Lee's Investigative Binder

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IIRC when LA was 'investigating' it was thought he might be trying to 'guide' witness's recollections. (My opinion and words only.) So yeah, LA's binder will probably be slanted to the defense. And defense will probably try to use it to shake other witnesses testimony. As in "didn't you tell LA on such and such a date that this happened, in this order." But if they do that, it will be pretty shaky with the jury, because the jury will know that LA was KC's brother, and that his recollections aren't sworn testimony.

Wouldn't that be considered hearsay?
Don't forget Casey's Media Binder.


They're just a "binder" kind of family.

She really does fancy herself as some kind of celebrity here, doesn't she?
She really does fancy herself as some kind of celebrity here, doesn't she?

Yes, the poor man's Paris Hilton of Hopespring Drive.
Rob Dick said the main thing she worried and talked about every day was how she would look and what she would wear for her walk before the cameras.....
Snipped..........Well, my take on that was at that time, Lee was doing his own investigation, because IMO he told LP that GA lied about June 16, so having his own binder would make sense to me. Seems like Lee was not ready to swallow the kool-aid just yet back then.
I'm hoping his binder will show that everything Casey gave him was a deadend or a lie, just like everything GA and CA were saying. According to JG, Lee was the one who told him of the fight/chokeout the night of June 15 and according to LP, Lee says George lied about seeing Caylee on June 16 and that Casey left with the baby after the big fight on June 15.
I can't wait to see if this binder has been altered or pages taken out, even though with this bunch, we'll probably never know.....end of snip.
I must have missed this, is there a link somewhere?
Snipped..........Well, my take on that was at that time, Lee was doing his own investigation, because IMO he told LP that GA lied about June 16, so having his own binder would make sense to me. Seems like Lee was not ready to swallow the kool-aid just yet back then.
I'm hoping his binder will show that everything Casey gave him was a deadend or a lie, just like everything GA and CA were saying. According to JG, Lee was the one who told him of the fight/chokeout the night of June 15 and according to LP, Lee says George lied about seeing Caylee on June 16 and that Casey left with the baby after the big fight on June 15.
I can't wait to see if this binder has been altered or pages taken out, even though with this bunch, we'll probably never know.....end of snip.
I must have missed this, is there a link somewhere?

I can't see the DT releasing it with anything incriminating to ICA.
My opinion as to why they ALL have binders.......The old adage of: when you tell the truth you have no trouble remembering what you have said, when you lie you need to take notes to keep track of your lies. This crowd needs volumes of binders.
Lee's binder is news to me too. The only binder that I recall is the one George talks about in his deposition. He states that it went missing during the execution of the last search of his house in December; ie insinuating that LE must have taken it. Was that the search that took place when they were out of town in CA? Interesting. Didn't Lee's g/f run over to the A's house prior to LE getting there?

This is what I remember too and wonder if that's why we haven't heard Mallory's statement. FWIW How did Lee know they were coming? I suppose the media, and they did have to get Judge Perry to sign the search warrant.
Ooooh, great thread topic. I wanted to comment on this in another Lee thread, but it might have been out of place.
After going back and listening to some interviews here and there, I think I have a better understanding of where the disconnect happened with Lee and LE and why his attorney said he might face criminal charges. In the interview with Ricardo, LE asks if Lee has been instructing RM to give him information about what he has told LE. In the interview with Annie, it comes out that Lee had spoken with MelinaC about LE as well. Then, JamesH tells us that Lee was upset about being detained.
So, it sounds to me as if Lee got carried away with his tandem investigation-He has stated that his investigaition was an independent one, that with or without LE he was gonna dig-Which worked out well when the state wanted to show that Lee was no agent of the state.
While I don't think Lee ever did anything intentionally illegal (or maybe he just did not care), I believe that what he did do was an indicator to LE that he was no longer (if he ever was) doing this at their request, and if he found info they did not have, he might not share it. Like the J. Blanchard Park story. So, LE gets TonyL to talk to Lee, see if anything can be determined to be info Lee has that they do not have.
Finally, they sit Lee down in a room and tell him that they don't appreciate that he has been behind their back, asking people who were once friends but now witnesses, about things that maybe Lee even got from LE. Maybe they told Lee he was witness tampering. Maybe they told Lee he was overstepping and obstructing an investigation. He tells his lawyer he thinks he is in trouble, he cries in his car over the incident.
In his mind, he just wanted to find Caylee. Dead or alive, I believe.
So the question becomes: If Lee had anything that LE did not have, would he have told them? Was he acting as his own filter (which is a no-no) with the J. Blanchard Park story because he did not believe it, or was he intentionally hiding it? How could LE make that distinction without asking him, and it's still improper anyway, even if he was going to come to them with everything, right?

The outcome: Lee stopped getting involved at all. Caylee was dead. His sister was in jail. All of his friends had been covered. We don't see him anymore.
In a way, I feel bad about the whole thing, even though Lee overstepped his bounds, because at the beginning of all of this he was doing a good thing and he was good at it. But, like DomC or a bounty hunter, or any other form of para-investigators, you cannot gather info and keep it from LE, or try to determine yourself what you should keep to yourself or tell them.

Hope he reconciles the whole thing in his head by trial time and comes to the understanding that he simply violated protocol for LE and they could not allow it to work that way. Nothing personal.

