Lee Anthony's Lawyer Exits Case/Lee's Immunity

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I am positive I saw a map with the lower left quadrant being discussed. IIRC it was in Georgia PI's arena (pings,timelines,etc). I'm kinda new so I'm having difficulty pulling it up on adv search. Hope this helps.
I will try to find it. It think it was the first video showing Lee and Casey at the jail where he has his little notebook out and is asking her all sorts of questions. Casey said something about a city map, I think...and mentioned the lower left corner or the SE side...something akin to that tho.

I think he asked her what store she got her cell phone from and she said the lower left part of town or something like that.
Except that the defense motions are trying to claim P.I. Casey's testimony falls under "attorney agent privilege" or "work product privilege". I am not sure conversations between KC and Lee or between Lee and P.I. Casey come close to meeting those standards.

Besides...P.I. Casey specified looking for 3 PAVERS. He found the wrong 3 pavers. But, 3 pavers is more than what was in Kio's statements. 3 pavers is specific information that in my opinion could only have originated from KC. He was so sure he brought a spade, poking stick and was dressed up for the videotaping.

I just don't believe the psychic was the source of 3 pavers no matter what the psychic says now.

I tend to believe that Lee's conversation with KC, CA or the P.I. would not fall under any agreement the P.I. had with the Defence or later with CA.

So if I'm right, KC's goose is cooked big time. Lee was independantly searching without any agreements with anyone that I know of. So his best option was to get the immunity and spilling as imo LE found out Lee had foreknowledge or did something. And your right about the paver's, guess KC would have told him that. This depo I want to see.
Back to the hypo of LA deleting files and history on the computer.Just because the SA has proof he did it,they need to know WHY he did it.His testimony pulls the whole case together.Did KC ask him to? Did he see something he thought would embarrass his folks? The SA needs all the pieces to strengthen their case against KC.The more LA cooperates the less likely the state will prosecute,but without full immunity it still hangs over his head.
I have zero legal background,so if I'm wrong would a legal eagle please slap me?

Yes, yes - makes a lot of sense. Like painting a picture or unfolding something and revealing something else.

For instance - I'm making this up - Lee might say, I knew my sister was in trouble so I took it upon myself to delete all the recent emails and searches on "her" computer before bringing it "home". He might say, Everything was so hectic and I didn't know what to think so I did some hasty things that messed with the investigation but I was concerned and scared for my sister.
Plus, it would have killed my mom to see KC in those sex videos, so I deleted them.

Or he could say, KC asked me to go get the computer and to delete everything I could before bringing it back to the house. For some reason, loyalty to my sister, I did it. I helped her out and in doing so, I tampered with the evidence. I'm sorry and, if I could have a do over, would not have done it.
IIRC the jailhouse conversation between LA and KC was about where KC had purchased her "blackjack" phone. She said at the phone store by the mall, lower left. I dont' remember any conversation about a map and "southeast".

LA "spilled" it all and "nothing was different". Strange wording. Usually when someone "spills" it in courthouse jargon, it means that they "rolled over" on someone, or told what they know that implicates another. But, to add that "nothing was different" sure takes the common meaning away, as thus far, LA has said nada to implicate KC.
I am going back over the videos I found on WFTV of Lee's visits to find out exactly what was said and I will transcribe it here. I had no luck in finding the conversations on WS pertaining to what she said altho I know we did discuss it. It could be in relation to where she bought the phone, but if so...I missed it and will review that tape again. (It is taking forever because my videos only load a tiny bit at a time.)

If someone could help me look for it, I would be very appreciative since it is taking me so long here. Here are all the videos from Lee's visits:


Dots~ I could be mistaken, but I just remember thinking at the time it was odd the way she said it.
I am going back over the videos I found on WFTV of Lee's visits to find out exactly what was said and I will transcribe it here. I had no luck in finding the conversations on WS pertaining to what she said altho I know we did discuss it. It could be in relation to where she bought the phone, but if so...I missed it and will review that tape again.

Dots~ I could be mistaken, but I just remember thinking at the time it was odd the way she said it.
Thanks SS!
I am going back over the videos I found on WFTV of Lee's visits to find out exactly what was said and I will transcribe it here. I had no luck in finding the conversations on WS pertaining to what she said altho I know we did discuss it. It could be in relation to where she bought the phone, but if so...I missed it and will review that tape again. (It is taking forever because my videos only load a tiny bit at a time.)

If someone could help me look for it, I would be very appreciative since it is taking me so long here. Here are all the videos from Lee's visits:


Dots~ I could be mistaken, but I just remember thinking at the time it was odd the way she said it.

I recall exactly what you are talking about, I too thought they were discussing the location of the blackjack phone or the location of the body. It was one of the earliest jailhouse visits. I'll see if I can help you find it.
Wow, reviewing these old tapes after all this time and with all the info we now have really makes me angry! The sound is so difficult in these tapes to follow. So far I haven't found what we are looking for.
I guess it was in the phone call and about where she bought the phone. I still say it is strange. Who says "bottom left" side of town?!

