Leanord Padilla's Latest Comment: (IE the body)

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<<It is not uncommon for kids to look like a grandparent rather than a parent>>

That's so true. My daughter looks like her paternal great-grandmother. Also, I don't think LE could have a body and not be legally bound to notify next-of-kin. I believe LE has evidence that Caylee is deceased, but it's not a body.

NANCY GRACE - http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0812/09/ng.01.html

O.J. Simpson Transferred to State Prison ( Caylee sighting) - Aired December 9, 2008

Hmm, he mentioned it again last night. I wonder if they have found part of Caylee's remains? They do not have to tell the family if they did; if LE feels there was foul play and we already know they feel there was.

Quote: NANCY GRACE: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0810/15/ng.01.html
Aired October 15, 2008
Judge Denies Bond for Casey Anthony - LP talked about this on NG. He said that the bag retrieved from Casey's trunk had residue on it which was bodily fluids.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think -- I think what they`ve got is, they`ve got the bag that the gentleman at the yard threw over the fence, and then one of the detectives, God bless him, went over there that night and retrieved the bag. And they have found body evidence on the outside of the bag, which had pizza leftovers on the inside. And on the outside, there was maggots. And I think your Dr. Kobilinsky would tell you that maggots would not -- I don`t believe feed on pizza. But on the outside of the bag, there were maggots.

GRACE: Do we know anything about fluids from a body, Leonard?

PADILLA: Yes, there were body fluids on the outside of the bag, yes.

Oh wow.
I always thought they have enough forensics to prove the poor baby is dead.

Hairbrush incident, Cindy gave the wrong hairbrush to the FBI, and almost giving the dogs toothbrush to the FBI. She made some comment about it toTracy! She also has made a comment about when did Tracy get an attorney to talk to? Well, she got that attorney way back when she first came back to Sacramento, because of some incriminating things that Casey had mentioned to her. And she didn`t want to be jacked up on a misprison -- felony type situation.

California November 21st most recent alleged sighting , they can`t find any other witnesses. These two folks who have signed the sworn affidavit have given their information to the George and Cindy Anthony Web site. However, at the time that they came forward, it was so long after this initial sighting happened that they weren`t really able to do much to follow up. The restaurant in Crystal Cove,they are looking into it, had everyone from their staff, nobody has said that they saw Caylee.

Oh wow.
I always thought they have enough forensics to prove that the poor baby is dead.
LP also said KC said that zanny took Caylee from the park and no one believed him until the doc dumps. So who knows:) Just have to wait and see:)
And he also said that Cindy and Casey had a fight, and Cindy was choking Casey. This is also evidenced in the doc dumps.
I think LP does have a means of receiving inside information. :)

I know,stupid question here but I am :waitasec: right now.

IF they have the body don't they have to tell JB about it???

I would think that by now...any man who had sex with KC 3 years ago would be wondering if he was the father and maybe would have some modicum of compassion and would come forward (at least secretly to LE) and have himself tested and help with this case. He has to know who is he is!

Well you would think so but I think there were a lot of "somebodies." It would also mean he would have to know her name, he might not have nor her his. Wasn't it said Caylee could be the result of some one night stands after getting drunk at parties?

It would be nice if they had the body like LP said & eve nicer if they had a daddy to test against.
remember when the ROCKS were 1st released as little finger and toes and a brick??? How CA fought the memorial, but LP did a memorial with the Rev G.
but called it a vigil...............that makes me think that the divers DID find something!! GJ came in so fast with murder indictment..........

That would be awesome.

I know,stupid question here but I am :waitasec: right now.

IF they have the body don't they have to tell JB about it???


I was just about to post the same question.

Thanks Madeleine

I know,stupid question here but I am :waitasec: right now.

IF they have the body don't they have to tell JB about it???


They have to tell JB once they've proven it is Caylee. My understanding is they don't have to tell him before they have the test results.
I would think that by now...any man who had sex with KC 3 years ago would be wondering if he was the father and maybe would have some modicum of compassion and would come forward (at least secretly to LE) and have himself tested and help with this case. He has to know who is he is!

Unless this man is married and stands to loose a lot if he came forward.
Somehow, I don't put it past KC to sleep with a married man :mad:
I also hope he is right but like you, I wonder why they would drop the DP if they indeed had the body. Time will tell I suppose.

