LeAnna (Mom) #1

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Lawrence Zimmerman

Atlanta Criminal Defense Attorney
Aggressive representation from a leading Atlanta criminal defense lawyer. Our law firm can represent clients facing any charges, in any Georgia State, Local or Federal court.

Our Criminal Defense
We fight to win. We are thorough in our preparation, strategic in our case management, and relentless in our pursuit to defend our clients. We live to hear the words "Not Guilty".
THIS. Coming out of lurking because I can't help commenting on this.

We (my ex-husband and I) moved together to a new city 6 years ago. He'd gotten a new, really good job and we'd talked about it at length and decided we didn't want the kids so far away from either of us, so we both moved. I started temping at a firm that was providing temps to law firms so it paid well and felt like a win-win. My ex had the kids during the day while I was at work for those first few weeks while he was settling into his new house. At one point he decided it was too difficult to get much moving work done with our two kids running about so he decided to take them to a local kids organization. We had a big argument about this because it wasn't an actual daycare, there was not a good teacher-kid ratio (in fact, there were no teachers per se, mostly just teenage and young adult volunteers) and everything seemed really disorganized. At any rate, he thought it was perfectly fine for a few hours in the day. Well, our 6 year old daughter had a 16 year old kid fall on her while one of these teenage 'teachers' was throwing footballs and had all ages of kids running to catch them. Her leg was broken in the most hideous way, but thankfully she ended up not needing surgery.

At any rate, I was so furiously angry at the ex for taking our daughter to this place after I'd pointed out everything that was wrong with it, I nearly physically attacked him right there in the hospital. It took weeks before I felt I could be civilized around him. It's been 6 years and still, if I think about how that whole incident happened, I could strangle him. And I care deeply about him and believe he is a good father. But that sort of mistake-making, which I still believe was entirely preventable, is a difficult thing for me to accept. I know nobody's perfect, but still. It was just so much unnecessary suffering for our daughter. And I understand it was an accident and I know he feels awful about it.

So I'm really unable to understand how LH is saying she's not upset, and how she appears so calm, nevermind the fact she asked to see RH and not her baby. If it were me, I know that someone would have had to protect RH from me. I'm not proud of that, but I know that's how visceral it would feel - how visceral it did feel when I ran up to that ambulance and saw my daughter's leg all askew. It was so visceral, that rage I felt when I saw my daughter hurt, that I am not sure I could fathom how much worse it would be to have a dead child. Her reactions, to me, are completely counterintuitive.
Not to mention he is cheating on her as well. Even if she doesn't believe he killed their child on purpose and has forgiven him, how can she remain so calm and emotionless about what came out the other day with the sexting? It is bizarre.
I feel exactly the same. There are a lot of stupid women that take "Stand by your Man" to extremes.

I was thinking about those women who for whatever reason

are like the three monkeys, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.

Turning the proverbial blind eye. There are women who take that approach. Usually those in traditional patriarchal beliefs or upbringing.

But that comment in the interview room alone with RH in response to him saying they were charging him. "did you say too much?" (paraphrased because I do not recall the exact quote)

That comment does not jibe with the turn blind eye because the man is the man personality type for me.
thanks msthinksalot :)

Glad you came from lurkdom to share.
My gut and my brain are at war. That seems to be the :fence: thing with me :confused:
Excellent post.
I'm right there with you on this.
My grizzly MaMa bear mode appeared a few times whilst raising my only child. It is NOT a pretty temperament.
Actually almost scared me, how I could go into an absolute RED hot, fierce, ready to do battle to the death frame of mind.

Whew, ex-husband is still alive, I've not gone to jail, and now grown daughter is A1 0kay.

Not one thing that LH did or said, or acted during or even after her baby's death, makes any sense to me at all. Not a one, including yesterday's visit to try to see RH.

Can't arrest someone for being strange though.
Lucky for LH!

THIS. Coming out of lurking because I can't help commenting on this.