I remember him completely differently. I think he was doing everything he could to follow CA's instructions and if he cared about finding Caylee, that should have carried over when he found out she was dead and Casey was the one who killed her. It's like he was into the PI thing for awhile, then moved on to something else - forgetting about Caylee, not wanting to take sides and afraid of LE. He's come a long way from dumping dog's water dishes and asking for unpaid personal assistants, he's just faded into oblivion. Another disappointment to Caylee's honor.
When the Anthony home was searched following the discovery of Caylee's remains in December 2008, investigators removed some "notebooks" from the house:

"On Thursday night, Eyewitness News was at the Anthonys' home in Orange County as deputies spent hours inside processing the scene. Investigators removed at least two vacuum cleaners, notebooks and papers from the house on Hopespring Drive."


Lee's home was not searched at that time, was it? Could it possibly be that after learning the A's notebooks had been seized, JB quickly took possession of Lee's "investigative binder" to protect it from a similar fate?

:waitasec: Just wondering how this binder ended up in the grubby paws of the DT.
And I can't even tell if JB's questioning of Lee at the Agent of the State hearing has any bearing on this binder. JB has a way of twisting events into whatever pretzel motion he is arguing at the moment, so his apparent disdainful questioning of Lee about being in his office, making it sound as if Lee was looking for hidden treasures for LE is no help for me at this point.
However, I find it off, that whole line of questioning, focusing more on JB than anything else and now this binder being turned over.
Hopefully, we will know more about this late discovery and if it falls into the violations area.

You mentioned the "Agent of the State" hearing....Why didn't we hear about this binder there? If he was cooperating with the police and acting as there agent, it would have been the best time to bring that fact in.
Oh LancelotLink I was disagreeing you but rather just jumping off from your thoughts - er started building a house after you laid the foundation...:blowkiss:

Oh good grief - keyboarding with half a brain - should read was NOT disagreeing with you.:banghead:
When the Anthony home was searched following the discovery of Caylee's remains in December 2008, investigators removed some "notebooks" from the house:

"On Thursday night, Eyewitness News was at the Anthonys' home in Orange County as deputies spent hours inside processing the scene. Investigators removed at least two vacuum cleaners, notebooks and papers from the house on Hopespring Drive."


Lee's home was not searched at that time, was it? Could it possibly be that after learning the A's notebooks had been seized, JB quickly took possession of Lee's "investigative binder" to protect it from a similar fate?

:waitasec: Just wondering how this binder ended up in the grubby paws of the DT.

BBM If so, it still could not have been done without Lee's cooperation and consent.
My opinion as to why they ALL have binders.......The old adage of: when you tell the truth you have no trouble remembering what you have said, when you lie you need to take notes to keep track of your lies. This crowd needs volumes of binders.

IMO, these binders were not made to help find Caylee. They were made to build their own cases against anyone and everyone that they could try and pin this crime on. They kept tabs on what they thought LE was doing and what they weren't doing. George probably kept tabs on him following around whoever it was that he was following.

These binders are nothing but their interpretation on what they want to believe happened. I would not take any of it for truth! They probably added what they wanted to add about people... like that Amy was using heroin. They all disgust me!
I haven't read this thread in detail yet but, when I saw the DT submitted this, I thought "maybe this is the DT's way of forcing KC's side to be heard without putting her on the stand". They are after "reasonable doubt" right now in a fierce way. That's just my suspicion until I have read the thread and the links.
i bet they're goimg to say...."uummm...uuuhhh...umm...we just got...aahhh...we just got a hold of...uummm...this piece of...aahhh information." (followed by a long awkward stare at the judge)
IF they put LA on the stand to explain this "binder", the State can/will cross examine, correct? During that process, would KC's story to at least some degree be told? It's my suspicion it would be with a "twist' because it comes from her brother who did state at one point in time that he believed whatever his sister told him. After all this time though, he may have opted to go with his gut feelings and take up his niece's crusade in finding out who actually did this to her and actually know "why". DT, be careful what you ask for?
Musikman has posted the lates Defense Notice of Discovery (Thanks MM!)

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - List of Motions **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

Motion link:

Now I have been following along pretty closely these last couple of years (not as closely as some) and I don't think that I have every heard about Lee having an "investigative binder". I know that he had some notes that he had offered to Yuri way back in the beginning.

A question occurs to me as well. Why would the defense be providing the binder? Did the DT take the time to pad the binder with all kinds of false information to plant reasonable doubt?

What do you think the SA is going to make of this?
I have to tell ya, when I saw this last night, I just laughed.
Yes, the poor man's Paris Hilton of Hopespring Drive.
Rob Dick said the main thing she worried and talked about every day was how she would look and what she would wear for her walk before the cameras.....

B&RBM: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Yes ... she "thinks" she is some kind of "star" ... :puke::puke::puke:
My opinion as to why they ALL have binders.......The old adage of: when you tell the truth you have no trouble remembering what you have said, when you lie you need to take notes to keep track of your lies. This crowd needs volumes of binders.


B&RBM: Exactly ! If they woud tell the TRUTH ... NO need for binders and notes !
I always thought Lee may have gotten in trouble with LE because he said someone by the name of " Heather" verified information that was ultimately found to be untrue? Anyone remember this? Sorry if O/T but it looked like he was referring to his notes. I am on my cell, or I would look for it !

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