

I think they need a new interview, with new cops who don't do that but rather seek any clues without just making cruel statements with no evidence.


Can you please post links to some of the things you are posting because it sounds like insider information. I am wondering how these things are known as in "during her first hour of questioning"... Links please.
I honestly do not get your observation about what the interview times 'average out' to be. It doesn't matter if it adds up to less than an hour a day, if the original interview continued for hour upon hour.....especially if the interview was hostile to begin with. These parents stuck in there for a very lengthy time, and when they had the nerve to ask for a break, LE reported that they "had quit cooperating." That just upped the hostility, in my mind, and I'll bet it didn't do much to make the parents believe the LE agents were truly trying to explore all the avenues.

I agree... I have heard them say DB is not answering the "hard questions". Maybe, just maybe...she doesn't know the answers to the hard questions. I don't agree with the fact that she chose to drink while being the sole caretaker that night, but I can see how this would lead to her not knowing some answers and having a skewed timeline. I wouldn't sit down with them again if they were going to try to railroad me again and I knew I was innocent. IMO LE is so focused on DB that they have tunnel-vision. I think this child was kidnapped and the person who has her has had 3 weeks to establish a new life with her. JMO:banghead:
Respectfully snipped

Any innocent person should be able to uphold their innocence even in the face of these interrogation tactics. Repeat their story over and over again, the truth never changes.

Respectfully snipped.

I'm afraid many innocent people are not able to do that though. That's why false confessions happen, and according to the Innocence Project, false confessions are responsible for around 25% of wrongful convictions.
Good. Then you'll be happy to know they have. ;D
Yes, but not since Jersey was arrested and not since MT came forward about the guy with the baby, not since the cadaver hit, not since DB changed her story for the third time, not since JI changed his story for the second or third time, not since it was discovered JT came on board. Three weeks have passed and new info has certainly come to light so it is time to go back over the new and old information in light of new developments.

Neither DB or JI has been arrested. So, LE has been under no obligation to give either of them their Miranda Rights. It is their choice to get legal representation...which they have had since October 8th or 9th. (Nursebeeme gave us a linked quote, this morning, from Ms Short, herself that detailed one meeting, with LE and the parents while she was present.)

They have the right to answer questions with or without a lawyer present and LE knows that if they will do that only with legal representation that they must abide by that.
really, that seems reasonable. Your child is missing, out there with some kidnapper and you don't like the attitude or questions or demeanor of the people who have the ability and experience to possibly find her so you take your ball and go home and have your lawyer create a web site disputing the evidence and giving interviews focused on you and your husband instead of the mssing child-that's what's important? Arguing about dogs, planting misinformation about cadavers smelling like baby poop and cut fingernails. How would innocent parents know whether Lisa was alive or not especially when the only parent allegedly present doesn't know if she ever saw Lisa after 6:40 at night and she wasn't reported missing until 4:00am and she also might have been "blacked out" but still insists there is no way the dog hit on decomp. And it's not like the lawyer talks about it being inconceivale to the parents that Lisa is gone. No, it's not based on their extremem emotional response to the kidnapping, it's just that the dogs are inept and/or the police are lying and anyway, decomp smells like lots of stuff, especially baby poop.

It's not like they're out searching or asking Texas Equusearch or some group to search and for help. They don't even say they'll meet with a certain person or not with certain people or with the FBI or anything. No, they won't meet with anyone unless and until all their conditions are met. Bargaining your cooperation while your child is being held captive. Sorry, does not compute. The only reason to act the way these people are is that you don't want the child found. That's the only reasonable conclusion I can draw at this point-nothing else makes a lick of sense.

Um, no, actually. Their answer is to come out swinging publicly, to set up a find lisa page so people can read and learn, to print more posters and more tshirts and have their lawyers appear in public clearing up public misconceptions that the parents murdered this baby.

That's not nothing. That's a LOT if they're looking for a live baby.
JeannaT: "He confessed because they wouldn't let him sleep until he did.

I'm not sure that calling someone "absurd" within the rules of this forum, MyBelle."

I didn't call anyone any name, I clearly said the comparison to Kevin Fox's case is absurd because nobody in this case has confessed or been deprived of sleep.

im just trying to catch up on everything,why on earth wouldn't they let LE interview them separately :waitasec:

if they have nothing to hide i don't see the problem with it?

i get the feeling DB is leading JI so i think this is her decision not his IMO

but i did watch a video that was on youtube analyzing JI's body language and his "tells". it was interesting to say the least and made me think he's not as innocent as i once thought,all speculation on my part of course.

Since there isn't an active media thread now, just want y'all to know that the Lisa Irwin case is being discussed on Issues (HLN). Nothing that's necessarily new or that hasn't been discussed here, but at least HLN is keeping the story in the headlines.

It is well established, on tape and in print that Debbi initially claimed 10:30 pm as the last time Lisa Irwin was seen. This was information obtained by police from the parents when LE rushed to the home and investigated the 911 call; shortly therafter issuing an Amber Alert. It is not disputed by anyone, including Debbi, that she provided this information.

Here are 3 different links referring to the 10:30 initial last sighting given by Debbi. There are many more.

1. This is the information that the parents gave to LE to issue the Amber Alert on Oct 4th.

Police issued the alert for Lisa Irwin early Tuesday morning. The baby was last seen at 10:30 p.m. Monday asleep in her crib at her parents' home in the 3600 block of North Lister Avenue.

2. Debbi then confirmed the 10:30 pm check-in time she had given police in the GMA interview on Oct 6th.

Reporter: “So, so, so, Debbie, try and take us back to the last time you saw Lisa. You put her, you checked in on her around 10:30 Monday night?”

DB: “Um, Yeah. Between the time she went to bed and the time I went to bed, and uh, I gave her her bottle, I, I, I put her to sleep, and uh, that was the last time we seen her.”


3. Debbi's attorneys have not denied that Debbie claimed 10:30 p.m. as her final check-in on Lisa, and then changed the time way 6:40 p.m. after announcing she was drunk that night and possibly blacked out. They won't deny what is easily proven, on-tape and well documented. The change in Debbi's final sighting of Lisa was even a key point of the announcements that Tacapino had come on board 0n 10/17/11.

Bradley told police she last saw her daughter, Lisa Irwin, when she checked on her at 10:30 p.m. But Monday, she told NBC's "Today" show she actually last saw Lisa when she put her to bed at 6:40 p.m. She gave no explanation for the modified times.

Well, here goes: We do not know what Debbie told LE. It is entirely possible that the information was transmitted wrong to the police in the AA. We know that several other things were transmitted wrong from the police on the first night. (Including dispatcher saying that JI was the suspect in a car theft, when in fact he was the victim.) So, link number 1 is not proof of what Debbie said to LE.

Next: in the GMA interview, Debbie does NOT say that she last saw the baby at 10:30. All she says is that she checked on her between when she put her down, and when she went to bed. In fact, she said yeah, and then seemed to amend it. That could mean that she misunderstood the question at first, and was trying to be totally honest.

Last: JT didn't say a lot of things. Not denying something does not mean that he is admitting it. And the huffpo piece is an opinion piece. You can't use that as a primary source.

So, again - there is no proof that DB lied to the media. There is no proof she lied to LE. IF she lied to LE, that's important, and needs to be investigated. Normally, innocent people don't lie, and if she did, I would understand the suspicion, but in this case, we don't know. Everyone assumes it, but we don't know.

Thanks for the effort though. IF DB lied to LE, that would actually push me towards the edge of the fence. :)

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