We (my ex-husband and I) moved together to a new city 6 years ago. He'd gotten a new, really good job and we'd talked about it at length and decided we didn't want the kids so far away from either of us, so we both moved. I started temping at a firm that was providing temps to law firms so it paid well and felt like a win-win. My ex had the kids during the day while I was at work for those first few weeks while he was settling into his new house. At one point he decided it was too difficult to get much moving work done with our two kids running about so he decided to take them to a local kids organization. We had a big argument about this because it wasn't an actual daycare, there was not a good teacher-kid ratio (in fact, there were no teachers per se, mostly just teenage and young adult volunteers) and everything seemed really disorganized. At any rate, he thought it was perfectly fine for a few hours in the day. Well, our 6 year old daughter had a 16 year old kid fall on her while one of these teenage 'teachers' was throwing footballs and had all ages of kids running to catch them. Her leg was broken in the most hideous way, but thankfully she ended up not needing surgery.

At any rate, I was so furiously angry at the ex for taking our daughter to this place after I'd pointed out everything that was wrong with it, I nearly physically attacked him right there in the hospital. It took weeks before I felt I could be civilized around him. It's been 6 years and still, if I think about how that whole incident happened, I could strangle him. And I care deeply about him and believe he is a good father. But that sort of mistake-making, which I still believe was entirely preventable, is a difficult thing for me to accept. I know nobody's perfect, but still. It was just so much unnecessary suffering for our daughter. And I understand it was an accident and I know he feels awful about it.

So I'm really unable to understand how LH is saying she's not upset, and how she appears so calm, nevermind the fact she asked to see RH and not her baby. If it were me, I know that someone would have had to protect RH from me. I'm not proud of that, but I know that's how visceral it would feel - how visceral it did feel when I ran up to that ambulance and saw my daughter's leg all askew. It was so visceral, that rage I felt when I saw my daughter hurt, that I am not sure I could fathom how much worse it would be to have a dead child. Her reactions, to me, are completely counterintuitive.
So, maybe that was part of the reason she wanted a face to face with hubby at the jail yesterday?
I see busses.

Yep. The "he did, said this bus" and the "she said, did this bus".

Doubt we'll hear much more info now, except for what comes out at the Grand Jury hearing.

Am I correct? Next is the Grand Jury hearing?



Lawrence Zimmerman

Atlanta Criminal Defense Attorney
Aggressive representation from a leading Atlanta criminal defense lawyer. Our law firm can represent clients facing any charges, in any Georgia State, Local or Federal court.

Our Criminal Defense
We fight to win. We are thorough in our preparation, strategic in our case management, and relentless in our pursuit to defend our clients. We live to hear the words "Not Guilty".
So, maybe that was part of the reason she wanted a face to face with hubby at the jail yesterday?
I see busses.

Yep. The "he did, said this bus" and the "she said, did this bus".

Doubt we'll hear much more info now, except for what comes out at the Grand Jury hearing.

Am I correct? Next is the Grand Jury hearing?


yes you are correct Grand Jury hearing next
"He was loved and cherished and protected by both parents and all family members for his short 22 months of life."

A ridiculous statement. One parent didn't protect him at all.

Almost as crazy as when RH said "he didn't do anything to deserve this " or "didn't do anything to anyone" or something similar when referring to Cooper...
Nothing like stating the obvious!
Who says that about a baby!

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Wife of man whose son died in hot car TURNED AWAY while trying to visit him in jail as she continues to stand by his side


The wife of Justin Harris, (snipped to stay under 10%), was barred from visiting her husband Tuesday when she attempted to see him in jail for the first time since shocking details of the alleged crime were revealed in court. (snipped to stay under 10%)Leanna Harris refused to answer reporters' questions (snipped to stay under 10%)except to shake her head 'no' when asked if she'd seen her son's accused killer.

