Leanord Padilla's Latest Comment: (IE the body)

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Yeah. Whatever Leonard :rolleyes: Just another exaggeration, assumption or straight out lie. Isn't this the same man who said he was bringing Caylee home? That he'd find Caylee? That 'enough of her body' had been found so TES no longer had to search?

He's full of it. It's a damn shame so many people hang off his every word too.

I also find it hard to believe that people believe everything he utters. If NG believed his statement tonight about FBI/LE having Caylee's body, she would have pursued it. Also, what happened to the poly test he was asked to take, or was that another "mistruth"?
Yeah. Whatever Leonard :rolleyes: Just another exaggeration, assumption or straight out lie. Isn't this the same man who said he was bringing Caylee home? That he'd find Caylee? That 'enough of her body' had been found so TES no longer had to search?

He's full of it. It's a damn shame so many people hang off his every word too.

Bandit, I woulda thought the same thing if it weren't for the threads just last night, before the show, in the "what happened to the bag in KC's trunk" thread", that said the same thing.
I agree with you on this one. As you said above, with all the people that would be involved, and this being such a high profile case, someone would have leaked the info or the Media would have noticed the activity.

Maybe this is the leak.
I was hoping NG was going to question him on this. I'm dying to know why he made that statement.

NG was probably too busy lining up her next question for another panelist. Too bad. Can't believe a producer didn't key her in... "um, ask LP a follow-up question to what he just said...."

NANCY GRACE - http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0812/09/ng.01.html

O.J. Simpson Transferred to State Prison ( Caylee sighting) - Aired December 9, 2008

Hmm, he mentioned it again last night. I wonder if they have found part of Caylee's remains? They do not have to tell the family if they did; if LE feels there was foul play and we already know they feel there was.

Quote: NANCY GRACE: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0810/15/ng.01.html
Aired October 15, 2008
Judge Denies Bond for Casey Anthony - LP talked about this on NG. He said that the bag retrieved from Casey's trunk had residue on it which was bodily fluids.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think -- I think what they`ve got is, they`ve got the bag that the gentleman at the yard threw over the fence, and then one of the detectives, God bless him, went over there that night and retrieved the bag. And they have found body evidence on the outside of the bag, which had pizza leftovers on the inside. And on the outside, there was maggots. And I think your Dr. Kobilinsky would tell you that maggots would not -- I don`t believe feed on pizza. But on the outside of the bag, there were maggots.

GRACE: Do we know anything about fluids from a body, Leonard?

PADILLA: Yes, there were body fluids on the outside of the bag, yes.

Hairbrush incident, Cindy gave the wrong hairbrush to the FBI, and almost giving the dogs toothbrush to the FBI. She made some comment about it toTracy! She also has made a comment about when did Tracy get an attorney to talk to? Well, she got that attorney way back when she first came back to Sacramento, because of some incriminating things that Casey had mentioned to her. And she didn`t want to be jacked up on a misprison -- felony type situation.

California November 21st most recent alleged sighting , they can`t find any other witnesses. These two folks who have signed the sworn affidavit have given their information to the George and Cindy Anthony Web site. However, at the time that they came forward, it was so long after this initial sighting happened that they weren`t really able to do much to follow up. The restaurant in Crystal Cove,they are looking into it, had everyone from their staff, nobody has said that they saw Caylee.
Here is the link -


About 7:25 minutes into the video.

Patty G, thank you so much for doing this for everyone. Today, I thank you a little more. S. McCoy, the soilder that was killed in war that was shown last night on the show is from my hometown. My children and I went to his memorial in September. Today, you are my hero!
I will say that I don't think this is true but if it is....

Could KC have thrown Cindy, George and/or Lee under the bus to LE in exhange for a plea? She could have disclosed the body and incriminated them. Therefore, LE would not have notified or tipped off the Anthony's as to this information. It could also explain why JB is still proclaiming that KC is innocent. From what I recal yesterday morning, he didn't say much of anything other then KC is innocent... not that Caylee is alive, Caylee is missing. Just that KC is innocent and wants her day in court. Techincally, that could be interpreted as a witness against one of the Anthonys. Just a thought.

