Lee's Investigative Binder

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IF they put LA on the stand to explain this "binder", the State can/will cross examine, correct? During that process, would KC's story to at least some degree be told? It's my suspicion it would be with a "twist' because it comes from her brother who did state at one point in time that he believed whatever his sister told him. After all this time though, he may have opted to go with his gut feelings and take up his niece's crusade in finding out who actually did this to her and actually know "why". DT, be careful what you ask for?

I sure hope this the case.

No matter "what" the binder contains ... I would still love to read the contents of each and every page !

I think we at WS here would have a "field day" with the material contained in the binder.

At the very least, it would be very "entertaining" ...
The DT is trying desperately to get everyones attention off the stain in the trunk and the horrid smell - sooooo
release the notebook ........... I am positive there will be more as more sensitive
topics come into focus from the Pros's .

Cue the circus music ..... line up the elephants !
Don't forget Casey's Media Binder.


They're just a "binder" kind of family.

omfg. I never saw that picture before.

where's the "throwing-up" smilie?

No matter "what" the binder contains ... I would still love to read the contents of each and every page !

I think we at WS here would have a "field day" with the material contained in the binder.

At the very least, it would be very "entertaining" ...
I do believe we got to take a gander into them when those dang emails between LA, CA and Dom and they were all playing "let's be private investigators" were released ... I can't link them at the moment but they should be upstairs in the reference thread. They were a hoot. I had an image in my brain for weeks with LA running down to the K&B toy store to get himself a "badge" to wear while he was playing his PI gig. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

This is what I remember too and wonder if that's why we haven't heard Mallory's statement. FWIW How did Lee know they were coming? I suppose the media, and they did have to get Judge Perry to sign the search warrant.
...and remember Amy said that the police came and told her (and others close to the case) of the discovery and their suspicions of who it was before the media aired anything.
I think I remembered that right. :)
I always thought Lee may have gotten in trouble with LE because he said someone by the name of " Heather" verified information that was ultimately found to be untrue? Anyone remember this? Sorry if O/T but it looked like he was referring to his notes. I am on my cell, or I would look for it !

:seeya: sirensong, Heather is mentioned in Eric Edwards interview of LA on page 34, line 20.

...and remember Amy said that the police came and told her (and others close to the case) of the discovery and their suspicions of who it was before the media aired anything.
I think I remembered that right. :)

I thought that was so touching. She went on to say that she had a good relationship with YM. :great:

No matter "what" the binder contains ... I would still love to read the contents of each and every page !

I think we at WS here would have a "field day" with the material contained in the binder.

At the very least, it would be very "entertaining" ...

Oh, I would love to read it too! It would get us through these next 16 days before jury selection! That or they could always release DC's deposition?

It's not like he could say anything in that notebook about Casey's behavior during the time she was out on bond? What is he going to say?

"I'm so proud of my CMA today! She walked through all those reporters and didn't lose her sunglasses?" :floorlaugh:
Oh, I would love to read it too! It would get us through these next 16 days before jury selection! That or they could always release DC's deposition?

It's not like he could say anything in that notebook about Casey's behavior during the time she was out on bond? What is he going to say?

"I'm so proud of my CMA today! She walked through all those reporters and didn't lose her sunglasses?" :floorlaugh:

BBM :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: I figure it's full of the same ridiculous leads from the "psychics" that were in the DC emails.:crazy:
Snipped..........Well, my take on that was at that time, Lee was doing his own investigation, because IMO he told LP that GA lied about June 16, so having his own binder would make sense to me. Seems like Lee was not ready to swallow the kool-aid just yet back then.
I'm hoping his binder will show that everything Casey gave him was a deadend or a lie, just like everything GA and CA were saying. According to JG, Lee was the one who told him of the fight/chokeout the night of June 15 and according to LP, Lee says George lied about seeing Caylee on June 16 and that Casey left with the baby after the big fight on June 15.
I can't wait to see if this binder has been altered or pages taken out, even though with this bunch, we'll probably never know.....end of snip.
I must have missed this, is there a link somewhere?

