Lee Hollander - Attorney representing Mark Sievers

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I suspect it was not the attorney who misspoke but the reporter who inadvertently used Wright's name where they meant to use Sievers.

The attorney claims not to have known about the arrest til around 4 pm. He is presenting as if he had no clue this was coming. :rolleyes:
Late catching up... but if he "had no clue" about the arrest, it's because he didn't bother to keep up with the documents... or is pretending he didn't.

How can he advise his client if he doesn't keep up with the case???
Sievers' attorney: 'Not sure' LCSO has it correct
Posted: Dec 08, 2015 5:57 PM CST Updated: Dec 08, 2015 6:55 PM CST

Lee County, FL - The Lee County Sheriff's Office contends that Mark Sievers stopped cooperating in the investigation into his wife's murder, and implicated him as the mastermind of a murder-for-hire scheme. But Sievers' criminal defense attorney, Lee Hollander, sees things differently.
"I understand there are some allegations," Hollander said. "I'm not sure that the sheriff's office interpretations of those are correct."
The girls are aware of their mother's absence, but maybe not of the specifics related to her death.

"They have the general idea that, yeah, mommy is gone, and dad's going to take care of us," he said. "I'm not sure if they're that knowledgeable on the minuscule parts."

Was curious to know if Hollander is a Death Penalty qualified attorney and came across this while reading this thread from the beginning. The bolded comment struck me as, well, a poor choice of wording. Nothing is minuscule about what happened to their mother. I get the sentiment and don't disagree, I hope the girls do not know how brutal her death was. But to call that the minuscule parts? uggh.
MS hasn't made a wise decision yet...no surprise that he would choose an incompetent attorney.
Commenting on the rather unusual step taken by sheriff’s officials in making Wright undergo a “perp walk” in front of news reporters and photographers, Hollander said that “they wanted to get their 15 minutes of fame. Whatever floats their boat.”

The maximum penalty for second-degree murder is life in prison, the attorney said. It takes a grand jury to indict someone for first-degree murder, which comes with possible penalties of life in prison or the death penalty upon conviction.

Regarding Wright’s plea deal, Hollander said: “It sounds like they bought and paid for Wright’s testimony."


re the BBM I think the report is in error. He was referring to Mark Sievers his client and the perp walk.

Kudos to LE for all the time that they took away from their own families to figure out who the miserable people were that did this horrific crime. They deserve to escort that to the squad car!!

Regarding Wright’s plea deal, Hollander said: “It sounds like they bought and paid for Wright’s testimony." (Is that even legal to do?)

As Dr. Phil says......"Is that all you've got?"

Was curious to know if Hollander is a Death Penalty qualified attorney and came across this while reading this thread from the beginning. The bolded comment struck me as, well, a poor choice of wording. Nothing is minuscule about what happened to their mother. I get the sentiment and don't disagree, I hope the girls do not know how brutal her death was. But to call that the minuscule parts? uggh.
My understanding is that Hollander is death penalty qualified, and has handled multiple capital cases as both the prosecution and later as the defense.

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“they wanted to get their 15 minutes of fame. Whatever floats their boat.”

This guy seriously isn't making MS seem any more sympathetic--an impossible goal anyway, I know. This comment in incredibly condescending. "15 minutes of fame," indeed.
I hope this is not a death penalty case.

He is still the father of two young girls and to me life without parole is good enough. I am not sure who decides this but I feel it would make the case tougher to add in the death penalty.

I say let him suffer the rest of his life in prison.
I am just thankful MS did not choose Cheney Mason or Jose Baez....not certain my nerves could take it.
I am just thankful MS did not choose Cheney Mason or Jose Baez....not certain my nerves could take it.

I hate to say this, but I believe they could always come on-board. Terrible thought, I know! I hope I'm wrong and it isn't within the realm of possibility. Ack!
I hate to say this, but I believe they could always come on-board. Terrible thought, I know! I hope I'm wrong and it isn't within the realm of possibility. Ack!

Horror of horrors...the possibility!
Kudos to LE for all the time that they took away from their own families to figure out who the miserable people were that did this horrific crime. They deserve to escort that to the squad car!!

Regarding Wright’s plea deal, Hollander said: “It sounds like they bought and paid for Wright’s testimony." (Is that even legal to do?)

As Dr. Phil says......"Is that all you've got?"



I'm sure the defense will claim that CWW made up things in order to get a reduced sentence. The prosecution most certainly has supporting evidence for what CWW has said.

On ipad and cannot link, but if you go to Florida Bar Association, there are subtopics. You can choose about lawyers standings. MS's lawyer is in good standing and shows nothing bad for the past 10 years.

Then google Lee Hollander and there are sites that have ratings from clients. You can read what is posted. Interesting on the comments.

There are several business sites for LH...not sure which is the most current one. It appears there may be more then one office. One appears to be in Naples.

Is anyone savy and can figure that out? Thanks

With that said...LH is a private lawyer. Any monies from TS estate, after paid liens, would go to the girls as I understand it, When MS is convicted. Can LH go after that money as his payment for representing MS? Wonder what MS promised him?