Again, I don't buy it but I guess it could be a possibility. I don't think she would talk for anything quite frankly and although I think LE might have something, I don't think they have Caylee's body.
Did LP expand on why he think s this?

JBean: just started reading so don't know if anyone answered this for you---uhhhhh NO, but it was NG and she never follows-up on some things....I was personally glad that she didn't say the recordings were "secret" & they "didn't know"---
I agree with you about the "person in hiding" ...I have looked at so many pix of Caylee...and can't see any resemblence of KC (maybe if she had been allowed to grow older it would have been there). But I DID see CA in Caylee...weird....

That isn't weird at all. I have four sons and two of them look nothing like me. My youngest actually looks a lot like his grandfather, but he also looks like his uncle. And, no, there was nothing funny going on!

I agree that Caylee resembled CA.
The Anthonys have NO LEGAL rights to that information.

I have searched as best I know how the statutes in Florida and there is nothing there concerning the notification of anyone but parents. (and I am not convinced that is even a statute as such). It does say if one or both of the parents are involved in the child's case, they do not have to be notified.

WOW! If the above is true, then NO WONDER they still hang on to the hope that Caylee is alive!
As to it being a statute... most LE agencies would be considerate enough to inform the family... and since Casey is the only known parent of the child, and she is in jail... then the next persons they would want to tell would be the grandparents, who basically raised the child... don't you think? I mean, otherwise it is just cruel... and serves no legitimate purpose.
He always says them so casually I assume it's with LE's tacit approval. I don't know why I think that though. lol.

I think that a lot of what LP says is the truth!! And if they had found bones and teeth, it would take awile for DNA testing to come back so they would not announce it until they were sure.

I believe what Leonard says about the atmosphere in the A's house after KC's release. He was the first one who told about her 'new' story about being held down in Blanchard Park by Zanny and her sister Samantha and being told she had to learn her lesson. A lot of what he has said turns out to be true.

Who knows, but that would be wonderful and would explain TES pulling up stakes and moving on. I think this group of LE has been excellent about keeping things quiet that they don't want leaked to the public. And I have a feeling that BAEZ and G and C know it. JMHO
Yeah. Whatever Leonard :rolleyes: Just another exaggeration, assumption or straight out lie. Isn't this the same man who said he was bringing Caylee home? That he'd find Caylee? That 'enough of her body' had been found so TES no longer had to search?

He's full of it. It's a damn shame so many people hang off his every word too.

He did not say that the body HAD BEEN FOUND... he said "don't be surprised IF they tell us they have the body..." So how is that a lie? He is not stating it as a fact. And what's a damn shame is that people have to be so damn negative!
I believe we were asked not to bash him... ??
Even if LE did notify the A's, we all know by now that Caylee would not LOOK like their grandbaby anymore. CA wouldn't believe them. They could throw DNA results at her and she would still hold on to hope. I can hear her now "science has flaws" and "DNA is only 98% accurate". LP is just like all of us. He's a good old boy who desperately wants Caylee to be found. He theorizes just like we do. He thinks out loud just like we do. He shares information just like we do. Somehow he is privy to a lot of info. His quote, however, did not say "The HAVE found her" it just said he wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. And honestly, it wouldn't surprise me either. Very little about this case surprises me anymore.
:eek: Wow, that is a bold statement! Oh, I sure hope this is true so I can be rest assured that little Caylee will get the justice she deserves.
But if they had the body, what would be the benefit of dropping the DP?

I also hope he is right but like you, I wonder why they would drop the DP if they indeed had the body. Time will tell I suppose.
I like LP but I wish he would stop crying wolf..Why would LP spend so much time looking for Caylee if LE already had her remains. I can see why comments like he made will assure him another spot on NG but we have been through this how many times? Last nite he implied that CA almost gave LE the dogs toothbrush but the last time he spoke of this he said CA made the comment as a joke. Come on LP..don't start spinning tales you can't back up..You can shoot in the dark as much as you want and eventually you might hit something I guess..

