Lee Anthony's Lawyer Exits Case/Lee's Immunity

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Technically if Casey told him the truth and he kept that to himself, then he could be making a true statement. It could be both ways unfortunately. He could believe her (because she told him the real truth and he knows it, perhaps had it backed up by Dominick Casey's search of the woods?) and NOT have told that truth to LE and NEVER tell that truth the LE and whala-both statements become true statements. He said nothing new, and he believes everything his sister has told him.:furious:

I think I follow what you're saying but if he knows something (the truth) and never told it then how could his lawyer have said that he "spilled it all?" That's the part that I think is contradictory and why he can't have it both ways.
But wasn't Casey on it when Cindy came to get her? Weren't there others who stated that Casey was sitting on the couch on "her" laptop? Maybe there were two?
Yes...She was on her laptop when Amy and Cindy rang the bell but she left without it. So...One can assume that KC, having had warning from either Amy or CA, that CA was looking for her - she herself could have "blue-screened" or TL could have (unlikely IMO) or LA. Someone "blue-screened" the computer she left behind when she left with CA and Amy. She left her phone - yes - her beloved cell phone as well! (LE went back to retrieve that but they did not pick up the computer.)

I went back and rewatched the LA and TL secret videos this afternoon. I think it was in the 3rd part where they are talking about the laptop having a blue screen when LA went to pick it up. So in IMO only I think this was confirmation that LA wasn't lying the laptop was down.
OK, but how did it conveniently crash between when Cindy showed up to haul Casey home and when Lee picked it up? It evidently was working just fine when Casey was on the sofa next to Tony that day or someone would have mentioned the laptop was messed up, imo.

I do think Lee must have done something to the computer because Casey did not have time.
Wasn't she referencing where the cell phone store was? I'm confused!
It was my bad memory. Sorry. However, it stuck out to me because no one uses the phrase...."bottom left side of town". Was there really a phone she purchased at that store anyway?

Lee was getting information from Casey in round about ways in those videos and on the phone with her in jail, imo.
OK, but how did it conveniently crash between when Cindy showed up to haul Casey home and when Lee picked it up? It evidently was working just fine when Casey was on the sofa next to Tony that day or someone would have mentioned the laptop was messed up, imo.

I do think Lee must have done something to the computer because Casey did not have time.

I don't know, it was confirmed by TL in the video. I also found it interesting that TL did not mention to LA that he helped KC break into the shed. I guess he thought he would be in trouble for helping her. It came out in this statement to LE.
I think I follow what you're saying but if he knows something (the truth) and never told it then how could his lawyer have said that he "spilled it all?" That's the part that I think is contradictory and why he can't have it both ways.

Maybe when [if] he used the term "spilled it all" he quickly realized his mistake [too much info ] and said "nothing new" to downplay what he said.
Didn't Luka say something odd when he first became Lee's lawyer? Maybe it was about the immunity.I'm drawing a blank now,but I remember we discussed something about him and a slip up or too much info.
Anyone remember?
I found pages of discussion about the "bottom left side" of town in the Casey Speak Casey Code Casey Talk thread. Still looking for the map I referenced.
I don't know, it was confirmed by TL in the video. I also found it interesting that TL did not mention to LA that he helped KC break into the shed. I guess he thought he would be in trouble for helping her. It came out in this statement to LE.

LE probably told him not to discuss with anyone, esp the A's, what was discussed in their interviews. Just a guess of course. JMO
We know from the cell phone records that Cindy was in contact with Casey shortly before she arrived. She texted her, "We have a problem." It could be that Casey knew her gig was up . . . She could have been working on the computer to BSOD it herself, knowing there was incriminating info on it. She was all packed, too, remember? I'd love to know if she or Tony packed her bag . . . (I don't suspect Tony of the computer BSOD; just interested in whether Casey knew she was leaving soon or Tony decided, after all the Cindy drama, that he was getting her out of there.)

Sorry, the last thought was OT ~ Please disregard for comment.
Maybe the real reason for Luka leaving the case is that LA did in fact "spill it all" against Luka's legal advice. In other words, he told the complete truth and because of what he divulged Luka feels he can no longer represent him. "Spill it all" is a very strange choice of words and IMO it's use denotes to me a certain amount of anger. His statement that there was "nothing different" is just Luka's way of saying that he didn't want to discuss anything further. I also find it very curious that this came to light immediately after the SA deposition of LA.
Seems odd to me, the whole thing of TL stepping down. He was the defending att. when I served on a jury, and he seemed like a bulldog to me, never giving up on his client.

The question is, for me, did he call it quits on LA, or did LA call it quits on him?
Maybe when [if] he used the term "spilled it all" he quickly realized his mistake [too much info ] and said "nothing new" to downplay what he said.
Didn't Luka say something odd when he first became Lee's lawyer? Maybe it was about the immunity.I'm drawing a blank now,but I remember we discussed something about him and a slip up or too much info.
Anyone remember?

I'm not sure which odd thing you're speaking of concerning Luka. But I do remember this one,where Luka is back tracking of when he saw the video of D.Casey looking for Caylee. I remember thinking it was quite hysterical.It's at the ending of this link:

IIRC the jailhouse conversation between LA and KC was about where KC had purchased her "blackjack" phone. She said at the phone store by the mall, lower left. I dont' remember any conversation about a map and "southeast".