Sorry. Just got home and saw your post. Here is where I got the info.
IMO, these binders were not made to help find Caylee. They were made to build their own cases against anyone and everyone that they could try and pin this crime on. They kept tabs on what they thought LE was doing and what they weren't doing. George probably kept tabs on him following around whoever it was that he was following.

These binders are nothing but their interpretation on what they want to believe happened. I would not take any of it for truth! They probably added what they wanted to add about people... like that Amy was using heroin. They all disgust me!

That is true - think of what CA was using DC for - to dig up dirt on people, not find Caylee.
...and remember Amy said that the police came and told her (and others close to the case) of the discovery and their suspicions of who it was before the media aired anything.
I think I remembered that right. :)

Amy commenting on LE actually made me tear up - OCSD really took this case to heart and i believe they cared not only about Caylee but also ICA's other victims... Very kind officers.
Wasn't there a recent article describing how the DT was looking for 'some one else' to tell about some important events that happened with Casey, since they had to withdraw their psychologists from the guilt phase of the trial. ???

Could Lee have discussed this info in his binder and thus become the 'storyteller' for Casey?
lol who carries a binder this way? What a deliberate attempt on the dt to say 'we're keeping tabs on you!'

actually it probably contains more of her scribbles, possibly her script and a whole-lotta pages covered in i :heartbeat: Jose - mr & mrs jb :heartbeat: Casey baez :heartbeat: :rolleyes:

i always thought her binder was full of caylee's pics---so they could be "sold"
Each member of the family likely has a binder. It seems in the World of Anthony putting information in a BINDER lends it credibility.
i.e. : If there is a white dog, there must be a Zanny. If information is in a binder, it must be true.

I thought they all had their own binders as well...they all refer to them--ga & ca used to carry them around to every appoint....
I would also like to see what is in this binder, but considering the source, I would put absolutely no store in what it contained. Remember, LA is a guy who "believes everything my sister tells me". If there were something earth shattering and important in that binder, we would have seen it long ago. JMO.

Interesting though that the binder should come late enough that the ink couldn't be dated by the SAO. Or that exculpatory evidence would be suppressed by the defense for years until on the eve of trial, presto.
ITA this is all a load of BS. LA has a immunity thing going on doesn't he? IIRC YM said 'Lee knows what he's done'. We don't however but I bet it's pretty huge as far as prosecution interference goes and impeding LE.
What does LA's investigative binder have over GA's or CA's I wonder?? I mean the whole family was walking around with huge binders seeing as nobody responded to their classifies ads for volunteer personal assistants to basically do everything like carry the binders around for them.

IMO, this is the last desperate attempt for the A's to thwart the prosecution of their Granddaughters killer, nothing more. The A's are experts in investigation. Orlando LE pale in comparison. ICAs lawyers pale in comparison to the mighty legal expertise of LA, parking lot attendant. I really think this binder may not even be admitted into evidence seeing as it isn't anything new and is months late.
omfg. I never saw that picture before.

where's the "throwing-up" smilie?

This picture was taken in the early days of the case. I was always taught to dress appropriately.....meaning to project "your perception of yourself" in the role you want to play. What does this outfit say to you?
Wasn't there a recent article describing how the DT was looking for 'some one else' to tell about some important events that happened with Casey, since they had to withdraw their psychologists from the guilt phase of the trial. ???

Could Lee have discussed this info in his binder and thus become the 'storyteller' for Casey?

I highly doubt that katydid23. I'm more inclined to believe they are his notes from his own investigation trying to piece together the events surrounding his niece. Lee did a taped interview in the car with AL, so he was cooperating with them from the beginning. IIRC, he also displayed doubt in some of KC's details both in his depo of his convo with his sister before the police responded and in the jailhouse tape when he visited her. He knows his sister probably better than anyone. Whatever is in this binder, must be minimal at best as any help to the defense side, otherwise, they wouldn't have waited 2.5 years before turning this over into discovery. I mean.....talk about the last minute!
Don't forget Casey's Media Binder.


They're just a "binder" kind of family.

Yep, short shorts, tight blouse, celebrity sunglasses, bracelets galore...hmmm...yep, that's the epitamy of a "young mother in mourning." :maddening:

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