LEE: Where did you get this phone from? Like how was it provided to you?

CASEY: Through the AT&T Store, god, what road? It’s the bottom left side of town kind of near where the mall and stuff is.

LEE: Was this a phone, is this another personal cell phone of yours?


http://babyboomeradvisorclub.com/casey-anthony-and-lee-anthony-phone-conversation-on-july-26-2008/ BBM
IIRC the jailhouse conversation between LA and KC was about where KC had purchased her "blackjack" phone. She said at the phone store by the mall, lower left. I dont' remember any conversation about a map and "southeast".

LA "spilled" it all and "nothing was different". Strange wording. Usually when someone "spills" it in courthouse jargon, it means that they "rolled over" on someone, or told what they know that implicates another. But, to add that "nothing was different" sure takes the common meaning away, as thus far, LA has said nada to implicate KC.

BBM. I'm so glad you brought this up because it really seemed contradictory to me, too. Either he had to have brought something new to the table or else he's still claiming he believes everything Casey told him is true. It just can't be both ways!!! :shakehead:
Even if he confesses it in the depo? That's what I'm trying to figure out/be clear about in my mind. Why is it called immunity then?

example: I tell everything - helps the case get solved and the truth comes out - if I told the whole truth and yes, my prints are on the computer that I erased - can I still be prosecuted? Why, then, if I've lied for this long, would I tell the truth now?

One good incentive to tell the truth under oath is that you CAN be prosecuted for perjury and if they already have the evidence he was the one on the computer then he lied about it-perjury charge in addition to whatever he would be charged with for destroying or tampering with evidence.

Help me! Okay is the bolded by me part true even if he cops to it during his testimony? If he tells everything he knows (LE already knows) would that clear him then? Is that not the incentive to tell the truth?

No. It would not clear him if he tells everything he knows. He is only "immune" from evidence that is a direct result of his testimony. If they already HAVE evidence they can still prosecute him for it after his deposition, even if he talks about it-they simply will be unable to use his testimony as any part of their case against him. See what I mean?:waitasec:
I am positive that I saw a post that had a map ( the kind you might get from a rental car company) that was posted to support discussion of the lower left part of Orlando. I am unable to find it on adv search. Perhaps someone with more skills can help me find it?
Hi, I am probably wrong (as usual) but I have a feeling LA wants to wash his hands of the whole tragedy..He loved Caylee so much,she is gone and let the rest of the chips fall where they may.He seems to have distanced himself from the family.Tampa and Orlando are not that far apart,could spend time with the family.This is just a gut feeling, he told all to LE now wants to start life fresh.I think he is the only one to feel ~ let KC answer for her deed. IMO :silenced:

So Lee moved out again? I must have missed this. He is living in Tampa now? When did this info come out?:waitasec:
BBM. I'm so glad you brought this up because it really seemed contradictory to me, too. Either he had to have brought something new to the table or else he's still claiming he believes everything Casey told him is true. It just can't be both ways!!! :shakehead:

Technically if Casey told him the truth and he kept that to himself, then he could be making a true statement. It could be both ways unfortunately. He could believe her (because she told him the real truth and he knows it, perhaps had it backed up by Dominick Casey's search of the woods?) and NOT have told that truth to LE and NEVER tell that truth the LE and whala-both statements become true statements. He said nothing new, and he believes everything his sister has told him.:furious:
that sounds like it is worth exploring. do you recall if it was discussed? if so any thoughts on where that discussion is? TIA SS.
Wasn't she referencing where the cell phone store was? I'm confused!
One good incentive to tell the truth under oath is that you CAN be prosecuted for perjury and if they already have the evidence he was the one on the computer then he lied about it-perjury charge in addition to whatever he would be charged with for destroying or tampering with evidence.

No. It would not clear him if he tells everything he knows. He is only "immune" from evidence that is a direct result of his testimony. If they already HAVE evidence they can still prosecute him for it after his deposition, even if he talks about it-they simply will be unable to use his testimony as any part of their case against him. See what I mean?:waitasec:
Limited immunity, right?

I could have sworn there was a lot of discussion about that...cause the As were looking for that, too...or at least the attorney was IIRC.

ETA: good info here on this thread...

It sounds to me like Lukas did everything he could to ensure that LA got immunity and that LA then proceeded to give the same information that he's already given. ("nothing new")... I think Lukas is getting himself out of an unmanageable situation (like Nejame did). I hope the "spilled" comment is not a direct quote as it doesn't sound very professional or lawyer-like but if it is, there is coloquial usage of "to spill" that means to "do poorly".

Sounds like to me Luka got out much as NeJames did. I mean, obviously until the trial is over and it is for certain there will be no charges for Lee he needs representation...But Luka is smart enough to roll on out while he has this chance.
Limited immunity, right?

I could have sworn there was a lot of discussion about that...cause the As were looking for that, too...or at least the attorney was IIRC.

Kind of. It is "use immunity" meaning they cannot use his own testimony against him. He can tell the truth and it won't hurt him...It might not help him either though.:behindbar
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