Lee's Investigative Binder

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If the DT padded it with false information and Lee is really on Caylees side he would be able to confirm whether the info is true or false. I have a question since the trial is only weeks away will we be seeing anymore discovery? I would love to see what this binder contains.

I would also like to see what is in this binder, but considering the source, I would put absolutely no store in what it contained. Remember, LA is a guy who "believes everything my sister tells me". If there were something earth shattering and important in that binder, we would have seen it long ago. JMO.
IIRC, LP talked of Lee and his binder, or notebook. Lee had shown him some of it before communication was shut down.

Thanks LL, I must've missed that. So there were two binders? Lee and George each had their own binder? Well, that's stupid. Doesn't it make more sense to have one they can both refer to...so they're working off the same information.
I remember that statement about him believing his sister. At the status hearing about the agents of the state issue Lee seemed that maybe he changed his tune and KC looked pizzed. Then Baez said that Lee went into his office and took or copied a receipt and gave it to OSCO. IDK I can only hope that Lee has seen the light. Sorry. Guess this is OT.
Here's the binder that CA had:

If the DT padded it with false information and Lee is really on Caylees side he would be able to confirm whether the info is true or false. I have a question since the trial is only weeks away will we be seeing anymore discovery? I would love to see what this binder contains.


OR... IF Information or pages are missing
Thanks LL, I must've missed that. So there were two binders? Lee and George each had their own binder? Well, that's stupid. Doesn't it make more sense to have one they can both refer to...so they're working off the same information.

Well, my take on that was at that time, Lee was doing his own investigation, because IMO he told LP that GA lied about June 16, so having his own binder would make sense to me. Seems like Lee was not ready to swallow the kool-aid just yet back then.
I'm hoping his binder will show that everything Casey gave him was a deadend or a lie, just like everything GA and CA were saying. According to JG, Lee was the one who told him of the fight/chokeout the night of June 15 and according to LP, Lee says George lied about seeing Caylee on June 16 and that Casey left with the baby after the big fight on June 15.
I can't wait to see if this binder has been altered or pages taken out, even though with this bunch, we'll probably never know.
ETA: and this is MOO, but it is really sad for Lee. Here he has a sister who is begging him to believe her and he tries to help and finds out that he is simply another tool in her shed. And inside that shed there already resides a rake and hoe.
Thanks LL, I must've missed that. So there were two binders? Lee and George each had their own binder? Well, that's stupid. Doesn't it make more sense to have one they can both refer to...so they're working off the same information.

If there were two binders wouldn't you just love to compare them?
This is the Defense Team turning this over to the SA, right? Meaning this was given to the DT by Lee. SA would not have seen this until now.
I remember that statement about him believing his sister. At the status hearing about the agents of the state issue Lee seemed that maybe he changed his tune and KC looked pizzed. Then Baez said that Lee went into his office and took or copied a receipt and gave it to OSCO. IDK I can only hope that Lee has seen the light. Sorry. Guess this is OT.

We can only wish, Ricki, that one of them will turn honest. I think Lee "knew what he did" and is walking a thin line between standing behind his sister and keeping himself out of hot water. The Anthony's seem to believe that "justice for Casey is justice for Caylee." IOW, whatever benefits Casey, benefits Caylee. In their dysfunctional world, there are no boundaries. It's "The Family" against the world.

Back on topic, while I am interested in the contents of that binder, I don't believe it contains anything of evidentiary value. If it did at one time, it doesn't any longer. :cow:
Well, my take on that was at that time, Lee was doing his own investigation, because IMO he told LP that GA lied about June 16, so having his own binder would make sense to me. Seems like Lee was not ready to swallow the kool-aid just yet back then.
I'm hoping his binder will show that everything Casey gave him was a deadend or a lie, just like everything GA and CA were saying. According to JG, Lee was the one who told him of the fight/chokeout the night of June 15 and according to LP, Lee says George lied about seeing Caylee on June 16 and that Casey left with the baby after the big fight on June 15.
I can't wait to see if this binder has been altered or pages taken out, even though with this bunch, we'll probably never know.
ETA: and this is MOO, but it is really sad for Lee. Here he has a sister who is begging him to believe her and he tries to help and finds out that he is simply another tool in her shed. And inside that shed there already resides a rake and hoe.