LA "spilled" it all and "nothing was different". Strange wording. Usually when someone "spills" it in courthouse jargon, it means that they "rolled over" on someone, or told what they know that implicates another. But, to add that "nothing was different" sure takes the common meaning away, as thus far, LA has said nada to implicate KC.

Bold mine.

Have we ever seen LA's interview with the FBI? I don't recall it being released yet. Perhaps when LA was interviewed by the FBI, he was more forthcoming with the truth than he was at the Morgan deposition...maybe that is what Luka is referring to when he says that LA "spilled it all" and "nothing was different"...maybe nothing was different from the FBI interview. :confused:
This is very interesting, to say the least. Do we know if the other two A's are getting immunity, as well?

Lee seemed to act on directives from C & G, IMO. He went looking for KC prior to the 911 calls on Cindys request, he came to the house that night at Georges request, and he went to get KC's stuff after being told where KC's things were (someone had to tell them where TL lived or he would have gone there earlier at Cindys request). Could be that his immunity is a tactical move.

Or it could just be that he decided to stop the madness and chose to quit listening to mommy. He has been quite for awhile now, which is imo a smart move. It will be interesting, IMO, come trial to hear what Lee had to say.
I am going back over the videos I found on WFTV of Lee's visits to find out exactly what was said and I will transcribe it here. I had no luck in finding the conversations on WS pertaining to what she said altho I know we did discuss it. It could be in relation to where she bought the phone, but if so...I missed it and will review that tape again. (It is taking forever because my videos only load a tiny bit at a time.)

If someone could help me look for it, I would be very appreciative since it is taking me so long here. Here are all the videos from Lee's visits:


Dots~ I could be mistaken, but I just remember thinking at the time it was odd the way she said it.

I didn't have an opportunity to look today but will, thanks for the link.
Maybe when [if] he used the term "spilled it all" he quickly realized his mistake [too much info ] and said "nothing new" to downplay what he said.
Didn't Luka say something odd when he first became Lee's lawyer? Maybe it was about the immunity.I'm drawing a blank now,but I remember we discussed something about him and a slip up or too much info.
Anyone remember?

I remember Luka saying when he was first hired on by LA something to the effect that there might be some charges coming. I think this is what you are referring to. As I recall, he said this in a television interview.
I think he asked her what store she got her cell phone from and she said the lower left part of town or something like that.

I definitely remember that! It was in the first jail visit and there was a discussion of the missing blackjack cell phone. He was asking if she bought it at a certain store (like Circuit City for example) and when she said yes, he said the one on such and such street and she said no the one in the lower left quadrant. I remember it because it was a strange conversation...........why not just name the place - "the XYZ store on Main St" instead of dropping clues as to which store. That's when a lot of people thought it might be code for something else.
I definitely remember that! It was in the first jail visit and there was a discussion of the missing blackjack cell phone. He was asking if she bought it at a certain store (like Circuit City for example) and when she said yes, he said the one on such and such street and she said no the one in the lower left quadrant. I remember it because it was a strange conversation...........why not just name the place - "the XYZ store on Main St" instead of dropping clues as to which store. That's when a lot of people thought it might be code for something else.
...and considering they were playing for the camera it could very well been their way of sticking it to "us", the general public! Who talks like that?!
I definitely remember that! It was in the first jail visit and there was a discussion of the missing blackjack cell phone. He was asking if she bought it at a certain store (like Circuit City for example) and when she said yes, he said the one on such and such street and she said no the one in the lower left quadrant. I remember it because it was a strange conversation...........why not just name the place - "the XYZ store on Main St" instead of dropping clues as to which store. That's when a lot of people thought it might be code for something else.
Thank you! It wasn't just me! Whew!

If you stand in the backyard of the A fam home...where Caylee was found is in the "bottom left" of the field.

So were there two conversations about the phone and the store? One in the phone call and one in person?

Wasn't this jail conversation the same one where he was asking her where to look and Casey goes on about how Cindy would know since it would be familiar to the family? She also mentions to Lee that Caylee was "close" more than once, IIRC.

Exactly...who DOES talk like that?! No one. She has lived in Orlando a long time and she should know North, South, East, West at her age. She would have said, "in southwest Orlando" or "in the southwest part of town". No one says, "bottom left" when describing an area of a city. It simply isn't done...except in this particular case.

I have not seen anyone ask Lee about this information either which is truly disturbing. Couldn't someone just ask him directly if Casey was passing on information relative to Caylee's dump site? If you don't ask the right question, you cannot expect him to volunteer the answer, imo.

ETA: Thanks, Watcher for watching~ ;)
I'm not sure which odd thing you're speaking of concerning Luka. But I do remember this one,where Luka is back tracking of when he saw the video of D.Casey looking for Caylee. I remember thinking it was quite hysterical.It's at the ending of this link:

Thanks Capps,that's probably it,but since I can't get audio right now ,I'm not sure.
OT/Sent the computer out to be fixed and it came back with no audio.We've tried everything.Nothing works :mad:Don't want to send it back.
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