Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Box of something - Great Value brand from WalMart - perhaps a box of trash bags - typical great value labeling - colored border - the gold on the left seems to depict the general shape of the great value logo. I am thinking a box of trash bags - white. The box appears to me to be sitting upside down.

Thanks for the links - I clicked then used my ctrl key + mouse wheel to enlarge in the browser.

A little OT first. My bf of 8yrs just came upstairs to come to bed and I'm sitten on my knees with my laptop Upside down trying to see what's inside the house. He looks and laughs as I proclaim we MUST go buy a magnifing glass tomorrow.

Anyways, fwiw are conclusion is a box of trash bags and a blue sleeping bag.

Wish I could stay up and sleuth it out with you guys,but got to get some Zzz's. Night all.
Above bolded by me.
Don't forget about the pastor who had a long first visit with KC. IIRC it was about 4hrs long. I am trying to find the exact date of that visit. I found it odd that KC refused a visit from this pastor after Caylee's remains were found. I am only theorizing, but suppose KC confided to the paster and no one else, and she is blaming him for leaking info that lead to the finding of Caylee's remains, therefor she is refusing a visit from him out of anger towards him? I just can't figure out any other reason as to why all of a sudden she does not want a visit from this pastor...especially after her daughters remains were found?

Excellent point!
Box of something - Great Value brand from WalMart - perhaps a box of trash bags - typical great value labeling - colored border - the gold on the left seems to depict the general shape of the great value logo. I am thinking a box of trash bags - white. The box appears to me to be sitting upside down.

Thanks for the links - I clicked then used my ctrl key + mouse wheel to enlarge in the browser.

That is exactly what I thought it was when I first saw it! Great Value brand of white trash bags sitting upside down. Strange that we thought the same thing even down to the brand name.
Honestly I can see kc there. Did you see the pix of her with one guy on bed with her and one on the floor? It was a mess. I see her there as a place to just hang out, no work, lazy, just pass out and sleep. Text and talk on phone, alone time. CA is the neat freak, I see kc crashing anywhere at anytime with anyone, IMO

I agree. Remember in LA's interview, he said when he went to AL's to pick up KC's things, that they were all neatly packed, and he said that was odd to him, because KC is not neat.
Has anyone done a map showing the abandoned home, LA's home and the A's home???
Ok, I just tried the link again and it didn't work for me. Then I logged out of my own photobucket and tried again and it worked. Maybe that is the ticket??? :confused: IDK, I am a rookie photobucket user.

LOL, I think we both need to take a Photobucket 101 course or Photobucket for Dummies.
I find it hard even if you are in foreclosure to leave so much behind that could be sold for money aka bike, furniture, pepsi machines, stuff in shed??? flat bed truck? junkman will take stuff and give you money........so odd.

If the family did go back to Puerto Rico, they might not be able to take anything with them, as it would cost too much to ship. Also, there might be reason to leave for Puerto Rico quickly........illness in the family in Puerto Rico, or a job waiting there......some reason to make them leave stuff behind.
We were right, it is definitely Great Value trash bags.

does anybody recognize this guy from the video? sorry if it's already been discussed.

I can't get the photo to load. He's at 1:01 on the top video.


I haven't read any further but I just got shocked by that face. It's Amanda M's boyfriend (don't know his name) and she/they both? work/worked at Lexus.
LOL, I think we both need to take a Photobucket 101 course or Photobucket for Dummies.

Naw, you guys are fine. The problem with the link+password comes from an issue that Michelle had. Her original Photobucket gallery had the house pics but also contained pics of her kids. She didn't want the kid pics mixed in. So she created another gallery for the house pics only. Some people have been trying the first gallery address (which now has the kid pics) and finding that the nancydrew password doesn't work. She explained it all, but that was many pages ago.

The password works fine only if you are using the correct gallery address.
I haven't read any further but I just got shocked by that face. It's Amanda M's boyfriend (don't know his name) and she/they both? work/worked at Lexus.
Yes. I made a comment about this person when the video was first posted. He goes by "jing-a-ling" on myspace and he is VERY MUCH a part of the Lake Vaj crowd.

ETA - I have NO idea if he's Amanda's b-friend but he's definitely a part of that group. (See link below.)
I agree. Remember in LA's interview, he said when he went to AL's to pick up KC's things, that they were all neatly packed, and he said that was odd to him, because KC is not neat.

I agree also. Just because CA was a neat freak, your children aren't always that cleanly. It looks and feels like we intruded on what happened to Caylee. Did JB stage this for real? Someone give us an answer...
Questions for those who think KC stayed at this abandoned house and/or left Caylee there for periods of time:

1) How did she get access to the interior of the house?

2) How did she deal with people seeing her come and go?

3) How did she deal with no utilities such as electricity or running water (toilet)?

4) How did she deal with anyone coming to the house on official business such as inspectors, realtors, bank surveyors, etc?

5) How did she deal with unofficial "visitors" such as neighborhood kids, opportunistic thieves, vagrants, vandals, etc?

6) How did she discover that she could actually use this house for her purposes?
Yes. I made a comment about this person when the video was first posted. He goes by "jing-a-ling" on myspace and he is VERY MUCH a part of the Lake Vaj crowd.

ETA - I have NO idea if he's Amanda's b-friend but he's definitely a part of that group. (See link below.)

Danny C. Owner of CIT, IMHO.

Connected to Amanda M & Lexus??????!!! Please PM me source info on Amanda M. and/or Danny C. connection to Lexus. TIA!
Anyone think to check the plate on that truck? It still has a FL tag hangin' on it.
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