I agree and while I know I would find the information in any binder Lee had to be colourful and give me lots of background detail information, his thoughts about the many blind alleys and goose chases ICA had him running on - I also believe it would have little to offer the actual case in chief.

It may assist LE with their questioning Lee on the stand about everything he did or searched that he found to be fruitless, but other than than what possible information could it offer as evidence? I am :waitasec:.

I understand Lee said George is lying about seeing Caylee on the 16th, but Lee was no longer living at home was he? So we don't where he got this information from and we know this was not something he witnessed himself, so I'm not sure of it's actual value.

We on the other hand will love to examine it for at least another layer in this family's .......hmmm...makeup.:innocent:
I just don't believe there is anything of any value in this binder. Come on, if there was anything REMOTELY good for Casey in there, I would think it would have come out a long time ago.

Lee as a PI makes me :giggle: Um yeah, the PI who couldn't even figure out he was being recorded in Tony's car. :rolleyes:
I agree and while I know I would find the information in any binder Lee had to be colourful and give me lots of background detail information, his thoughts about the many blind alleys and goose chases ICA had him running on - I also believe it would have little to offer the actual case in chief.

It may assist LE with their questioning Lee on the stand about everything he did or searched that he found to be fruitless, but other than than what possible information could it offer as evidence? I am :waitasec:.

I understand Lee said George is lying about seeing Caylee on the 16th, but Lee was no longer living at home was he? So we don't where he got this information from and we know this was not something he witnessed himself, so I'm not sure of it's actual value.

We on the other hand will love to examine it for at least another layer in this family's .......hmmm...makeup.:innocent:

You are correct. We have no idea how he got this info or if it will bear out. I was giving my take on why he would keep a separate binder. Lee was in his own club, Jr. Detective League...
Each member of the family likely has a binder. It seems in the World of Anthony putting information in a BINDER lends it credibility.
i.e. : If there is a white dog, there must be a Zanny. If information is in a binder, it must be true.
If she is the one seems like her and KC have a lot in common. Domestic violence, child abuse??? Interesting could they have shared stories of family life?

I'm thinking ICA "stole" Shimara's stories for her own :loser:
And I can't even tell if JB's questioning of Lee at the Agent of the State hearing has any bearing on this binder. JB has a way of twisting events into whatever pretzel motion he is arguing at the moment, so his apparent disdainful questioning of Lee about being in his office, making it sound as if Lee was looking for hidden treasures for LE is no help for me at this point.
However, I find it off, that whole line of questioning, focusing more on JB than anything else and now this binder being turned over.
Hopefully, we will know more about this late discovery and if it falls into the violations area.
Each member of the family likely has a binder. It seems in the World of Anthony putting information in a BINDER lends it credibility.
i.e. : If there is a white dog, there must be a Zanny. If information is in a binder, it must be true.

Don't forget Casey's Media Binder.


They're just a "binder" kind of family.
I agree and while I know I would find the information in any binder Lee had to be colourful and give me lots of background detail information, his thoughts about the many blind alleys and goose chases ICA had him running on - I also believe it would have little to offer the actual case in chief.

It may assist LE with their questioning Lee on the stand about everything he did or searched that he found to be fruitless, but other than than what possible information could it offer as evidence? I am :waitasec:.

I understand Lee said George is lying about seeing Caylee on the 16th, but Lee was no longer living at home was he? So we don't where he got this information from and we know this was not something he witnessed himself, so I'm not sure of it's actual value.

We on the other hand will love to examine it for at least another layer in this family's .......hmmm...makeup.:innocent:

Just a thought,but I suspect Lee could tell when GA was lying ,the same way he could tell when ICA was lying.He grew up with it.
No real value in that at trial ,but we all knew GA was embellishing that story each time he told it.

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