I do not understand how a private attorney gets paid in cases like this....unless he does it free. I do not see Baez or Cheney getting into this mess. Baez is not liked or ranked high and I heard/read on WS Cheney has some health issues. Heaven forbid we have them in a circus again.
Sievers' attorney: 'Not sure' LCSO has it correct
Posted: Dec 08, 2015 5:57 PM CST Updated: Dec 08, 2015 6:55 PM CST

Lee County, FL - The Lee County Sheriff's Office contends that Mark Sievers stopped cooperating in the investigation into his wife's murder, and implicated him as the mastermind of a murder-for-hire scheme. But Sievers' criminal defense attorney, Lee Hollander, sees things differently.
"I understand there are some allegations," Hollander said. "I'm not sure that the sheriff's office interpretations of those are correct."
The girls are aware of their mother's absence, but maybe not of the specifics related to her death.

"They have the general idea that, yeah, mommy is gone, and dad's going to take care of us," he said. "I'm not sure if they're that knowledgeable on the minuscule parts."

He should have stuck with something like "...not sure the children know the details of their mother's death" rather than referring to "Daddy's Best Friend arrested for killing their mother as miniscule.

Plenty of other defense lawyers state openly that their client "didn't kill anyone" rather than saying his "client denies involvement" which is (to me) the belief that his client IS involved. LOL, gotta love/hate the semantics games.
The attorney claims not to have known about the arrest til around 4 pm. He is presenting as if he had no clue this was coming. :rolleyes:

Mr. LH Attorney - <eye roll>...

the 1st post I seen here was from IM4TRUTH WAY before 4:00 that day. So we here at WS knew about the arrest before his attorney....that has AWESOME SAUCE written all over it.....:woohoo:
Commenting on the rather unusual step taken by sheriff’s officials in making Wright undergo a “perp walk” in front of news reporters and photographers, Hollander said that “they wanted to get their 15 minutes of fame. Whatever floats their boat.”

The maximum penalty for second-degree murder is life in prison, the attorney said. It takes a grand jury to indict someone for first-degree murder, which comes with possible penalties of life in prison or the death penalty upon conviction.

Regarding Wright’s plea deal, Hollander said: “It sounds like they bought and paid for Wright’s testimony."


re the BBM I think the report is in error. He was referring to Mark Sievers his client and the perp walk.

BBM. Bought and paid for CWW's testimony? If LH's statement is a preview to the defense theory, lol. First of all, MS didn't physically kill TS, CWW did. Is LH suggesting CWW is going to testify falsely about the murder he committed? CWW is not some jail house snitch testifying for a reduced sentence in an unrelated case, he pled guilty to murdering of MS's wife. Second, MS should testify in his own defense to refute CWW's "bought and paid for" testimony (he won't). Third, CWW was a hired hit man, LH knows how murder for hire situations play out in trial. A jury will never buy a defense suggesting that CWW is testifying against MS because he was "paid" by the prosecution, with a 25 year sentence. CWW took the deal because LE had him, too much evidence leaving little room for any doubt and JR was coming to town. It will take all of 10 seconds to explain away LH's suggestion that CWW is flipping on MS to save himself.
Mr. LH Attorney - <eye roll>...

the 1st post I seen here was from IM4TRUTH WAY before 4:00 that day. So we here at WS knew about the arrest before his attorney....that has AWESOME SAUCE written all over it.....:woohoo:

You can thank Peter Busch on NBC2 News for that! I just happened to have the TV on when there was Breaking News during the Dr. Oz Show. (and I really wasn't even watching Dr. Oz). As soon as I heard "There has been an arrest warrant issued....." I started typing on Websleuths hoping he would continue to say it was for MS. And he did! I was so elated, I could hardly breathe for the next few hours.
On ipad and cannot link, but if you go to Florida Bar Association, there are subtopics. You can choose about lawyers standings. MS's lawyer is in good standing and shows nothing bad for the past 10 years.

Then google Lee Hollander and there are sites that have ratings from clients. You can read what is posted. Interesting on the comments.

There are several business sites for LH...not sure which is the most current one. It appears there may be more then one office. One appears to be in Naples.

Is anyone savy and can figure that out? Thanks

With that said...LH is a private lawyer. Any monies from TS estate, after paid liens, would go to the girls as I understand it, When MS is convicted. Can LH go after that money as his payment for representing MS? Wonder what MS promised him?

I do not understand how a private attorney gets paid in cases like this....unless he does it free. I do not see Baez or Cheney getting into this mess. Baez is not liked or ranked high and I heard/read on WS Cheney has some health issues. Heaven forbid we have them in a circus again.

Private attorneys take appointed cases (reduced rate). LH has previously taken appointments on murder cases. If he's in this for the long haul, maybe LH and MS anticipated LH going from private to appointed later in the game (when MS's access to money runs out). IMO MS gave LH a retainer, maybe that $40k? Every criminal defense attorney I know requires a retainer to bill against, no risk of unpaid bills. I would imagine most of MS's retainer was untouched until recently.:jail:

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