Why would they drop the DP??? MY guess is that they don't have enough evidence to prove that Casey did it. Having the body does not ensure a DP conviction if they cannot determine cause of death, or that a murder did occur. It could be that it was a horrific accident of some kind.
OR there was a plea bargain we don't know about.
You all are assuming that just because Caylee's remains might have been found, that it will definitely prove Casey killed her. NOT SO. There would have to be marks on the body or something found that proves it was deliberate, rather than an accidental death. OPINIONS do not convict someone... EVIDENCE does.
Also, what happened to the poly test he was asked to take, or was that another "mistruth"?

You might want to ask the LE about that one. They're the ones who requested that he do the polygraph thing. He merely said he was willing to take it.
Momto5 - Brilliant! It never occured to me that she told them where the body was in exchange for taking the DP off of the table. I assumed that the case lacks sufficient aggravating circumstances and too many mitigating factors to qualify for DP. At least that is what the DP attorney implied, although I was curious as to why the murder of a child under 12 did not make this a capital case. Not knowing all the intricacies of FL law puts me at a disadvantage when trying to determine why things are happening as they are.

LP just blurted this out. NG did not respond. She didn't ask him anything about this statement. Of course, she isn't interviewing LP either.

The State must declare whether it will seek the DP within a certain amount of time prior to trial. I believe their cut-off date was 11/25(?). We didn't hear of the decision until the next week. (last week). DNA tests take time and if what Momto5 is thinking is true, we are only 14 days into the process.

Is it possible that KC finally told the truth for the first time in her life?

Even sociopaths will confess to save their own lives.

bolded by me.
Did anyone else notice in the new docs that KC, on 10/14, right after she was indicted and arrested, chose to be taken to a place other than the jail to "ASSIST WITH THE SEARCH FOR CAYLEE"???
Then JB was called, talked to her for like an hour, and she was taken to jail.
It p*sses me off to no end and back to know that she was possibly THISCLOSE to talking at that point, and freaking JB ruined it.
http://www.cfnews13.com/uploadedFiles/Stories/Local/Anthony pgs 2501-2550f.pdf
Maybe, just maybe, she chose to talk this time. I'm sure the state would accept Caylee's location in exchange for taking the DP off the table...
They have to tell JB once they've proven it is Caylee. My understanding is they don't have to tell him before they have the test results.

Well, do we think JB would/will come out and wave the white flag if, in fact, LE notifes him that they have positively ID'd Caylee's remains?? no.

He's more likely to do something like not send his one of three defense witnesses to examine evidence. Or not pick up tips for over a month that he fought for. See? This all adds up, if you stop and think about it. I really think it's a distinct possibility that she plea bargained. The timing is right, with the state taking the DP off the table after the deadline and what not.
She probably would have led them on another wild goose chase! If she was going to talk, she would have done it by now...JB or not. She is a tough cookie as they say and she is not going to break! (Well, they will break her in prison but that comes later).
I wonder if it would be different though because CA has power of attorney.
Anyone know? Would that change things at all?

she doesnt that was another anthony lie - LE confirmed with the attorney
no file on Caylee - it was in the last doc dump I believe
She probably would have led them on another wild goose chase! If she was going to talk, she would have done it by now...JB or not. She is a tough cookie as they say and she is not going to break! (Well, they will break her in prison but that comes later).

Maybe so, but we never will know since it didnt happen! Who knows if the GJ indictiment was enough to shake her up?? Maybe she was shocked, she was just indicted on capital murder charges.
Also, I have full faith that LE would have had her behind if she would've lead them on another chase for nothing. They know what they are looking for, they have so much for evidence than we know about!
I agree with you on this one. As you said above, with all the people that would be involved, and this being such a high profile case, someone would have leaked the info or the Media would have noticed the activity.

Unless Blanchard park or other search was the diversion -
and the real recovery was happening elsewhere - they would have
taken alot of measures to keep the frenzy from occuring I would think

I believe its possible they may have Caylee and no one the wiser
You might want to ask the LE about that one. They're the ones who requested that he do the polygraph thing. He merely said he was willing to take it.

I also think this speaks volume, we have yet to hear anything else about LP taking it, he has stated numerous times that he is willing to take it. I believe that LP did find something of interest at BP, and thats why we have not heard anything more about the LD test. JMHO:)

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