NANCY GRACE - http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0812/09/ng.01.html

Quote: NANCY GRACE: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0810/15/ng.01.html
Aired October 15, 2008
Judge Denies Bond for Casey Anthony - LP talked about this on NG. He said that the bag retrieved from Casey's trunk had residue on it which was bodily fluids.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think -- I think what they`ve got is, they`ve got the bag that the gentleman at the yard threw over the fence, and then one of the detectives, God bless him, went over there that night and retrieved the bag. And they have found body evidence on the outside of the bag, which had pizza leftovers on the inside. And on the outside, there was maggots. And I think your Dr. Kobilinsky would tell you that maggots would not -- I don`t believe feed on pizza. But on the outside of the bag, there were maggots.

GRACE: Do we know anything about fluids from a body, Leonard?

PADILLA: Yes, there were body fluids on the outside of the bag, yes.

~Respectfully Snipped~

RE: Maggots in the Bag: I would guess that the DNA experts have taken those maggots, disected them, extracted DNA and/or actual human tissue from them, and have identified the tissue and DNA as being Caylee's. The scientists do have the ability to do this:

http://www.denverda.org/DNA_Documents/DNA Analysis from Maggots.pdf
:blowkiss:I think LP makes his living off of his theories...and in order to be successful in bounty hunting, those theories may change. This is really no different than what investigators do. The thing that has bothered me for weeks is the search in Blanchard Park, when something was obviously recovered and then hushed up. I remember commenting to my better half at the time " Well that was weird". And it was. We had divers thinking that they found human finger and toe bones...LP upset and crying... then LP being questioned and asked to take a poly- which never happened. WHY? No major accounting anywhere, of what was really found. I have a hard time believing that a diver wouldnt know the difference between a rock and a bone. The evidence was taken away , and the coverage of the event died away. This just doesnt make any sense. Why would LE take rocks as evidence? I dont think they would. I do think LP may know more than we think he does. CA made this personal for LP.. I think he wants Caylee found. As we all do.

Prayers for Caylee Marie

I agree with everything you've said!! And we have to remember... he DID NOT state this as a fact... there was a big IF in that statement.
I can take him or leave him, and I don't hang on every word he says... but he DOES come up with some profound things now and then. And there was something awfully strange about that whole BP search and TM turning on him like he did and up and leaving. I won't go into that any more, but things just don't make sense about that whole thing to me... never has!
WOW! If the above is true, then NO WONDER they still hang on to the hope that Caylee is alive!

As to it being a statute... most LE agencies would be considerate enough to inform the family... and since Casey is the only known parent of the child, and she is in jail... then the next persons they would want to tell would be the grandparents, who basically raised the child... don't you think? I mean, otherwise it is just cruel... and serves no legitimate purpose.

I agree~ I can't think of a legitimate reason for LE to withhold this info. from the family. They would feel it's a matter of integrity on their part to notify the next of kin.

It doesn't matter that Casey is in jail. She is the next of kin and the one they would notify first, IMO.
<<I also find it hard to believe that people believe everything he utters>>

I agree. He's convinced Caylee's body is in the Little Econ River also, but I just don't think so. I know everyone on this board likes Leonard, but my problem with him started at the beginning. I kind of think if he had kept his nose out of it instead of running to Florida and bailing KC out, things may have been different. I know he's in this for the publicity being that he has his own show and all, but we're talking about a 3 year old child here.
I feel the same way, Pattymarie. I don't see a single bit of resemblance to KC, but her eyes are Cindy's. That really doesn't mean anything..... just an interesting observation.

It is not uncommon for kids to look like a grandparent rather than a parent... or even an uncle or aunt or a cousin. I have a son who looks more like his grandfather (my dad) than he does me or his father. IMO, neither Casey or Lee look like Cindy at all... their features are more like George. So if the theory that Lee is Caylee's bio dad were true... why wouldn't she look more like George than Cindy? But...... what it all boils down to is... kids can inherit facial features from several generations back. Means nothing.

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