Harris appeared at least passably distraught

Let the commencement of "throwing her under the bus" begin :)


The only way I can somewhat theorize about her behavior in my own head is that she was completely done.
Done with the marriage,done with her cheating husband,done with Cooper because he was part of that life.
I just don't see the "stand by your man" angle in her.I know we're not supposed to talk about their religion but I believe her faith plays a huge role in the way she is acting.IMO divorce and loosing face in front of her religious community was just not an option.IMO she did not want everyone to know who JH really is.I feel like Cooper being gone would have been a legitimate reason for them to split.Everyone would have understood they just could not handle the pressure of the situation and they would have still looked good and honorable in the eyes of the community.IMO that's what she meant when she said she "is doing this for Ross" IMO they talked themselves into thinking that Cooper the adorable,perfect child would be so much happier and well taken care of in Jesus arms and they would cherish his memory and go their own ways.IMO this was 100% pre-meditated by both of them.Of course I may be waaaaayyyyy off but this is how I see it at the moment.
yes, the HLN coverage regarding mom's words at funeral was a dramatic reading by staffer of HLN.

So the words were hers, and she spoke them, but that is not what was heard on HLN. A dramatic reading by a stranger was what we all heard.

Hi Ticya, I agree with you. I heard it said on HLN that she is not a very emotional person. I watched her during the hearing and think she is naturally a very controlled person. Chewing her gum she would be chewing slowly and then stop, holding the gum in her mouth and then slowly start chewing again. I could see her brain working, see the lump in her throat and she would take in a bit of a breath, looking straight ahead as she listened to the proceedings. I don't think she had any idea she was on camera at that time. Her eyes never darted away from straight ahead. I could see how at moments she was almost overcome with what she was hearing but she had to remain stalwart. I think that is part of her personality.

We'll see how it shakes out with her. I haven't seen nor heard enough about her yet to think she was a part of ordaining her son's death. I have this feeling Ross might have tried this before and she was aware of that. He was probably her 'everything'. If LE charges her as an accomplice it could well be that she knew what Ross was planning and she didn't want to lose her husband, and hoping nothing would really come to fruition, she didn't do anything to stop him from what he had planned. She evidently didn't call LE about his searches, but she knew about them. 8 years of marriage and maybe she was still mesmerized with him. Crazy, eh, but I am well aware of the 'battered women's syndrome'. It can take many forms. It could be why she didn't focus on the baby first, and keeping him safe. Maybe Ross had changed allot as of late with his different sexual needs and she didn't know what to make of it yet. She loved him. It is so sad because Cooper deserved the best of both parents. Cooper was helpless. Ross nor LeAnne weren't IMO.
Upthread someone referred to red hot anger.......there's also white hot anger. The kind of controlled anger combined with a poker face is confusing to red hot anger people.

From hearing and watching the bits of snippets about LH I sense she falls into the white hot category -- she won't give spectators the satisfaction of knowing what she's feeling.

totally JMO
I have tried to read her. I am getting seething or indifferent, I don't know her so I can't tell. She sure isn't blubbering over him and acting like a fool. Just because she wanted to see her husband does not mean she is choosing him over her child. She may have some choice words for him that now if she says them, they get recorded. I'd want to choose my words wisely... Or she is hopelessly devoted and at that point I will no longer reserve any hope that he made all these choices on his own. He assumed he'd get away with it and then he could divorce her without 16 years of child support.
Or he was hoping she would divorce him for accidentally forgetting Cooper on purpose.

At any rate he was done it seems.
I think she was too.

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I have tried to read her. I am getting seething or indifferent, I don't know her so I can't tell. She sure isn't blubbering over him and acting like a fool. Just because she wanted to see her husband does not mean she is choosing him over her child. She may have some choice words for him that now if she says them, they get recorded. I'd want to choose my words wisely... Or she is hopelessly devoted and at that point I will no longer reserve any hope that he made all these choices on his own. He assumed he'd get away with it and then he could divorce her without 16 years of child support.
Or he was hoping she would divorce him for accidentally forgetting Cooper on purpose.

At any rate he was done it seems.
I think she was too.

All posts are MOO. Sent via Insignia Flex Tablet.

I think you hit all three points beautifully!

(She's 'handled' her community and the illusion that she supports her husband but behind the scenes it's a totally different matter)

She may be fed up and truthfully burnt out from dealing with him and the fallout of his actions and her ''give a damn is busted''

JMO and all that...
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